Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 69 The Trouble Comes Again

Chapter 69 The Trouble Comes Again

I have to say that Wang Xu's rainbow fart sounds very pleasant.

It didn't take long for Li Qinzai to believe that he was indeed a talent, a rare pillar of the country, a once-in-a-century chosen son, and the light of mankind.

However, rainbow farts are a bit boring to hear too much.

The real social rule is that, for sober people, no matter whether they are sycophants or those who are sycophants, as long as they are clear to each other, it is good to listen to them and enjoy themselves.

Anyone who really believed in these flattery would be short-sighted.

In the side hall in the front courtyard of the Li family, after chatting with the host and guests for a while, Li Qinzai looked at his expression and found that the prime minister seemed to have no other purpose today other than worshiping the mountain and flattering him.

Shantou also paid homage and received flattery, so Li Qinzai planned to see off the guests.

You can't take care of the food, can you?Don't make the relationship between superiors and subordinates too close, and give others a wrong signal, thinking that he is really accepted as a confidant.

Seeing that Li Qinzai covered his mouth and yawned casually, Wang Xu was undoubtedly very discerning, so he immediately stood up and said goodbye.

Li Qinzai was refreshed, and pretended to keep the certificate: "Huh? Wang Jiancheng is leaving now? Won't you stay for a light meal?"

Wang Xu's eyes lit up.

The simple food of the British government can be regarded as official qualifications if it is spoken out!

Seeing Wang Xu's hesitant expression, Li Qinzai secretly thought something was wrong, and hastily regretted, "Today is unlucky. My son is naughty. He burned down the kitchen in the mansion this morning. The fire has just been extinguished, so I have to stay with Wang Jiancheng for dinner next time."

Raising children is not only used to prevent old age, but also used to take the blame at critical moments. The son who was just picked up yesterday will come in handy today.

Wang Jiancheng smiled embarrassedly, not even daring to say.

As soon as he stepped out of the hall door before leaving, Wang Xu's footsteps suddenly stopped, he turned around and said with a smile: "Li Shaojian said, the officer remembered something, half a month ago, the school office of the Zuojian sent a batch of pig iron, about [-] catties, please let Shaojian Li decide."

Li Qinzai asked suspiciously: "The general supervisor...isn't he the one who built the house? Why did they send pig iron to the Military Weapons Supervisor?"

Wang Xu was startled, and his face suddenly became a little ugly: "Li Shaojian, you... probably don't know much about the duties of the Central Government Office?"

Li Qinzai glanced at him: "I don't understand, what? Am I proud?"

Wang Xu accompanied him with a smile and said: "Li Shaojian has just entered the officialdom, so it's inevitable that he doesn't understand it. The prison is not only about building a house, but also manages many other affairs. , pottery, craftsmen, and palace stables, battle houses, etc.”

"Among them, the Lieutenant Colonel's Office is the official office in charge of weapons."

Li Qinzai asked suspiciously: "The lieutenant colonel's office is in charge of weapons, and our arms supervisor is also in charge of weapons. Don't the duties of the two overlap? Who is in charge of whom?"

"The lieutenant colonel's office is in charge of providing materials, and our military weapons supervisor is responsible for building them. The finished weapons will be handed over to the warehouse of the Ministry of War for collection."

Li Qinzai let out an oh, and finally understood this time.

In layman's terms, the general office is the supplier of raw materials, the military department is the manufacturer, and the warehouse of the Ministry of War is the warehouse of finished products.

"The lieutenant colonel's office sent pig iron, and the military supervisor kept it, and made whatever it needed to make. These things don't need me, the junior supervisor, to take care of them. There are supervisors at the top."

Wang Xu smiled wryly and said: "Our military inspector is Ren Yaxiang, Minister of the Ministry of War. Ren Yaxiang is very old and has been sick for many years. It is reluctant to serve as the Minister of the Military Department. It has been more than two years since he has not asked about the military inspector. gone."

Li Qinzai was surprised: "Then who has been in charge of the Military Weapons Supervision for the past two years?"

"Originally, a young supervisor named Sun Xinlan was in charge, as well as a subordinate officer and another supervisor. The three of us jointly acted as the military supervisor. After the emperor appointed you as the young supervisor, Sun Xinlan has been transferred to the Ministry of Industry within a few days The waiter..."

Seeing that Li Qinzai was still stunned, Wang Xu explained: "The affairs of the Military Weapons Supervision are simple. Usually, the Ministry of War sends official documents, and the Lieutenant Colonel's Office gives materials. , one young supervisor and two supervisors are enough to handle the errands."

Only then did Li Qinzai feel relieved, and said: "Since that's the case, Xiao Gui Cao Sui, you and the other supervisor can handle the matter of the military inspector. The emperor has promised that I don't have to take care of it."

Wang Xu said with a bitter face: "Li Shaojian, the [-] catties of pig iron sent by the Lieutenant Colonel's office this time... is a bit troublesome."

Hearing the word "trouble", Li Qinzai couldn't help but frowned.

He hates these two words.

"What's the trouble?"

"There is a problem with the batch of pig iron sent by the Lieutenant Colonel's Office. It has not removed the ore. It is said to be [-] catties of pig iron. In fact, if the ore is removed, there will be [-] catties of pig iron left."

Li Qinzai snorted coldly: "Then return this batch of pig iron to the Colonel's Office, do you still need me to teach you?"

Wang Xu bowed his head and said, "The lower officials dare not retreat."


Wang Xu was silent for a moment, then said softly: "This batch of pig iron was allocated by the general supervisor from the current relatives..."

"A relative? Which relative?"

Wang Xu's voice became deeper and deeper: "The Shaofu Shaojian, Wu Yuanshuang."

Li Qinzai was startled and didn't speak for a while.

It became clear that the Shaofu was in charge of too many things, and it was a fat job, including metallurgy, ore mining, cloth, and even casting money, etc., which were all under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu.

Iron ore mining is one of the tasks of Shaofu.

It is not surprising that Empress Wu put her second brother in such a fat position.

[-] catties of unrefined pig iron mixed with half of stones, the oil and water in it...

"Has the military supervisor offended Wu Yuanshuang before?" Li Qinzai asked with a frown.

Wang Xu sighed and said, "Who dares to offend him, it's just that Wu Shaojian's reputation in the court... Cough, it's just that his appearance is a bit indecent."

Li Qinzai nodded, his words were cryptic, but his meaning was clearly expressed.

In short, this guy is just a rascal, relying on his younger sister who is a queen, he is a domineering official in the court, and he doesn't care what others think of him, he only wants to make money.

No grudges in the past, no grudges in recent days, Wu Yuanshuang just wanted to make a fortune from this batch of pig iron.

This batch of pig iron was allocated half a month ago. At that time, Li Qinzai had not been appointed as the young supervisor of the Military Weapons Supervisor, and the supervisor was ill in bed. In addition, there are basically no competent managers.

Thinking about it in depth, the young prisoner Sun Xinlan probably couldn't get rid of his involvement in this matter. Maybe he cooperated with Wu Yuanshuang, so the Military Weapons Supervisor got [-] catties of parallel imported pig iron.

"Who ordered and collected that batch of pig iron?" Li Qinzai asked.

Wang Xu said in a low voice: "Young Prisoner Sun Xinlan."

Li Qinzai sighed, as expected.

Well, this is a big mess.

This bastard Wang Xu is really an old man in the officialdom. He slaps him like he doesn't want money, but in the end he sends him a thunder.

Empress Wu's elder brother is not easy to mess with. If she really wants to return the pig iron, as the grandson of Li Qinzai's British Duke, I'm afraid I have to weigh it carefully.

If this enmity is formed, it has buried a disaster for himself.

What was even more aggrieved was that Li Qinzai couldn't even move Sun Xinlan, because moving him would be tantamount to moving Wu Yuanshuang.

I have to say that everything was good in the Tang Dynasty during Li Zhi's period, except for those guys surnamed Wu who were really rat shit, spoiling a pot of good soup.

Wang Xu sighed and said, "Sun Xinlan has nothing to worry about. I heard that he has already wooed Wu Yuanshuang. I don't know what promise Wu Yuanshuang made to him. He dared to accept this batch of pig iron on behalf of the military supervisor. Afterwards, he was transferred. I left a lot of trouble for the Military Superintendent."

"The batch of pig iron is still in the warehouse of the Military Weapons Supervision, and no one dares to move it. However, seeing that the Great Tang King's army is going north to conquer Tie Le, in terms of logistics, in addition to food and grass, weapons must be replenished at any time. Presumably, it will not be long before the Ministry of War will Let the military inspector create the following."

"Once the Ministry of War has issued a document, the two thousand catties of pig iron will be a big trouble. If the Ministry of War can't match the two catties of pig iron, they don't care about refining or not. Since the Military Weapons Supervision Station has taken it, the Military Department will ask the Military Weapons Supervision for the crime." .”

"Li Shaojian, now you are the only one responsible for arms supervision, please help me."

Li Qinzai leaned back and said: "This batch of pig iron is none of my business. I was not a young prisoner half a month ago. If there is a wronged person and a debtor, you can go to whoever orders it."

Shirking responsibility is well done, and the experience of social animals in the previous life, I have not learned anything else, but I can get rid of it well.

Besides, it was none of his business in the first place. Li Zhi had promised long ago that he would not enter the court, would not enter the government office, and would not manage politics.It is not his fault that the sky of the Armaments Supervision has fallen.

 Uh, I just found out today that it seems that I have gone to Sanjiang. The old thief has not asked about world affairs for a long time. I don’t know what kind of votes Sanjiang can vote for. . .

(End of this chapter)

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