Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 66

"Afterwards, our city bureau dispatched the police urgently and arrested the two gangsters. Among them, the murderer Hong Chiqiang was sentenced to death, and the other gangster Zuo Gong was sentenced to 12 years!"

"Although Hong Chiqiang was sentenced for murder with passion in this case, many of us had objections at the time, thinking that Hong Chiqiang might have committed murder deliberately, but there was no evidence, and then we shot Hong Chiqiang to death."

"Just yesterday, another gangster, Zuo Gong, was released from prison. After he was released from prison, he called Mr. Lu. On the phone, he said that there was something hidden about Duan Xinyi's case back then. There was a mastermind behind the scenes, and he asked Mr. Lu to give him 50. He said who the mastermind was?"

The conference room was silent, Fang Haotian's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and stayed on Su Mu's face for a moment before turning his eyes away.

"President Lu immediately came to Jiangbin City to find me after answering the phone call. He wanted to reopen the 20-year case, and I agreed."

"As for the investigation members of this case, you are present here. Su Mu is the host and other people cooperate. Except for Su Mu, you have all been in contact with this case back then, so I hope you can solve this case in one fell swoop, so as to comfort Comrade Duan Xinyi's soul in heaven! "

After listening to Fang Haotian's introduction, Su Mu understood why all the old policemen present here were old police officers who handled the case ten years ago.

After Fang Haotian introduced the case, he played the recording made by Lu Yiming yesterday again.

Everyone was silent after hearing this, but Su Mu frowned slightly.

In the recording, Zuo Gong not only asked for 50 yuan, but also said who was behind the scenes, and refused to meet with Lu Yiming, but only gave him a bank card number, and asked Lu Yiming to transfer the money directly.

"What do you think?" Fang Haotian asked everyone after the recording was played.

All of you here are old investigators, each expressing their own thoughts, their thoughts are surprisingly consistent, they are all analyzing and inferring whether what Zuo Gong said is true or not?

Only Su Mu didn't speak, and his frown became even tighter.

"Xiao Su, do you have an opinion?" Fang Haotian asked Su Mu.

When Fang Haotian asked Su Mu directly, everyone looked at Su Mu together, and Lu Yiming stared at Su Mu even more.

Su Mu didn't answer, and after a while, he suddenly said: "This Zuo Gong may be in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Lu Yiming immediately asked, "Su Suo, why do you think Zuogong is in danger?"

Su Mu said: "I listened to Zuo Gong's recorded voice just now, and there was an unscrupulous tone in his voice, and there was a taste of wanting to do something big!"

All the people at the scene were elderly people who were used to ups and downs. After Su Mu's reminder, they couldn't help nodding their heads as they recalled Zuo Gong's words just now.

Zuo Gong's words really reveal this smell!

Su Mu looked at everyone with piercing eyes: "Since he can ask Mr. Lu for 50 yuan before he reveals the person behind the scenes, then he may also blackmail the person behind the scenes, thus putting himself in danger!"

When everyone heard this, they were all taken aback, and the meeting scene immediately fell silent.

Chapter 104

Everyone was very worried for a while. If Zuo Gong, the person who could turn the case around, died, the case would probably be covered up again like it was 12 years ago.

"I immediately asked the police station to go to Zuo Gong's home, and asked them to investigate Zuo Gong's whereabouts."

Zhao Qiang quickly took out his mobile phone, ready to call the police station in the home area where Gong Zuo was originally located.

But as soon as he took out his mobile phone, the phone rang.

The bell sounded abrupt and piercing in this silent conference scene.

Zhao Qiang looked at the caller ID and immediately connected: "Wei Da, what's the matter?"

Wei Qing was the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade who took over after Luo Ping left. He said a few words to Zhao Qiang on the phone, and Zhao Qiang's face suddenly changed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qiang looked at the crowd and said with a wry smile: "Su's judgment is correct, Zuogong was killed last night in the early hours of the morning, in the folk song club!"

When the big guy heard it, his heart sank suddenly, and Lu Yiming was even more dazed, then sighed, and murmured: "Maybe this is fate!"

Fang Haotian understands Lu Yiming's mood now. Once Zuo Gong dies, the case will come to a dead end, and the relationship between him and his daughter will continue to froze.

No one will be in a good mood at this time!

In fact, Fang Haotian himself was in a bad mood, and the brief dawn of the case that had been suppressed in his heart for 12 years turned out again.

"Deputy Bureau Zhao, take someone to the Folk Song Club immediately to find out the cause of Zuo Gong's death, and Su Mu will also go!" Fang Haotian ordered immediately.

Zhao Qiang nodded, and immediately led Su Mu and others out of the conference room.

The Folk Song Club is located on Zhongjiang Avenue, Jiangbin City, which is under the jurisdiction of Chengnan District.

When Su Mu and others arrived, Chengnan Suo Luoping had already led people to guard the scene to prevent idlers from approaching, and the technical personnel and forensic doctor from the Criminal Police Brigade also arrived.

Seeing Su Mu coming with Zhao Qiang, Luo Ping couldn't help asking strangely: "Su Suo, aren't you on vacation? Why are you here?"

Seeing the crowds around, Su Mu didn't want to say much, so he said, "Luo Suo, let's go in and talk!"

Immediately, Zhao Qiang walked in the front, followed by Su Mu and Luo Ping, and entered the folk song club.

The owner of the clubhouse, surnamed Chen, was squatting in the lobby with a sad face, smoking one cigarette after another.

He knew Zhao Qiang, and when he saw him coming in, he immediately stood up and shouted: "Zhao Bureau, this person's death really has nothing to do with our clubhouse, I am really unlucky!"

Zhao Qiang snorted coldly: "The deceased died in your clubhouse, which also shows that your clubhouse is usually negligent in management, and there is an unshirkable responsibility!"

Boss Chen squeezed out a smile, and asked flatteringly, "Will the club be closed?"

"Look again." Zhao Qiang ignored him, and led Su Mu and others to the box where Gong Zuo died, led by comrades from the police station.

There is another cordon outside the box, even the people in the clubhouse are not allowed to approach.

When the comrades guarding the cordon saw Zhao Qiang and others coming, they quickly raised the cordon to let them in. At this time, Wei Qing, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, came out to welcome them.

"Has the cause of death been found out?" Zhao Qiang asked Wei Qing while walking.

Wei Qing was in his forties, with an ordinary appearance and an extremely thin body. He led Zhao Gan and his party inside, and at the same time reported: "Preliminary investigation, the deceased died of poisoning, and the time of death was fifteen minutes in the morning last night."

"Fifteen points?" Zhao Qiang paused, "Was there anyone else present?"

If no one else was present, the time of death could not be accurate to the minute, so Zhao Qiang asked this question.

Wei Qing nodded: "The deceased, Zuo Gong, asked a lady from the clubhouse to accompany him to drink. We asked that lady, and she said that Zuo Gong was drinking happily, but suddenly foamed at the mouth and died!"

At this time, everyone has entered the box.

Su Mu's gaze swept away. Apart from the policeman in police uniform, there was also a shivering girl squatting at the corner.

The girl was very revealingly dressed, and there were two policewomen guarding her next to her.

"Her name is Bai Lin, she was the one who drank with Zuogong last night!"

Seeing Su Mu staring at the girl, Wei Qing immediately explained.

Su Mu nodded, looked away, and looked at the two bottles of foreign wine on the coffee table, one of which was finished, and the other was only half left.

In addition to two bottles of wine, there are fruit snacks and a few ice cubes on the coffee table.

"Neither the wine nor the fruit snacks were poisoned, only the ice cubes were poisoned, and Zuo Gong also mixed ice cubes into the wine, and he died of poisoning!"

Wei Qing explained again.

"Is the ice cube poisoned?" Zhao Qiang and the others were taken aback.

They all looked at the girl named Bai Lin at the corner. Although the girl's face was pale at this time, there was still rouge between her brows, and she had obviously drunk too.

"She didn't add ice when she drank!" Wei Qing understood what everyone was thinking, and immediately shook his head to explain.

"Did you interrogate carefully?" Zhao Qiang asked immediately.

Can there be such a coincidence in the world?Drinking at the same time, the victim died, but Bai Lin was fine?Obviously impossible.

This Bai Lin is extremely suspicious!

"There is no further interrogation yet!" Wei Qing replied hastily.

"Wei Da, take someone to interrogate her immediately." Zhao Qiang looked at Bai Lin who was sobbing, and said in a low voice, "If necessary, increase the intensity of the interrogation!"

Wei Qing immediately nodded in agreement.

Because whether it is interrogating or interrogating a female subject, there must be a female policeman present, so Wei Qing asked two female policemen to escort Bai Lin and take her to the next room for interrogation.

After seeing the two policewomen escorting Bai Lin out, Su Mu called Wei Qing: "Wei Da, how do you plan to interrogate Bai Lin? Is there a point of entry?"

Although Wei Qing didn't have much contact with Su Mu, he knew each other well, and he also knew that Su Mu was extremely good at solving cases and interrogating.

I really don't have a breakthrough in the interrogation of Bai Lin, so I can't just ask her if she killed someone? !

"Ask who asked Bai Lin to accompany the drink? There may be something wrong with this person!" Seeing Wei Qing's hesitation, Su Mu said in a low voice.

Wei Qing was taken aback, Zhao Qiang and the others were also taken aback, the meaning of Su Mu's words was not consistent with everyone's suspicion of Bai Lin's murder just now!

"Why?" Zhao Qiang couldn't help asking in doubt.

"If there is no special reason, Bai Lin should not be the murderer, otherwise she would be too stupid, let us capture it directly? And there is no need to spend a lot of time poisoning the ice that is easy to be found!"

"But at the same time drinking, Zuo Gong died, but Bai Lin was fine, so I suspect that Bai Lin has a habit of drinking without ice, and the people behind her know her habit, so they specially arranged for her to come here!"

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Su Mu explained in a low voice.

Everyone suddenly realized, Wei Qing slapped his head and said excitedly: "Su Suo's conjecture is very possible, I will immediately ask Bai Lin according to this key point!"

Zhao Qiang immediately added: "In addition, send someone to monitor everyone in the clubhouse, and they are not allowed to leave the clubhouse for half a step!"

According to Su Mu's speculation, the murderer is most likely the staff of the club, so they must be restrained.

Luo Ping hurriedly said at this time: "I arranged for all the brothers from the Chengnan Institute to monitor them. If the murderer is here, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

Zhao Qiang nodded in agreement.

Luo Ping immediately went out and arranged for people to take action!

Chapter 105 Beekeeper's Rules

After Wei Qing and Luo Ping split up and acted, the forensic doctor and technicians completed the preliminary on-site investigation, and the conclusion was consistent with what Wei Qing just introduced.

Zuo Gong died of poisoning, and the way of poisoning was that the murderer mixed poison in the ice. As for what kind of poison it was, it still needs to go back and do further autopsy.

And nothing more was found.

After Zhao Qiang's consent, the forensic doctor ordered the body to be taken back for further autopsy.

After they left, Luo Ping also came in to report that all the people working in the clubhouse were restrained, and they were strictly not allowed to leave.

Everyone was waiting for Wei Qing to inquire about the result.

Not long enough, Wei Qing came in with the transcript of the inquiry. He had a strange expression on his face. He was neither happy nor disappointed, as if he had encountered an incredible event.

"How?" Zhao Qiang asked immediately.

Wei Qing didn't answer, but handed the transcript to Zhao Qiang: "Zhao Ju, you should read it yourself, it's hard to tell!"

Zhao Qiang was startled, took the note paper and put it on the tea table, then took out a cigarette and lit it, and began to look carefully.

As the smoke curled up, Zhao Qiang took a long time to finish his cigarette. He lit another one and read the transcript again.

In this way, he smoked three cigarettes and read the transcript three times.

After reading it three times, Zhao Qiang frowned, and silently handed the transcript to Su Mu: "Su Suo has a look, see if you found anything?"

Su Mu was curious about the strange expressions of Zhao Qiang and Wei Qingguai, so he took the transcript and looked at it.

The transcript started with Bai Lin's basic personal and family information, and there were no clues of value, so he quickly flipped through it.

Su Mu didn't read it carefully like Zhao Qiang, he read it very quickly, and fell into deep thought after reading it.

"How is it? Su Suo, have you found out?" Luo Ping hurriedly asked the trio's attitude, which made Luo Ping and the others beside him.

Su Mu handed over the transcript to Luo Ping for them to read by themselves.

Soon Luo Ping and others circulated it among themselves, and when everyone finished reading it, the scene was completely silent, and no one spoke.

After a while, a young policeman couldn't help but said: "Grandma, it's really evil!"

Zhao Qiang, Luo Ping, Wei Qing and the others remained silent. They were all old police officers and had their own unique way of judging a matter.

But today they are obviously in trouble!

It turned out that Wei Qing asked Bai Lin who asked her to accompany Zuogong according to Su Mu's instructions.

Bai Lin's answer was beyond Wei Qing's expectation. Bai Lin said that when Zuo Gong came to drink last night, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and there were only five girls in the clubhouse who hadn't come out. The manager asked five people to choose Zuo Gong at the same time.

In the end, Zuo Gong chose Bai Lin and let the other four girls leave.

Everything looks fine.

It's just that in this way, it can't prove that anyone is suspicious. The manager asked five girls to choose Zuo Gong at the same time, which is very reasonable, and there is no suspicion.

Is it a coincidence?

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