Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 14

14 Neighbors’ intelligence agents and feelings for him

Two weeks after the birth of the dragon Liu, I had reached the royal artisan district to order a custom Liu saddle.

Liu grew up with the magic she gave me, and is now about the size of a house. Liu, who had a bed at the edge of the school, is now leaving the royal capital and playing in a forest somewhere.

I guess it’s too early to say that I’m coming soon. Mom is sad.

One week after birth, I got on the back of Liu, who was able to carry people and fly, and I was flying around without preparing a saddle. However, I was too excited to fly in the sky and I fell off Liu’s back.

Unfortunately, the impact of striking the body on the ground left my clothes ragged. In addition, a crater was created in the school grounds, so Patrick had a big hit.

Patrick would be in a good mood if he got on Liu’s back and flew. But when he suggested it, he told him to create a saddle that could hold his body. Moreover, I was also forbidden to fly with Liu until the saddle was formed.

I can’t strongly reiterate because Patrick has taken care of everything. As a result, I spent the past week hiding in him and enjoying the air travel.

I immediately thought of making a saddle to fly legally, but Liu was getting bigger and bigger. If you make a saddle for your body, it will no longer fit your body by the time it is completed.

Having the same worries as my growing child’s parents, I waited for Liu to subside.

After finishing the order for the saddle in the artisan district, I decided to go back to the school after braiding the royal capital.

As I was walking along the street with food shops, a man walked alongside me and talked. Is it a pick-up?

“Don’t answer me, just listen, I’m an agent of the Kingdom of Laemrest. I have a story to you.

If you are willing to listen, please proceed to the restaurant on the right. It’s a two-storey store with a red roof. ”

Yeah, I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t a pick-up. The man unilaterally talks so and leaves me.

But what to do? The Kingdom of Remrest is the name of the neighboring country of this country. It is adjacent to Patrick’s homeland, Ashbhatian Frontier.

However, I could expect a virtual enemy agent to contact me, but I feel too late. Did something happen, or wasn’t it just a withdrawal?

My curiosity outweighed the danger and decided to enter the designated store.

The restaurant looked like a high-end store in a popular town. The aristocracy may come in stealth.

When I entered the store, a clerk guided me to a room on the second floor. The tension rises a little in a place called a secret talk.

A man was waiting in the room.

“Yumiera-san. Thank you for coming today. I’m from Remrest, call me Linus.”

Linus was an ordinary man with no apparent appearance. He offered me a seat and asked me to ask for something.

“Please, this is a menu table. Please order what you like.”

Since it seems to be delicate, I will not hesitate to order. I’m not worried about money because I sell monster materials, but I think it’s best to save money because I have a big child.

“Then stew the motu”

If it is cooked in motu, it will come out soon because it has been prepared. It is the perfect menu choice.

“Yes, then you can ask.”

He suddenly becomes suspicious and leaves the room and goes to the clerk to place an order. What is it? I guess you’ve eaten your motu or that’s what it means.

“Ordinarily cakes”

He muttered outside the door. Oh, that’s what I am totally bad about.

“I’ll do it. Oh, I’m listening, so I can start talking.”

I talk to my neighbors while eating motu stew. I don’t think this is the case.

The story of Linus begins in such a relaxed atmosphere.

“Well, where do we start? …

First, I was an intelligence agent stationed in the capital city of Balshine. There are several others, including those who spoke to Yumiera.

I knew about Yumiera right after entering the school. We have collected your information and studied your personality. ”

Research is not a new kind of creature …

“The result was that it was very difficult to welcome you to our country. He didn’t seem to be interested in his rank or property.

If for some reason Yumiela decides to leave the country, there is no reason to come to the nearby Laemrest. ”

So you never touched me? So why did you take action now?

“But, my boss wasn’t convinced. The other nobles seemed to be holding my mouth too. I had no control over my dragon. Is just an order from the outside … ”

The second half of Linus’s story turned into a bit of work.

“Um, how are you doing?”

I don’t know what to say, and give him a word of hard work.

“I’ll just ask you. Would you like to come to the Kingdom of Laem Rest? I’ll have everything we can.”

“What can I do for the price?”

“Probably a military servant.”

If you become a military, your enemy is this country. Moreover, the battlefield is Patrick’s hometown.

“I refuse.”

“I see.”

He did not seem depressed as he expected my answer.

I was prepared to see what would come out of a neighbor intelligence agent, but it was unexpected or going down diagonally.

In some ways, his job may have been successful, because Linus was sorry.

“What I want to ask is my interest.”

Linus’s task seems to be over, but there are other stories.

“what is it?”

“Why Yumiera stays in this country. We expected to jump somewhere in less than half a year.

Certainly, right after I entered the school, I was going to hide my identity in a distant country. However, while searching for a prominent country, there was an outdoor training at the school.

I have met him.

Even though he was just talking to him because he was poor, he met him.

“We stay in this country to defeat the Demon King because it is a crisis in the world.”

It’s a lie. If he is known to take care of him, he may become a hostage.

“Well, the Demon King attacks only this country, isn’t it?”

Is the target of the Demon King only the Balshine Kingdom? I have never heard of such a story.

Your Majesty the King and the school director seem to know something about the Demon King, but do you know that too? Linus’s story could be wrong.

“What kind of … it seems like it’s out of time”

I try to ask Linus, but it doesn’t seem to have enough time.

I heard someone preparing to rush into the store. Probably a soldier of the Balshine Kingdom. As expected, this country also seems to have attached intelligence agents to me.

“Time out?”

“Someone rushes into this store. It seems that the back door is also suppressed. I think you can escape if you follow the roof from the window.”

Linus was quick to hear that. Immediately jump out of the window as I say.

“Thank you.

I want to hear about the Demon King, but I don’t want to meet him anymore …

But there was also a harvest. Linus asked me what he felt about him.

I guess I like Patrick.

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