Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 60

Extra 04: An iron plate event in which the heroine gives homemade sweets to the hero

Patrick wandered between life and death after eating Yumiera stew and managed to get over the pass. However, it is still hard to say what he is doing, and he is still in bed today.

It’s entirely because I got sick. Eleanora encourages her to be depressed that she has made something terrible at a table without Patrick.

“It’s okay, Patrick will be better.”

“But …”

“Do you feel responsible?”

“Yes, I used the bad food.”

That catastrophe is due to damaged ingredients. The food sold in the store is safe, and I thought so in the sense of the past.

In this world that is late in hygiene and has no concept of expiration date, even rotten items are sold normally. I didn’t see it, I didn’t try to change it, and I’m totally bad.

A genuine young lady who doesn’t know the circumstances around her says strangely.

“Ingredients …?”

“Yes, Patrick is still sleeping because of the ingredients.”

Eleanor opens his eyes and stares at me. She grows up in the greenhouse and even seems surprised at the obvious thing that food goes bad.

“That’s … I’m serious? Is there any problem with Yumiera’s cooking?”

“Yes, it’s true. I didn’t have any problems with my cooking method, so only the ingredients were rotten …”

Eleanor was stuck for some time with a shocked expression.

She revived for a while, saying with sight that she realized the truth of the world.

“Sometimes it just produces that.”

“Yes, corruption is horrible.”

However, improving sanitation in the territory of Dorknes is delayed. The revival of Patrick is urgent now.

He didn’t accept any meals in bad times, but now he’s recovered until he can eat normal food. Let’s prepare something for your visit.

“What is good about visiting the sick?”

“I think that fruits and sweets are good.”

“Sweets! … I think it would be nice to make your own by praying for their recovery.”

“Oh! I’m sorry! I’m a flower! I’m a bouquet to give to Patrick!”

flower? I’m glad if I got such a thing. I can’t eat flowers.

“Then let’s make flowers from Eleanora. I will give you homemade sweets.”

“Patrick is dead! Yumiera, have you never experienced making sweets? It’s better to stop it.”

“It’s OK. I’ve made sweets that can be kneaded with water.”

In addition to kneading sweets, he has also made cotton candy at yakiniku restaurants. My arm could be as good as a patissier.

For no known reason, Eleanor tries to keep me until she tears.

“You can leave it to a professional, the aristocrat doesn’t make sweets … Yumiela said before, didn’t he?”

“I think I said, but now things are different.”

◆ ◆ ◆

Making sweets is like a chemical experiment. Unlike home cooking, there is no such thing as an eye-catching amount. How can you cook the recipe quantity in the recipe way? This is a task that requires precise precision.

“… I still have a lot. Let’s remove three sugars.”

“You don’t have to do that?”

“It’s noisy … ah! This time it’s less. Then add one more …”

An hour after I started making cookies with Eleanor, who didn’t ask me to make them together, I was struggling with the scale’s memory.

that? Heavier than before removing three sugars.

“It became heavy due to the moisture and oil content of the hands. It is better not to put this weight in the weight.”

“Do you know the word error?”

know. I am worried that the error will cause a serious incident.

Then, mix the eggs, butter, and flour with sugar to complete the dough. By the way, Eleanor is also making her own. I’m worried about her cookie, as she was doing a rough job compared to me.

Alright, then the secret taste. While fishing in the kitchen’s grocery store to find out what to put in, Eleanora grabs his arm.

“What do you have right now?”

“It’s some kind of spice, I don’t know the name.”

Spices promote metabolism and are good for your health. It’s a perfect secret for Patrick who is weak.

But spices have a bad image on the stomach. I want to put something good on my stomach … like root vegetables? Do you carve the carrots? There is no doubt that carrots are good for your health.

Another good thing for me is garlic. The only thing that goes against the rule that delicious is bad for the body. Let’s put it down.

The arm grabbed by Eleanora is long gone. Don’t lick the level difference.

“Oh, it’s over. I’m helpless …”

“It looks good like this”

Various secret flavors were added abundantly. I don’t like the right amount, but it’s good for your health and you shouldn’t be overkill.

Then, the finished dough is pulled out from the mold. Of course it is heart-shaped. Hehe.

“Huh? Is Eleanor also a heart?”

“Yes, they are all together!”

“Oh, you seem to like the matching ones.”

“This is the only hope”

I don’t really like girls-specific things that want to match anything. But, cookie shape or whatever is the same? Once in the stomach, everything is the same.

Then just bake in the oven. The fire was put in by a cook in the house, so it was too easy work. Put my part on the left and Eleanor on the right. Remember that they are the same shape.

“I’m on the left”

“That’s right? Yumiera-san was right?”

“No, I ’m on the left.

“… I have less chances.”

Do not mistake left and right. I’m definitely left.

Okay, it’s okay if you keep an eye on the oven. It’s no use even if they look at the cookies to be baked together.

“I’ll keep an eye on Eleanora, so it’s okay if you come when he’s baked.”

“… Huh!

“Yeah, it’s changed. I’ll leave it to you.”

Eleanor has changed, as he loves to look inside the oven. She is uneasy alone, but there is a cook in the corner of the kitchen preparing food.

Let’s put it aside, I’ll get rid of the work that has accumulated a little.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ten minutes later, when I returned to the kitchen, it was just baked.

Eleanor was anxiously waiting for me. I’m too fidgety and I’m suspicious of behavior … Is it so much fun?

Moreover, he wears thick gloves that grab a pot. I wonder if I couldn’t wait.

“I’m ready with gloves.”

“Oh !? Oh! Now! I just put it on!”

Eleanor hurries, with his fuzzy gloves on. Haha, I was wearing it for quite some time.

“Will you take it out?”

“Yes, Yumiera is on the left.”

So don’t make the right or left mistake. I am definitely on the left.

I opened the oven and grabbed the metal tray with my bare hands. Then there was a scream from the neighbor.

“Ky! Burns, but I’ll burn you so let go of it soon.”

“It’s okay. Oh Eleanor-sama wouldn’t be able to touch it with his bare hands. It’s hot.”

Place the tray on the table and check the completed cookies.

Most of the heart-shaped cookies were beautiful beige. Perhaps the temperature inside the oven is uneven, and the end is a little black. But it doesn’t burn like charcoal, so you can eat enough.

And some of them have broken. I’ll eat it with this little bit.

Throw a hot, freshly cookie into your mouth. Moderate sweetness and crispness. I like cold food, but this is delicious.

As I nodded with satisfaction, an Eleanor tray was placed next to the table.

“What is it?”

“… I failed.”

The cookies made by Eleanor were jet-black mysteries. It should have been the same baking time, why?

Besides, a spicy smell drifts. It smells other than that, anyway.

If they weren’t the same heart shape, they wouldn’t have noticed it was a cookie.

“I’ll give you one.”

“Oh! No!”

Eat her cookies without listening to Eleanor’s control. …… Spicy! Unpleasant smell fills the mouth and makes you feel uncomfortable. what’s this.

“… Everyone has a mistake.”

“Isn’t your stomach hurt? Don’t you fall like Patrick?”

The person who made the intense maz cookie cares for my physical condition, but does not look bad at all. This is a terror level.

that? I must have eaten her cookies during school days. At that time, it wasn’t really delicious, but it should have been a normal taste.

Why? … well. Strictly pursuing the cause here would only hurt Eleanora.

“I’m fine with my physical condition”

“A poisonous insect doesn’t die from its own poison!”

Hmm? What does that mean?

… well, now it’s cookies. Send it to Patrick.

Beautiful and stylish wrapping is a waste, so bring it on a plate.

He walked alongside Eleanor and came to Patrick’s room. Knock before entering.

“Patrick, are you all right?”

“Oh … somehow I’m back. I can eat normal food now.”

“Good! I baked cookies to visit Patrick!”

When I presented the plate with the cookies, he jumped up and tried to go somewhere. It’s quick enough not to be sick. Of course, grab your arm and grab it. Kora! The sick person must not be rampage!

Patrick grabs his arm and returns straight to his bed. And somehow, his eyes were dead. Do my eyes get worse when my stomach hurts?

“Let’s eat!”

Patrick in front of his lover’s homemade cookies stays solid and does not move. Are you impressed?

When I started thinking about pushing it into my mouth, Eleanor, who was listening to us, opened my mouth.

“Patrick, I’ve replaced it.”


“I made the same cookie as Yumiera-san … but it was a huge failure. The amount I made was at the poisonous level. Can you eat it because Yumiera-san’s is done properly?”

I have no idea what she is trying to say. You don’t have to bother yourself with your own cooking skills.

But Patrick began to relive her eyes and began to eat cookies while shedding tears.

“Thank you thank you”

Patrick eats cookies while thanking many times. But for some reason, I didn’t feel thankful.

…… I’ve achieved the goal of having Patrick eat homemade sweets.

The next day, Patrick had a complete resurrection.

“For the time being, Yumiera is prohibited from entering the kitchen.”

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