Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 75

14 resuscitation medicine and pruning sword

The dungeon seven laps ended fast without any trouble. Memorize the route and dash to the bottom. Fast, too fast.

By the way, Patrick has defeated the boss golem three times. Aim at the joints, first stop the hand, then the feet, and finally stop at the joint of the neck.

He did what he wanted to do with a plain face. I don’t feel sorry.

When we got what we wanted, we quickly returned home.

I went out first in the morning and the time is still too late. Have a cup of tea, take a break and observe Elixir again.

The seven transparent vials placed on the table are so thin and elaborate that they can be broken by holding. And transparency that is likely to be lost depending on the level of light.

Finally, the contents of the small bottle. Nothing is in it.

“This is empty”

“This is good, because it’s not a potion-like potion.”

“Hmm? Is Elixir a remedy?”

Patrick doubts in Lemun’s words. Oh, he didn’t know what Elixir was.

I know the game, but I don’t know the details. Just like various potions, it was used for “use” of the command, so I now know that it is a small bottle without contents.

Lemun grabs Elixir and speaks proudly.

“Elixir, in other words, a resuscitation drug? This is a versatile remedy that even revives the dead. An exception to the rules of the world, an exception.”

“Eh !? Will you survive even if you die !?”

I was really surprised. I thought that the state of HP0 was incapable of fighting in the game, and if it was replaced with reality, it was almost dead.

I thought that it was unnecessary for me to be able to fire recovery magic with inexhaustible magic, but the story will change when it comes to resuscitation.

I live seven times even if I die. Less than twelve times, but too astounding.

“Of course there is a condition. You must be dead right now … I wonder if it’s a few hours.

“Part of the subject?”

“It’s no use if it disappears completely. Your sister’s black hole is just completely gone.”

“… I don’t feel like a remedy for Yumiera measures.”

Patrick says with a sober face.

I’m too bad and unreasonable to use irrevocable magic.

Like in the game, Remun smiles intimidatingly when he thinks it’s going to end without anything.

“That’s why you just need to take a part of your body beforehand.”

“Patrick, don’t move because your arms are cut off!”

“Don’t do it! You’re half serious! Don’t come here!”

When I get up, he gets up and moves back.

I’ll keep Patrick’s arm in a safe place, just in case. And before you go to bed every night, look at your beloved arm and be enchanted. It might be nice to sleep while holding hands, or try a real arm pillow.

“Let’s stay together …”


“Hey? Why do you run away? Hey? Why and why?

Patrick turns his face pale and away from me.

… I guess I did a little too much. Is Yandere pretend like this?

“It’s already a joke. I’m too scared.”

“… I looked serious. Yumiera probably has that kind of ability.”

“I was the scariest ever

Yes, did I have the talent of Yandere? In addition, we have reached a new frontier. I don’t feel joy at all.

I sit back and ask Remun.

“So what does it mean to keep a part of your body?”

“It’s not a bizarre story like your sister, it’s about your hair and part of your body.”

Indeed, can you revive later if you save your hair?

Patrick, who had fled to the edge of the room, was returning and sitting on a chair. He sighs and says:

“Is hair good? Should I keep it in case something goes wrong?”

And Patrick tries to talk to the tea. When my attention turned, I immediately leaned forward and reached for my hand.

He grabs his hair and pulls it out.



Get your hair. I have gray hair in my hands.

However, Patrick dropped the cup due to the impact of the pull. The high sound of cracking pottery echoes in the room.

“Oh, if I did Patrick.”

“Can I be blamed?”

He holds his head down and is glared at his slightly moist eyes. No, it’s bad to take a little too much.

Then Patrick should get out of my hair. I’m not sore and itchy, so I’m preparing to reverse, and Lemun points to an interestingly broken cup.

“What if you fix it with Elixir?”

“Hey? Tea cup?”

“Reviving dead dishes. It’s that simple and easy.”

I didn’t think minerals had the concept of life and death.

Of course, applying a potion to a broken item will not repair it. Elixirs and potions should be considered completely different, including that they are not oral medicines.

I take a vial from Remun and see the pieces of the cup scattered on the floor.

“How do I do this?”

“Pour the magic into the elixir. Focus on the cup as if you were using magic.”

“… This is a one-time-use item, isn’t it?”

“You should practice how to use it.”

Have a point. The situation where you need to use Elixir will be tense. It is also necessary to practice what you feel so that you can get around smoothly in such a case. Even if you use one, there are six remaining.

Pour magical power into Elixir little by little, as taught by Remun. Stare at the shards of the cup and try to fix it.

The effect was immediate.

Light overflows from the small bottle at hand and heads for each piece of the broken cup.

The debris floats in the air and begins to move, recreating the original teacup shape like a puzzle. He landed on the table without sound.

At the same time, the elixir in my hand shatters and shimmers into the air. Oh, wasteful.

The closest Patrick gently touches the cup with his fingertips.

“It’s completely fixed. I don’t even know the seams.”

“Hey, convenient”

“But … this is …”

What is he puzzled? I checked the tea cup again and immediately noticed something wrong.

Steam is rising. The cup was full of hot tea.

“Why tea? Was it hot as if brewed?”

“It should have been less than half. I remember it was a bit cold.”

Elixir revived not only the cups, but also the tea inside.

Is this as specified? Are there any weird bugs?

Looking at Remun as if asking him, he smiles.

“Even if you rebuild your body and you don’t have a soul, the dead won’t revive. Don’t you think that it’s the revitalizing medicine that can only be obtained by regaining the contents, not just the vessels?-This is the power of Elixir.”

Remun says this is a true revival, but I remembered another phenomenon.

This is not a resuscitation drug-

“Time sushi … No, nothing. The result is the same.”

Although slightly different from the image, the effect of Elixir is perfect. It’s best not to have a turn, but as long as it’s reliable.

I have to collect the hair of Eleanor and the mansion later. Liu looks like a peeled scale.

“Be careful, as the resurrection target gets larger and more complex, the more magic you need.”

“I understand”

The magical consumption of cup restoration was insignificant. Does human resuscitation require more magic? Liu needs more. Even bigger and more complex … Is there anything like that? Liu is really big and very cute.

You don’t have to worry about lack of magic, as you’ve never had a problem with lack of magic.

More worrisome is the availability of elixir. Annihilation would leave no users, and Elixir itself would have to be at hand.

I use one and the rest are six. Putting it in one place is too risky and what to do?

“How should I sort out these six? I’ll just have one for me and one for Patrick …”

“Would you like to keep me if you like? I don’t have to worry about losing it in the shadows, and I’ll take my sisters with me when I need them.”

“Hmm … then please”

I’m a little worried about leaving in Lemun, but I don’t need six Elixirs. Alright? Leave the remaining four to him.

He roughly grabs the vial on the table and throws it into the shadow. It seems convenient and enviable.

“So, assuming the recovery is no problem … isn’t there a very strong weapon? I was hoping for that.”

“Hmm … There are many things, but if you’re older, your bare hands are stronger.”

Remun tilts his head with Koten.

When I heard that I would collect dungeon magic, I thought that a legendary sword would come out of me. But I hate the Holy Sword category. It could be used normally with a magic sword.

After a short pause, Lemun says, turning his tilted head back.

“I don’t think I can use it … Sister, do you have any hope for this?”

What i want If you say too much, you will bother God. I list what I want to do in my brain.

“I want a sword that the beam can shoot.”

“No. It’s not a sword.”

“What is an arrow that reveals hidden abilities?”

“No …. what is that?”

“Then, a belt that can be transformed is fine.”

“No …. So what?”

Isn’t there anything? I picked up things that seemed possible.

Really disappointing and disappointing. Three of my secret dreams have been crushed. Patrick opened her mouth when she was very sad.

“What about that sword? That’s what Yumiera has”

“Oh … that’s not just strong, isn’t it?”

What he’s talking about is my favorite dark sword.

I think that it is precious that the sword obtained by taking many dungeon laps is given the dark attribute. However, the strong point of attribute weapons is that they can attack attributes that cannot be used by the user. There are few benefits to me who can use dark magic.

That ’s… where did you go? It should have been left somewhere in my room.

Remun, who does not know the existence of the sword, looks at us and looks strange.

“That sword? What?”

“I’ll bring you now.”

It’s a good idea to have Remun judge you. I stood up and took my sword into my bedroom.

After a few minutes, find the dusty sword in the closet and return to the room where Patricks are. It took a little time to find. I completely forgot that she was out of reach of Eleanora.

“I brought it.”

“… Pruning scissors?”

The pattern and sheath were all black, and his expression disappeared from Remun’s face. Gaze sharply at my sword.

What is pruning scissors? Even if you catch it, I will check it.

The shape itself is a very common bastard sword. One shorter than a two-handed sword and longer than a one-handed sword. I handle it exclusively with one hand.

“Not scissors, right?”

“… Where did you get it?”

“Various dungeons … Is it a bad thing to have?”

“Hmm, separately, it’s just a strong sword for humans to handle … Isn’t it okay? There is no key …”

His words go down in his ass with confidence.

I’ve been using it for a long time, but I just felt like a normal sword. Take a look at the blade after a long time, grasp the handle and pull it out of the sheath.

Then, Remun rolls off the chair and crawls back.

“Hey !? Dangerous !?”

“Oh, sorry.”

This is the first time he has such a great reaction. Was this sword so dangerous?

“It’s unusual for darkness, but isn’t that strange?”

“That’s not a good thing in this world.

“Is it dangerous?”

“As I said earlier, it should be fine for ordinary people to handle. I knew that I was there, but I’m new to seeing it.”

Remun speaks slowly, picking words one by one.

It appears that some dungeon bug items have not been released. I thought I was lucky, but maybe I was lucky.

“So … what is this after all?”

The god only wants to disclose information that is convenient for him, so it seems to be a pain to hear.

If it’s safe, use it as before, and if it’s dangerous, you have to take care of it. For example, keep them out of the reach of Eleanor-chan. Oh, is it okay in the closet?

As he solves the problem in the brain, Remun opens his mouth heavily.

“It’s a world … a tool for managing everything in a parallel world. A sword that wipes out unnecessary worlds like cutting too many branches. A pruning sword of God. A pruning sword.”

“Pruning … sword”

“It must be owned by a god higher than me. Without a key to release power, it would be just a strong sword.”

“Such …”

“Yeah. It’s a surprising thing for people. Should I keep it?”

“No way … if I had that kind of thing … my second year junior high school student would wake up. Hehehehehe”

A strange laugh leaks out.

Hey hey Pruning scissors that cut out the world? If you don’t have the key, you won’t show your power A pruning sword?

This is bad. It was the same as measles, and I thought that once I got sick, I would get immunity, but it seems different. Was the middle illness a flu companion?

Calm me. At this age, we will make a new black history. Even so, it’s a situation where a bard has spread the story of the model in the middle two stories.

Take a deep breath and calm your mind. … OK, it’s alright.

Listening to the unpleasant laughter, he nods to the two worried.

“Okay, I can curse it.”

“… Yeah, I don’t know, but do my best”

“Yumiera, are you thinking of silly things again?”

As expected, Patrick was seeing through.

But that’s … my line now is like a middle sickness.

When I’m holding her grin, Remun points his sword in a jerk.

“Then I’ll keep it …?”

“… I feel like I want to have it. I need it in case of emergency.”

“If I control it, it’s okay if I don’t have it all the time.”

He can nod his opinion. If you just leave it in the closet anyway, you can leave it to the god of darkness so that you can always bring it with you.

Well, Remun is unlikely to return only an emergency.

He asks me to worry. The reason that Remun is so aggressive is that he wants to keep dangerous goods under his own control.


“I can get it out of the shadow immediately.”

Take it out of the shadow?

I give a signal, “Remun!” When Remun is muttering, “I’ll approve.” The shadow fluctuates and a pruning sword appears.

No, let’s make it more elaborate. Manipulating the shadows well, it looks like Remun pulls his sword out of his body. Dream spreads.

“Let’s leave it, only one condition.”

“……What is that?”

“Please take out the production”

“… Leave it to me!”

I hand over my sword with my consent.

I should have noticed at this time. He replied confidently without knowing anything.

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