Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 60

As soon as he entered the internment room, Zhao Dian immediately stood up like a frightened bird, and looked at the two of Su Mu timidly.

Su Mu and the trainer still looked indifferent. After the two sat down, according to the interrogation procedure, Zhao Dian first asked Zhao Dian to tell him and his family's basic information.

After asking, Su Mu immediately went straight to the point: "August [-]th, the day your brother died, where were you?"

Zhao Dian couldn't help being startled, this question was asked by Luo Ping before during the interrogation, and now Su Mu asked again, did he follow the procedure, or did he discover something new?

His small eyes glanced at the faces of the two of Su Mu, trying to find some clues.

But how could the two of Su Mu see any flaws for him, their expressions were as cold as ever, and they looked directly at Zhao Dian's eyes, without evading at all.

Facing Su Mu's cold gaze, Zhao Dian involuntarily lowered his head.

"Say!" Su Mu slammed the table and shouted.

Zhao Dian had no choice but to repeat the answer just now: "I was sleeping at home in Jiangbin City that day."

"Who can prove it?"

"I slept all day without contact with anyone!" Zhao Dian quibbled.

"That is to say, no one can prove it?!" Su Mu asked with a cold face.

Zhao Dian shrugged his head and remained silent. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Su Suo, if you have any evidence, show it. If you can prove that I, Zhao Dian, committed murder and violated the law, I will admit it, but I, Zhao Dian, did not kill anyone. I broke the law, and now I refuse to answer all questions!"

He tried to repeat the same trick, resisting the interrogation with silence.

Su Mu sneered, and threw a photo in front of Zhao Dian: "See what this is?"

Zhao Dian was startled, picked up the photo and looked at it, his expression changed immediately: "This..."

"You said you were sleeping at home on the day your brother died? But someone saw you in the neighboring county of Hongmi Town!"

"I... this, but..."

Although Zhao Dian has a high IQ and strong anti-interrogation ability, he met Su Mu today.

After Su Mu took out the photo, when he saw Zhao Dian panicked, he immediately used the emotional stimulation technique.

The reason why he cast it immediately was to cause Zhao Dian to panic even more, and even make him so frightened that he couldn't justify himself.

Because once Zhao Dian had excuses, the interrogation would be difficult. Those excuses were almost impeccable. Once Zhao Dian made them, the interrogation would be difficult.

So Su Mu didn't give Zhao Dian any chance, any chance to argue!

Zhao Dian felt panic when Su Mu exposed his lies, but when he heard Su Mu's cold words, which seemed to be able to see everything, he became even more frightened and disturbed unconsciously.

"calm down!"

Zhao Dian tried to calm himself down, but Su Mu's words kept ringing in his ears. Although the voice was not loud, it sounded like thunder bombing, which made him more and more uneasy and scared!

"Zhao Dian, are you still telling the truth?!" Su Mu suddenly slapped the table, his tone suddenly increased.

There was a "buzz" in Zhao Dian's mind, as if thunder was exploding right next to his ears. His body was shaking like a sieve, and he couldn't keep calm at all, let alone think about words!

Chapter 93

"what happened?"

At this time, Zhao Dian seemed to be controlled by Su Mu's words, and the fear in his heart grew wildly, and he gradually had the intention to stop resisting.

In the end, his whole heart was completely filled with fear. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, that is to confess, to confess everything, and then everything will be at peace. Even death is better than fear now.

"I confess everything, can the crime be reduced?"

Zhao Dian was completely unsure about making this request, his voice was hoarse and weak, as if he was begging.

His words were not so much an attempt to save himself, but rather subconsciously, out of a subconscious sense of self-preservation.

Su Mu said in a deep voice: "You confess honestly, and I will explain to the judge based on your performance. As for whether the crime can be mitigated, the judge will decide!"

Zhao Dian licked his lips, and swallowed with difficulty: "Okay, I'll recruit, I'll recruit everything!"

Su Mu nodded, and turned to signal the trainer to prepare for recording.

At this time, the trainer was already dumbfounded!

He didn't expect that Su Mu was not only good at solving cases, but even the interrogation was so unpredictable.

Just now Su Mu didn't ask many questions, but every sentence seemed to point to Zhao Dian's vital point, forcing him to confess everything.

This is no longer a simple interrogation, this is obviously an excellent psychological tactic, using psychological offensive to make the other party collapse!

Zhao Dian's ability to confess today is entirely a manifestation of Su Mu's heaven-defying ability, and no one can have this effect.

The instructor was full of admiration for a while, and when he came to his senses, he immediately said excitedly: "Okay, I'll record it now!"

Then Zhao Dian was like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, telling how he knocked his brother Zhao Gan unconscious with a stick, pinched him, and fled.

Everything was said exactly.

As for the murder of Jiang Hai's family of four 20 years ago, he also confessed under Su Mu's emotional stimulation technique.

At this moment, Zhao Dian seemed to be indifferent to everything, he just wanted to end this fatal interrogation as soon as possible and escape from Su Mu as soon as possible!

According to the confession, the reason why Zhao Dian killed Jiang Hai's family of four was because he became so beastly that night that he sneaked into Jiang Hai's house to try to rape his wife.

But it happened that when Jiang Hai came back, Zhao Dian's animal desire could not be vented, so in a frenzy, he took advantage of Jiang Hai's inattention and killed him with an axe.

Then he killed Jiang Hai's wife and two children.

Originally Zhao Dian wanted to escape, but unexpectedly his brother came, not only helped him destroy the evidence, but also took the blame for him.

Zhao Dian naturally couldn't ask for it.

After his elder brother Zhao Qian fled, he simply stopped going to school, idled around all day, asked his sister-in-law for money if he had no money, and in order to vent his animal desire, he even hit his sister-in-law.

Even after he met his elder brother again later, he told his elder brother that his sister-in-law had already remarried.

However, Skynet was not missing, and Zhao Qian actually met Zhao Jianwu, and thus learned of Zhao Dian's shameless behavior.

The conflict between the two brothers broke out, and there was no brotherhood at all. Zhao Qian wanted to report Zhao Dian, and Zhao Dian also became murderous.

In the end, the cunning Zhao Dian won. He beat Zhao Gan unconscious with a stick and tried to strangle Zhao Gan to death.

Later, due to exhaustion of strength and fear in his heart, he hurriedly fled the scene.

He didn't know that his elder brother Zhao Gan was still alive, and he woke up again after he fled, but he was killed again inexplicably.

The entire interrogation ended here, and Su Mu never mentioned that Zhao Gan was not killed by Zhao Dian, and the reason for Zhao Gan's death was also vaguely mentioned.

This created an illusion, making Zhao Dian always think that his brother was murdered by him.

One life will be shot, and five lives will also be shot, so after Zhao Dian "confessed" to killing his brother, he confessed without hesitation to the case 20 years ago.

Otherwise, even if Su Mu possesses the heaven-defying skill Emotional Stimulation, there is no guarantee that Zhao Dian will easily confess to the murder committed 20 years ago.

When the instructor finished recording all the transcripts and was about to let Zhao Dian read them again, Zhao Dian said hoarsely: "I don't want to read it, I want to sleep!"

Facing Su Mu's emotional stimulation technique, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he just wanted to get a good night's sleep as soon as possible!

The trainer had no choice but to ask Zhao Dian to sign and press the fingerprint.

After Zhao Dian signed and pressed his fingerprints, Su Mu sent someone to escort him into the car, and then sent him to the detention center to be detained.

Li Changle and Luo Ping, who were watching the video of the interrogation in the office, had been in a dazed state until Zhao Dian was brought into the car. They looked at each other blankly, and a thought came to their minds at the same time: "Is this the end?"

When Su Mu returned to the office with the notes and the trainer, Luo Ping and the two finally came to their senses.

Only then did they realize that the murder case 20 years ago had been solved. Su Mu used a strong psychological offensive to interrogate Zhao Dian for less than half an hour, and it was solved!

Li Changle couldn't help swallowing hard, this kind of interrogation method, he had never seen or heard before, it can be said to be a miracle in the history of interrogation!

"Su Suo, you are born to be the killer of criminals!" Luo Ping said pleasantly as soon as he entered.

Li Changle was also completely convinced by Su Mu, he was good at solving cases, his deduction was not wrong at all, and his interrogation was extremely sharp. Isn't such a person the natural nemesis of criminals!

Looking at Su Mu, Li Changle didn't know what words to use to describe him, and finally he could only give him a thumbs up: "God!"

Facing everyone's admiration, Su Mu just smiled.

"Luo Suo, should Fang Ju send some people over next? Escort Zhao Jianwu and Zhao Dian back at the same time, I'm afraid the two of us won't be able to take care of them."

After Su Mu solved Zhao Dian, he discussed with Luo Ping how to take Zhao Dian and Zhao Jianwu back for trial.

Unexpectedly, when Li Changle heard this, he became anxious immediately.

"Su Suo, you are not authentic!" Li Changle blurted out and shouted.

Su Mu looked at Li Changle strangely, he didn't understand the meaning of Li Changle's words for a while.

"You solved the case 20 years ago and took away two fugitives, but my case is still there, not solved yet!" Li Changle said anxiously.

Only then did Su Mu understand the meaning of Li Changle's words.

Zhao Gan was not killed by his younger brother Zhao Dian. The real murderer has not been caught yet, so the case has not been solved.

Because this case happened in Hongmi Town, it has little to do with Su Mu and the others. If they insist on leaving, it can be justified.

But Li Changle quit, of course such a good case-solving expert cannot be let go easily, Zhao Gan was murdered, why did he have to find the murderer before letting Su Mu leave!

After Luo Ping and the trainer understood it, they couldn't help laughing, and the trainer nodded and smiled in agreement: "It should be like this, Su Suo, you have to solve the case before leaving!"

Luo Ping also said with a smile: "It will take two days for the city bureau to come, Su Institute, how about you help?"

Su Mu touched his nose and said helplessly, "Okay!"

When Li Changle saw that Su Mu stayed to help him solve the case, he was overjoyed immediately, and said boldly: "Tonight, I will treat you to the town for a meal. Grandma's is that no alcohol is allowed at this critical time, otherwise we will have a good meal! "

Chapter 94 The Dead Fight Back

After a night of silence, Su Mu, Li Changle and others held a meeting in the office the next day to discuss how to carry out the next step of investigation.

When it came to the next plan, everyone frowned, because the murderer did not leave any traces, and the case went back to the beginning, and had to be investigated from the beginning.

And because of the long time interval, re-examination is more difficult than before, and there is even no place to start.

So everyone is in trouble.

Seeing that no one had any good suggestions, Su Mu pondered: "Actually, there are still things to check!"

Li Changle and others immediately looked at Su Mu.

"Su Suo, do you have an investigation plan?" Li Changle asked immediately.

For Su Mu, Li Changle and others admired and admired Su Mu almost every word he said was a bible!

So when the big guys saw that Su Mu had a clue, they immediately lifted their spirits and listened attentively.

Su Mu paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "Zhao Gan was beaten to death. Although his body is not too strong, it is not easy to be beaten to death."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Su Mu's analysis.

"Based on Zhao Qian's mentality at the time, he had already decided not to take the blame for his younger brother Zhao Dian. Under such circumstances, he would no longer tolerate bullying from others. He must have fought back when he was beaten."

"In addition, judging from the skin and flesh of Zhao Gan's corpse, he not only fought back, but also fought back quite powerfully. Although he was killed in the end, I believe the murderer must have suffered serious internal injuries!"

"Because Zhao Qian hardly interacts with the outside world, the murderer is most likely also a person in the coal mine!"

When Su Mu said this, he slowly glanced over everyone's faces: "So we just need to go to the coal mine to find the person who was injured recently, he is probably the murderer!"

Li Changle and the others were stunned for a while, and then they all became excited.

Su Mu's deduction was like a stroke of genius. The murderer was injured. Although it was an internal injury, it was not easy to hide it. At least he had to look at the injury.

In this way, it is really not difficult to find him!

Li Changle immediately slapped the table and said happily: "Okay, let's go to the coal mine immediately and try to capture this murderer in one fell swoop!"

Su Mu added at this time: "We divided into two groups, one group went directly to the coal mine to find the injured murderer, and the other group went to the town hospital and private clinic to see if anyone in the coal mine has come to see a doctor recently!"

Everyone nodded in agreement again.

In the end, Li Changle asked the trainer and Luo Ping to go to the town hospital and private clinic to inquire, and he and Su Mu went directly to the coal mine for investigation.

Everyone has a purpose plan, so they don't wait any longer, and start their own work,

Su Mu and Li Changle drove straight to the coal mine where Zhao Gan used to work.

In the car, Li Changle briefly introduced the situation of the coal mine to Su Mu.

The owner of the coal mine is Wang Laoliu, the young man in the flower shirt who sent Zhao Jianwu to the police station yesterday.

Most of the workers employed in Wanglaoliu's coal mine are from other places. The wages are not high, and the work is very tiring. It is difficult for ordinary people to work for a long time.

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