Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 21 Dispensing Revenge

Chapter 21 Dispensing Revenge
Regardless of ancient times or modern times, as long as you have friends, you will never be short of money.

Especially the kind of friends who are not short of money.

Xue Na happily took out a handful of copper coins from his bosom, as well as a few small pieces of silver that had been cut into pieces, and held them to Li Qinzai with both hands.

Li Qinzai glanced at it. The amount of money was not small, probably enough to feed and drink a middle-class family for half a year.

"Didn't you be raided by me yesterday? Why are you rich again today?" Li Qinzai asked curiously.

Xue Na rattled and said: "After returning home yesterday, my arms were empty. Brother Yu felt that he should get some money, so he searched at home and found my father's waist knife in the storeroom. It seemed to be of extraordinary quality, so I bought it this morning. Steal it out and sell it for some money..."

Li Qinzai was immediately in awe.

Having a son should be like Xue Shenyan, anyway, Li Qinzai asked himself, if he has such a son, he must let him feel what a father's love is like a backer every day...

Taking the money from Xue Na, Li Qinzai was about to stuff it into his arms when he stopped suddenly.

"Your father's waist knife, shouldn't it be a gift from the emperor?"

Xue Na patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, Brother Yu was awake when he attacked. I have confirmed again and again, it is definitely not a gift from the emperor."

Only then did Li Qinzai put the money in his arms with confidence.Then he grabbed another handful and handed it to Liu Ah Si, telling him to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine.

Li Qinzai dare not touch the things given by the emperor, but Li Qinzai can't harm his friends, but his own is fine, at worst, he will be beaten. For the dandies in Chang'an City, being beaten by the elders is a necessary basic skill.

In terms of the average ability to withstand beatings, dudes are definitely much higher than ordinary people, there is no one else, but life is hard.

"Brother Jing Chu is sitting in the restaurant across from Zheng's house today, must he have an idea in his mind?" Xue Na behaved himself this time, and asked softly in Li Qinzai's ear.

Li Qinzai smiled: "Being tricked by others, being regarded as a fool for no reason, I have to give myself and the Li family an explanation, otherwise it will be humiliating."

Xue Na admired and said: "Brother Jingchu is a real husband, and if a man has revenge, it should be the case."

Then Xue Na asked softly, "How does Brother Jing Chu plan to attack Zheng Feng?"

Li Qinzai's heart moved, and he said, "If you want to deal with your enemies, what will you do?"

"That depends on how big the enemy is. If it's an ordinary small enemy, you can lead someone to block him, beat him up and beat him to half useless. If it's a life-and-death enmity, you won't stop dying."

Li Qinzai asked again: "What if the other party has similar background and status as you?"

"In a face-to-face fight, whoever loses or wins will admit it, and never mention it again. Of course, life and death will never end."

Li Qinzai nodded. These two sentences are not for nothing. He wants to understand the values ​​of people in this era, kindness and enmity, love and hatred, each era has a different way of dealing with it.

For example, the ancients said that the hatred of taking one's wife is the greatest hatred in a man's life. After more than 1000 years, it is just a divorce to divide the family property, and everyone is happy.

This is how people of different ages deal with hatred differently.

Li Qinzai thought about it carefully, and he should not treat Zheng Feng to the extent that he would never stop dying, and with his personal strength, he could not shake the Zheng family in Xingyang.

Then, this revenge is enough for Zheng Feng alone, as for the Zheng family behind him, it doesn't matter, when his wings harden...

Seeing that Li Qinzai was deep in thought and silent, Xue Na came over again, mysteriously took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom, and smiled obscenely.

"I don't know how Brother Jingchu will deal with Zheng Feng. Brother Yu is willing to do his best. This thing is an aphrodisiac. I got it from a spring monk who practiced wild meditation at the beginning of the year. It is said that the medicinal power is very overbearing..."

Li Qinzai's eyes lit up, and he put it in his arms faster than taking money.

"The water here is too deep, you can't grasp it, Brother Yu will help you keep it." Li Qinzai said seriously.

Bear children are relatively precocious, probably already unclean.

The two sat in the restaurant until the evening, but the Zheng family opposite the restaurant remained silent. Zheng Feng might have had fun outside, and it was normal practice to stay out at night.

Seeing that the gate of the workshop was about to close, Li Qinzai and Xue Nacai left the restaurant and said their goodbyes.

After returning home, it happened that Liu Asi bought the medicinal materials he needed. Li Qinzai ordered his servants to take the medicinal materials into the bedroom, and ordered them to fetch the medicine roller.

Finally, Li Qinzai shut himself in the door, and began to write and draw on paper again.

Half an hour later, Li Qinzai mixed the purchased medicinal materials separately, crushed them to get the juice, and put the medicinal juice into a small porcelain bottle.

Looking at the medicine he had just prepared and the "I love a piece of firewood" that Xue Ne gave him during the day, the two small porcelain bottles in front of him glowed evilly under the candlelight.

Under the dim candlelight, Li Qinzai also showed an evil smile, quacking, and his smile was extremely creepy.

"Gua Counselor, who told you to offend me, prepare to die, quack quack..." Li Qinzai said to himself, a typical expression of the ultimate villain.


Early the next morning, as soon as the side door of Li Mansion opened, Xue Na rushed in.

Knowing that Li Qinzai was going to deal with Zheng Feng, Xue Na couldn't help it, and his expression of sharing his confidant's worries was particularly sincere, but Li Qinzai couldn't help suspecting that this kid just wanted to watch the excitement at a close distance.

"Brother Jingchu, my foolish brother asked someone to find out last night, Zheng Feng is going to have a banquet in the inner teaching workshop tonight." Xue Na said excitedly after entering the door.

The "Neijiaofang" was set up by the great ancestor Li Yuan in the year of Wu De, and it was the predecessor of the later Jiaofang Secretary. The wives and daughters of officials who committed crimes would be beaten into the Neijiaofang, entertaining guests with songs and dances, and making a living for a while.

Originally, it was just a place for pure appreciation of singing and dancing, but after arriving in Yonghui, it gradually changed. The wives and daughters of prisoners not only had to learn singing and dancing, but also served guests with their bodies in exchange for money to spend the night.

Li Qinzai stood up when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "It just saves me from inquiring about Zheng Feng's activities, so I'll take care of him tonight!"

As he spoke, Li Qinzai put the two small porcelain bottles on the table into his arms.

Going out together with Xue Na, when they reached the front yard, Li Qinzai called Liu Ah Si, and whispered a few words in his ear, Liu Ah Si accepted the order without hesitation, and led more than a dozen members to kill him. Leaving vigorously.

On the other hand, Li Qinzai went out with Xue Na, and wandered aimlessly in Chang'an City after going out.

Wandering from the East Market to the West Market, their legs were almost broken. In the evening, the two arrived in front of the Neijiaofang in Pingkangfang.

Not everyone can enter the Inner Jiaofang, there is only one person who can enter, identity.

Of course, Li Qinzai and Xue Na, well-known bullies in Chang'an, would not dare to be stopped by the intellectuals in front of the door. The two of them were mixed with a group of officials and second-generation people who were looking for fun, and they easily entered the door.

They ordered to find a private room, and the two sat down. Zhike set out a table of sumptuous food and wine with discernment. At the same time, two pretty young women came in. After kneeling to say hello, they sat Beside Li Qinzai and Xue Na.

The smoke looks charming, and the wind and dust are fireworks.

No matter how charming the smile is, it is a miserable person after all.

Xue Na's old horse knew the way, so he put his arms around a woman and kept raising and lowering his hands, making the woman in his arms giggle coquettishly.

Li Qinzai was not used to this kind of battle, he only politely drank a glass of wine with the woman.

Half an hour after the banquet in the private room, Li Qinzai reckoned that Zheng Feng should have arrived, so he winked at Xue Na.

Xue Na understood, and sent the two women away from the private room, then Xue Na slipped out of the private room alone, and not long after, a well-known guest was brought in by Xue Na.

Without further ado, Li Qinzai took out two small porcelain bottles from his pocket, and then took out a large handful of broken silver pieces.

Staring at Zhike's smiling face, Li Qinzai said coldly, "I'll give you the money, and you can find someone to prescribe medicine, why don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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