Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 210: Subversion to fate (table)

Chapter 210 Subversion to the Destiny Table

Faced with this dark monster that is gradually horrifying, Juvens took a step back.

Not afraid of being fake, not hating is also a fake. This thing is exactly the same as the one who killed his wife and more than 100 names in the village!

Unchanged sin, Ives' own sin, once again came to him!

The reincarnation of Kama, how cruel and ruthless!

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!" The monster yelled, everyone in the room was shocked by the roar of the monster, all of them were blown down by the shock wave, all stunned.

"The first level of biological pollution was found, and the concentration of the dark matter was 90%. [Dark annihilator], started." Arthur was surrounded by white light, and mechanically said there.

"No!!" Bettiville rushed over and hugged Arthur. "Don't use that kind of thing! Do you want to kill Toville?!"

"Beddy?" Arthur seems to have returned to the normal. He looks at the black monster that is screaming. "The Dark Son?? Don't hurry to stop him -"

He looked at the sword of the king in his hand. The Holy Sword seems to have a stronger golden glow. He has a way to stop Toville, but that also means he has to kill Toville.

"Sacrifice one to save the hundred." Arthur recalled the words of Hall in the chess room yesterday. "You must make a measure and make a choice. No matter what choice you make, you must bear the corresponding sins for your choice."

That is to become the king, the most basic conditions!

Arthur brought the sword and he decided to kill Toville. If you don't kill the leopard teenager who was infected by the dark, you will die here.

At the same time, Lavis (the spirit of Toville) who was originally in the medical room struggled to climb.

"Lavis" he sensed the abnormality of his brother and decided to let go.

"吼!!!" The monster attacked the beggars beside him. The leopard was so trembled that he did not make a dodge!

"Stupid!" Arthur rushed over and smashed Davis, and the monster's claws hit Arthur's sword and flew him all!

"Hey!" He supported himself and climbed up. "Enclose him! Don't let him escape!"

Dark creatures must be destroyed here! If it infects the entire Southern Knights, or flies to the town, things will become irreparable!

"Oh!" The monster faced the knights surrounded by a roar of intimidation!

"Arthur, enough." Vevis whispered, "He will let me stop. You find the opportunity and pierce him with me."


"That's my child." Davis whispered. "If he must die, the only thing that a useless father can do is to accompany him to death."

When he saw the monster in front of him, he had already made up his mind.

(I made such a monster.)

(This is all my fault.)

(So ​​since you can't save you, at least, let me go with you to die.)

(I will give you a good apology on the road, Huangwei.)

The leopard suffered from severe pain and used madness. He became a behemoth, grabbed the black monster all at once, and stopped his actions.

The claws of the monsters were caught in the beasts, tearing out a trace of blood. However, this does not stop Juvens. He has already taken action with mortal determination. What is the pain?

The sword of the king violently ejected the golden light and turned into a huge photon blade. Arthur is still hesitating.

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for?!" said Davis.

"No!!!!" Lavis (Toville), who flew into the behemoth, shouted, "Don't hurt Lavis!!!!!"

"What?!" Heavis felt the unnaturalness of him, he hesitated for a while!

Just as he hesitated, the monster will break free!

Another behemoth rushed over and used his residual power to hold the black monster.

"Dad, I am sorry!" said Lavis (Toville). "I am just, just want to go home and see if I didn't mean to kill my mother!"

The leopard warrior was horrified. But it was a sorrow: "So, this is-"

"Lavis just wants to save me. He reversed our consciousness."

Ivevis understood everything in an instant. It is because of understanding that he can’t help but feel sad. “It turns out that I didn’t just hurt Towell but I hurt you at the same time.”

"My father, I have done too much!" he cried.

"Arthur, kill us." Davis once again urged, "Now is the only time! Come on!"

"No!" Arthur shouted. A sword stabbed down, that is, three lives. He can't do it.

Think of Towell (Lavis), the smile that was hard to reproduce, he can't do it.

What kills a person to save a hundred people, all in the fart!

Human life is simply impossible to measure! The life of a hundred people is not necessarily more important than the life of a person.

You can't do it!

At this time, the necklace on the chest of Bediville gave an unprecedented white light!

"Arthur!" The werewolf boy hurriedly shouted. He took out the necklace and threw the small stone that had a strong white light to Arthur!

As Arthur took the stone, the sword of the king resonated with the stone, and the golden color of the sword of the king became a dazzling white light!

Intuition tells Arthur that this stone is the key. This stone is a variable, it can bring change and break the current deadlock!

Only bet once!

"寇维斯!!!!" Arthur raised a huge sword of light and rushed over. A sword pierced the chest of the father and son of the leopard!

Jianguang is constantly strengthening, dissipating, and encircling the whole world!

Snapped! The white stone cracked on Arthur's hand and shattered into ash!

"Wow!" Arthur was blown by powerful white light and flew for dozens of meters!

The Dragonman's Golem caught Arthur in the air with one hand, and the other hand was still catching Merlin, the Archmage who was rushing.

"God, I have experienced 600,000 reincarnations, or I saw it for the first time, [the fourth miracle."" Merlin is sincere and terrified.

"The fourth miracle?"

"The first miracle [time and space creation], the second miracle [mass energy creation], the third miracle [photon creation]." Merlin and Arthur landed together, and he rushed to the father and son of Davis and explained. "These three miracles are all methods of creating something out of thin air."

"So they will soon be corrected by this world, and the things created can only exist for a while."

The Archmage ran to the front of the father and son of the three fathers: "The fourth miracle, which is completely different from the first three miracles, can distort the existence of the world."

"The fourth miracle [Kama (Destiny) Creation] can permanently rewrite the destiny of a person."

He looked at the three fathers and sons lying on the ground, safe and sound.

"That is, something that subverts the world."

The father and son of Juvez on the ground have completely escaped the threat of the dark. The huge horrible black monster seems to have never existed before.

The fact that Tovil (Lavis) became a dark monster was rewritten by Arthur’s [fourth miracle].

Arthur not only rewrote the fate of Toville, but he actually rewrote all the fate of Lavis and even Davis!

The three people who should have died in this way and have forever exited from history have now survived.

Every time these three people do something, even taking a breath, they will have an unpredictable impact on the original history of the world. As long as they continue to exist, the history of the world will continue to distort.

This distortion is a fierce evil, even God can not go to anticipation!

The fourth miracle [Kama creation] is such a powerful, but so uncontrollable, so terrible thing!

"Ya Arthur?" The leopard warrior groaned with a painful abdomen and slowly climbed up. "What happened?"

"I am not very clear." Arthur still looked blank. "But it seems that you are saved, Ivevis."

"Heavis?" The Leopard warrior is dissatisfied with the earth. "Arthur, can you name my name less? This time it is wrong."


"I am Parametheus of the Syracuse family. This is my son Saifel and Segrad. You are not the first day to know us. Should we remember our name?" People warrior.

Arthur's eyes widened and he was at a loss.

"The fourth miracle has changed their fate itself. You are so surprised when you change your name?" Merlin yelled at Arthur's ear.

"Arthur!" Biddeville also came over. "What happened to the explosion just now? I only remember that a black armored knight wanted to attack Safir -"

No one in the room remembered anything about the Dark Monster except Arthur and Merlin.

No one in the field would call the name of the [wrong] leopard three fathers and sons, except Arthur and Merlin.

"Merlin, let's talk about this later." Arthur lowered his voice.

"Sure." Merlin lowered his voice.

"Dad--" Saifei cried with his father, "I'm sorry, I am really sorry."

"It doesn't matter," Paramitis comforted his eldest son. "I am sorry to say that I am -"

"Dad!" Seglad also cried with her brother and father. The father and the son immediately cried.

"Please, can you not show this dying story in front of so many people." Tristan walked to Bettyville and said.

"What are you crying?" asked Bedy.

"It’s just that the sand has blown into the eyes." Tristan said as he rubbed his red eyes.

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