Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Curtis’ Snake Den

Curtis is not only fast, but also has excellent endurance. His flexible body is walking around in the mountains and has traveled one mountain after another.

At dusk, he finally stopped under a huge waterfall and hugged Bai Qingqing directly into the lake water under the waterfall.

Where there are many trees, the temperature is low, Bai Qingqing is frozen by the lake water, and the temperature of the body seems to be taken away by the running water.

“This is where I sleep.” Curtis said by pointing at the waterfall. Bai Qingqing hung his head, and did not look at the sound.

Curtis directly hugged her and rushed into the waterfall. Bai Qingqing screamed in a pretentious manner, and had recovered to have entered the natural void in the waterfall.

The cave-cavity is about 20 square meters, like a big room. It is still clean. A pile of soft grass is neatly placed inside the cave.It’s just that the humidity is very heavy, and the air is covered with a layer of mist. Ordinary people often live here because they might get sick.

Curtis put down Bai Qingqing, and Bai Qingqing suddenly got energized, and a few strides ran to the end of the cave-cavity, turning to stare at Curtis.

Does he want to mate with himself now?

Imagine being forced to have a relationship with this terrifying python and having a pile of eggs. Bai Qingqing would rather die than accept it.

While staring at the snake beast, Bai Qingqing took the time to sweep the stone wall beside his eyes, considering whether to hit him to death as soon as possible.

Curtis just looked at her indifferently, swaying the snake’s body, and turned into a complete humanoid.

Bai Qingqing quickly looked at him-a glance, it was really two Tintin!

Why are there two?Is it deformed?

It’s so long, I don’t know if the female performance in this world can’t bear it, anyway she can’t.Ma, I want to die.

Curtis looked down at Bai Qingqing’s gaze and looked at his birth-reproductive organ. Binghan’s gaze flickered with a smile.

The reaction of the female is very astringent, and obviously there is not much contact with the female.Thinking of the female being alone, Curtis felt a joy in his heart and suddenly felt a sense of belonging.

This emotion was unprecedented when he was fighting with Leopard before. At that time, he just wanted to take away the female first, planning to dislike it and send it back.After all, a female without a spouse may be inexplicable.

Curtis put his snake slough gently on the stone floor, his face was cold, and his voice was smooth: “My name is Curtis.”

Bai Qingqing just moved in the opposite direction as Curtis moved, staring at him silently.

“what’s your name?”

Bai Qingqing still said nothing.

Curtis’s crimson eyes like glazed beads narrowed, and Bai Qingqing immediately stood up with all his hair, and the whole person showed the most nervous state, but only heard his cold voice: “Then I call you Xiaobai.”

Bai Qingqing: “…”

It’s white again, Parker said that it’s more appropriate to call her white.

Thinking of Parker, Bai Qingqing was worried.

I don’t know what happened to Parker. He vomited blood. He must have been injured.He still runs so far after chasing wildly, what should he do if he has leftovers?

“Are you females going to eat every day?” Curtis’ voice interrupted Bai Qingqing’s distraction.

Bai Qingqing said: “I don’t want you to control!”

Curtis’s eyes were cold, and his bloody eyes pulled into a vertical pupil, showing the unique coldness and fierceness of the snake.

Bai Qingqing’s hands clasped tightly on his side, his back clung tightly to the cold, frozen stone wall, and his internal organs seemed to be cold.

Curtis quickly froze the coldness in his eyes and dropped a sentence: “I went hunting.”

Then it turned into a snake and swam out of the cave.

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