Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 62

01 A mysterious boy who appeared in a dream

“I’m Remun, the dark god. Get up, my shrine maiden.”

“I’m wrong.”

A black-haired boy with a black face on one side is smiling friendly.

He seems to mistake me for a shrine maiden. Well, I guess it’s reasonable to make a mistake because the innocent image is common.

“No, your sister is not a shrine maiden, right?”

What did you say? I’m going to have some sacredness. When I unify the continents, it is the level where the name of the country is sacred.

“Is the Holy Dorknes Empire …?”

I wake up after uttering my accustomed bed and mysterious country. Where does the sacred come from, assuming the Empire can give away a hundred steps?

Well, I feel like I had a strange dream. It was like a dream to talk to a great person … no way. The more you try to recall, the more the memory becomes haze.

Waking up a little earlier than usual, I finished my dressing alone and took a walk in the mansion.

There is nothing unusual, such as a dream that can be remembered but cannot be remembered. But somehow, I couldn’t help but care about the content of the dream.

“I feel like you’re a great man, bigger than a king.

I do not know what is different between the kingdom and the empire. I don’t even know the rank of the king and emperor.

With such a vivid image, there must have been something much greater than the head of the country.

“… I can only think of God”

Get a dream message from God. I can’t.

I am not religious enough to receive revelation, and I do not even believe in God. After all, was it just a weird dream?

And it’s a death flag that tells you that you heard God’s voice. Most of those who have said have been crucified and executed.

I have time until breakfast, so I’m thinking of getting rid of the work I didn’t finish yesterday, and Eleanor walks from across the hallway. It is unusual for her, who always sleeps in the morning, to stay awake at this time.

When Eleanor finds me, she rushes in a trot and says excitedly.

“Yumiera! I heard the voice of God!”

The death flag has been set on the downfall daughter.

The duke family has been demolished as the duke of Hillrose’s plan for a coup comes to light. Now she is noble and nothing.

Eleanor was behaving brightly, but may have suffered damage in her mind. Frustrated, she could not endure the excessive stress and sought salvation from a nonexistent voice of God.

If I were more kind to her … Also, when I was saying stupid things, I didn’t flow properly. That was her own SOS.

In an effort to cheer her pity, she said in a bright voice.

“… Well, Eleanor, why don’t you visit the royal capital? I’ll buy everything from dresses and jewelry!”

“Wow! Suddenly Yumiera has become gentler! You can’t count on God.”

“what do you mean?”

“God said to take care of Yumiera!”

Is God watching me? Is her deep psychology hating me?

Yes, there is no way to consider Eleanor’s hallucinations. Try to entertain her as much as possible.

“Yes, I’m going to the royal capital, so let’s meet with Her Highness Edwin. I’m sure she’s worried about Eleanor.”

“Edwin …”

“That’s right, it’s Eleanor’s favorite Highness, Edwin!”

Until now, Eleanor was the name of Prince Edwin, who was Icikoro. So I easily put out his name. The Fallen Daughter and the Second Prince, his name that will never be tied.

Eleanor speaks quietly with a slightly clouded look.

“That’s no good. I’m no longer a noble, and Edwin is a royal. Even if I convey my thoughts, I’m just troubled with Edwin.”

“… Elenora-sama”

“But it’s okay! There’s Yumiera and Patrick, and my life is fun!”

Elora laughs at her.

Oh no, this is about to cry Eleanor is too good to be a good child, and it’s painful to shrug himself out of thought.

Should I use her whole body to join her and Prince Edwin?

Think of the prince’s face in your brain … I won’t give you Eleanor! There is no fit for you to be called a dad!

“I am Nourishing Eleanor! I rather get married!”

“Hey? Yumiera’s partner is Patrick?”

“I’m going to leave Patrick. It’s a fashionable engagement break.”

“What! What are you talking about?”

Let’s break up with Patrick. It’s for my Eleanora, I can’t help.

Eleanor was surprised by her hand covering her mouth and suddenly moans down her head. And I looked around and looked around.


“What’s wrong?”

“Did you not hear your current voice, Yumiera?”

I couldn’t hear anything. Her hearing should be better, so it’s likely her hallucination. Are you still mentally cornered?

Elora seemed to hear a voice saying, “I don’t admit, I’ll go there right now.” A person who opposes her marriage … yes, that overprotective father?

“Duke … but not, you have to go see someone who looks just like Eleanor’s dad.”

“Yeah! I can go to see my dad!”

They are just like people. Duke Hillrose is already dead. He is resentful from all sides, so his survival is awkward to the public.

I wonder if he is coming … Your important only daughter is mine. Fuhahaha.

I carried Eleanor and jumped out of the mansion. Runs to Liu sleeping in the garden.

“I’ll go.”

“Ky! You can walk on your own! Take it down!”

◆ ◆ ◆

An hour later, we came to a village just a few months ago.

One hour is 55 minutes to wake Liu and five minutes to fly so far. As a result, it was faster to run.

Even on a slightly cold autumn morning, the sun is now rising and warming.

I walked to the house that had come several times, and I beat the door wildly.

“Please come out, the Lord’s appearance”

“Noisy! Why do you hate me … Ellenora! You’ve come well, get up. Let’s get some tea.”


Eleanor, sulking out of the house, changes her expression as soon as she sees her daughter. The parent and child hugged each other and went into the house holding their hands. My daughter will be nineteen. Is it too sticky?

I try to enter the house after them, but I’m glared at Grin and his back.

“You don’t need to go home.”

“I came to report on marriage.”

“Marriage? Are you and the elder brother of the frontier?”

“No, me and Eleanor-sama”

“Hey! What the hell is it ?! Eleanor is married! Who is the opponent! Who is the guy?”

He shouts at Eleanor, hiding his back. Oh, I misunderstand that my daughter has a man. I want you to be relieved, my partner.

“That’s me”


“You said she was married to Eleanor.”

“Well … I don’t recognize it!

My father-in-law says trembling with Wanawana.

After all, do you not accept it? Ellenora’s hallucinations may have received his intense thoughts.

But you don’t need to be recognized. Our true love cannot be disturbed by those who cannot escape from this village.

“It’s okay if you don’t ask for it separately. I’ll do it for you.”

“You’re not worthy of Eleanora and it’s bad for you! I’ll be separated from you!”

He is ready for war with a hoe leaning against the front door. Will you fight me? Let’s say the bride is forcibly robbed.

While both are motivated, Eleanor speaks quietly.

“Ah, that … Yumiela to your father? I won’t marry Yumiera.”

you’re kidding! ? We are ready for war and pay attention to her.

“I like Yumiera, but I don’t like that.”

“Really, Eleanor! Did he not get your hands on the hatred !?”

“I haven’t!”

Eleanor denies her face red. Maybe … huh?

Former Hill Duke looks at me with a smile of pleasure. Noisy.

“Haha, it’s an unreasonable Earl.”

“Gunnu … Eleanora, why don’t you go on a trip? Let’s go to a sightseeing spot with a view of the sea. It’s autumn but it doesn’t matter if you don’t swim.”

“Done! I’ve only been to the sea twice!”

Eleanor rushes to me. See the former Duke of Hillrose with a plump face.

He can’t get out of this village with the hell. So imagine how we enjoy seafood.

He turns his face into hatred, but immediately returns to his friendly expression.

“Elenora, stay here today”

“I did it! I’m staying!”

They got me. Ellenora leaves me and goes to her opponent. I don’t have the card I cut away because I usually live together.

But I have cards with similar effects. draw!

“Elenora, why don’t you have a pajama party today?”

“Yes! I can talk late into the night!”

“Elenora, let’s cook dinner together today. I’ve been able to do something since I came here.”

“I did it! I cook with my dad!”

Ellenora alternates between me and his father.

The endurance battle has come. There are a limited number of cards that can cut each other, but if you lose a card, you lose immediately. You need to keep selecting the strongest card in your hand.

“Elenora-sama, why don’t you hold a potato party?”

“Yeah … what is Imonikai?”

“Make a hot pot dish that isn’t particularly delicious outdoors.”

“… I don’t want to go.”

lost. It should have been a barbecue. That’s just miso soup.

Eleanor, who has gone to his father, says he is staying. Have you already decided a lot?

What Eleanor likes …

“Okay, are you going to sleep today? Okay, I’ll be alone with Patrick at home and eat each other.”

“Ah! I’ll never stay at the party. I’m going home. Of course I won’t bother you, so I want Patrick to eat and eat. of”

won. She loves romance events. When I see that Patrick and I were together, I was hiding in the shadows of pillars and walls, sending me a glowing glance.

As usual, Eleanor has the most exciting face today.

“Elenora, Daddy will do the dinner at dinner.”

Those who cannot be defeated make suggestions. Where is his demand, such as his father Ahn? Because we prepared the best food of your best friend’s romance pattern, my best friend turned over there …

“I did it! I can give my father dinner!”

His best friend turned to his father. I can’t really understand this child’s values.

If this happens, the next measure …

After the battle for Eleanora, we ended up in a duel.

I don’t remember why we ended up in the duel. Well, that’s what war is. The triggering event is really trivial. Some time before that, we have reached a point where we can not turn back.

In retrospect, it may have been decided to be a duel the moment you came here. No matter how many times you try again, this fate cannot be overturned.

“Are you ready?”

“Huh, you’re going to look bad when you’re on a high level.”

The power wins and the winner wins the Eleanor. Isn’t it simple and good? The quarrels so far seem pointless and barren.

Me and him holding each other in front of the house. I have bare hands and he has a sword in his hand.

Eleanor said he was bored and went out for a walk in the village.

Is the distance between me and him about ten steps? Well, with my physical abilities, it’s only a moment away and I’m ready to hit the world’s strongest attack as soon as the war begins.

“So, from the moment this stone falls to the ground”

“Oh, that time is your end.”

I throw palm-sized stones high in the sky.

“Elenora is my friend”

“Elenora is my daughter”

They do not see each other as stones. Just stare at the eyes of the nemesis.

“The moment I hear the sound of the stone falling, my win is determined.”

“Hmm, bark as much as you like right now.”

Soon. I feel the time it takes for the thrown stone to fall is very long. The game is about to begin a few seconds after the comma.

“…………… not falling down”

“……that’s strange”

They looked up at the sky, but could not see the stone that was thrown up. that? I should have thrown it.

When I’m looking for a new stone to repartition, I can call back. Looking back, there was Patrick.

“Huh? Why Patrick?”

“Huh … what are you going to do this time?”

“Public ……… you’ve decided to duel with him.”

why? I have to explain to Patrick who looks like from the beginning. Certainly at first …

“Um … I’m going to get married to Eleanora. Oh, I’ve decided to break my engagement with Patrick.”

“The engagement is gone where I don’t know.”

“So I came to say hello to my dad, but she was shaken by Eleanor in the first place, so I thought it would have been impossible to keep my engagement abandoned.”

“Yori is returning where I don’t know.”

“After that, the battle for Eleanor began, and we ended up fighting because we couldn’t settle.”

Eleanor is walking in the village. I thought it was a strange situation to say it myself.

But why did Patrick know where we were? He wondered if it was on the transmitter, and he explained why.

“Lyu came to me earlier, I guess I decided that Yumiera alone would no longer be able to recover.”

Behind Patrick was Liu, who looked a bit tired going back and forth between the mansion and the village. Liu is too clever. Certainly, if Patrick had not come, it might have developed into a murder of Gachi.

Former Hill Duke lowers his sword and tells him to dump.

“Hm, dragon is more intelligent than you?”

“Well, don’t praise me too much. She’s a child who still has to work?”

I was praised that Liu was a smart person. I’m glad anyone told me.

He turns his eyes to Patrick with a blue line.

“You’re in charge of this guy? What if you watched it a bit more responsibly?”

“No, well … that’s right.

Patrick says sorry. You don’t have to apologize. Bad is roughly me, right?

For a while, he continued to whisper that Eleanor was bad, Eleanor was worried, and Eleanor was poor.

It was only after noon that he was released from the Duke of Netinech.

Lunch after returning home for a while and resting for a while.

Eleanor looks at me as she plunges hot soup into Patrick’s mouth.

“Hot! Hot! Stop!”

I want to sleep slowly today. Pajama party will be postponed after tomorrow.

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