Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 34 – Princess’s Answer

*** Mistress, a few days later ***

The princess let me know she was coming in today. Finally, I'll get an answer about Alzi. I hope she doesn't buy her. I don't want to deal with an angry Yuki. I have a feeling she is spying on me now. The past few days she seems to always know where I am. I don't know how; she should only have entertainment classes, but kitsune can be tricky, and she is old, possibly as old as my Mother—plenty of time to build up some spying spells.

The meeting is happening in the morning, leading me to think I'm not going to get lucky. The princess requested I leave my day free, hinting at a long meeting about the details of the sale. While I wait, I've been sweeping my office in mana, trying to find if Yuki's mana is present. I haven't found anything in the past hour, but I don't have any mana detection skills, so it wouldn't surprise me that I missed something when the knock finally came.

"Please come in," I say through the door, retracting my mana and getting up from my chair. The messenger comes in promptly and heads straight for the fireplace. I had the fireplace lit already, so I just join the fake princess and wait for her to start the meetings.

She sits for a minute before finally speaking. "I plan to buy the slave. The sale and contract will be made now, the official transfer will happen after she has given the Duchess a child."

"I understand. Just to let you know, I had made a promise to the slave not to sell her. If you are ok with this, we can continue with this discussion." I say for the first time, letting the princess know about the promise. It's likely much too late to do anything, but I need to try now.

"I know. One of the girls I sent to check on her mentioned it. I'll handle that problem."

"Alright. Her slave contract is up in about 11 months. I want her contract to stay the same; in no more than a year, her collar must fall off." I say. The most important part of this contract besides the gold is this.

"I have little use of a slave. Very well. Anything else?" The messenger asks.

"Yes, I would like Yuki and another brothel girl I have here to have a spot in your harem. They already have plans for when Alzi leaves here, and I don't want to ruin that."

"No, Yuki has already turned down a spot in my harem, and any other girl here is much too weak to join." Some anger coming into her words.

"I'm sure the only reason Yuki turned you down was to stay with the slave. She would be happy to join you and her in your harem."

"No, she said she didn't want in, so she won't get in."

"Well, then, Mai and Kelly need to be in. Kelly is a healer, and Mai is the slave's second friend. Kelly would be a big help in dealing with the slave's large pregnancies and already has a great relationship with her. You'll have problems keeping her happy if you don't at least let Mai into the harem."

"She's joining a princess's harem. She'll be plenty happy. All the nobles who have been playing with her will have to look up to her and listen to her. I don't need a brothel girl to make a slave happy."

"She doesn't have a good relationship with nobles. A princess taking away her planned future is not going to sit well. She doesn't care about your power. She wants a family with people she loves." My fireplace is going crazy as I start to anger the princess. Before, she said, she was willing to let a few girls into the harem. What happened?

"I don't have room. I thought one of my sisters was going to back out soon, instead another joined the fight for the throne. I can't carry around useless women. Sorry, I'll have the slave and my healer. I have no use for a third and the brothel girl without an affinity is useless for nobles. Maybe I can take them as simple maids, but not wives." She takes a few deep breaths, and the fireplace settles down a bit.

"You said before I could have a few spots. At least take them as concubines, or let them be Alzi concubines. She'll need support. I know that if I didn't have them here at the brothel, Alzi would've gone crazy forever ago."

"Why are you using a name for a slave? I told you things have changed. I can't have dead weight around. They can be maids no more."

"That is her name; she has a timed slave contract. Timed slave contracts don't lose their name." Shit, I messed up not trying hard to find a way out of this faster. The Queen's underlings sent a response to my formal request for an audience with a simple reply, stop wasting their time.

"Fine, Alzi is powerful enough to be in. Yuki and you are the only others in this brothel who are strong enough to make it in. Your affinity isn't very useful, so I likely still wouldn't let you in." A big sigh came from her. "This isn't a simple noble marriage. This is a fight for the throne. I can't have women who can't help me."

"They will help you; they'll keep Alzi happy and working with you."

"I can do that without them."

"You're working with a girl from a small town that only has dragonkin; she doesn't think or behave like the nobles you're used to. You only deal with citizens who see you as a hero. Here, you'll be a villain, taking her from her lovers. You'll want help."

"Don't tell me what I need. I need powerful wives. Give me girls like that, and I'll let them in."

"Then I don't think this sale can continue. You aren't upholding your end of the deal."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" is all she says back. Not that I'm paying any attention to her words. My eyes are glued to the fire. I feel dread filling my body as I stare into it. I'm not sure how, but all I see dancing in the flames is my death.

"Please, you made promises. I've made promises. We don't seem to be able to keep them all with this deal."

"I think we can; give me a few girls with some actual power, and I'll marry them. All promises are kept now."

With the finish of her statement I feel a flame jump and pass through my heart. Sweat drips down my face as I realize I don't have a choice anymore. Shit, Alzi, sorry, I'm not dying for you.

"I don't have any other girls to name. That's fine. I can't change the price."

"Don't worry about that. In a week, a contract will come. Sign in, and the gold will move to your safe. I'll give you some extra due to not marrying any other girls. I'll be having a few girls come by every few days to check on Alzi's progress. The contract will have with it a way to contact me; use it when Alzi goes into labor. What is her current status? I want to know classes and level."

"Yes, her current level is nine. Classes are Sex slave, Prostitute, and Breeder. Her current class is current one is High Breeder."

"I can work with that. If she manages to get to twenty-five, don't have her pick a new class. I'll choose it."

"Yes, your Highness."


"Sixteen thousand."

"That high? No wonder she was able to go all night. Any nonsexual skills?"


"Very well. I expect you to sign the contract the day it is sent." She warns, getting up and leaving, not waiting for my response. I sit for a while, wishing I had figured a way out before this mess happened.

*** Yuki ***

That bitch. Should I kill the princess? No that'll spark a war likely ending with me sacrificed. The princess did threaten the Mistress; I could try to get the Queen to rule, saying it is an illegal contract. But I'll have to fear the princess lashing out, killing Mai, Kelly, or even Alzi. The Queen won't do much for the death of any of them. Well, maybe Alzi, but the rest won't get the princess more than a slap on the wrist. She's likely just forced to sit out of the race, which she'll have to do anyway when she loses Alzi.

I'll have to work to get the Queen to grant me a request. The request will be to marry the princess or if she hasn't married Alzi yet, take Alzi for myself. I'll need to find a few girls to fight alongside me. Mai, Kelly, and Alzi's Mother can only be home support. I'll have to find a few other strong adventures that want to marry the stupid fucking princess. Fucking hell, this bitch is making me wait for a kid. I'll have to ask for help from a friend. I can find strong enough warriors in the capital, but the strong mages will be taken already. Shit, I don't want to deal with that crazy girl, but I don't remember anyone else willing to leave our realm.

I let my body move by instinct in my current appointment; my pitch to Nakuma the Crazy and Mother is more important right now. Nakuma doesn't care that much about kids, her main focus is me and magic. Which is first depends on the day or sometimes the hour. Hopefully the promise of travel and me should convince her. My Mother is different. Our leader for a millennium likely won't be happy I haven't checked in for the last ninety years. But Alzi will be an easy sell; a rainbow dragon doesn't appear casually.

When my dances finally concludes, I give a half-hearted bow and quickly leave. I don't have a parade, allowing me to run back to the brothel. Ariawyn will be left behind, but she's smart enough to know I ran ahead. I don't stop for anything and head straight to my room, where I start up a communication spell.

"Daughter you finally decide to check in." An arrogant voice comes out.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I got a little caught up, but I have found a good seed, which I think makes the wait worth it." I say, trying my best to be respectful.

"Really? Is this seed in a whore house, or have you been testing it on the locals to make sure it's good enough?" coming through a mocking tone.

"Right now, they are a slave in the brothel. So, yes I guess I am testing it on the locals and finding it a successful test," my smile cracking.

"Oh, I knew a virgin couldn't tell good seed from trash. I warned you to spend some time with the men here before going out, but no, you swore you would be able to do it. Almost a hundred years, and you're talking about some whore."

"She is..."

"She! Why are you talking about a she?! Men, he, have seed, not she. Are you still a virgin? Did you not listen to a single thing I taught you? Useless, how is my daughter this useless." Her room is shaking violently from all the mana rippling off her. Thank the Goddesses we are not in a room together; I would be dead or crippled by her anger. Sorry to any maids in her room.

"Herm, both parts. I know she gets girls pregnant. I am still a virgin; if I let her inside, the chances I walk away pregnant are too high. I can't get pregnant right now, or I lose the chance to get her."

"Fuck that is the point. Get pregnant and come back here. If you can bring the seed, do so. That was your mission."

"I love her, Mom. She has a slave collar on right now. It is supposed to come off in a year, but she was just sold. I need some help marrying her. I need to impress the Queen enough to be granted a request."

"Just get pregnant."

"No, you fought for a century to get my father's love. Why would you deny your daughter something you fought so hard for? I just need Nakuma; I'll handle the rest. Then you can have two girls bring kids to the realm. Plus head of the harem will be an Elf; we'll outlive her and bring back the dragon to our realm."

"Is this elf trying to become the Queen?"


"The Queen that joins the next Queen's harem?"

"Yes." I didn't think about that. Well, we should be able to leave the harem at that point.

"You think you can leave when the next Queen comes, right?" reading my mind perfectly.

I nod.

"You'll need help. Convince me to give it."

"A rainbow dragon."

"You found it. Hahaha, you found the girl. I've been waiting for you to check in to change your mission, and you found the bitch. Good, I'll obviously give you the help you need. You said she was a slave. You'll have to get the collar off before bringing her here. Slaves don't survive the trip to our realm. Get pregnant if you can and send me a grandchild already." A large smile formed on my cold Mother.

"Mother, you have grandchildren already."

"Yes, but they aren't between the rainbow dragonkin and kitsune. Do you know how cute those girls will be? Every time you and Nakuma get pregnant, a celebration will be happening back here."

"I don't have time to waste being pregnant. The faster I build up to a request, the more likely I won't need your help getting her home."

"Fine, I'll give you a few more years before you have to sneak into her bed and get pregnant."

"That should be all I need if I can get some help."

"As long as your help is that crazy friend of yours."

"Yes, I know I wouldn't be able to get anyone else."

"Good, I'll get her here." Stepping out of frame.

After a few minutes, a multicolored girl flies into the spell. She is one of the few beings that have three affinities. Two are useful, the last being balloons. Fun at parties but useless during fights. The other two are more traditional for kitsune, space, and illusion. I have two: illusion and sound. She has completed five classes and is working on her sixth, like me.

"Hi Nakuma. I have a request to make of you..."

"Yes, I'm already packing." She says, her tails flowing chaotically behind her—blurs of black, red, and orange flying around.

"I didn't say anything about the request?"

"Your mom told me. I accept. I've been waiting for you to need help. The other girls thought you would come back empty-handed about forty years ago. I knew better. I knew you would need my help. I even completed my sixth class. My new class is 'Archmage of Trickery' so much fun. I've finally got a spell that uses my balloon affinity for fighting. Want to see it?"

"Not now, Nakuma. My Mother won't be happy for you to use magic in her room. Show me when you get her. Do you need instructions?"

"No, I already know where you're at. I can make it there in a month."

"What? Have you also been stalking me this entire time?" She hasn't changed one bit. I've caught her with my underwear a few too many times now. I really wish I didn't need to drag her out here. Maybe she'll calm down when Alzi knocks her up.

"Yes, it has been good training for efficiently using mana during tracking. I wasn't able to send back any sounds or light but I have known where you are almost the entire time."

"That is a little scary, but it is coming in useful now. You don't need to be here for four months; three would be best, I guess."

"Don't worry, I'll be there in a month. I can plan some time with the girl to make sure you're right about her."

"Please don't."

"Don't worry, I'll be smart about it."

"Sweety, you're never smart about sex things. You would steal my underwear and then wear it the next day to the bath."

"Well, I didn't think you would look at me when I was stripping."

"You would keep talking to me, so I didn't have much of a choice but to look over."

"Ooh, that is why you always caught me. Hmm, I'll pretend to be mute."

"Fine, you aren't allowed to talk. I'll tell you the day to show up. You'll just get a massage. I'm going to get pregnant from her before you."

"Ok, that sounds nice. Well, bye. I need to start leaving now."

"Wait, how are you packed already?!"


"How can you be so good with magic and so bad with everything else, and she's already gone great?" Please don't spoil anything for Alzi. Please, whatever Goddess is listening, help Nakuma not mess up my plans.

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