Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 77

Outside the door, Su Mu reached out and rang the doorbell. After waiting for a while, there was no sound coming from inside.

Su Mu and Yang Jun looked at each other and couldn't help frowning. Su Mu reached out and rang the doorbell again.

This time the waiting time was longer, but there was still no sound from the house.

While the two were waiting, the door opposite Wu Min's house opened, and an old woman walked out.

"Who are you looking for?" The old lady looked at Su Mu and the two suspiciously and asked.

"Oh, we are friends of this family. We have something to do with him. Is he at home?" Su Mu asked the old woman very politely.

"Are you looking for Wu Min? He left the house early this morning, and there were guests at his house last night, and he left before dawn with the guests with big bags!"

"Wu Min ran away?" Su Mu and Yang Jun were shocked at the same time.

According to the grandmother's words, the guest who came to Wu Min's house last night should be the helper of the crime. After stealing Han Zhong's house, he left immediately.

There was likely to be stolen goods hidden in the big bag and small bag.

"Did he say when he will be back?" Su Mu continued to ask politely.

"I don't know the exact time. My old man asked, and he vaguely said that he would be back in a few days." Seeing Su Mu's polite attitude, the old woman replied very enthusiastically.

The two of Su Mu couldn't help shaking their heads in disappointment. Judging from the current situation, this Wu Min was probably the suspect, but he was just allowed to run away early.

After Su Mu thanked the old lady, he walked out of the corridor with Yang Jun. Su Mu saw that it was almost noon. If Wu Min escaped from Jiangbin City, he should have gone a long way.

"Go to the property to find the contact information of the owner of the house. Now I can only open the house first to see if I find anything, and then make the next action plan!"

Yang Jun nodded in agreement, and was about to go to the property office when suddenly there was a loud cracking sound from the west, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps and crying.

Yang Jun was stunned, but Su Mu's face changed: "It came from Wudong, so something happened to Director Zhao!"

At the same time as Su Mu spoke, he rushed towards Wudong.

Yang Jun also realized that something was wrong, followed closely behind, and ran after him.

When Su Mu arrived at Wudong, he saw Zhao Qiang holding a gun and confronting a big man with a fierce face.

The vicious big man also kidnapped a girl in his arms. He wrapped his left arm around the girl's neck fiercely, held two detonators in his left hand, and another detonator in his right hand, aiming at Zhao Qiang and the others viciously.

And there was already a detonator that exploded between the two sides.

Su Mu glanced and found that the detonator seemed to be homemade, the handle was made of wood, and the head was wrapped with a simple iron sheet to wrap explosives.

"Zhao Bureau, what's going on? Who is this guy?" Su Mu came to Zhao Qiang's side and asked in a low voice.

At this time, Zhao Qiang was sweating on his forehead. When he saw Su Mu coming, he relaxed a little, frowned and replied in a low voice: "He is Ji Tao. We went to his house to have a good talk, but we never thought about it. identity, he rushed into the room and took out the detonator, then went downstairs and hijacked the girl again!"

Su Mu frowned, it seemed that this Ji Tao was a major fugitive, otherwise he would not have reacted so strongly to the police.

"Ji Tao, let go of that girl. If you have any demands, you can ask me directly. I am the police chief of this city..." Zhao Qiang tried to persuade Ji Tao.

"Shut up the fuck, stop yelling, I'll blow up this hostage!"

Ji Tao's mood was obviously wrong, and he interrupted Zhao Qiang's persuasion very violently.

"Damn it!" Zhao Qiang had no choice but to stop persuading, and cursed in a low voice, "I hesitated just now, I should have shot and killed this guy when he went downstairs!"

Su Mu turned his head and looked around, and found a large number of community residents gathered behind him, and immediately whispered to Yang Jun and the others: "Go and watch all the people, don't let them approach, and notify the city bureau, asking for support!"

Yang Jun and the others hurriedly agreed, turned around to let the crowd leave, and at the same time called the Municipal Bureau for support.

It is a Chinese tradition to watch the excitement. Although the residents of the community were driven far away, they still refused to disperse, whispering to each other and pointing at this place.

After Su Mu handed over the crowd to Yang Jun and the others, he squinted his eyes to observe Ji Tao, and found that Ji Tao not only held three detonators in his hand, but also a package behind his back, which seemed to also contain detonators.

"Grandma, it's a big deal!" Su Mu couldn't help but swear.

Chapter 126 Four Guns

Seeing Su Mu and the others throwing their hands at him, Ji Tao knew that he had a hostage in his hand, so they dared not go forward.

He dragged the hostages back, and at the same time warned Sumu and the others not to approach them, or they would kill them.

Seeing that Ji Tao was in a state of madness, Su Mu knew that approaching him at this time would definitely anger him, so he jumped over the wall in a hurry and made a move to hurt the hostages.

Zhao Qiang tried to go forward to persuade Ji Tao again, but Su Mu quickly stopped him and said in a low voice, "Ju Zhao, you can't go forward, this guy is already crazy."

Zhao Qiang hesitated for a moment, seeing that Ji Tao's right hand was holding the detonator high, while his left hand was also holding the detonator lead, which might detonate at any time, so he had to stop and not go forward.

The girl under Ji Tao's control was terrified and kept shouting, "Help, help!"

Zhao Qiang and the others were helpless at this moment, they could only watch helplessly as Ji Tao held the girl back step by step, preparing to escape.

Su Mu's thoughts turned sharply. He was calculating how sure he could kill Ji Tao if he shot.Girls can't be hurt yet.

But after some calculations, he couldn't help shaking his head. He was sure that he could kill Ji Tao with one shot, but he was not 100% sure of saving the girl.

When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly found a Erha squatting not far away, and that Erha stuck out its tongue and looked at this side, as if watching the fun.

Su Mu's heart moved, he slowly stepped aside, and while Ji Tao wasn't paying attention to him, he walked quickly to Erha's side.

Erha immediately tilted his head and looked at Su Mu approaching.

Su Mu quickly gestured to Erha, and at the same time made a strange sound from his mouth.

Erha immediately seemed to understand something, stood up and approached Ji Tao unsteadily, but it didn't approach directly, but circled around and approached Ji Tao from behind.

No one noticed Erha's behavior, and Ji Tao didn't even know when there was an extra dog behind him.

Seeing Erha getting closer to Ji Tao, Su Mu hurriedly whispered to Zhao Qiang: "Zhao Ju, give me the gun!"

Zhao Qiang was startled, seeing Su's serious attitude, nodded immediately, and handed the gun to Su Mu.

He knew that Su Mu had a steady personality, and he would not shoot indiscriminately if he was not sure.

Su Mu took the gun, but didn't move. He just held the gun and persuaded Ji Tao, "Ji Tao, you released the hostages. We can talk about what conditions you have!"

Ji Tao immediately roared: "Don't come close, I'm safe, and I will release this hostage naturally!"

Seeing that Ji Tao would not give up until he reached the Yellow River, Su Mu shook his head, narrowed his eyes and glanced ahead, Erha was only a few feet away from Ji Tao, ready to pounce on him at any time.

The reason why Su Mu used the animal communication skills was to let Erha bite Ji Tao's arm, and shoot him at the other arm at the same time.

In this way, if Ji Tao's two arms are attacked at the same time, he cannot detonate the detonator.

But for the sake of caution, he didn't immediately signal Erha to jump on him, he was waiting for an opportunity, a surefire opportunity!

Just when Su Mu watched Ji Tao receding further and further away, but he couldn't move forward, and everyone was in a hurry, there was a shrill scream suddenly, and a woman stumbled out from a corridor next to her .

She ran and shouted, "Xiaojuan, are you okay? You...you let my daughter go!"

The woman shouted and rushed towards Ji Tao.

"It's a bad thing!" Su Mu and the others couldn't help being shocked when they saw it.

None of them expected that someone would suddenly rush out from the stairs, trying to grab the woman, but it was too late.

And Ji Tao was also taken aback by the woman. Seeing that the woman was about to run close, his face immediately revealed a ferocious expression. With his right thumb, he pulled the lead wire of the detonator and smashed the detonator on the top of the woman's head.

"Ah?" All the residents of the community behind them screamed in unison, and Zhao Qiang and the others were also stunned, watching helplessly as the woman was about to be blown to death, but there was nothing they could do.

The woman realized the danger at this time, but her legs and feet were already weak from fright, and she forgot to dodge.

Just when the detonator was less than two feet away from the woman and was about to explode, Su Mu moved, and he raised his hand like lightning to pull the trigger of the pistol.


A shot hit the target, and the bullet was unbiased. It just hit the wooden handle of the detonator. The detonator was deflected by the impact of the bullet, and fell a few feet away from the woman, and exploded with a "boom".


Everyone behind him exclaimed again. Before they could rejoice, Ji Tao had a grim face, and quickly took two detonators from his left hand, and smashed them out with a pull of the fuse.

But this time his target was Su Mu.

With a cold face, Su Mu pulled the trigger again, then shook his wrist, and pulled the trigger again.

Following two gunshots, two bullets hit the wooden handles of the two detonators again, and the two detonators exploded in advance halfway.

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them. They watched with their own eyes that Su Mu fired three shots, hitting the wooden handle of the detonator three times, so that the detonator escaped from its trajectory and did not hurt anyone.

When everyone was stunned, Ji Tao couldn't help but twitched when he saw Su Mu's marksmanship. He continued to wrap his left arm around the girl and covered himself with the girl's body to prevent Su Mu from shooting him.

At the same time, his right hand reached into the backpack again, trying to take out something.

When everyone saw it, they were taken aback again. This Ji Tao still has a detonator?

Zhao Qiang and the others hesitated for a moment, and it was too late to rush forward, so they could only watch Ji Tao put his hand into the backpack in horror.

"Erha, go!" Su Mu suddenly shouted.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a dog behind Ji Tao at some point. When the dog heard Su Mu yell, it jumped up and bit the back of Ji Tao's right hand fiercely.


With a scream, Ji Tao quickly withdrew his hand, and looked at the back of his hand, he had been bitten by Erha with a deep bone wound, the wound was bleeding profusely, and his muscles were blurred.

He subconsciously let go of the girl, and covered the wound on the back of his right hand with his left hand.

As soon as the girl who had been stunned by fright was let go, she collapsed on the ground, exposing Ji Tao's body.

Seeing that Ji Tao was injured, Su Mu moved his index finger and pulled the trigger again.

With a "pop", Su Mu shot Ji Tao in the chest.

Ji Tao screamed again, fell to the sky, fell heavily on the ground, and remained motionless.

And after the erha bit Ji Tao, before Ji Tao could react, he ran away quickly.

This series of actions was lightning-fast, from Ji Tao throwing the first detonator to Su Mu's last shot knocking him down, it only took a few seconds.

In the few seconds between life and death, Su Mu's three shots forced the detonator to deviate from the direction, thereby saving the girl's mother, guiding Erha to bite Ji Tao, and then saving the girl. At the same time, the fourth shot knocked down the gangster Ji Tao.

The scene was silent, and everyone was dazzled by Su Mu's series of actions just now.

After they reacted, Su Mu had already started treating Ji Tao to stop bleeding.

Although Ji Tao is a criminal suspect, the police are obliged to treat him. Except for execution, no one can disregard other people's lives!

Chapter 127

Su Mu used his quick hemostasis method to block Ji Tao's bleeding wound first, so that his life would not be in danger before the ambulance arrived.

The time was not long, the rescuers from the Municipal Bureau rushed to the rescue, everyone was well armed, including the blasting experts, and the leader of the team was Fang Haotian, the director of the bureau.

Everyone came down to look at the scene, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They saw that Su Mu and the others had controlled the scene.

"This is the robber?" Fang Haotian came down to Su Mu surrounded by the crowd, glanced at the unconscious Ji Tao, and asked Su Mu.

Su Mu's hands were covered with blood at this time, he took a towel handed over by a comrade and wiped his hands, nodded and said: "This man is called Ji Tao, he was the one who took a hostage just now, and he also carried a large number of detonators with him. Knocked him out, and the hostage escaped safely."

Su Mu briefly introduced the situation.

Fang Haotian nodded emphatically. They saw that four places on the scene were completely blackened by the blast, and the black smoke was still rising, so they understood how tense and dangerous the scene was at that time.

"Thanks to Su Suo this time, otherwise not only would the hostages not be rescued, but we would also be in big trouble!"

Zhao Qiang walked over and explained the situation in detail again. When it came to Su Mu's three shots hitting three detonators, and finally using Erha to bite Ji Tao, and then fired the last shot to control Ji Tao, everyone couldn't help but click tusk And sigh.

Fang Haotian patted Su Mu's shoulder heavily: "Su Suo, you guys go to rest first, other comrades will do the aftermath."

When Su Mu and Zhao Qiang got into the car, all the onlookers stepped forward and applauded wildly.

Especially the mother of the kidnapped girl almost kowtowed to thank Su Mu.

Su Mu told her to take her daughter to the hospital to have a look at her mentally and prevent her from being frightened by the robbers, which would lead to unhealthy mental health.

The girl's mother quickly agreed, and thanked her a thousand times before taking her daughter to the hospital.

The rest of the crowd talked excitedly: "This young police officer is amazing, he caught the gangster here without any effort!"

"That's right, with such police officers, we ordinary people in Jiangbin City can live in peace!"


"Fang Bureau, your City Bureau is really serving the people, wait a moment, I will send a pennant there!"

It was an old man who spoke. He held Fang Haotian's hand tightly and praised repeatedly.

When the others heard this, they all said, "We'll send it too. It's an honor for the entire Jiangbin City to have such a policeman!"

Fang Haotian's expression was still calm, but careful people could still see the excitement in his eyes. For many years, the police station has never been so loved and praised by the common people.

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