Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 120: Tracing to the Holy Land (on)

Chapter 120 is on the sacred trace

"Yeah, did you really kill the Dark Dragon Smog? You are welcome." Vivian replied in an understatement. "So take the material, let me see what I can do." Processing such a tricky thing may cost you a bit more."

"But so many times, can't you give us a discount?" Arthur asked.

"You are still very embarrassed to say?!" Vivian finally got angry. "You have been holding me a bunch of materials for two days in the last three days. I am already bored! I am a scholar, not your own weapon craftsman! I But leave the research in your hand to help you!"

"Okay, don't be so angry. This is the last time. After we get it, we will enter the Warriors' graves and explore, and will not bring you trouble again." Arthur said.

"I hope so." Vivienne looked at the list of materials and measured the price. "Is it necessary to equip it with armor? Two pieces of medium armor and two pieces of light armor." The material should be barely enough. , 60,000 gold coins."

"What?! But we don't have that much property!" Kay said.

"My set of light armor doesn't have to be done, just a part of the leg armor." Arthur said, "How much is this calculated?"

"Probably" Vivian has measured the price: "Five thousand."

"Arthur, you really want to enter the Warriors' grave without wearing armor? This is not a joke!" Kay hurried.

"There is no way now, not enough money is not enough." Arthur said honestly.

"It's okay to give you a simple breastplate. I don't want to see the cute brother being punctured by the organ trap." Vivian was cold and authentic.

"That's it." Arthur.

"Kay, let's go to the Warriors' grave tomorrow. I know you are impatient. I will cure your hand this evening." Arthur said.

"Know, don't you remind me repeatedly!" Kai replied coldly and turned away.

Bedieville looked at Kay’s back as coldly, looking at Arthur with concern.

Arthur, protected by me -

It is no longer possible to lose more!

Enter the night before the Warriors grave.

Originally thought that the armor made by the black dragon scale must be black and ugly, but after processing, the scales exude a gorgeous gold-plated luster. The intrinsic photon in the scales deflects the golden light of the reflected natural light, as if it is demonstrating to people, in order to tell the power of the old black dragon.

These gorgeous black dragons can be worn on any knight's body and can immediately make this person shine, and the style is extraordinary. The so-called people rely on clothing, the knights generally rely on armor to gain the recognition of others. Can defeat the old black dragon to wear these domineering black dragons, even if you go back to the Knights, it will never be looked down upon?

Of course, Arthur’s consideration is not a face problem at all. Face has never meant anything to Arthur, and he only worried about something else.

Arthur tried to put on the armor while helping Kay, while looking at Kay.

"Not bad, it’s pretty good to wear." He said, "The dragon is not only hard, but also lighter than ordinary armor, and you don't have to worry about the battery. You can safely enter the Warriors grave."

"Arthur," Kay asked calmly. "To tell me honestly, how likely is this action to be successful?"

"Whether I tell you how small the chance is, you can't stop you, right?" Arthur replied, "That shouldn't matter, let's slap on the scalp."

Kay looked at Arthur, whose attitude was erratic, and he was very dissatisfied.

"You really don't have to follow. This trip may really have gone." Kay said, "I will go alone."

"When Kay goes alone, how can I rest assured?" Arthur said. "You don't have to rush forward with your head. Sometimes you are more impulsive than me. Looking at you and plunging into the trap, I don't pull you from behind." How to do it?"

Kay does not say anything.

Arthur had wanted to buckle a button on the armor, but the fingers were hard and failed again and again.

Kay looked at Arthur’s clumsy movement and couldn’t help but ask: "Do you have a free body to control your body now?"

Arthur sighed: "Is it discovered? It has been like this since drinking dragon blood. The body is a bit hard and does not listen to the command. It can't move freely and autonomously as before. So I emphasized the importance of armor." Ok, actually I am afraid, I am afraid to die like this."

"Do you know scared too?" Kay asked coldly.

"I don't know. The body has no real feeling of fear." Arthur said, "But I know I can't die. It's not just my own business to die. I have experienced so many things, even if I die." ...Beddyville will definitely collapse."

"--I can't die for that child." Arthur said.

Kay’s face was dignified, and he had something in his heart, only he knew it.

Bedyville, who was eavesdropping outside Kay’s room, took back his weapon and his face was dignified. He had something in his heart, and only he knew it.

Arthur, I am protecting.

Unlike Kay, who was disturbed by thousands of thoughts, Arthur had already noticed Bediville hiding outside the door. It is a pity that Arthur did not read the mind after all. He didn't know what Bettewell was thinking. He thought that Betdy was embarrassed and hid for the words he had just said. Arthur was quiet, pretending not to discover the existence of Brady.

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