Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 15: Sending Tracy Home

My alarm sounded, and I awoke with a smile. With my mind somewhat blurry, the smile remained on my face as I looked down to check what the weight on my body was. I found that Tracy had snuggled in on my breasts. Her eyes were closed, and breathing softly with a significant smile. It was a satisfied smile with her legs spread to reduce the amount of touching for the neither region.

I smirked, knowing the cries of pleasure I made her feel for hours last night. I knew that no matter what, even if I dumped her on the streets tomorrow, the next person to have sex with her would have serious measuring up to do. The grin didn't leave my face until I realized that I could still feel some wet spots in my sheets. After hours of pounding, I only stopped after the Condoms I had run out of.

Filled condoms littered around me, and I guessed on the floor too. I was just happy I kept the sense to tie them shut, keeping my sperm from being unloaded all over my sheets. Still, I would need to do my bed sheets after this. I was now grateful my mother kept three sets of linens for me, and I recognized the logic now. I pushed Tracy over softly, and I remembered the last time as I finished the box of condoms to see if I had another box; I found none and ended the recording on my phone. It was a large file on my phone, and I knew I couldn't keep it on there since it was massive. I took it to my computer and realized that I forgot to turn the recording off on my computer.

I plugged my phone in as I stopped the recording and started it to upload to my computer. It would take a little time, so I turned to look at Tracy lying on her back, looking like a starfish taking up my bed. I smirked and started to grab the used condoms filled with my sperm. I contemplated what I should do with them, and over a dozen went into the bin.

I grabbed a couple of the remainder with a wicked idea in my head. I placed them off to the side and started to dress. I still had a lot of time before I had to run to meet up with my sissy. I planned to use this time effectively with the skank downstairs. I moved upstairs and started to cook for two but left out lunch for Tracy. She was here for the morning, but her lunch wasn't my problem. I then started to bake something up at the same time.

The oven started to cook, and I grabbed what I wanted to use as my lunch finished cooking. I then started to pack it up as Breakfast finished. I worked at peace as I got the two plates ready. I finished getting the food plated before I got finished packing my lunch. I went downstairs and grabbed the last things for the 'treats' I was preparing for Tracy. I smirked, thinking of the reaction I would get, and I started brought up the filling and put it in the injector. I would clean it out after I finished as I heard the timer on the oven. I pulled them out and finished prepping the injector, which was fuller than I expected with the leftovers I didn't throw out.

After a couple of minutes, I started to fill the insides of the muffins with the pastry injector of cream filling I had prepared. I had no icing but didn't care as they were blueberry. I then brought everything down to my room. Tracy still hadn't moved, but I no changed that as I shook her.

Tracy grumbled and opened her eyes. She turned, and the smell of breakfast entered her nose as it flared, taking in the excellent aroma of muffins. I smirked as I noticed her look. "Skank, There is breakfast before you go home," I told her before giving her the muffins. "Also, these are for you. I want you to finish the half dozen over the day." I told her with a large grin. I then started to eat the food I had prepared.

Tracy looked over the food in front of her inspecting it before taking a bite, "This is good," Tracy told me, looking skeptical. I knew what she was thinking after yesterday, and she wasn't wrong. I continued to eat as Tracy finished her plate of food before I pointed at the muffins. She wasn't shy and grabbed one taking a significant bite out of it.

Tracy's expression turned to question as she took a mouthful chewing before swallowing. "Whats the filling, It tastes both weird and memorable, but I can't place it," Tracy asked.

"I filled it with the semen that you milked out of me last night," I told her before taking another bite of my food. Tracy paused, looking at me with surprise. The Cream filling started to leak onto her hand.

Tracy looked at me before taking a bite and licking it off the cream that fell onto her hand while staring into my eyes. My cock twitched watching her do that, and my eyes narrowed. I was in workout clothing, and she just turned me on. "Since you want to play it that way and you finished your food, Get on your knees, Skank, and suck me off while I finish eating," I ordered her.

Tracy looked at her hand after that before looking at me. The confusion in her eyes questioning why she just did what she did was evident. My order was absolute, and after a night of this, Tracy got up and found herself walking; her movement wasn't quite right since her pussy was still very sore after the night of activity. Still, her body made it to me, and she looked up at me as she pulled down my pants.

"Getting better at following orders, arent you skank?" I asked Tracy as my Cock popped free in from of her. I felt it hit her face as it hardened, and I looked down to see her blushing. She looked like she wanted to hide. Instead, she licked my cock up the shaft before taking it into her mouth. She completely retreated from talking to me and followed my orders. I smirked and moaned as Tracy got to work. It was nowhere near as good as the blowjob that made me feel weak in the knees Crystal could pull off, but it was good.

The rest of my food soon entered my stomach as Tracy got as deep as she could down my shaft. Soon with my plate placed to the side, I pulled her head down farther down my cock and released. The ejaculation filled her throat and mouth as I heard her swallow several times as I released into her. I sighed with emotion feeling good I could release when I had an erection. It was a welcome change in the past week.

Tracy opened her mouth wide, and I inspected her now empty mouth. I nodded and pointed to the shower. "Go shower, Skank, then you need to head home to prepare for school," I told her. Tracy stood up and walked away. My eyes followed her naked ass till it disappeared. I sighed before grabbing a fifty-pound dumbbell and started to work out my arms.

Meanwhile, I got the footage together and started to watch the footage of Jake quickly. I skipped most of it, making sure that he actually did the tasks told him to do. I would much rather watch with Crystal later as I checked. I frowned when I realized he was smart enough to get cheap panties at a Walmart.

I needed to nip this in the bud today. It was unacceptable for him to do the bare minimum for my task. It was just unacceptable, and I would teach him a lesson today during school. I smiled with a grin that felt right for now, and I got the file for last night prepared and sent it to myself so that I could show it to Crystal tonight.

I felt a feeling of dread and excitement with the thought. Crystal was remarkably accepting of me, making Tracy a whore for use. She wasn't just accepting; she got really horny watching me treat her like that. I needed to address this with her tonight as I wanted to clarify how she wanted me to treat her. I liked her, and I didn't think of her as only a hole for me to fuck. We needed to spend more time with each other, though. We have only gotten to know each other this week. What we did know was that we were highly compatible sexually.

I lost track of how many reps I did and stopped when the burn started to be felt. I liked to do this while I thought sometimes, and I switched arms. It wasn't very effective, but I felt like I could think better while I did so. As I did the same with the other arm, my smile grew, and I put down the weight.

I stood up and stripped, walking over to the shower. I got in with Tracy and helped her clean up quicker. Tracy seemed to be having a problem cleaning up around her back, pussy, and ass. I changed that and told her, "Look, You don't have much time to go home, and I need to get ready for an appointment. I am not trying to rush you out of my house, but you need to go. I have shit to do, Skank." My voice was blunt, and Tracy looked at me, surprised at my sudden influx of movement.

"I am really sore, though," Tracy said meekly.

"You have an entire day at school to go. Suppose you don't get the walking situation fixed now; you're going to be on a rough ride regardless. You're better off getting used to it on the road." I said bluntly again, not mixing any words.

"Please drive me?" Tracy asked, and I sighed as I cleaned my breasts.

"Fine, But I thought you didn't want me to know where you lived Skank?" I turned the question back on her. I really didn't want to drive as it was a waste of time. The distance I remembered her house being was within a quick run. It would take longer to use the car than it would be for me to run it.

"It's not like you didn't know anyways," Tracy remarked truthfully, "You fucked me into submission, and I can barely walk anymore. Telling me to walk home sounds really painful, and I need to take some drugs at home so I can walk today!" She exclaimed, her voice echoing shortly inside the shower.

"I already told you I would drive you home." I told her darkly, and I grabbed her face, "I get that your angry, but you do not need to yell," My voice became stern, "I am your Mistress, Your Superior; you may request things it is my decision whether I grace you with what you request. Understood, Skank?"

Tracy no longer looked indignant and turned meek under my intense gaze, "Yes, Understood," She replied quickly.

"Better," I said; I continued to wash up, "Now go dry up and get dressed. We do not have much time. I really do have something to do this morning, and I don't want to be late." I finished.

Tracy got out of the shower, and I finished up in the shower, grabbing a fresh towel. I looked at the recent additions of towels on the floor and noticed I needed to do another load of laundry. None of the towels got hanged on something, so they stayed wet on the ground. I grimaced, but I started to pack my bag to get ready for when I finished driving Tracy home.

Ten minutes later, my bag was packed with everything but my lunch, and I got in my workout clothing so I could head out immediately for a run after driving her home. As I finished stuffing my clean uniform into the bag, I picked it up, seeing Tracy finished and ready to go.

Tracy's way of walking showed that she was sore, and that made her move a bit wider up the stairs. I watched, holding back a smug smile as I watched her. It was like a token of a job well done as she moved slowly up the stairs. Soon we were on the main floor, and I grabbed my lunch, stuffing it into my backpack while grabbing the keys to the car. I shuffled, remembered something, and told Tracy to wait in the car while I grabbed something. I hit the unlock function and ran down the stairs.

I grabbed some toys that I expected my skank to use while I wasn't using her personally over the weekend. However, I have a feeling I might see her over the weekend, depending on how Crystal feels. Crystal was still a huge question mark for me. She enjoyed a variety of kinks and happily loved watching me dominate other women.

This personality fit me almost like a glove, and I was still caught myself wondering about her. I finished gathering the things for Tracy and started to stuff what I wanted for Jake in my backpack before finishing with some lube stored in a plastic bag just in case.

With that, I was off heading up the stairs and into the little Toyota. Tracy looked at me as I placed my backpack in the back seat and handed her a couple of the blackout bags with toys inside. "What are these for?" Tracy asked.

"For you to play with yourself over the weekend. Maybe I will tell you to come to school wearing one in the future. All up to me to decide when I choose to." I told her as I started the car. I looked down at the fuel gauge and sighed with relief as it was over three-quarters. I didn't check last night, and I was an idiot for that.

Tracy looked at me, surprised, and I pulled out of the driveway, making way to her house. I knew the street was just a couple of blocks away. I neared the first turn as Tracy asked, "So are you planning on making do this today?" Her voice was meek again, looking into the shopping bags.

"Nope, I might in the future, though. Your pussy was suitably punished last night. I will buy some clothes soon for you regardless of my money problems. Your state of dressing is either not classy enough or Skanky enough. You are my whore, and I expect you to be a high-class sperm bank for me in the future." I told her frankly, not covering up any of my plans as I started to drive down the road looking for her street.

Tracy became silent again, the pause pregnant as I found the road. I was about to turn when I asked, "What are your grades in school?"

"Fine," Tracy said hastily, "You don't need to worry about them."

"Skank, I didn't say how you feel about your grades; I am asking the numbers from your last years." My voice was absolute towards her. I wanted to know, and I would know whether she liked the outcome of making me wait.

Tracy was silent for a moment before pointing, "That is my house," she said, and I slowed to a stop in front of it.

Tracy looked to retreat when my hand stopped her escape, "Tracy, I will tell you something now, You may not like it, but you have been acting stupidly. I think your grades suck. I don't care about your previous grades. No, I care about the ones this year. I will promise you two things. The first promise is if you do not reach at least an upper B standard this year, I will punish you in a way that will make you cry and sore for days," Tracy looked surprised at this, "The Second will be if you get an A or more across the board I will reward you; Now, Go home, I got things to do," I finished.

Tracy looked at me one more time and opened the door. Before she exited, she replied, "Okay," She proceeded to close the door behind her as she took the bags of toys and unlocked the door of her home before entering.

I drove home quickly and locked the door placing the keys in their usual spot. My mother must not have punished my father or the other way around as neither was on the couch. I then grabbed my weights and went outside for the run to school.

A smile plastered my face as my feet hit the pavement, thinking of the fun I would have with my sissy.

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