Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 47

Just as everyone was wondering how to deal with Nijia Village, Fang Haotian's police notification suddenly rang.

Fang Haotian took out the police report and looked at it, and said to everyone: "The leader called, presumably to ask about the results of the unified operation!"

As he spoke, he went to the side and connected the phone. After he hung up the phone and came back, everyone noticed that his face was extremely serious.

"The leader affirmed our action tonight, but at the same time strictly ordered that the factories that produce counterfeit money must be destroyed. The time he gave us was half a month!"

"Half a month? It's impossible. In such a short time, how do we plan the layout?"

When Zheng Kai heard this, he was the first to raise an objection.

The heads of other departments all nodded, echoing Zheng Kai's opinion.

Fang Haotian frowned: "I know it's difficult, but the leader said that after half a month, several big companies will come to Jiangbin City to discuss settlement and investment. We must let them feel the order and harmony of Jiangbin City, so It is imperative to crack down on this counterfeit currency production base, and it will take half a month."

When everyone heard this, they were all silent. Hearing what Fang Haotian said, knocking down the counterfeit currency factory is now not only a criminal case, but has risen to a political level.

Everyone is in the system, so they naturally know the rules, and immediately understand that they have no way out, and must destroy the counterfeit currency factory in Nijia Village within half a month.

"Everyone go to the meeting room, let's discuss it, and Su Mu will go too!"

For fear of leaking the news, this meeting was limited to heads of various departments, and because of Su Mu's detached position in the city bureau, Fang Haotian asked him to attend.

During the meeting, everyone racked their brains to offer suggestions, but none of the proposed plans had flaws and could not be implemented.

In the end, there are only two ways left. One is to instigate a certain family member in Nijia Village and ask them to directly tell where the machine is.

Another way is to let people break into Nijia Village, find the production factory directly, and then take all their stolen goods.

There are pros and cons to both approaches.

After some discussion, the instigating against a certain family member was the first to be rejected.

Although Nijia Village belongs to Jiangbin City, they are close to neighboring provinces, and even have little contact with Jiangbin City.

Therefore, the Municipal Bureau does not have any acquaintances who can instigate rebellion against the people of Nijia Village.

In addition, because the Municipal Bureau arrested a person from Nijia Village last time, he is still in the detention center. The people of Nijia Village still hold a grudge against the Municipal Bureau.

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to instigate a family member.

There is only one way left, to send people into Nijia Village.

But there is also a problem with this plan, that is, every household in Nijia Village is very familiar with each other.

It is also because of this that Nijia Village is very united. It was because of a criminal that it dared to confront and make noise with the city bureau.

So how to hide it from the whole village and successfully enter is definitely a tricky thing.

Everyone discussed until midnight, but there was no safe solution.

Everyone was obviously in a hurry by now, the meeting room was filled with smoke, and political commissar Zheng Kai, who didn't smoke, couldn't keep his eyes open, coughing desperately.

"It seems that sending people into Ni's village is not enough. I can forget about this plan...!"

Fang Haotian saw that everyone had no solution, so he regretted announcing that this plan would not work.

Su Mu has not participated in the discussion, but when he heard that someone was sent into Nijia Village, he frowned slightly.

Just when Fang Haotian was about to give up the undercover plan, Su Mu answered, "I think it's possible to send people into Nijia Village!"


Fang Haotian was startled, and immediately looked at Su Mu.

Others also looked over.

Su Mu is really good at solving crimes, which is recognized by everyone present, but this involves mass incidents, can he do it too?

"What can Xiao Su do?" Zheng Kai's eyes were so smoked that tears came out, and when he heard that Su Mu had a solution, he immediately regained his energy, and he didn't care about his eyes being smoked.

Su Mu pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Since they used counterfeit money to break into our Jiangbin City from Nijia Village, we can also use counterfeit money to break into their Nijia Village!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was very puzzled, using counterfeit money to break into Nijia Village?How to enter?

"Xiao Su, tell me the plan directly, don't go around in circles!" Zhao Qiang, the deputy director, who is familiar with Su Mu, shouted immediately.

Su Mu then continued: "We know that Nijia Village has already been taken over by the counterfeit money market in Jiangbin City. They will definitely want to enter other places in the next step, and Jinghai City is undoubtedly the best place to develop. We will say that we need to A lot of counterfeit money, let them provide."

Everyone nodded in understanding. If the people of Nijia Village want to continue to illegally and criminally make counterfeit money, this development is inevitable.

It's just that they will trust this person?

After thinking about it, everyone shook their heads, thinking that Su Mu's method was taken for granted.

Su Mu nodded: "The people of Nijia Village must be confused. They don't know whether our identity is true or false, so the people of Nijia Village will have two choices."

"Which two?" Everyone asked immediately.

"Either blow him away directly, or call the police and let the police deal with it."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, co-authoring two choices can't break into the interior of Nijia Village, so was it a joke to do so many things before?

If it weren't for the fact that Su Mu's IQ was first-rate, if it were another person, everyone would laugh at him as a fool.

Su Mu ignored everyone's objection and continued: "I don't think it's possible to blow away directly. The person in charge may choose to call the police, so that they can prove to the police that they are innocent. On the other hand, if this person is sent by the police , they can watch the excitement."

"Well, if this is the case, the police are indeed a joke. I also think that the people of Nijia Village will definitely call the police." Xiao Yang nodded.

Just now everyone didn't take Su Mu's words seriously, which made Xiao Yang feel uncomfortable, and wanted to support Su Mu once.

Su Mu nodded to Xiao Yang, thanking him for his support.

"The most important thing is that we know that someone in Nijia Village is locked up in the detention center, and once our people are also 'locked' in the detention center, they will be more suspicious and let the criminal test our people."

"If we 'prove' at this time that he is a fraudster of counterfeit currency, that Nijia villager must report it to the person in charge, so that we will choose to cooperate with our people after they leave the detention center!"

After Su Mu finished the whole plan, he stopped talking.

Everyone gasped.

Su Mu's plan seemed a bit complicated, but one link within another, and each link calculated the psychological behavior of the people of Nijia Village in place.

Compared with other people's suggestions just now, Su Mu's plan is the most operable and feasible.

"But in the detention center, how do we convince the criminal in Nijia Village that we are a counterfeit currency fraudster?" Luo Ping asked a specific question.

This time, without waiting for Su Mu to answer, Fang Haotian slapped the table and said: "This is easy to handle. We have so many criminals with counterfeit currency on hand. Let them act in a show, and then let the police in Jinghai City cooperate to obtain other counterfeit money. Trust is easy!"

Everyone deliberated over Su Mu's plan several times, and felt that the plan was seamless and could be implemented!

"Why don't you go directly into the detention center and approach the criminal?" Someone asked suspiciously.

Chapter 70 Greed

Some people wondered why they didn't go directly to the detention center and get close to the Nijiacun criminal?

Su Mu replied: "Only the people of Nijia Village call the police in person, and then our people really go in. This way, it will be a matter of course, and they will naturally believe it when the time comes."

Everyone is an old investigator, after Su Mu explained, they immediately understood the trick.

The key point of Su Mu's plan is that the real is the real and the fake is fake, and the fake is confused with the real, and the real is adulterated. No matter how cunning the people of Nijia Village are, they will be confused and unable to distinguish the facts.

Coupled with the fact that Nijia Village is eager to develop Jinghai City at this time, they must have fallen into the trap of the police because they are obsessed with money.

Everyone at the scene discussed it again, and finally decided to adopt the method of sumu.

With the planning method, everyone suddenly relaxed.

As for the person who broke into Nijia Village, Su Mu is naturally the best candidate. He is good at tracking and anti-stalking. Breaking into Nijia Village will be a sharp edge to solve the case.

In addition, the plan was made by Su Mu, who was able to control the fire better than ordinary people, thus gaining the trust of Nijiacun and the criminal.

Su Mu also went there willingly. The next day, Su Mu rested at home for a day to prepare for the planned action.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the third day, Su Mu appeared in Nijia Village.

At this time, his attire had changed from his usual appearance, he couldn't tell he was a policeman at all, he was dressed in fancy clothes, showing a seven-point ruffian air.

The people of Nijia Village were indifferent to the stranger who broke in suddenly, and no one came forward to say hello.

When Su Mu walked into a family and asked Ni Hong, the family showed a little surprise, and then replied indifferently: "I don't know!"

Ni Hong is the person in charge of making and producing counterfeit money, which Li Hua told the police when he explained.

Seeing that the family refused to speak, Su Mu shook his head and walked out.

The surrounding Ni family village still ignored him, but Su Mu knew that the news that he was looking for Ni Hong must have spread.

He wandered around the village for a while.

The village is built on the mountainside, surrounded by countless cliffs, this is just the head of the village, walking into the mountains, there are residents of Nijia Village within ten miles.

This is why direct arrest is particularly difficult, because the geographical situation is too complicated.

Just when Su Mu came to visit a pagoda in Nijia Village with great interest, a cold voice came from behind: "Are you looking for Uncle Hong?"

Su Mu looked back, and a man in his 30s with a gloomy face appeared silently behind him.

Nod now.

The man still said indifferently: "You come with me!"

Let's go first.

Su Mu had no choice but to follow behind.

After a while, the man brought Su Mu into the ancestral hall of Nijia Village. The ancestral hall was built tall, majestic and resplendent.

Along the way, Su Mu discovered that the entire Nijia Village is by no means as impoverished as it is isolated from the world. Every household is a small building, which can even be called luxurious.

Before he came here, he knew about Nijia Village. People here used to collect fungi on the mountain, and because of the weather, their things were very popular.

Therefore, the whole village has earned a lot of money, and with the government subsidies for them, life is quite good.

It's just that I don't know which tendon was wrong, and I became greedy and produced counterfeit banknotes for profit.

And according to what we have so far, there are quite a few people engaged in illegal and criminal activities of counterfeiting banknotes, and even the whole village is involved.

All the way to visit, he did not find the slightest trace of the production of counterfeit money.

"It seems that the process of producing counterfeit money in Nijia Village is more hidden than imagined!" Su Mu thought secretly.

Just as he was thinking, the man who led the way pushed open a small door next to the gate of the ancestral hall to let Su Mu in, but he himself stood guard by the door.

Su Mu had no choice but to walk in.

Immediately, the small door was closed by the man, and the light in the room suddenly dimmed.

After Su Mu got used to the dim light in the room, he realized that there was an Eight Immortals table on the top, and two elderly people in their 50s were sitting on the left and right.

And there are several strong and strong men below, staring at him covetously.

Su Mu kept his expression on the surface, but he knew in his heart that this was Ni Hong wanting to show him off!

Nijia Village is unwilling to communicate with the outside world, and villagers in other nearby villages are too lazy to deal with them because of the weirdness of Nijia Village.

So Su Mu came to Nijia Village alone to find Ni Hong, which surprised the whole village.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" The old man on the right hand side of the Eight Immortals Table asked coldly.

Su Mu found that this man had a huge mole on his face, which looked a little scary.

Su Mu didn't answer right away, instead he pulled a stool over, blew the dust and sat down.

There was a trace of anger in Ni Hong's eyes. He wanted to give Su Mu a blow, but he didn't expect that the other party was not afraid at all.

After Su Mu sat down, he looked at Ni Hong and said leisurely: "I heard that all of your downlines selling counterfeit coins in Jiangbin City have been taken over by one pot?"

As soon as these words came out, Ni Hong and the others were shocked. They didn't expect this young man to say such words.

"Who are you?" Ni Hong shouted viciously.

The counterfeit currency market in Jiangbin City, which they had been operating for many years, was destroyed overnight. This made Ni Hong feel like bleeding, and he hated the police very much.

Fortunately, he didn't know that the Su Mu in front of him was the one who destroyed all their influence in Jiangbin City, otherwise Su Mu would be in big trouble.

Su Mu shook his head, but still didn't answer Ni Hong's words: "Although Jiangbin City is developing rapidly, it is a small place after all. If Boss Ni is willing, he can cooperate with me to develop the Jinghai City market!"

As soon as these words came out, Ni Hong and the others were shocked again.

"Who the hell are you?" Ni Hongteng stood up, pointed at Su Mu and shouted sharply.

Then Su Mu took out a business card and handed it to Ni Hong: "I am the business manager of Jinghai Jiaolong Export Trading Company, and my name is Zhou Hai!"

"I'm dissatisfied with everyone. We say it is a trading company, but it has always been in the counterfeit currency business, but there has been no source of goods, so we can only make small noises!"

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