Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 68

Yu Dui was wondering why everyone came here suddenly, but now that Zhao Qiang was going to take the body back for inspection, he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Ju Zhao, could this be arson?"

Zhao Qiang pondered and said: "It's hard to say, we came here to follow Ye Hao for a murder case, and now we can only wait for further autopsy of Ye Hao's body to come to a conclusion."

Seeing this situation, Team Yu, who was going to go back to rest, immediately took the initiative and said: "In this case, let's do another survey to see if we can find anything new? Is it arson?"

But speaking of this, he shook his head again: "But I'm not sure, the conclusion is probably still caused by the deceased!"

Everyone's heart sank when they heard what Yu Dui said. Even the fire brigade couldn't find out the real cause of the fire. If it was really caused by the murderer, this person's degree of cunning can be seen!

"When did the fire happen?" Su Mu asked Team Yu.

"At around [-] o'clock in the morning, it was found upstairs of the victim's house. We rushed here immediately after receiving the alarm, and have been busy until now." Yu Dui replied.

Su Mu and the others looked at each other, after twelve o'clock in the morning?Zuo Gong was poisoned to death and Ye Hao died in the fire, and it happened at the same time!

This sounds too coincidental!

"Su Suo, was it the murderer who did it?"

After Zhao Qiang asked people to take Ye Hao's body back for an autopsy, he asked several of his subordinates to help Yu Dui. After he waited for the others to get into the car, Zhao Qiang asked Su Mu.

Su Mu didn't answer immediately, he saw Wu Min staring blankly at his burnt home through the glass, but he didn't feel too sad for Ye Hao.

"Is there something wrong with this woman?" Seeing Su Mu looking at Wu Min, Wei Qing couldn't help asking.

Su Mu withdrew his gaze, "I was thinking that if we hadn't discovered that Wu Min Ye Hao had something to do with Zuo Gong's death, wouldn't these two cases have been linked together?"

Zhao Qiang and Wei Qing looked at each other, and shook their heads at the same time to deny: "Not necessarily, if Wu Min took the initiative to call the police and told everything he knew, the police would definitely be suspicious."

Su Mu moved his gaze out of the window again: "Look at Wu Min, does she look sad for Ye Hao's death?"

Wei Qing also looked outside, then sneered and said, "It's impossible for them to be sad because of their dewy husband and wife relationship."

Su Mu nodded: "Wei Da is right. In addition, Wu Min is not clean. Even if she has doubts about Ye Hao's death, she will not take the initiative to explain everything to the police."

"So Ye Hao was definitely killed by the murderer. He expected that Wu Min would not call the police, so he killed and silenced him, and it was completely settled. The method of killing is also his usual style!"

After Su Mu said something, Zhao Qiang and Wei Qing nodded repeatedly.

"Since the murderer killed Ye Hao, what should we do next?" Wei Qing asked.

Su Mu immediately said: "Let's go back to the Folk Song Club immediately. Ye Hao and Zuo Gong died at the same time, which means that everyone will inform the murderer, otherwise the murderer rushed here from the Folk Song Club, and the time is not right at all!"

"Could it be that Wu Min tipped off the news?" Wei Qing asked hastily.

Su Mu glanced at the distraught Wu Min, shook his head and said, "It couldn't be her, who burned down her house and sent someone to kill her boyfriend?! She doesn't have the courage!"

"In addition, with the murderer's style of committing crimes, it is impossible for him to leave such an obvious witness for us to investigate. The person who reported the letter is someone else!"

"Could it be so?"

Zhao Qiang and Wei Qing looked at each other, feeling a bit skeptical for a moment.

Seeing their doubts, Su Mu said: "If you have doubts, you can let the remaining comrades monitor her and not allow her to leave casually. We will make a decision after we investigate clearly in the clubhouse!"

Zhao Qiang nodded at Wei Qing, and Wei Qing immediately got out of the car and secretly ordered his subordinates to keep an eye on Wu Min.

Although it is not sure whether it was Wu Min who reported the letter, but just as Su Mu analyzed, someone in the clubhouse must have reported the murderer, this is a sure thing.

Hope was rekindled in Zhao Qiang and the others.

I thought that after Ye Hao's death, the clues to the case would be broken, but unexpectedly, Su Mu discovered another accomplice of the murderer.

"Drive fast!" Zhao Qiang immediately ordered the driver after Wei Qing got back into the car.

The driver quickly started the car and rushed back to the Folk Song Club.

When they arrived at the Shange Club again, before the car stopped, Su Mu and the others jumped out of the car and went straight inside.

Chapter 108

After everyone swarmed in, the clubhouse and others looked at them in astonishment, and Luo Ping also said in surprise: "Zhao Ju, why are you back?"

Zhao Qiang didn't answer, but asked instead: "Is no one in the club released?"

Luo Ping shook his head: "No, everyone is here."

Taking advantage of Zhao Qiang's questioning, Su Mu quickly glanced over everyone in the clubhouse, and saw that although their expressions were different, except for the club boss, everyone else behaved fairly normally.

The boss was probably worried about the business of the club, so his face was depressed.

Luo Ping saw that Zhao Qiang, Sumu and the others looked uncomfortable, and hesitated to speak in doubt.

Zhao Qiang whispered a few words in his ear, and Luo Ping finally came to his senses.

"Bureau Zhao, there are dozens of people in the club. If the murderer's accomplice deletes the call records, how can we investigate? The most important thing is that there were guests last night, so there is no way to investigate!"

Luo Ping also whispered to Zhao Qiang.

Seeing Su Mu groaning beside him, Zhao Qiang waved at Luo Ping, signaling to wait for Su Mu to express his opinion.

For a while Zhao Qiang and others looked at Su Mu, and the people in the club also saw Su Mu's special status among the police, and looked at him very curiously for a while.

Su Mu was indifferent to everyone's gaze, but his eyes kept sweeping across the faces of everyone in the clubhouse like lightning.

Everyone in the clubhouse was horrified by him, as long as they came into contact with Su Muru's lightning eyes, they would involuntarily lower their heads, not daring to look directly.

Just when everyone in the clubhouse felt uneasy, Su Mu suddenly pointed to the boss Chen in the clubhouse: "Come here."

Boss Chen hurried over: "Police officer?"

"I want to watch the surveillance video of your clubhouse, you take me there!" Su Mu ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay, the surveillance video is in the security room, I'll take the police officer there!" Boss Chen immediately nodded and bowed in agreement.

As he spoke, he led the way, and Su Mu followed to the security room.

Zhao Qiang and Luo Ping also went next to them. Before leaving, Luo Ping told the other comrades to keep an eye on the people in the hall.

Several people came to the security room, Su Mu scanned the surveillance video, and found that there were eight pieces of video, monitoring eight places in the clubhouse, including the lobby.

At this time, in the hall, many policemen were eyeing everyone in the clubhouse.

Su Mu waved his hand to let Boss Chen go out.

Boss Chen immediately withdrew and closed the door of the security room.

Su Mu sat in front of the surveillance video and directly adjusted the time to the time when Zuo Gong died last night.

Not long after, Bai Lin's figure appeared in a video monitoring the corridor of the box.

I saw her stumbling out of the box, her face pale with horror, and she was still shouting something while running.

Immediately afterwards, Boss Chen and several male waiters from the club came running over. Bai Lin pointed to the inside of the box and said a few more words.

Boss Chen and the others immediately ran into the box and disappeared in the video.

But at this time, many people in the clubhouse were startled, and they ran over one after another, looking in at the door, including the guests in other boxes.

Zhao Qiang and others immediately distinguished carefully, trying to find clues about the murderer's accomplices.

They watched for a long time, but couldn't find anything. They couldn't help shaking their heads in disappointment, and turned to ask Su Mu if he found anything, but found that Su Mu didn't watch the video at all, but stared at the surveillance video at the clubhouse gate with piercing eyes.

Zhao Qiang and Luo Ping were stunned, and Luo Ping asked: "Su Suo, do you think this can find the murderer's accomplices?"

Su didn't answer, and continued to observe the surveillance video, not changing the time, or speeding up or slowing down.

Time passed slowly, and Su Mu didn't give up until he saw the police coming to the club.

Zhao Qiang and Luo Ping looked at each other, but they didn't understand why Su Mu spent so much time watching the surveillance. You must know that even if the murderer's accomplices walked out swaggeringly, they couldn't see his identity.

After watching the surveillance video, Su Mu again adjusted the time to the moment of Zuo Gong's death, and looked at it from the beginning.

Zhao Qiang and Luo Ping became more and more puzzled, but they knew that Su Mu often did things unexpectedly, so they observed carefully at the moment, trying to see the clues.

But after watching the surveillance video, they found nothing at all.

Since the death of Zuo Gong, the surveillance video at the gate showed people leaving one after another. All the people who left were customers, their faces were flushed from drinking, and they were stumbling around.

Su Mu didn't explain the doubts of Zhao Qiang and the others, and started watching the video from the beginning again, but this time he played it faster and finished it in a few minutes.

Zhao Qiang and the others found a strange place at this time. What Su Mu paid attention to was not the people who went out sneakily, but the guests who were staggering around in groups.

After playing it several times in a row, Su Mu suddenly stopped the video, turned his head and asked Zhao Qiang, "Did you see anything?"

Zhao Qiang and the others took a closer look and found that five people just stepped out of the gate in the video. These five people were also flushed from drinking, and their steps were staggering.

"It's nothing special, just a bunch of drunks drinking flower wine!" Luo Ping observed carefully for a moment, and couldn't help muttering.

Su Mu shook his head, played the video again, and said, "Pay attention to the steps and eyes of these five people, do you find any difference between them?"

Everyone immediately followed what Su Mu said, paying attention to the five people's walking movements and gazes, and watched them over and over again. Suddenly Zhao Qiang shouted: "This person walks very steadily!"

He pointed to one of the middle-aged humans in a black jacket.

Everyone couldn't help being startled, what's wrong with walking steadily?If you are not drunk, you will naturally walk steadily.

Only Zhao Qiang was thoughtful, and immediately thought of something, his eyes lit up suddenly: "What does Su mean...?"

Seeing that Zhao Qiang understood what he meant, Su Mu smiled and said, "Ju Zhao's guess is correct."

Seeing that Su Mu was sure that his guess was right, Zhao Qiang couldn't help being overjoyed, and said excitedly, "Let's see how the murderer escapes!"

But everyone still didn't understand, they all looked at Su Mu and Zhao Qiang suspiciously.

Su Mu had no choice but to explain further: "The murderer has a cautious personality, his accomplice is probably not a member of the club, but a guest. In addition, I observed the people in the club just now, and none of them showed any special behavior, which also proves that the accomplice is probably a guest!"

"The fact that the guest was able to tip off the news means that he was not drunk. I just observed all the videos of the guests leaving after the death of Zuo Gong and before the arrival of the police."

"Three of them were not drunk, and two of the three walked out boldly, as if they were not drunk, but this one..."

Su Mu pointed to the person Zhao Qiang mentioned just now.

"This is the only person with steady steps and bright eyes. He is clearly not drunk, but he looks drunk!"

"Come to the club to drink, of course, to have fun. It doesn't matter if you are drunk or not, but this person is pretending to be drunk, which is very strange. He definitely wants to use this to cover up something!"

"What is this person trying to hide?"

After Su Mu explained, he suddenly asked the crowd.

Luo Ping and the others are all old police officers. After Su Mu's explanation, they have already come to their senses. Now they can't help laughing when they listen to Su Mu's question.

"His grandma, this guy is really smart!" Zhao Qiang cursed with a smile.

Chapter 109 Locked

Once everyone locks on the target, they all feel relaxed.

Zhao Qiang said to Su Mu full of admiration: "Su Suo, you are too amazing, you really have no plans to spare, such a cunning guy can be discovered by you, it's amazing!"

Luo Ping and the others nodded again and again. They admired Su Mu 1 times.

Although all the veterans were present, they all felt inferior to Su Mu's miraculous deduction.

Seeing that everyone praised him blindly, Su Mu couldn't help laughing: "Zhao Bureau, now is not the time to praise, let Boss Chen come in and ask him who is this person?"

Zhao Qiang patted the back of his head and couldn't help laughing: "I almost forgot the business."

After the two finished speaking, someone opened the door and called Boss Chen to come in.

After Boss Chen came in, he smiled apologetically to everyone, "What are your orders, police officers?"

Zhao Qiang pointed to the middle-aged man pretending to be drunk and asked, "Do you know this man?"

Boss Chen took a closer look, nodded immediately and said, "Yes, he is a regular customer of our clubhouse. His name is Zhou Wenming, and he is the doctor who runs the clinic."

When everyone heard that Boss Chen recognized this person, they were overjoyed. Zhao Qiang asked again: "Do you know where he lives?"

Boss Chen didn't know why these policemen suddenly found Zhou Wenming, but he didn't dare to hide it at this time, and hurriedly said, "He lives next door, and his clinic is called Wenming Clinic."

Su Mu and the others recalled that there was indeed a clinic next door called Wenming Clinic.

"Su Suo, should we arrest people directly now?" Someone immediately asked.

Su Mu shook his head: "Let someone check Zhou Wenming's mobile phone first, and find out who he talked to on the phone around the early morning of last night. This is an opportunity to arrest the murderer and Zhou Wenming at the same time. Let's wait for the results of the inquiry before we act!"

Zhao Qiang immediately said: "Wei Da, you take someone to check Zhou Wenming's mobile phone communication records, Luo Suo, you send two capable people to monitor Zhou Wenming, don't let him run away!"

Su Mu immediately stopped him and said, "Don't monitor Zhou Wenming, just in case the real murderer, Huang Que, is watching us later, or pretend that nothing happened!"

Both Wei Qing and Luo Ping nodded, saying that it was indeed wrong to monitor Zhou Wenming at this time, anyway, he didn't know that the police had locked him down, so he wouldn't run away.

Zhao Qiang also nodded in agreement.

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