Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

61 – The Fiery Fiancee’s Impatience

"What do you mean he left!?" Eris stomped her foot on the ground and said, "He can't do that! I still need to beat that stupid face of his to a pulp!"

Ghyslaine chuckled and said, "That's great enthusiasm, Ojou-sama. but Paul went back home. Some urgent business came up."

Eris ground her teeth together, silently fuming.

It was late in the afternoon, the sun passing the highest point in the sky hours ago.

Like usual, she had woken up that morning and dressed herself in a loose white blouse and tan pants. After that, she threw on a warm cloak and a pair of fur boots before heading out to the courtyard with her wooden practice sword.

It was routine now. Sure enough, the annoying man who called himself her future father-in-law would be waiting there with his smug face to help her 'train.'

At least, that was what he called it.

Eris was sure he just liked annoying her since all he did was run around and make her mad.

But when she arrived, he wasn't there.

That didn't surprise Eris though. That man... Paul or whatever. He was an unreliable sort of guy.

Just like their butler, Thomas, who just disappeared the other day.

But anyway, Eris wasn't surprised that he was late. If anything, the fact that he had been awake early these past few days was more surprising.

So Eris wasn't surprised that Paul was missing. But she *was* surprised that Ghyslaine wasn't around.

Then again, Ghyslaine seemed to be friend with that Paul guy. Because of that, Eris thought they might be training or something late last night again.

They usually did that. Even long after the sun set and the moon took its place, the sound of swords clashing echoed in the night as Paul and Ghyslaine fought.

It seemed pretty intense too from the one time Eris spied on them.

That was the main reason why Eris tolerated the guy. Despite his smug face and irritating personality, Paul was strong. Strong enough to dodge Ghyslaine's attacks and fight her to a draw each time.

So Eris waited.

After getting up in the morning, she stood around in the snowy courtyard and waited for Paul to show up.

One hour passed. Then two. Then three.

And still no Paul.

But Eris was patient. She thought it was a test. That guy was super infuriating and liked to come up with new ways to annoy her while calling it 'training.' So she thought this was just another one of his games.

But she wouldn't lose. She was better than that.

And then Ghyslaine showed up and said that Paul left early that morning to meet a friend and headed back to Buina village.

"ARGH!" Eris growled and then picked up her wooden sword, swinging it through the air. "It's not fair! First he takes away my lessons with you and now he runs away after saying that he'd teach me! Stupid! Idiot! Liar!"

With each name she called Paul, Eris's sword whipped through the air, letting out a loud crack.

Ghyslaine nodded and said, "That's what you should expect from Paul. He's reliable when it counts, but when it comes to commitment..." She paused and then said, "To be honest, it's a miracle that Zenith managed to tie him down... and that he changed so much."

"I don't care!" Eris swung her sword and said, "And I don't care about that stupid kid he keeps talking about too! 'Rudy' this and 'Rudy' that... As if someone two years younger than me could be that strong!"

Ghyslaine hummed and said, "You'd be surprised."

Eris paused and then looked at Ghyslaine. "What do you mean?" She frowned and said, "He can't seriously be that strong, can he?"

"Mm. I don't know if Paul is exaggerating or not about his sword skills, but his son is definitely strong." Ghyslaine frowned and said, "I fought him a bit to teach him a lesson, but almost lost my life since I underestimated him."

Eris blinked and then laughed. "That's a good joke, Ghyslaine."

"I'm not joking."

Eris paused.

Ghyslaine crossed her arms and then said, "Paul's son... I want to call him inhuman. The amount of magical power he radiated when he got serious and the killing intent he let loose... If I knew that Paul's blood was that good, I might have seriously took him as a mate."


Ghyslaine turned to Eris and said, "You're lucky. Although he's a bit extreme, with a man like that as your mate, you can run as wild as you want in the future."

Eris growled and said, "I'm not a dainty princess, Ghyslaine! I don't need someone to help me do what I want!"

Ghyslaine shook her head and said, "It's fine to rely on other people, Eris."

"You don't!" Eris crossed her arms and said, "Ghyslaine's already super strong, right? You can do anything!"

Ghyslaine laughed and then reached over to pat Eris's head. "Those are kind words, but I'm not that strong. Even I rely on other people... Like Paul. It's been a big relief to have someone that strong around to help protect you."

Eris scrunched up her face and said, "That disgusting guy? Strong and helpful?"

Ghyslaine pulled back her hand and laughed. "Disgusting, huh? That's pretty accurate. But he's a lot better now than he used to be."

"Hmph." Eris shook her head and said, "He's still disgusting."

There was just something about Paul's face and mannerisms... No, his very existence that made Eris dislike him. Maybe it was in the way he looked at women.

Eris never saw him actually do it, but her gut told her that he was staring at them like pieces of meat.

He never showed it, but Eris was sure that he did it.

Especially when he looked at Ghyslaine.

"In any case." Ghyslaine pulled out her sheathed sword and said, "Since Paul won't be back for a while, I'll take over."

Eris huffed and said, "You're the one who's supposed to teach me in the first place, Ghyslaine!"

Ghyslaine paused and then chuckled. "I suppose that's true. Then let's get started with a proper lesson. Now, attack-"

Before Ghyslaine finished talking, Eris stepped forward, swinging her sword towards Ghyslaine's neck.

A brown blur. In an instant, Ghyslaine parried with her sword and sent Eris sprawling.

At least, that was what would have happened if Eris hadn't been constantly trying to hit Paul and gotten used to being sent sprawling.

As soon as Eris felt her attack parried, she spun on her heel and swung her sword for another attack, copying the way Paul moved when she tried to send him sprawling.

"Hm?" Ghyslaine's eyes narrowed and she swung her sword again to parry.

A loud *thwack*.

Eris felt her hand go numb from the heavy blow. But she didn't let go of her sword. Instead, she kicked on the ground and flew backwards.

A blur cut through the air where she had just been standing. Ghyslaine, stepping forward with a slash.

Eris's heart pounded in her chest when she realized that.

She was doing it. She was seeing Ghyslaine's attacks.

...Okay. Maybe Paul wasn't *that* bad. It looked like getting used to hitting someone that unpredictable was paying off.

Eris grinned and raised her sword. "See, Ghyslaine?! I'm-"

A light breeze.

Eris's eyes widened and she quickly spun around to try and parry.

But nothing came. Instead of an attack to her head or torso, she felt something brush against her legs and then the world spun. The next thing Eris knew, she was staring up at the blue sky.

Ghyslaine looked down at her and said, "Not bad. Though for you to be able to fight like that... Is this what Master said? How two idiots could get along like oil and fire to burn bright?"

Eris quickly jumped to her feet and growled. "I'm not stupid! And that was a cheap shot!" She pointed her sword at Ghyslaine and said, "Again! I won't fall for that trick twice!"

Ghyslaine tapped on her sword hilt and gave a serious nod. "I know you won't. So... let's see just how far you can go."

Eris tightened her grip on her sword.


The snowy plains outside of Buina village, a few hours past noon. There, a strange sight could be seen.

A haggard looking man with slight stubble on his face, a young boy with silver hair, and a young elf girl with bright green hair sat together in a sled.

Except, it wasn't an ordinary sled.

First, the sled was made of stone. Instead of being put together from wooden planks or carved, it was completely formed from sleek gray stone.

Second, even though the plains had a few slopes, it was mostly flat. Despite that, the sled glided across the snow with ease, even gaining speed as it cut across the white powder.

Third, and most important of all... an invisible bubble of warmth covered the sled's main compartment, keeping everyone inside warm.

A combination effort from Rudy and Sylphy. With her mastery over snow, Sylphy controlled the sled by constantly shifting the snow to push it forward. And with his general magical ability, Rudy kept the group warm by heating the sled, blocking the wind, and preparing magic barriers in case they somehow went flying.

Roxy watched the trio and their sled slowly shrink in the distance before turning to look at Zenith and Lilia standing beside her.

Roxy frowned and said, "Are you certain that you two are fine with this?"

Zenith sighed and said, "I'm not fine with it. After our talk and learning about that Being W, all I want for us to do is stay here. Stay and train while we still can in case something goes wrong."

Lilia nodded. "I agree. Rudy and Sylphy are both powerful magic users." She looked at Roxy and said, "And you are a masterful magical researcher. Then there is Paul who continues to improve..." She shook her head and sighed. "If only we had time."

Roxy reached up to adjust her hat. "Time..."

Yes. Time. That was their biggest concern.

They didn't know how much time they had until that Being W attacked or tried something else. And they didn't know how much influence that Being W had.

It was clear that he had enough to infiltrate kingdoms unnoticed, judging from how only Roxy had noticed that the prince in the Shirone Kingdom had been odd. And even then, she discounted it as just an oddity.

That was her mistake. Something she would need to make amends for in the future... but that was in the future.

But either way, it was a hidden danger.

Being W had the ability to influence minds without anyone noticing. Subtle enough to where even someone watching for it could mistake the influence for their natural thoughts.

Rudy had managed to create some safeguards, and with Roxy there to help, they were certain that Being W wouldn't be able to do anything to them directly.

But only as long as they remained at the Greyrat household and by the tree Rudy grew for Zenith.

Roxy sighed. "What a mess."

Zenith nodded, and then she frowned. "I just still don't get it. What does that Being W want with us? Why is he trying so hard to harm us?"

Lilia looked at Zenith and said, "Isn't it obvious?"

Zenith paused and then she sighed. "I guess it is." She let out a wry smile and said, "Our Rudy is just too special. To think that he could see and use mana ever since he was that young... Milis truly blessed us. Truly."

Lilia hummed. "Well. Considering that a divine being is attempting to inflict harm upon us, perhaps such a blessing is more of a curse."

"...Maybe." Zenith mumbled.

At that time, a pair of cries echoed from the house. Shortly after, Rose's calm voice echoed. "Hush, little ones. There's no need to cry. Your mothers will be right here."

Roxy glanced at the house before looking over to Zenith and Lilia. "You two should head tend to the girls. I'll keep an eye on them until they arrive."

Zenith hesitated. "Are you sure? We can see mana now too, so if you're tired..."

Roxy waved her hand. "Norn and Aisha need their mothers. And besides." She swiped her hand through the air, summoning a massive integrated magic circle. "...I might have lost to the Dragon God, but I won't lose to some nameless divine being who won't even show his face."

Lilia smiled and lightly bowed her head. "Then we will count on you, Roxy."

Roxy smiled back.

After that, Zenith and Lilia headed inside, leaving Roxy alone outside.

Once the two left, Roxy turned back to focus on the Citadel of Roa. And as she did...


...For a split second, she thought she saw a red orb flashing in the skies above it. But when she looked towards it, the red orb was gone.

Roxy frowned. "...Was it my imagination?"

She kept staring for a while longer, but the orb didn't return. Even so, Roxy made note of it.

After all, Being W could apparently vanish even to their eyes. And when that person seemed sinister and intelligent enough to play the long game...

"...I suppose it's about time I looked into <Summoning Magic>."

Roxy muttered to herself and quietly started making a mental checklist of things to research.

Just in case.

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