Life of an Hunter


The group moved silently through the forest, the soft crunch of leaves underfoot the only sound accompanying their journey. After leaving the dungeon and parting ways with the others, Haruto and his small band of companions—Celestine, Takeshi, and Conor—kept a steady pace toward their destination: The Village of Honor, a known haven for new players and a place that had raised some of the most brave soldiers and commanders who eventually joined the noble families. It wasn’t just any beginner village; it was a place where warriors were forged.

Haruto walked at the front, leading the group as they trekked through the woods. His thoughts drifted briefly to the others who had chosen to go their separate ways—Ji-Hye and Emma. A part of him wondered if they would survive alone, but he quickly pushed the thought aside. He had made his decision, and now he was focused on surviving with those who had decided to follow him.

After hours of walking, Haruto reached into his inventory and pulled out wolf jerky—the spoils from the goblin wolves he had slain earlier. He handed a piece to each of his companions.

"Here," he said, his voice calm. "Eat. You’ll need your strength."

They accepted the jerky gratefully. The dried meat was tough but filling, and though it wasn’t the most appetizing meal, it was enough to keep their stamina up.

"We’ll take a rest soon," Haruto added, noticing the fatigue in their steps. "We’re near a river. We can refill our water and rest there."

Not long after, they reached the river Haruto had mentioned. The sound of rushing water greeted them as they came to a stop along the bank. The river was wide, its waters clear and cold, reflecting the late afternoon sunlight. Haruto knelt by the edge and filled his water, handing it to the others so they could drink as well.

A little farther down, they found a small, secluded pond near the river where they could wash away the grime of travel. Haruto decided they would take turns—some would bathe while the others kept watch. He trusted Celestine to watch first, so he and the men went to bathe, leaving her to stand guard.

As Haruto washed the dirt from his skin in the cool water, his muscles finally relaxed after hours of tension. The chill of the water was a sharp contrast to the heat of the journey, and though it didn’t wash away the worries of this dangerous world, it brought a moment of relief.

After he finished, Celestine took her turn in the pond while the men kept watch. She was quiet, but efficient, finishing her bath quickly before joining them again by the riverbank.

Once they had all refreshed themselves and eaten their simple meal of wolf jerky, the group packed up and continued their journey toward The Village of Honor. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows through the trees, and the air had grown cooler. Haruto set a brisk pace, eager to reach the village before nightfall. He didn’t want to camp out in the open with the dangers of this world lurking in the dark.

As they neared their destination, Haruto’s mind wandered to the reputation of the village. The Village of Honor was more than just a place for beginner players to gather—it is a place of how to excel, to rise above the ordinary and become legends in their own right.

For Haruto, it was the perfect place to begin leveling up and gaining strength in this brutal world. He knew that in the end, only power could ensure his survival.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow over the horizon, the group finally caught sight of the village in the distance. The Village of Honor rose from the landscape, its wooden walls standing tall, with thatched-roof houses dotting the outskirts. It looked like something straight out of a game—quaint and medieval, but fortified. Beyond the walls, the faint sounds of life echoed—the chatter of villagers, the clink of metal from a blacksmith’s forge, and the faint laughter of children playing in the fading light.

However, before they reached the village gates, Haruto noticed small, gelatinous creatures moving in the nearby bushes. Slimes—the weakest of monsters, commonly found around beginner areas. They were slow and harmless, but they provided easy experience points for leveling up.

Haruto’s eyes scanned the area, watching as the slimes oozed through the grass and underbrush. He could easily have taken them out, but leveling up against such weak creatures seemed like a waste of time. Ignoring the slimes, he motioned for the group to follow him toward the village gates.

As they approached the village, a pair of guards stood at the entrance. They were dressed in simple leather armor, and though they were far from the elite soldiers Haruto had encountered earlier, they carried an air of authority. One of the guards stepped forward, blocking their path with a hand raised.

"Halt," he said firmly, though there was no malice in his voice. "Who are you?"

"We’re Otherworlders," Haruto replied, using the term he had heard from Robert Stein. "We’ve come from the dungeon."

The guard’s eyes widened slightly at the mention of Otherworlders, and his demeanor shifted from wary to enthusiastic. "Otherworlders?" he repeated, clearly intrigued. "You’re welcome here! The Village of Honor is always open to those from beyond. Come in."

With that, the guard waved them through, and the gates swung open, allowing Haruto and his companions to enter the village. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the sights and sounds of a bustling community. Villagers went about their business, crafting weapons, preparing food, and honing their skills. The atmosphere was lively, and though the village itself was modest, there was a sense of purpose in the air.

Haruto felt a small flicker of hope as they entered. Here, in the Village of Honor, they might finally find a place to rest and grow stronger. This world was unforgiving, and survival would always demand vigilance.

End of Chapter.

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