Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 171: Disclosure at midnight (in)

Chapter 171 is disclosed at midnight

The rogue leader looked at the pale teenager.

"Hey, little devil, your brother can't do it. It's not enough to offend my sin from his head! It's your turn." The rogue grabbed the pale boy's arm. "You can't talk right." We will look at what it is like to make you scream. Let the uncle play well!"

The rogues began to be beaten around the pale teenager.

Unlike a strong red-haired teenager, this weak boy is completely forbidden to fight. The thin arm will be broken when you just pull it. The legs like the same firewood will be blurred when you just screw it.

No. If you continue this way -

"呜呜呜" The red-haired boy moved the broken body and climbed over to grab the feet of the rogue.

"Stay, stop!" The red-haired boy, who is mad at the gossamer, whispered, "Don't hurt Arthur. You, if you want to fight, just hit me. Until you get rid of it, all the attacks are made by I will bear it.... is it?"

"Oh, boy, are you quite a bit sturdy? Then-" "I haven't finished, the rogue leader has flew the red-haired boy."

What is there, flying out with the spit out blood. When the red-haired teenager landed, he discovered that it was one of his front teeth.

"Hey, not yet!" The red-haired boy slowly climbed up.

"Don't blame me for the kid's death!" The rogues swarmed and kicked and kicked around the red-haired teenager. This time they were more real, and the fists were mercilessly squatting on the red-haired boy.

will die. Really will die.

The bones will smash, the internal organs will rupture, and finally they will lose their anger if they are broken.

This is not a beating. This is the massacre of a group of scums against a weak boy who is not resistant.

Looking at the brutal scene of this **** splash, the pale-skinned teenager has made some changes in his heart.

Everyone who cares about me is leaving me.

Nothing to keep.

Nothing can be done, nothing can be left, nothing can be changed.

Why am I born in this world? Not being needed by anyone, just living alone.

Why do you look at me with that kind of vision? Why hate me? Because I am a monster?

Not that I want to be a monster. Not that I want to come to this world. If all this has never happened, it would be fine.

Just as the pale boy's mind was swayed by thousands of thoughts, the red-haired boy who was kicked into the air, in the moment of falling, confronted his brother.

There are other things in the deep red hole of the wine.

A pale-faced teenager, a landscape that he had never seen before.

That is definitely not fear, or contempt, or alienation, or indifference. There is only one kind of feeling in the eyes of the red-haired teenager.


Do not. do not do that.

Please, don't pity me. Don't care about me like this.

I am not worth your care.

I am just a monster.

"End!" The rogue leader raised his arm and pointed it at the head of the red-haired boy in the pool of blood, and slammed it down.

As the skull shattered, the red-haired boy twitched and never moved.

No! ..................

... is this the case? Will you take everything away from me again? !

Even if you have the right to have friends and relatives, why are you deprived of it from time to time?


Don't be so deceiving too much!

Something started to break out in a pale teenager.

No, he is no longer a pale boy.

At this moment, his body is very hot! The whole body is like boiled boiled water, with white smoke and red skin!

The boy who had already been concerned about everything, now is filled with a thought:-

Don't bully too much! ——

It is because the weak is being bullied, then it becomes stronger! ——

No matter what, how much is the price!

"Wow, boy, what happened?" The rogue leader looked at the teenager with surprise. "Suddenly it becomes this look? You want to find a fight?"


The teenager gave a fist to the rogue leader's abdomen without saying anything.

"Oh hahahaha, what is this? Children's house? Do you think that such a fist can hurt me? Hahaha, hey?!"

The rogue had not finished, and the plate of his abdomen began to sag. The plate made of steel is three inches thick, but it is sunken by the little boy's seemingly weak and weak punch.

Not finished yet. When the rogue leader was still amazed, he had already been shot by powerful kinetic energy and continued to fly dozens of meters in the slums.

"Boss!?" The rest of the rogues were surprised and then annoyed. They didn't understand what happened, they just looked around.

"Dare to hurt our boss? Kid, don't you die?"


After a few muffled sounds, the rogues involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

Then they broke their hands, broke their broken feet, and the whole arm was dismantled and fleshy. It was also stunned by a punch and crash on the building. The person who fainted was directly quiet, leaving no fainting, lying in a pool of blood and screaming.

"Help!! It's a monster!!! - Monster!!!!"

The red-haired juvenile skull has indeed broken, but his tough vitality has saved him from death. He couldn't move, and he couldn't climb, but he barely opened his eyes that had been viscous by blood, worried about looking around and looking for his brother.

The pale-looking boy quietly squatted in front of the red-haired boy. His hands were scrapped due to excessive force. The crushed bones and the broken muscles were barely attached to his arms.


"I'm sorry, and there is a pale young boy who spoke to his brother for the first time since he met: "Thank you."

Towell pulled Arthur's sleeves. Arthur came back to this moment. He found that he had already cut a small piece of meat from the leopard's finger when he thought of God. The other person's finger is still bleeding.

"Oh, God!" Arthur. Fortunately, it has not been cut very deeply, so just a little bit of it.

"Sorry, I think things are going to come to God." Arthur apologized. "But you can't do this. The pain just says, okay?"

Towell looked at Arthur for a while, and his tears burst out.

"Wow, ah, ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!-"

"It hurts so much!" he cried. "I can't stop it in my heart!"

"Know it, I know." Arthur comforted the crying leopard boy and patted Towell's back.

"You are not the only monster in the world." He said, "It is no big deal for monsters."

And even a monster needs love.

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