Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 204: Broken in the dream (middle)

Chapter 204 is broken in the dream

In the lounge, Constantine woke up earlier than Greenville. He sang the cake for the sake of adding sugar, and shook Greenville: "Big sister, don't sleep, hurry to eat?"

"Taro is sore and sleeps for another five minutes." Greenville lay on the sofa.

Constantine is bored and plans to go to the medical room to see the situation of the bear boy who was saved before.

But he strayed into another medical room, the one where the father and son were.

The leopard uncle also helped him to save, so he didn't know. On the contrary, Constance, who was sleeping asleep, had no impression of him.

Heavis seemed to sleep well, and Constantine did not bother him. He curiously looked at the thin, leopard boy who was still in a coma.

I don't know what the disease is, or what kind of serious injury, so that this leopard teenager is unconscious?

Can he cure him?

Just as Constantine was curious, the leopard boy suddenly opened his eyes and he grabbed the arm of Constantine!

"To save - Lavis!" The leopard is a weak boy. "Everything, not what he imagined!"

"To tell him the truth! The truth will save him!"

After the speech, the leopard teenager seemed to have exhausted his strength, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Constantine was just a child. He was suddenly shocked by this, and his mind was already blank. He did not hear clearly, nor did he understand the words of the leopard. He only thought that the other person was not very ill and was talking nonsense.

In fact, that’s not nonsense –

That is, the [truth] hidden behind the [truth].

The truth is that lying here, the dying teenager, is the eldest son of Davis [Tower].

Accompanied by Arthur, the leopard boy in the VIP room is the real, the youngest son of Davis, [Lavis].

This pair of twins has some kind of spiritual resonance.

Brother Toville, when he was born, was sent to the Institute, where the life of hell, through this spiritual resonance, passed to his brother's dream.

Brother Lavis is cared for by his parents at home. The life of this heaven is also resonated through this spirit and passed on to his brother's dream.

The two are a whole, independent and at the same time interconnected.

So Lavis knew everything. Just when my brother became a monster completely, came to his house, the moment he stood in front of him, he understood everything -

I am you, you are me too.

The horror monster in front of him is his brother, who has suffered in the institute and has now become an irretrievable monster. It is a monster, but still his only brother.

He also knows that his brother does not have the heart to hurt his mother. For the first time in my life, my brother wants to touch his mother's face. But after becoming a monster, my brother’s strange power killed her mother.

Just want to go home. Can't this be done?

This monster in front of Lavis shows what is sorrowful. He is on the verge of collapse.

In the next moment, the younger brother did something.

That is the talent that he has. Lavis reversed himself and his brother’s consciousness.

Lavis's consciousness entered the body of the monster, and his brother's consciousness entered the body of Lavis.

(All the sins that follow, I will bear it.)

(Brother, please sleep well. Your suffering is over.)

My brother’s original consciousness is about to disappear completely, and he was saved at the last minute. So, Towell's consciousness stayed in Lavis's body and fell asleep.

The talent of his brother Towell is [body transformation], which makes the internal structure of his body reverse. This saved him and let his [heart] not be annihilated by the brainwashing of the fox people.

The talent of his younger brother Lavis is [conductual transformation], letting his own consciousness and his brother's consciousness reverse. This also saved his brother, so that Towell's [heart] is not completely swallowed up by the darkness.

Indeed, Kama (destiny) is cruel, but definitely not unreasonable. It is always left to people's only way to save themselves, just like throwing people into a desert island, and then throwing this person a knife!

Those who feel that Kama is cruel, who blames everyone and curses their own destiny, they will never understand, the key to changing their own destiny, actually hidden in themselves!

And for the twins, they used the keys in the right place - for the time being.

Lavis thought that he would be saved when he sacrificed himself. However, the "darkness" in the monster's body far exceeds the expectations of his brother Lavis. It swallowed the original memory and consciousness of Lavis, which turned the boy into a revenge monster. The monster went crazy and mad, killing everyone in the village.

The leopard boy who was defeated by Juvens and recovered a little humanity, the memory was chaotic. He couldn't think of his original purpose, thinking he was Toville, the monster that was abandoned by his father -

Lavis, who had wanted to redeem his brother, fell into the abyss of despair.

The cruelty of Karma is far from over -

Until the moment he was truly saved.

Arthur did not know that Towell (Lavis) who was with them was a real monster. Like a time bomb that can explode at any time, the leopard is still dead in the body of the leopard.

In the period when his heart became [empty], the dark child lurked in him in a dormant state, never being truly destroyed.

The most terrifying trait of the dark is not that it can infect the creature and increase its geometric progression by the number of creatures.

The most terrifying trait of the Dark Son is that [it can absorb the negative mental energy of the creature, use these negative energy as nutrients, and absorb the photons in the surrounding space at high speed to expand, and instantaneously grow to the point where the entire solar system can be annihilated]!

There have been countless civilizations in the parallel universe, and they have accumulated enormous negative spiritual energy because of their own corruption. Once the dark child erupts on the planet where these civilizations exist, it will erode the entire solar system and let the civilization perish. In addition, all the intelligent living bodies in these civilizations will spread like a virus throughout the universe until the whole universe Invaded by the dark, [Lonely] has come!

The Dark Son is just a system that destroys the world (an opportunity). The various forms of [maliciousness) in the human heart are the chief culprit in the rapid expansion of the Dark Son and the destruction of the world.

If the dark child is so horrible -

What is really terrifying is that people are malicious! Human (biological) deep bottomless malice!

God created the world in seven days. And human malice can destroy the world in one day.

Archmage Merlin wrote everything about the Dark Man in this letter. However, he is still hesitating, should not hand this letter to Arthur's hand.

Arthur now, you know, it is still too early to understand all this. Just like the people who have met in every time and space, they will only laugh at Merlin’s words and ignore the sincere advice given by Merlin.

Their ignorance has caused the destruction of the world time and time again, but Merlin can only wait and see.

Merlin and Arthur are the [special points] of the destiny of this world (time and space), and only they can reverse the destiny of this world. However, to truly reverse the destiny of the entire world, one or two people’s efforts alone cannot be done--

[World] must first save the [world] yourself.

Arthur is a native of this time and space. He is not fully awakened yet. In the face of this [special point] that has not yet awakened, Merlin still can't clarify everything to Arthur.

So, Archmage Merlin took the letter and waited for a better time.

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