Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 44

Under the pressure of Su Mu and his wife, Wei Jian explained the reason for having so many counterfeit coins.

"Who is your superior?" Su Mu asked coldly.

Wei Jian shook his head: "I only know his name is Brother Qiang, and he is in his 40s. I don't know anything else."

"What kind of contact do you usually rely on? How do you deliver the goods?" Xiao Yang asked.

"It's all on the mobile phone. I have his number. If I want the goods, I call him on the mobile phone, and then choose a delivery place."

"Give me Brother Qiang's phone number!"

Su Mu took Wei Jian's cell phone, and according to the number he said, retrieved a cell phone number signed "Brother Qiang".

Su Mu and Xiao Yang looked at each other, Xiao Yang nodded, and Su Mu dialed the phone number of Brother Qiang with a tacit understanding.

"Beep beep", the phone rang for about half a minute, but the other party never answered.

Could it be that brother Qiang didn't pick up Wei Jian's phone because he heard the wind?

Su Mu frowned and had no choice but to end the call.

"Where do you usually trade?" Su Mu put down his phone and asked Wei Jiandao again.

"The location of the transaction is decided by Brother Qiang. It is never fixed. I remember that there is an alley next to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, pommel horse alley, and a small forest in Quanmin Park..."

Xiao Yang frowned when Wei Jian mentioned more than a dozen delivery locations in a row. This strong guy is cunning enough to change places with one shot!

In this way, it is naturally impossible to grasp its whereabouts.

With the name "Brother Qiang", it is impossible to check it out on the computer.

There are a lot of strong characters in their names, especially middle-aged people in their 40s, there are so many of them, it is too difficult to check them one by one!

No time, no ability!

"Do you know Brother Qiang's purchase channel?" Su Mu asked again.

Judging from the current situation, Wei Jian can be regarded as a small fish at best, and the "Brother Qiang" behind him is considered a big fish.

As for the super big "fish" behind Brother Qiang, it is even more exciting!

Wei Jian shook his head: "I don't know, but I vaguely heard him mention that it is very convenient to buy goods, and you don't even need to go out of Jiangbin City!"

When Su Mu and Xiao Yang heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised, don't they need to go out of Jiangbin City?Could it be that there is a gang in Jiangbin City that manufactures and sells counterfeit money?

Both of them were shocked by the news for a while.

If this is the case, "Brother Qiang" must catch it!

Su Mu took a piece of white paper and drew on it with a pencil. After a while, he drew a map of the locations where Brother Qiang and Wei Jian traded.

Xiao Yang looked at it and shook his head. The distribution map covers a wide range, so it is impossible to determine where Brother Qiang is hiding!

Su Mu stared at the distribution map for a long time, and suddenly pointed to one of them and said to Xiao Yang: "Caomin Street, Brother Qiang and Wei Jian trade in a wide range of places, only in Caomin Street that they have never traded before!"

Xiao Yang was startled, and then happily asked: "You mean...?"

Su Mu nodded: "It should be that Brother Qiang is deliberately avoiding Caomin Street, so his hiding place is probably in Caomin Street!"

Xiao Yang looked at the distribution map for a while, then nodded sharply: "Your analysis is right, this place may really be the hiding place of Brother Qiang."

Because according to the distribution map, there have been transactions near Caomin Street, but Caomin Street has not!

The population of Caomin Street is small, and there are even fewer middle-aged men in their 40s with the word "qiang", so it is not difficult to investigate.

Wei Jian was shocked when he saw that Su Mu could figure out where Brother Qiang might be hiding in a few clicks. What is the background of this young man and why is he so powerful?

After confirming Brother Qiang's hiding place, Wei Jian's cell phone rang suddenly.

Su Mu picked it up and looked at it, then raised his head and said to Xiao Yang, "Is it Brother Qiang's phone number?"

Xiao Yang raised his brows, and immediately said to Wei Jian: "If you pick it up, just say it's out of stock and ask him to supply it!"

"I... I will take it?"

Wei Jian obviously had never experienced such a scene, and his tone of voice changed in fright.

Xiao Yang frowned.

Su Mu said: "Let me take it!"

Wei Jian was taken aback again, Brother Qiang called me, will he doubt you when you answer?

But then something happened that stunned Wei Jian. Su Mu pressed the answer button and said, "Brother Qiang!"

That "Brother Qiang" almost made Wei Jian jump up in fright. Isn't that just his own voice?

How could this young police officer know his own voice?

"Well, Wei Jian, did you have something to do with me?" Brother Qiang on the other end obviously didn't hear anything unusual, so he hummed and asked in a muffled voice.

"Brother Qiang, I'm out of stock, can you give me some?" Su Mu imitated Wei Jian's voice and asked again.

Brother Qiang was silent for a while, and then said: "The limelight is tight recently, let's talk about the supply after a while!"

Saying that, the strong brother on the other end quickly hung up the phone.

"Fuck, this guy is cunning enough!" Su Mu threw the phone on the table and couldn't help cursing.

"Can you tell where this brother Qiang's accent is from?" Xiao Yang asked.

"The authentic accent of Jiangbin City should be born and raised in Jiangbin City, and those who come halfway don't have such an authentic accent!" Su Mu replied.

Xiao Yang nodded. Since he is from Jiangbin City, lives in Caomin Street, is in his 40s, and has a "qiang" in his name, it will be easier to find him!

He rushed outside and shouted: "Instructor, send Wei Jian to the detention center and report to the command center!"

As soon as Shen Bu agreed, he immediately walked in and escorted Wei Jian to the detention center.

In the document Fang Haotian delivered last night, there was a requirement that all departments, regardless of whether they have investigated counterfeit currency cases, should report to the command center every day.


At this time in the Criminal Police Brigade, Zhao Qiang and Luo Ping gathered a group of elites from the Criminal Police Brigade to discuss the crackdown on counterfeit currency cases in the office.

"This time, our criminal police brigade, as the backbone of the special operation against counterfeit currency cases, must make achievements and play with style, let the brother departments see!"

As soon as Zhao Qiang, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, came up, he set the tone for everyone, that is, the criminal police brigade will win the special operation!

Everyone below nodded their heads.

In terms of the overall quality of being able to solve cases, there is indeed no department in the entire Jiangbin Municipal Bureau that has more resources and conditions than the criminal police team, nor does it have the ability to have a wealth of talents!

Just when the entire criminal police team was gearing up and preparing to do a good job and show it to the brother departments, Luo Ping, who was checking the computer, suddenly let out a light snort.

Zhao Qiang and others looked at Luo Ping.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Qiang asked.

Luo Ping raised his head and smiled wryly: "It seems that we want to fire the first shot of the special operation. The Chengnan Office has already captured a guy involved in counterfeit money, and the number is not small!"

Chapter 65

"So fast?" Zhao Qiang and others asked in surprise.

Luo Ping nodded: "According to the report from the command center, the guy who was caught can still find clues. Damn, Xiao Yang is going to feel proud again this time!"

Recently, there have been gossips from the Municipal Bureau that the Municipal Bureau is going to promote a deputy director, and those who are qualified to compete are nothing more than Xiao Yang and Luo Ping.

But recently, in terms of case detection rate, the criminal police team has been repeatedly inferior to Chengnan.

For Luo Ping, who has the best personnel and resources, the situation is obviously unfavorable.

Of course Zhao Qiang and the others knew that the relationship between Luo Ping and Xiao Yang was delicate at this time, and it was hard to comfort him when they saw his expression was wrong.

"Who caught it?" Zhao Qiang asked.

"Su Mu!"

"It's this guy again." Zhao Qiang said in surprise: "This guy is simply a crime-solving machine. With him in the Chengnan Office, Luo Da, you must not be as good as Xiao Yang in terms of competition in solving crimes."

Luo Ping and Su Mu have worked together many times, so of course they understand this truth, and glanced at the subordinates, their gazes clearly meant that iron could not be made into steel.

Everyone in the criminal police team faced Luo Ping's gaze, and their faces were all embarrassing.

They also want to help Luo Ping, but in the face of Su Mu's high rate of solving crimes, even if the entire criminal police team goes together, they may not be opponents.

"Hey, Xiao Yang was a step late at the beginning, and let him poach Su Mu away!"

Thinking of Xiao Yang's methods to poach Su Mu away, Luo Ping was very annoyed.


Luo Ping of the criminal police team was annoyed, but Xiao Yang of the Chengnan Police Department was happy.

It turned out that just now through the big data survey, they brought up all the middle-aged men in Caomin Street who were in their 40s and had "strong" in their names.

After comparison, one of them named Ding Qiang surfaced.

When Xiao Yang asked someone to show Wei Jian a photo of Ding Qiang to the detention center to identify him, Wei Jian admitted without hesitation that this Ding Qiang was the brother Qiang who sold him the counterfeit money.

Locking down the suspect, whether the next move is to arrest him directly, or to take a long line to catch big fish, the Chengnan Office is divided into two factions.

Some people are in favor of direct arrest, using interrogation to pry Ding Qiang's mouth open, and then force him to confess to the superior behind him.

Because of the testimony of Wei Jian, they are confident that they can pry Ding Qiang's mouth open.

But the other faction thinks it is very risky to do so, it is better to follow up and investigate secretly, thoroughly grasp the criminal evidence of Ding Qiang and his superiors, and finally catch them all.

Regarding the opinions of the two factions, Xiao Yang believed that each had advantages and disadvantages, and he couldn't make up his mind which method to choose for a while.

In the end, he looked at Su Mu, who had been silent all this time, and wanted to ask for his opinion.

The two factions in the office were arguing in chaos. Seeing Xiao Yang asking for Su Mu's opinion, they fell silent and looked at Su Mu.

With Su Mu's current detached position in the south of the city, he even has the right to speak in front of Fang Haotian. Once he agrees with one side, Xiao Yang will definitely adopt his opinion.

So people from both factions looked at Su Mu, expecting him to agree with their side.

Su Mu pondered for a moment and said: "I also praise long-term fishing for big fish. Now that Ding Qiang is caught, he can at most confess to a mere superior. Once the higher-level one hears the wind and runs away, we can only stare blankly!"

Although it is also a long line to catch big fish, what Su Mu thinks is not just Ding Qiang's superior, but a more advanced big fish.

"A more advanced big fish? How advanced is it?" Some comrades who agreed to directly capture asked dissatisfied.

Su Mu glanced at him indifferently: "The dens that produce counterfeit banknotes, only by eradicating the dens that produce counterfeit banknotes can Jiangbin City have a clean currency circulation environment!"

"Our special operation is to completely wipe out this cancer in Jiangbin City, instead of arresting one or two people who use counterfeit money!"

When the comrade heard this, he immediately fell silent. Su Mu really thought farther than him.

Xiao Yang couldn't help but glanced at Su Mu appreciatively, Su Mu's heart and mind were indeed beyond comparison with ordinary people!

"Okay, since Su Mu agrees to take a long line to catch big fish, I also agree to do so. Now I will divide everyone into groups, two people in each group, follow Ding Qiang in turn, and make sure to catch the big fish behind him!"

Seeing Xiao Yang's final decision, everyone stopped speaking against it.

After Xiao Yang finished dividing into groups, everyone started to act.

In the first group, Su Mu and Wu Jianhong partnered to follow Ding Qiang.

For double insurance, Xiao Yang asked Su Mu and Wu Jianhong to pretend not to know each other and follow Ding Qiang separately.

The two agreed, and after Qiao Zhuang changed his disguise, he left the Chengnan Office.

Xiao Yang and others in Chengnan Office did not dare to neglect, Qiqi waited in the office, ate and slept in the office, waiting for the two of Su Mu to reply.

Time passed little by little, and about two hours later, Wu Jianhong came back dejectedly.

"Come back so soon?" Seeing Wu Jianhong's expression, Xiao Yang immediately understood that he must have missed.

Wu Jianhong said in frustration: "I lost it!"

Xiao Yang frowned: "How long have you followed Ding Qiang?"

He calculated the distance back and forth, Wu Jianhong followed him for a short time, lost him so soon?

"I followed him for about ten minutes!" Wu Jianhong blushed.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, it only took ten minutes, and the follow-up was over.

Wu Jianhong murmured: "Ding Qiang is too cunning. Although he didn't find me, he was obviously afraid that someone would follow me. He made all kinds of temptations and then disappeared suddenly!"

"Su Mu also lost his target?" Xiao Yang asked.

Wu Jianhong shook his head: "I lost Ding Qiang, and found that Su Mu was gone too!"

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