Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 101

4-13 Again Linus

◆ 4-13 Again Linus

Mr. Gilbert doesn’t move even though he’s a visitor.

Then I heard the sound of opening the lock.He’s got the keys, so he’s from this house?Then why are you knocking? Gilbert seems to know who’s here…

While I was thinking about it, the visitors came into the house and walked towards me.

“Looks like a guest has arrived.I’ll talk to him.I’m sorry, but I was wondering if you could take it off. ”

“I understand.”

If it stays like this, my customers and I will meet, but they won’t tell me to hide. Is it okay to meet someone?

Well, they probably don’t know each other anyway.

And the visitor shows up.He was a mutual acquaintance of me and Mr Gilbert, who affirmed that he did not exist before this meal.

“Good work, Miss Gilbert, are you there…?”

Me and him, face to face, harden.

“Why are you here!?”

“Mr. Linus… it suits you.”

His name is Linus, an agent of the Kingdom of Lemrest.

This is the third time I have met Mr. Linus.

He was once an agent of the Kingdom of Lemrest.When I was in school, I was told to turn around.It was suggested that if I turned around, I would prepare whatever I wanted, but I am not the one who would take such a sweet talk.He wasn’t expecting me to take the invitation just because he was being held hostage by his country’s boss.

The next time I saw him was when I went to Ashbaton Border Territory.Apparently, he was a National Army operative, and at that time he was being harassed by the field commander.

I landed in the middle of the two armies that Lew and I stared at, and the Remrest army collapsed in an instant.General Commander Lemrest’s Second Prince and officers have fled, so Linus is approaching the Border Count to negotiate a ceasefire.

That’s the third time now.

Instead of knowing my face, he’s the only person I’ve talked to in Remrest.I can’t believe I ran into one of them.

It is I who must not exist here.He tries to call my name in surprise.

“Why, de-?”



“Long time no see. My name is Eleanora.”

When I say Count Dolkness, I’ll put pressure on you…

Linus nodded many times in silence.They’ll already know your pseudonym, and I hope you don’t find Yumiera Dolkness.

Linus then turned to Gilbert and asked him to wait and see.

“What should I call you…?”

“As usual, I don’t mind Gilbert.But I didn’t think you knew Eleanora. ”

“Ah, well, with Miss Gilbert…. why is only one pseudonym?”

Ah, even the pseudonym has fallen apart.I’m glad Gilbert already knows Eleanora is a pseudonym, but Linus doesn’t know that…I didn’t think that kind of poison would happen.

Mr Gilbert seemed to share my feelings.

“I know her name isn’t Eleanora… but isn’t it different that you expose her?”

“Eh…? Oh, hah… I’m sorry?”

Linus seemed unconvinced and apologized.And even as you make an expression that doesn’t fall into your heart, you still look at me.

“Master Eleanora… is that good?How did you get here? ”

“I’m running away.”

“Running away… Why are you here?”

“It’s a coincidence. I didn’t mean to come here.”

If he knows some of my thoughts, he will wonder if Yumeela is in Lemrest.But you can’t help it. It fell out of the atmosphere.

Linus is still twisting his neck.

“But Eleanora-sama doesn’t know this place, does she?”

Does this place mean… this house, not the King’s City of Lemrest?Well, there’s no advance information about the mysterious private house in the neighboring country.

Then Gilbert opens his mouth.

“It seems that she came here by accident.Break through the roof. ”

Ah, did you come down from the sky?

“Empty? I heard that the roof of this house came out while we were moving to the roof?”

Normally, if I heard you broke through the roof, I’d think you stepped through the roof.As soon as I think of falling from the sky, I can see Linus’s impression of me.

Black hair, a woman about twenty years old, and coming down from the sky, it’s Yumeera.I immediately deny it.

“Shouldn’t people come down from the sky?If that happens, I’m sorry I got hurt. ”

Linus, who would have thought he wouldn’t get hurt if he fell off the altitude, swallowed the words and nodded ambiguously.

Linus, who still seems unfamiliar with my situation, wanders his gaze toward Gilbert.

“Actually, how did you like seeing her?I hated the hair, but when I talked to her, there were some things that were normal.I can’t believe we ran away and met in the same place….. ”

Now it’s Gilbert’s turn to twist his neck.I don’t understand what Linus is saying either.

“What does that mean?”

“Gilbert is Yu… this is your first meeting with Eleanora-sama, right?”

“Of course I don’t know her… but what kind of connection do you have with her?”

“What? I told you before, right?Gilbert asked me a question. ”

When I look at the two men facing each other, I wonder if they’re actually not meshing with each other.

After a while of silence and reflection, Gilbert coughed up the conversation.

“I don’t care about her.It seems to be early for the appointment, but is it also for fire? ”

“Ah, I was surprised and sorry. Apparently…”

Wait, don’t forget there’s an outsider.

Gilbert’s voice is small and sharp.

You mean I shouldn’t leave.Let’s get out of here before they tell us.I tried to get up from the chair, but Linus’ faint voice stopped me.

“Hmm? Should I have her?”

No, I don’t want to get involved.Given Linus’ profession and the suspiciousness of this house, Gilbert is a spy from the Kingdom of Remrest…Doesn’t it make sense to lurk in your own hideout?

I don’t know everything anymore, but I’m pretty sure I’m a complete outsider.You don’t have to ask, as long as you don’t ask.

Look, Gilbert has a strange look on his face, and he doesn’t want to hear it.

She’s an outsider.

“It’s also about Eleanora.”

“… if you say so.”

Gilbert doesn’t seem convinced, but he preferred to get the information quickly.

I missed the time to leave and got caught up in a secret meeting.

“I will briefly report it. The army has moved.”

“Are you sure? They just moved to the relay base?”

“There is no doubt that the entire army has begun to move forward.A message came from one of my men in Tetania, where the main unit was packed. ”

Somehow, I saw the story.

It seems Lemrest is moving the army.Probably headed for the Balshine Kingdom.That’s why Linus wanted me to be here, and I’m sure it fits.

I cannot participate in the conversation, so I proceed with my reasoning in silence.

“You’re early. I heard you could leave right away… but it’s hard to say you’re ready.”

“That’s right, we’re investigating why you made the appointment earlier.”

Linus came to tell us what was going on in his country.Gilbert is hiding in the King’s City of Lemrest.

The two are that Mr. Gilbert is an agent dispatched from Balshine to Remrest.

And Linus is betraying Remrest.We’re circulating information about our country to intelligence agents in our neighborhood.

… is that it? Am I really looking good today?

I feel like I’ll notice anything now.I realized so quickly that Gilbert was from the Balshine kingdom… yeah?Gilbert… Gilbert… Gilbert the Balshine… did you hear that somewhere?

I’m suddenly starting to get anxious.It would be very embarrassing if the bragging thought was an unexpected mistake.

Don’t act on your own assumptions.Let’s finalize the speculation.While Gilbert was thinking about his cheek cane, I asked Linus.

Um, are you sure Linus betrayed us?

I thought it happened after I said it.Betrayal is not a good word to hear, is it?In other words… diversion or relocation?

In fact, the word betrayal seemed unfriendly, and he replied with a bitter smile that seemed uncomfortable.

“Would you betray me…?After all, I was thinking about the whole remrest…I’m sorry I got involved in our country’s inheritance struggle. ”

“Mr. Linus… was he a First Prince?”

“Yes, the house and the faction just happened to be.”

Have you completely changed the saddle to the balshine side?Because he is a First Prince… I wonder if it was the Second Prince who left the army this time.So you’re going to give away information about the political opponents and pull their legs?

But I’m worried about Mr. Linus.If this fact were to come to light, the Second Prince would not forgive him and could be truncated from his faction.

“You don’t have to take that risk…..”

“I’m not interested in the inheritance struggle… or the political struggle that led to it, but the Second Prince insists on abolishing the First Factory.I just want to avoid it for the remrest. ”

Ah, research for the future?

“Did you know? I was surprised.”

It’s from the owner of the magic equipment store.

Well, I understand the situation.It seems that my guess was also correct.

Just in case, I’ll make a final check.

“The Second Prince is sending troops right now, right?”

“No, I’m a First Prince.”

Huh? Linus is a faction of the First Prince who wants us to beat the First Prince for his magic tricks, but he’s leaking information about the First Prince to the enemy….

After organizing it, I don’t know much more.Could it be that Mr. Gilbert was wrong to assume that he was from Balshine?

Mr. Gilbert is Balshine, right?

Of course not.

Linus admitted it was natural. That’s right.

I understand a lot, but one mystery has been added.

Gilbert, who had been silent for some time, opened his mouth when he thought he would answer normally and ask Linus what he intended.

“The plan remains the same.”


“It’s time the plan was communicated to the other side.If I don’t make it, I’ll never admit it. [M] That’s all. ”

“Eh!? No, nothing in time….”

With a pathetic gaze, Linus’s words become a bum.

It seems that their plans and operations are in jeopardy because the Lemrest army, led by the First Prince, left ahead of schedule.

I don’t have much to do with it, okay?

Then Mr Gilbert gives instructions quickly.

“Linus is watching the main army unit.I’ll get a contact from here, but as soon as I know why we’re early, I need a message from you.I don’t mind my parents. ”

“Yes, sir. Where’s Miss Gilbert?”

“I’ll be ahead of schedule on the battlefield.”

“So, dollar… can Eleanor-sama accompany us?”

I want Linus to get used to my pseudonym.Every time I’m called Eleanora, I say, “Huh?Lord Eleanora, are you there? I can’t blame you very much because I say it in my heart.

Now that Mr. Gilbert is known to be Balshine, the meaning of false identity is diminishing.

I mean, is it none of my business?You can dissolve here.I wish I could join the Ashbaton army.

“Bring her with you….?”

“No, no, there’s nothing good about me.”

Me and Gilbert insist that we don’t have to act together.

Linus was surprised to be denied the accompanying proposal and thought a little… haha, something came to mind.

“I don’t know, but you weren’t informed about the plan!?”

That being said, my gaze is directed at me.

Yes, I was not informed of anything.Because I’m an unrelated outsider.

Linus then turns to Gilbert.

“You didn’t tell her about the plan?”

“I didn’t tell you… do I have to?”

When Linus heard the answer, he revealed his impatience.

Even the angry atmosphere is conveyed through the agitation…He didn’t lose his low posture, but said in a violent tone.

“Dear Gilbert, first give her an overview of the plan!Otherwise, we won’t have a conversation! ”


“Then discuss and decide how she will move. Okay?”

While Gilbert was under pressure, Linus just said what he wanted to say and left.

“Do you understand? Tell her everything about the plan.I’m going back to the scene!We don’t have much time, so see you soon! ”

While being angry, he bows his back to us and walks out of the house early.

We regained our nerves when we heard the front door close.

“… you’ve gone.”

“What was that? I didn’t expect Linus to say that….”

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