Lie flat for three years and become a contemporary military god

Chapter 29 Killing at Close Range

Chapter 29 Killing at Close Range

Suddenly, the sound of sniper rifle shooting came from the forest again.

Chen Hai reacted suddenly, a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes, and an unprecedented killing intent emanated from his body.

He knew that this was the enemy's sniper shooting at the squad leader again, the purpose was to attract more people to come here, attract more attention, and create the biggest commotion.

"Squad leader's time is running out! Even if those bastards don't shoot, he will die from bleeding in a few minutes. Squad leader, hold on, you haven't named your child yet!"

Chen Hai clenched his fists, and when he was about to raise his legs and rush forward, the sense of crisis gave him a sixth sense.

He has already determined the location of the sniper, and he can tell from the sound of the gunshot, but there is no one around the sniper, waiting for him to kill him?

This group of people are all experienced mercenaries, not rookies on the battlefield for the first time, and there will never be such low-level mistakes.

In an instant, Chen Hai's back was covered with cold sweat.

If I rushed over like this, not only would I not be able to save the squad leader, but I would also die!
These bastards have set traps and want to hunt more people.

Chen Hai immediately calmed down, and did not rush over in a hurry.

He activated the perfect status scanning ability of the crisis skill to the maximum.

This is Chen Hai's only skill that has reached the level of a military god.

In an instant, Chen Hai felt a slight change in his body.

Ears, nose, lips, the skin on the body... the whole body has become extremely sensitive.

This feeling is like blending into the natural world, and I can feel the subtle changes around me.

Chen Hai can not only scan the sound of the wind blowing through the gaps in the jungle, but also feel the feeling of breathing in every pore.

Everything around you is completely under your control!

This is the military god level?

Now Chen Hai finally understands why there is a kind of powerful special forces that can survive in any cruel battlefield.

Because of this keen crisis sensing ability, the opponent can quickly find a breakthrough to survive in a dangerous environment, and react one step faster than others.

In the battlefield, whoever can take the first step to make the right move will have a greater chance of surviving.

Chen Hai clearly felt this, and became more confident in his heart.

"Hold on, I'm coming!"

Chen Hai kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, and he jumped out like a cheetah.

Time is running out, he must race against time and race against death!

Chen Hai who was passing through the jungle suddenly stopped, and there was a slight sound from the bushes in front of him.

This kind of sound could easily be covered up by the wind in the jungle, but the super sense brought by Chen Hai's crisis sense can confirm that any faint sound within 20 meters around can be caught.

This range is not fixed, it will continue to grow as Chen Hai's physical fitness improves.


Chen Hai can be [-]% sure.

His fighting skills have reached the peak of Dacheng, the fifth type of soldier, which makes him move very quickly and his body is very light.

The moment Chen Hai's feet landed on the ground, he was as light as a civet cat. He was more than ten meters away in the blink of an eye!
Three meters away, a militant turned his back to Chen Hai, half-kneeling in the bushes, pointing his gun at Shi Guo, without even noticing that Chen Hai was lurking behind him.

There was a smile in the corner of the militant's eyes, watching the prey struggling on the ground, let out a desperate roar, the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.

He really enjoyed the process.

Killing is very simple. What he likes is to see the various pains and despair of the other party before death, which will give him a sense of satisfaction.

"Don't you regard the lives of your comrades-in-arms as more important than your own? Why don't you come and save him? Come on, let you experience the coming of death."

The militants are in a state of excitement.

He didn't know that a huge crisis had already lurked behind him, Chen Hai's eyes flickered coldly, he suddenly pounced, and came to the opponent's back like lightning, his left hand tightly covered his mouth, and the dagger clenched in his right stabbed fiercely. to his throat!

The sound of sharp daggers piercing flesh and blood.

Chen Hai seemed to have done this action thousands of times, the action was crisp and neat without any sloppiness.

Blood spurted from the wound and splashed onto nearby branches.

The militants had grim faces, and fear of death appeared in their eyes.

He grabbed the opponent's arm with both hands, struggled in pain, and wanted to let go of the opponent's hand. He wanted to look back to see who was attacking him, but he didn't make any sound!
As a mercenary who lives on the tip of a knife, although his strength is not the strongest in their team, he is not the weakest either.

One of his strengths over others is that his ears are extremely sensitive, and within five meters of him, no disturbance can avoid his ears.

Relying on this ability, he avoided the enemy's sneak attack again and again, and survived from the battlefield to the present.

But this time, I didn't notice it at all. When I realized it, the opponent's dagger had already pierced my throat.

And this way of killing is one of my favorite ways of killing!

He never dreamed that he would die in this way.

"How could the Yan Kingdom have such powerful soldiers... Aren't they all Boy Scouts?"

The militants feel that their lives are passing by quickly, although they are extremely unwilling.

"I'm careless..."

If it wasn't for my focus on the prey, if it wasn't for my feeling that the other party couldn't be lurking...

It's a pity that there is no if on the battlefield!

His body was tightly locked by Chen Hai, unable to move at all, the strength of his struggling hands gradually weakened, and finally softened.

Chen Hai could feel the other person's body gradually getting colder until he lost all vitality.

Is this what killing someone at close range feels like?
When killing people in the jungle before, although Chen Hai also cut the opponent's throat with a knife, but it happened in a flash, the contact time was very short, and he didn't feel anything at all.

When shooting with a gun, it doesn't feel much.

Chen Hai thought he would be afraid just now, after all, the opponent's life was passing away bit by bit in his hands, and finally turned into a cold corpse.

But now I actually feel the blood in my whole body boiling, and every cell seems to be burning.

It's not just him, his fighting skills come alive!

(End of this chapter)

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