Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 57

The cause of death was strangulation.

Looking at Zhao Gan's appearance in the photo, Su Mu and Luo Ping couldn't help but glanced at each other. Zhao Gan was not bad in person, but he was extremely thin, not as strong as when he killed Jiang Hai.

Su Mu and Luo Ping read the files, discussed in low voices, and sometimes asked Li Changle a few words.

Watching the discussion between the two, Li Changle gradually discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, Luo Ping always consulted Su Mu when encountering things, and once Su Mu came to a conclusion on something, Luo Ping had no objection.

Li Changle couldn't help being taken aback. He knew that Luo Ping was the director and Su Mu was the deputy director during the previous introduction, and Su Mu was too young.

Logically, Su Mu should listen to Luo Ping!

Now Luo Ping is not only obedient to Su Muyan, but there is even a sense of respect in his words.

Li Changle has seen many colleagues handle cases, but he has never seen such a strange thing.

For a moment he became curious about Su Mu, and secretly visited his behavior.

With this attention, he suddenly discovered that this young man is indeed not simple, and his analysis, sorting out and inference of the case are absolutely incomparable.

It is often possible to directly grasp the core of the clues of the case by peeling off the cocoon.

Li Changle was amazed again and again, stood up, took out the teacup and poured a glass of water for each of them, and his attitude became enthusiastic.

Just after Li Changle changed his previous attitude and became enthusiastic, Su Mu suddenly raised his head and asked him, "How do you know Zhao Gan's true identity?"

It stands to reason that Zhao Gan fled here, so he should remain anonymous.

Li Changle replied: "We found Zhao Gan's old ID card in the shack where he lived. It was processed in your Jiangbin City 20 years ago. We only found out his identity after contacting you!"

Su Mu immediately said: "That is to say, the murderer didn't check the place where Zhao Qiang lived after the murder?"

Li Changle couldn't help being taken aback, and blurted out, "How do you know?"

Su Mu smiled and said: "If the murderer searched Zhao Qian's residence, it would not be difficult to find out this ID card. He would not leave any clues to the police, and it would definitely be destroyed."

Li Changle took a deep look at Su Mu, and nodded in admiration: "The scene where Zhao Gan was killed really didn't show traces of investigation."

Su Mu hummed: "That means the murderer didn't kill for money!"

Li Changle shook his head: "According to our investigation, Zhao Gan works in a small coal mine and can only maintain food and clothing, leaving no money at all."

Chapter 87 Limitation of Time and Space

"It's not a murder for money, and it shouldn't be a murder for vendetta!" Su Mu murmured, "Zhao Gan fled here, and he is absolutely cautious in his daily life. He shouldn't have any grudges with others."

Li Changle hurriedly said: "We have investigated Zhao Qian's daily social relations. He only goes to work and goes home. He doesn't interact with anyone at all, and he has never heard of anyone having a grudge."

Su Mu nodded: "Excluding vendetta and financial killings, for a murder case, the most likely thing left is a murder of love, but Zhao Qian doesn't even have contact with anyone, let alone a murder of love."

Li Changle nodded frequently in agreement with Su Mu's analysis: "Su Suo, what you said is too right, we have investigated all of these, and we can basically rule them out!"

As he said that, he refilled the tea for the two of Su Mu, with a more enthusiastic attitude, even a little respectful.

Li Changle's attitude changed drastically, not because of anything else, but because Su Mu's inference was too strong.

A few words hit the nail on the head, denying the three major motives for killing for money, vendetta, and love.

You must know that they had spent a lot of effort to investigate these in the first place, so they basically concluded that these three murder motives were not.

If Su Mu had been present, they would not have wasted a lot of precious time if they easily ruled out these three motives.

"It wasn't a financial killing or a vendetta killing. Now even a love killing is ruled out. Could it be that the murderer did it on a whim, emotionally?" Luo Ping asked.

The murderer's motives for killing are generally financial, vendetta, love, or impromptu intentional killings. Except for these four, the chances of killing others such as mental illness are extremely small.

"No, Zhao Gan's residence is in a small mountain nest, and few people go there, and he won't hinder anyone properly, and the chance of killing people temporarily is not high."

"Then what is the murderer's motive? Could it be that he is really mentally ill and innocent!" Luo Ping shook his head, looking a little frustrated.

The motive for the murder is not clear, and there are no traces of the murderer left at the scene. This case is difficult to handle!

The office was silent for a while, Li Changle and Luo Ping shook their heads, they were helpless to deal with this dead-end case.

Su Mu took a sip of the tea, and flicked his fingers rhythmically on the coffee table.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly said: "In fact, killing for love, killing for hatred, killing for money are relative terms. A person in this world must never be completely separated from love, hatred and money."

Both Li Changle and Luo Ping looked at Su Mu immediately, and Li Changle asked suspiciously: "What Su means is that there are omissions in our investigation? Didn't we find out some kind of hidden relationship with Zhao Gan?"

Speaking of this, he shook his head again: "Impossible, our investigation is not foolproof, but it is very detailed, there should be no omissions!"

Su Mu sat up straight, and said in a deep voice, "That's the problem. Li Suo, you have no problem with your work, but Zhao Gan was indeed killed for some reason. Why?"

He looked at Li Changle and Luo Ping with piercing eyes.

Both shook their heads, obviously they didn't know the reason.

"The reason lies in the limitation of time and space!"

"Limited time and space?" Luo Ping and Li Changle looked at each other, puzzled.

Seeing that the two of them didn't understand what he said for a while, Su Mu explained: "The murders of wealth, vendetta, and love that we excluded before have time and space restrictions. The time is limited to the last 20 years, and the space is limited to the local Hongmi Town. "

"However, this does not mean that 20 years ago or outside of Hongmi Town, Zhao Qian was not likely to be killed because of wealth, affection or hatred. Therefore, the vendetta killings we excluded above are only excluded within a certain range. It does not mean that Completely excluded!"

Li Changle and Luo Ping are both old policemen, and they immediately understood what Su Mu said.

The two looked at each other again, and their eyes immediately burst into light of surprise.

"So, according to Su Suo, the murderer is not from Hongmi Town, or even from Shaanxi Province, but most likely from Jiangbin City?"

Li Changle said ecstatically.

Seeing that the two of them understood what he meant, Su Mu nodded with a smile: "That's what I mean. The murderer is from Jiangbin City, not a local!"

As soon as Su Mu finished speaking, Luo Ping stood up excitedly, walked back and forth in the office a few times, sat down immediately, and then stood up again.

"Okay, it turns out that the murderer is from Jiangbin City, this case will be easy to investigate!"

He took out his mobile phone and said to Su Mu excitedly: "I'll call Fang Bureau immediately and ask him to send someone to check whether anyone related to Zhao Gan has gone out recently, and even came to Shaanxi Province!"

Because of the excitement, Luo Ping even changed his voice.

Su Mu further reminded: "Also check whether the people who have already left have come to Shaanxi Province recently."

Luo Ping nodded, and directly dialed Fang Haotian's mobile phone.

Fang Haotian on the other end heard that Su Mu had just arrived in Shaanxi Province, and the case had a clue, so he couldn't help being very happy, and immediately said: "I'll send someone to investigate right away!"

Luo Ping hung up the phone, and Su Mu asked Li Changle again: "Li Suo, have you checked whether there are any strangers in Hongmi Town recently?"

Li Changle said with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry, because we didn't expect someone from Jiangbin City to kill Zhao Gan, so we haven't investigated this aspect."

"But don't worry, I will immediately ask the trainer to take the auxiliary police to the station and several villages near Zhao Gan to check. If there are strangers coming, we will definitely find out!"

As Li Changle said, he immediately picked up an intercom on the desk and shouted: "Instructor, come up!"

After a short time, a middle-aged man in his thirties but with a fair appearance came up.

"This is our trainer, trainer, these two are here on business in Jiangbin City, and now they have a task, you must take the brothers to complete it, this is also my order!"

Li Changle seriously exhorted the trainer.

Seeing Li Changle ordering him to do things with a very rare serious attitude, the instructor couldn't help being shocked, and turned his head to look at Luo Ping and Su Mu.

In the past, there were colleagues from other places who came to work, but Li Changle ignored them. This was not because Li Changle was arrogant, but because there was an accident involving colleagues from other places, and Li Changle was punished.

Because of that incident, Li Changle was transferred to this place where no birds lay eggs as the director, and he worked for more than ten years.

Therefore, he seldom has a pleasant face to his local counterparts from other places.

what is it today?

He actually looked at the colleagues in front of him with admiration, and even had a very respectful attitude. He rarely asked himself to cooperate with them in their work.

Do these two have any superpowers?

After listening to Li Changle's task, the instructor nodded immediately: "I'll take someone to investigate right away!"

Speaking of leaving in a hurry, before going out, he still looked at Su Mu and the two curiously again.

Su Mu stood up at this moment, and said to Li Changle: "Li Suo, please take us to Zhao Gan's residence, we want to see for ourselves, and Zhao Gan's younger brother is also here, can you send someone to take him to the funeral home See his brother's body?"

Li Changle immediately nodded and said: "This is what it should be, I will take you there right away, as for Brother Zhao Gan, I will also be taken to the funeral parlor!"

Chapter 88

The small coal mine where Zhao Gan works is privately run. According to Li Changle, although Shaanxi Province has already banned private small coal mines, there are still people mining illegally.

Zhao Gan's shack is between a small coal mine and a big river. He usually uses the river water for water, and grows vegetables and food by himself.

The river was rushing endlessly, stretching for tens of miles, and more than two miles wide.

On the other side of the river is the mountain.

When Su Mu and others entered the sealed shack, they found that the shack was dilapidated, and it didn't look like a place to live alone.

Several people inspected the shack for a long time, but they walked out without finding anything.

Su Mu looked up at the big river and the giant mountains in the distance, and couldn't help asking: "Where is the place after crossing the mountains?"

Li Changle immediately replied: "Crossing the mountain is the neighboring county."

Su Mu thoughtfully asked again: "Does the neighboring county have frequent contact with this place?"

Li Changle shook his head: "In the past there were ferries, and the two sides had contact at that time, but with the reform and opening up, the ferry does not make money, and without transportation, the two sides basically have no communication."

Su Mu looked at the rushing river again, nodded, and stopped asking.

Seeing that nothing was gained, Su Mu and his party returned to the police station.

In the office, they discussed the case for a long time, and the instructor brought them back.

When Li Changle saw it, he immediately asked: "Is there any gain from the investigation? Is there any stranger who came to Hongmi Town recently?"

The instructor smiled wryly: "We checked all the buses coming to Hongmi Town recently, and no one from other places came here. We even asked the taxi company, and no one came to Hongmi Town by taxi!"

"In addition, we also asked the owners of several shops in the town, and they have not found any strangers coming here recently."

When Li Changle and Luo Ping heard this, their hearts sank. No stranger came to Hongmi Town?Could it be that Su Mu's deduction was wrong?

For a while, both of them stared at Su Mu, hoping that he could explain this.

But Su Mu didn't speak immediately, he looked up at a map on the wall in a daze, and that map was a map of the whole territory of Hongmi Town.

"Su Suo?" Li Chang Le couldn't help calling Su Mu.

Only then did Su Mu come to his senses, and turned his head to see the trainer and others covered in dust, knowing that they had spent time and effort and had done their best.

"Thank you, instructor, for your hard work!"

Su Mu thanked him for his great help.

The instructor waved his hand: "You're welcome, we're all colleagues, if you can help, help, but there's nothing we can do about it."

Su Mu nodded: "The trainer did his best. The murderer must have come to Hongmi Town through other means. We neglected other channels."

Li Changle and the trainer immediately exchanged glances, and they both said curiously: "We have worked in Hongmi Town for more than ten years, if there are other channels, it is impossible to hide it from us."

Su Mu pointed to the map of Hongmi Town, and said, "Is the big river next to the shack where Zhao Gan lives so fast?"

Li Changle and the trainer were taken aback.

After a moment of daze, Li Changle slapped the back of his head excitedly: "How did I forget this place?!"

The instructor admired Su Mu again and again: "Su Suo's gaze is really sharp. Although the river is panting every day, it is not as urgent as it has been recently. It was only a few days ago that there was a mountain torrent, and the river suddenly became anxious."

Su Mu's eyes lit up, and he asked again: "That is to say, if a good swimmer dips in the water, can he swim across this big river?"

Li Changle and the instructor replied excitedly at the same time: "Yes, absolutely yes. In previous years, in summer, some people would swim there and play in the mountains!"

Su Mu nodded, obviously the murderer didn't come here through normal channels, but might have come here through a big river.

"This murderer is cunning enough to prevent us from the very beginning!" the trainer said angrily.

Su Mu stared at the map of the whole territory of Hongmi Town without saying a word. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly turned to Luo Ping and said, "Luo Suo, call back immediately and ask someone to check Zhao Gan's village or someone who is familiar with his family's situation." In recent years or during this period, has anyone been at large for crimes?"

When Li Changle and the others heard this, their brains were a little dazed, they really couldn't keep up with Su Mu's thinking.

This thinking is too jumpy, one second was discussing the way the murderer entered Hongmi Town, and the next second was to investigate a possible fugitive.

What exactly is going on?

Not only were they puzzled, but Luo Ping also looked baffled.

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