Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 31/ 3: Tryout

I left class, moving towards the gym class. My gym outfit probably stank, but that was all the effort I put in this morning, and I didn't care if others seemed to mind. The effort I put in was for no one else but myself. My girlfriend Crystal, though, seemed to enjoy it.

I smiled as I reached the deserted locker room that was supposed to be for the teachers and started to change. I didn't know if I should put on my weights, though, since I decided that even if we were playing a sport that I couldn't wear them, I would put them on. I quickly finished equipping myself. I then headed out to join the class and started to stretch, joining the other girls in the class.

The stretching bodies moved in front of me, and I took up a spot, starting to stretch out my muscles getting ready for class. The bell indicating the start of the next class notified me that the teacher was running late. I ignored it and finished my stretches while the teacher still ran late.

Last week we were meeting outside, and for this moment, we still were. The Teacher might have something going on inside or in the office. That didn't matter to me as I finished warming up my muscles. I started to move my muscles by jogging around the track, letting my muscles move while my body started to warm up like usual. The familiar bur from this morning's routine came back pretty quickly as I moved my body again.

I kept my running light, though, since I didn't want to start sweating yet. I loved how the wind licked at my skin and felt the breeze pick up. It wasn't just my jog that was slowly turning into a run instinctually as I looked up and saw clouds coming in fast. I realized, and just as I was about to start running towards the class, I heard Mr. Trimmer's voice, "Ladies! The class will be in the Gym today!" His voice projected across the grounds.

I moved with haste as I saw those clouds moving faster, turning what I thought would finish as a sunny day change. I wondered if it was going to rain with how quickly those clouds were sweeping in. It didn't matter at this moment, but it was something that would count for the run home.

Thinking of the run home as I joined the line heading in through the gym's emergency exit that the teacher had opened for us, I thought about what I would do tonight. Last week I had filled my nights with something. Monday was when I met Crystal. Tuesday, I went to Crystal's place before I got the blackmail material on Tracy. Wednesday, I was again with Crystal, and we decided to be girlfriends. Thursday, I brought Tracy over to tame her ass and start teaching her the new proper place in her life under my cock. Friday, I spent the night with Crystal, again enjoying each other's company. Saturday, I met Samantha and disciplined Crystal, using Tracy to make her jealous. Sunday was when we sent Tracy home and brought the sissy bitch to be trained, with Samantha watching to make sure that he understood his new lot in life.

The training last night with Samantha would probably erode over the week as Jake got his confidence back. A person like Jake didn't lack confidence, especially with the football season coming back and all that praise being brought his way. No matter how I think of the sissy bitch he was, in fact, an outstanding quarterback of the team. He was skilled and did his position proudly, even though I believed Jake was a natural sissy bitch.

My thoughts chopped off as Mr. Trimmers spoke, "Ladies, A sudden weather report says that we are about to have a couple of buckets of water pour down on us, and with the rush of clouds, I believe it. Sorry about being late, and all you ladies were where you were supposed to be. I was also talking with one of the coaches before class when the weather report came in." He looked us all down as we nodded. No student would question when a teacher even bothered to explain themselves. At least not a gym teacher when they were talking sense, and can decide that that day would be the day to make everyone work on their physical fitness a little more challenging.

"With that being said, I also need to throw today's lesson I had in mind out the window. So instead, you will play dodgeball as I talk to some of you about plans for your year individually. Briana, please follow me to the office." He finished, and everyone set off with someone running to the equipment room. Soon, balls were tossed around with some delightful squeals here and there as this was a gym class form of study hall.

I played half-heartedly, preferring to run than to be stuck playing dodgeball. However, I was soon tagged out and went to the side when I heard my name called by Mr. Trimmers. I moved towards him and followed him into an office. Inside the office were many random nicknacks and things with a computer, I could see the pictures or random teams that he seemed to teach, and I sat down in the chair across from his own inside that office.

"Miss Angela Brown." Mr. Trimmers began slowly looking at me. "You are an interesting Girl. However, I am wondering several things since I got a recommendation from the senior captain on the Volleyball team today." Mr. Trimmers said, leaning back. "Although I am not the Women's volleyball team's coach, I am the Men's Volleyball teams coach. That doesn't make me the last name to put their hand into this matter, but it does make me wonder why Sarah is recommending you?" His tone was changing the statement into a question.

I shrugged, leaning back on the chair, "I have always been athletic, and I decided that it was time for me to join a team. I was thinking with speed I run at, I could also join the track team." I replied with a smile.

"Why is the Volleyball team getting your recommendation than from Sarah?" Mr. Trimmers asked.

"Sarah asked me if I would be interested this morning, Mr. Trimmers," I reported to him with a questioning smile.

"Well, most people who make it to this level of physical education are usually in clubs. But, also, last week with that show of Strength, I have to wonder why you are not in a club, Angela?" Mr. Trimmers asked.

"Well, When I was younger, I was kicked out of the teams because I have a dick," I told him bluntly, "It was only recently that I learned that transgender rights might work for me as well."

"T-" Mr. Trimmers stopped himself to think for a moment, looking at me. "I can see what you mean, but those clubs should never have kicked you out. You might have a court case back then if your parents pursued it. I am not sure, though, of that fact, and I am not a lawyer. So instead, we will talk about your future here." He said, and I nodded, "Good, You are a strong woman, it seems. Your arms don't seem to show the strength in them, it seems." Mr. Trimmers observed, and I winced with the painful reminder that my arms looked thin. It was a considerable annoyance to me, and I couldn't stop a frown from forming. "Sarah is right in one that you could be a good addition to the women volleyball team if you joined. I just do not know if you have the skill to be a part of the team. We do have juniors that could join the front line," Mr. Trimmers continued, then leaned back in his chair. "Mrs. Grandier, though, could use a strong player to be an outside hitter for her. I know you have power in those arms. However, you are easily moving around with forty pounds of dead weights on each arm and your legs too. That isn't an easy amount of weight, and the video Sarah showed Mrs. Grandier impressed her to give you a shot in trying out for the position."

I smiled, wiping away the frown that was there, "That at least is some good news," I told him with that smile. "I am ambidextrous so that I can train with either hand. My dojo master told me if I ever went competitive with fighting that it would be a good advantage to have." I told Mr. Trimmers.

"Well, Only an advantage if you have the skill and practice to use it properly." Mr. Trimmers corrected me, and I nodded. "That is an advantage and one that Mrs. Grandier will have a talk to you about. But, You need to show that you can play the game or at least learn at a swift pace to be worth something to the team." Mr. Trimmers told me seriously, and I nodded again.

"I am a fast learner with sports, and if nothing else, no one can beat me when it comes to dedication and hard work towards a goal," I told him with a smile. "I have been exercising with nothing to show for it for years now," I said to him with that frown returning, and my arm lifted to try and show a Bicep.

He watched me flex, and nothing came of it. It looked like a little girl trying to show off how little muscle she had in her arms. I blushed, but Mr. Trimmers nodded. "I have already seen that you can probably lift more than me, Angela. So you don't need to go try showing it off to me. Although," He coughed, "I can see that your arms show nothing of the heat those arms are packing." He acknowledged, and I smiled again.

He passed, making me think that he had more to say to me. "Mrs. Grendier will be here, after school. I will be working with the football team to get ready for the season this year. We are starting a little later than other schools, but I find that time to settle into classes has helped our team. With Jack as our quarterback, I am hoping to reach the nationals this year." Mr. Trimmers smiled as he mentioned his ace. "Jake is a real blessing to our school with his skill. He has good judgment too."

I hid a frown and cut off him praising Jake, "Mr. Trimmers, I find that I don't have much to do, so I have the time to do some drills with Mrs. Grendier." I told him to stop his current thought processes.

"That is great to hear. I also took the time to look at your grades to see if your grades could take a more focused training regime." Mr. Timmers told me, looking at the computer. "Your grades are, in fact, in excellent condition, and I am wondering if Mrs. Grendier likes you if you cant pull back on your other classes to do a more focus regime while classes are ongoing. With the Volleyball season starting, you will need it. If your drafted is the question, though." He looked at me again, "Alright, this is all hypothetical until you talk to Mrs. Grendier. When you leave, tell Grabriel to come to the office for a chat." I nodded and left the room with a large smile on my face.

My classes were secondary to me. I studied every day, and I was far ahead of my classmates. When I made mistakes in tests, they were usually stupid mistakes about something I already knew and just wasn't paying attention. The number of tests, though, in my opinion, was ridiculous. I knew the material, and the classes seemed like a review to me.

I told the girl that Mr. Trimmers wanted to talk to her and silently moved to the weight room without anyone noticing and started to pump iron instead. I lost myself lifting the weights, letting my arms feel the burn as I moved through the exercises. I moved from machine to free weights back and forth, moving through the movements. Finally, the burn started to become more prevalent. It was when a bell rang that I was brought out of a trace by it.

I put down the weights and cleaned up after myself before moving back into the gymnasium. I brought myself to the rest of the class, and they were all chatting happily together. Then, they all moved towards the women's locker room, and I sighed and sat while the burn in my arms and legs slowly dissipated as I sat on the gym floor.

A tall older woman looking fit but not overly muscular. Her hair was brown and short, and her breasts around the C cup range. The woman looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. I recognized her, though, as I had crossed paths with her before. "Mrs. Grendier, How are you today?" I asked, getting myself off my ass to talk to her.

"Not bad, Angela," Mrs. Grendier said, "I heard that you might be a good addition to my Volleyball team. I also talked to Sarah, the one recommending you to be recruited." She told me, and I nodded. "Well, You have muscle even if your arms don't show it. What hand are you dominant in?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

"Ambidextrous. I mostly use my right. I feel comfortable with both, though." I told her truthfully.

"Oh," Mrs. Grendier paused for a second on my answer, "That's interesting and something good if I think you can get up to snuff." She told me. "How well do you know how to play?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

"Well, I know about positions, and I know how to volley and bump. I know about digging, spiking, and blocking. So, I think I know most of the rules I believe. However, the skill that I at is more in question, and I would need you to let me know how well I am doing. I mostly learned from gym classes in the past. Although," I paused, thinking back, "I was told to stop spiking since it was in class and no one could return a good spike from me," I told her with a smile.

"Show me," Mrs. Grendier said and looked at the lack of net set up. So instead, we set up the net setting it at seven point four feet high for the next little bit. It was the regulation for women's volleyball. Once done, she gathered a basket of volleyballs. She then brought the basket out and threw one up in the air before volleying it.

I watched the ball soar and knew what she wanted me to do. I took a step forward, ready at the net, and jumped with the momentum carrying me forward slightly as my body went higher than the net by a comfortable margin as the ball entered my attack range as my stretched-out arm came down. The ball then hit just at my wrist, propelled forward by my arm. A slight slap sound resounded, and the ball flew down into the other side of the net into the regulation in the zone, with the ball flying away at an incredible speed.

I smiled as I turned to Coach Grendier, "I still got it!" I exclaimed as I could still hear the ball bouncing harshly with the momentum of the spike draining as it hit more surfaces before coming to a halt. The coach looked amazed, though, and she looked at me.

"How fast do you think that went?" Mrs. Grendier asked me, and I shrugged. Of course, I didn't know that, and she frowned while looking at me.

"Why weren't you in my volleyball team three years ago?" Mrs. Grendier asked me seriously.

"I have a dick as well as a pussy. Should I even be on the women's team or the men's team?" I asked her back, "I identify as a woman, though, so you can help me walk through these murky legal waters, Mrs. Grendier." I replied to her question, and the coach frowned, looking deep in thought.

"One thing is for sure that is a mean spike. You are an amazing attacker, that is for sure. The was a left-handed hit from the left side too. How about the right?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

It was hours in the gym, and the night started to fall with sweat dripping from me as I left the school ground with a large smile on my face. I still had a couple of hours, and my cock was hardening with the sheer delight I felt.

Mrs. Grendier told me that I was a part of the team. Not a primary member as my bumps and digs needed a lot of work. My attacking, though, brought a lot to the table that she couldn't ignore. My natural height with my leg strength made me a great blocker too. It would take time, though, to develop timings. Every miss I made during spiking was due to my lack of experience in it. My serves also carried too much power that went over the net; if I aimed too high or too low, it seemed like it would almost damage the net.

The Coach told me that I needed a lot of work, but I was someone she wanted to work with on the team. I couldn't help but smile as I felt a sense of accomplishment. I tried out with the coach, and she wanted me on the team right away. I couldn't help, and I realized I wanted to share my joy. I looked down at my phone, and I called the number I first thought of.

"Hey, Babe!" I heard Crystal's voice, although I could hear a slight huff to her voice. I then heard some scrapping, and I thought she was in her workshop.

"Hey, Babe," I replied quickly, "I have great news, and I wanted to share with you first," I told her, my voice filled with delight.

"Oh, Really!?" Crystal's voice was filled with interest and curiosity even as I heard her continue to work on what I assumed would be the outfit for Wednesday. "What happened?" She asked.

"I got put on the spare rotation of our school's Volleyball team!" I announced happily, "This morning, the captain of the team saw a video of someone recording me in the gym on Saturday. With that video, she asked if I would be interested in joining the team since their ace Right outside hitter got injured. So after school for the last couple of hours, I have been with the coach and baring any significant changes. I don't know. I will be on the Volleyball team as a Spare for now until I train some more!" I finished explaining.

"Amazing!" Crystal cried out, and I heard her putting something down, "I wish I could do something to celebrate with you tonight, but I really need to finish your outfit for Wednesday!" Crystal cried out again, sounding aggrieved.

"How about this," I replied, "If you finish that by tonight, I will make sure that you are not only put in place while I wear it. I will make you unable to walk all day Wednesday?" I paused, "You know, IN celebration of this victory for mine." I could hear the smirk in my voice as I heard the audible pause on the other side of my phone.

I reached the school's exit during the pause and noticed the rain falling heavily in the sky. It was pouring outside, and I paused, looking out into it. I didn't have an umbrella, and Crystal was making my outfit. I shrugged, and I smiled, "Look," I told my girlfriend, "Although I am sure that tomorrow you will thoroughly enjoy my company, it is raining outside, and I don't want to damage my phone. I will talk to you later, okay?" I finished.

"Okay," I heard a voice laced with lust and the sound of her picking up something, "I will talk to you soon." Crystal said, and I smiled.

I hung up the phone and received notification of an email. I opened it up and noticed Jake in a compromising pose as a thumbnail. I moved towards the locker room and put my textbooks into a locker in there so that they wouldn't get destroyed by the rain. I then headed back towards the exit, seeing car lights head out of the building, probably the coach I was just with.

I ran out into the night, and the rain-soaked my body as I charge through the darkness. Some street lights only broke the Dark as I moved through the dark with the odd car or truck. Some were bringing up waves, soaking me even more thoroughly. The run, though, made me happy, and I was already completely drenched to the bone. My cock was hardening in the delight of my new possibilities in Volleyball. The joy coursed through me and my feet brought me home quickly as the water poured against my body as I ran home.




I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, urtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, S. Tadaewsky, A. Neal, Kuroko, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Ayth, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Mr.Tiemos,  Kovaton, Gapir58, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, J.W. Thomas, LessJP, D. Rachel, Unholy Valkyrie, Magnus Svendsen, Sky Horse, Sam, Huzaifa Khan, Aniyah Frazier, bearagon, DarksoulS, Dragon Empryean Shadowless, Alex, Prodigal211, Judd, C. McConnell, key, J.J. Betts, Kio Fang, Yanuut, Shayne, AnarchyBellic, Crazed Warrior, Rodimus Scoop, J. Backer, R. Andersson, Faisal, Valkyrie, Justin, EchoingRuby, mjkenstock, C. Spiller, Akashihestia, Christian, Sjors Simons, CrusaderHandrail, mafika, •, S. Simons, Jkidill M, nahmate, Carson Nielsen, Treebeard Joshua, e. Reith, J. Baker, Czelphaghor, S. Sharp, McDaniel McDaniel, Seitei, Tyler, F. Schon, E.l Metscher, V. Munoz, Fantasy12, J. "Johnist" Johanson, aaron, QuantumServer, Didzis Ozols, David Gillotte, Sir Hellington, Jonny, LazyBear_, W. Arnold, Bifkin, KillerWulfe, trufflezz, ReclamerS117, h. tammist for supporting me on Patreon.


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