Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 8

Su Mu shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

How did Su Jianguo know that after solving Amei's series of thefts, Su Mu immediately acquired a new skill—a god-level map!

As long as the god-level map is unfolded, all the road conditions within a hundred miles, the names of shops on both sides of the road, and road facilities can be clearly known.

Not to mention knowing the snack bar within a hundred miles, he can clearly distinguish even the unknown country side roads!

After getting the god-level map, he was overjoyed and always wanted to use it.

I never thought it would come in handy for the first time, but it turned out to be to find food for Grandpa Duan!

Seeing Grandpa Duan eating happily, everyone was also satisfied, and then praised Su Mu for his good memory, smart and capable!

Su Jianguo and Shan Ling's couple laughed from ear to ear when they saw everyone praising their son.

Everyone kept talking until midnight, and finally saw that Grandpa Duan was a little sleepy, so he left slowly.


Early the next morning, while Su Mu was still asleep, he was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

"Su Mu, come here quickly, there is a murder case!"

The phone call was from Wu Jianhong.

Su Mu hurriedly agreed, and hung up the phone to see that the time was only past five o'clock, and there were so many murders, that he chose this line of work, so there was nothing to complain about.

He got up quickly and hurriedly finished washing.He left home in a hurry without even eating breakfast.

Riding a shared bicycle and running wildly, just out of the alley, I saw Grandpa Duan coming back with fried dough sticks and soy milk.

"Grandpa Duan!" Su Mu shouted from a distance.

Grandpa Duan was very grateful to Su Mu for being able to eat the snacks he had wanted for more than ten years last night.

Immediately said with a smile: "Xiaomu, go to work, ride slowly, be careful and safe!"


Su Mu agreed, and after saying goodbye to Grandpa Duan, he went straight to Chengnan Office.

As soon as he arrived at the Chengnan Office, he heard the siren blaring. Seeing Su Mu coming, Xiao Yang let him get in the car immediately.

Both Shen Bugang and Wu Jianhong were in the car.

As soon as Su Mu got up, the police car sped away like a shell.

"Just now, people doing morning exercises in Chengnan Park found a female corpse, and they have notified the Criminal Police Brigade. Let's go to maintain order at the scene first, so as not to destroy the evidence."

In the car, Xiao Yang briefly introduced the case.

Shen Bugang and the others were silent. Chengnan Park is the largest park in Jiangbin City. It is full of tourists on weekdays. Now there is a dead body. The social impact is bad enough!

Xiao Yang also felt the pressure, only to solve two major cases, and now there is another murder case, and it happened in a public place, which is really worrying.

Chapter 11 Have you found anything else?

Su Mu and others rushed to Chengnan Park and got off the car at the gate. The park management personnel were already waiting at the gate.

The management staff knew Xiao Yang and the others, and brought everyone to the scene without saying a word.

The scene was a small forest, and from a distance, a large number of morning exercisers gathered outside the small forest and pointed.

Seeing so many people gathered at the scene, Xiao Yang couldn't help frowning. The most feared thing at a crime scene is that there are too many people, and the evidence is easily destroyed.

"Xiao Su, set up a warning belt!"

After Xiao Yang gave his orders, he realized that Su Mu had already taken out the cordon, and was pulling out an empty cordon area around the scene to prevent irrelevant personnel from approaching.

Xiao Yang couldn't help nodding his head, this young man has something in his eyes!

Su Mu finished setting up the cordon and asked a few auxiliary policemen to maintain order. He and Xiao Yang went not far from the corpse to check.

At this time, the criminal police team also came, and the leader of the team was the captain Luo Ping.

The investigation technicians of the criminal police team also came together.

After Luo Ping and Xiao Yang greeted each other, seeing that Su Mu was there, they nodded and greeted them too.

After the inspection technicians arrive at the site, the inspection work officially begins.

The corpse was wrapped in a sack, and only the upper body was exposed. It was a female corpse, who looked 27 or [-] years old, and should have been pretty in her lifetime.

The body was thrown in a dense bush in the grove. According to the reporter, he entered the grove for convenience and found the body.

The technicians put on rubber gloves and carefully took off the sack, and everyone found that the deceased was wearing a crumpled red dress, and there were no other injuries on the body except the neck.

Everyone's eyes followed the technicians' attention to the neck of the deceased.

There were obvious strangle marks on the neck, the wound was purple red, and there were blood spots oozing from several places on the surface of the skin.

The cause of death of the deceased should be that he was strangled to death with a rope or something.

When the technicians were investigating, Shen Bugang led Wu Jianhong and the others to start questioning outside, looking for witnesses.

Time passed slowly, and by the time the technicians finished their inspections, the sun had already risen high.

"Old Li, how are you doing? Did you find anything?"

Luo Ping, Xiao Yang and others asked the survey technician for the result.

"The deceased was a female, about 27 years old, about 1.5 meters tall."

"The deceased was strangled to death by something like a rope. This is not the first crime scene. It should be the place where the murderer threw his body."

"There is male fluid in the body of the deceased, and it is preliminarily judged that there was life before death..."

Luo Ping and Xiao Yang looked at the corpse while listening to the technician's report.

But after only three sentences, the technician stopped talking.

Luo Ping looked up at the technician strangely: "Old Li, what about the others?"

"There's only so much information for now!"

Lao Li took off his rubber gloves and said with a wry smile.

"Only so much information?"

Both Luo Ping and Xiao Yang lost their voices in surprise.

They are all veteran police officers, so of course they understand the importance of the on-site inspection. If there is only so little information in the on-site inspection, this case is a difficult one!

"Have you found any information about the murderer?" Luo Ping asked unwillingly.

Lao Li shook his head and sighed.

Luo Ping and Xiao Yang both frowned for a moment.

It seems that this case is in trouble again!

Su Mu remained silent, staring at the corpse silently.

Suddenly he said to Lao Li: "Senior, give me gloves!"

Lao Li couldn't help being taken aback, and turned to look at Xiao Yang.

Su Mu is Xiao Yang's subordinate, it seems that he wants the gloves for inspection, he can't agree rashly, it depends on Xiao Yang's attitude.

Both Xiao Yang and Luo Ping knew that Su Mu was good at solving crimes, and he even solved two major cases on the first day of work.

But it is not clear about the inspection level of hematoxylin.

Although the police academy also has inspection courses, but theory is theory after all, can Su Mu do it?

But since Su Mu spoke, Xiao Yang was still ready to let him try, and nodded to Lao Li immediately.

Lao Li had no choice but to take out a pair of gloves and hand them to Su Mu.

Su Mu put on the gloves, knelt down and gestured on the neck of the deceased for a while, then turned the deceased's body over.

"It was not the rope that strangled the dead, but the steel cable. This steel cable is not available to ordinary people. It is a special steel cable for construction sites or dry projects. It is hard!"

"How did you see it?"

Everyone was taken aback, and Lao Li was even more baffled.

I checked it carefully, and I didn't find this at all!

For a while, Lao Li was very dissatisfied. Is this kid talking nonsense?Can you see this just because he hasn't been at work for two days?

How did he know that Su Mu had systematically instilled on-site investigation reasoning techniques.

This skill is based on on-site inspections, and then reasoning to find clues and evidence.

Su Mu's skills, not to mention Lao Li, a mere technician, even the world's top experts are inferior to him!

"Look, the neck of the deceased was strangled, but the force was uneven. Here..."

Su Mu pointed to one deep mark and two other places and said: "These three places were strangled by a unified force, but these two places are relatively shallow, unlike other places where there are deep marks."

"It really is!"

Everyone quickly squatted down to check, and after looking at it, they couldn't help being taken aback, as expected, the two traces that Su Mu pointed out were not too deep.

There are still blood marks on the surface of these two places, so everyone did not notice any abnormalities at all, and even Lao Li, who has rich experience in inspections, was negligent.

If it wasn't for Su Mu's reminder, everyone would not have noticed anything at all.

"Because the steel rope is not as smooth as ordinary rope, it is difficult to achieve uniformity. Therefore, judging from the strangle marks on the neck of the deceased, the murder weapon should be the steel rope."

Everyone thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the case. Apart from the steel cables, there was really nothing else that could have caused this result.

Most people don't have steel cables, and they are likely to be on construction sites or places where there are projects. In this way, it is easy to find the first crime scene.

If you find the first scene of the crime, you may be able to get more evidence clues.

Everyone suddenly saw the hope of solving the case, and immediately became energetic.

"In addition, the murderer's right leg and foot should be disabled or injured recently!"

Before everyone was overjoyed, Su Mu made another discovery that shocked everyone even more.

"Where does this come from?"

After being startled for a while, Lao Li asked unconvinced again.

He couldn't find any clues or doubts from the deceased, but Su Mu found two points one after another, and now he directly revealed the specific characteristics of the murderer.

This made him an old technician very unconvinced.

Su Mu still pointed to the strangle marks on the neck of the deceased.

"Look at these scars, all the directions of force on the scars are slightly more to the left, that is to say, the center of gravity of the murderer's body is on the left, so the direction of the scars is also heavier on the left than on the right."

Everyone looked carefully again according to Su Mu's reasoning. As expected, all the scars were slightly heavier on the left side.

It's just that the difference is very subtle, if it wasn't for Su Mu's special reminder, they wouldn't be able to tell it at all!

"Could the murderer be left-handed?" Luo Ping asked.

Su Mu shook his head: "According to the force of the scar and the direction of the force, the murderer's left hand is not a strong gesture, and he cannot be left-handed."

When everyone heard it, they nodded frequently.

"Xiao Su, amazing!"

Seeing that Su Mu's reasoning was superb, Xiao Yang couldn't help feeling that he had picked up a treasure, and gave him a thumbs up, admiring him.

Unexpectedly, this action of his stimulated Luo Ping.

At first Luo Ping wanted Su Mu to go to the criminal police team, but Xiao Yang snatched him away one step ahead of time.

He still broods over this matter, now that Su Mu's investigation and reasoning are so powerful, he feels even more uncomfortable!

"and also……"

Just when Xiao Yang and Luo Ping were thinking about each other, Su Mu suddenly said lightly.

"Have you found anything else?"

Lao Li couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help shouting in shock.

Chapter 12 Everything is under control

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