Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 59: Figuring Things Out The Hard Way (2)

'AHHHHHHH, WHAT FUCKING GOOD ARE YOU IF YOU CANT TELL ME SPECIFICS DAMN IT!' Resisting the urge to take out his frustration on whatever inanimate object was nearby, Aoni screamed in his head while tearing at his hair thanks to the never-ending list of question marks appearing where there should be prices.

| Specific Progress Point Costs are something generated upon spending; at this time, the User is unable to access that information as you have yet to spend points to Upgrade any specified aspect past F- or Two Stars |

Releasing his hair from the clutches of his madness, Aoni narrowed his eyes and consoled the startled Glacia perched on the floor beside him.

'So what you mean to say is that you won't tell me jack shit until I start spending points? THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF TELLING ME ANYTHING AT ALL?'

| You asked, and an answer was generated |

'You smug piece of ….hey, where'd you go, Tsk, running away the second I begin harassing you VERY mature.'

However, right as Aoni finished that mental statement, the notification window popped up and got the last word in before disappearing again, making the lad exhale shakily while being filled with simmering rage.

| Yelling at a generic window filled with text that is only visible to the User, the same could be said about the User's maturity level |

*Inhale* *sigh*

'Fair play…fair play,' after taking a deep breath and sighing, Aoni redirected his attention back to the task at hand, or at least he tried to, until he yet again got distracted by something minor.

'If I can't get accurate information from the window…eh, I need a better name, uh…' Looking down at Glacia, who had lost interest in his mannerisms and random silent freakouts, the lad found it difficult to come up with any kind of name for the temporary display.

After all, it wasn't like he could call it a Supplementary or Side Traveler's display; that would just be stupid…S-TD….nope.

Giving it a bit of thought, he decided to call it his Attribute Notice, or AN for short. Considering the only thing it was good for was either harassing him or giving him half-assed information, Aoni felt it was too good of a name, but he was at a loss for any other names.

Yet, it was still his only resource for gathering intel on the capabilities of his Progression Attribute.

Either way, with that minor inconvenience out of the way, he finally got back on topic and weighed his options.

'IF and that's a BIG IF. I use the summons, and it'll net me points five times, considering I seem to get some with each summoning attempt; the only downside to this is I won't be able to do a full Multi-Summon any time soon, considering how I'd have already used eight…wow, it's been eight days already.

'That leaves me only six more free summons; realistically, the best course of action would be upgrading my Flume and then my summon charges; at least that way, I'll not only have a higher summon rate thanks to the Grade of my Flume but also due to executing a complete multi-summon…right, I guess that's it then.' Steeling himself, Aoni finally stepped forward and placed his hand on the rocky yet shiny exterior of the Flume.

His sudden action caused Glacia to look up at her Lord with hopeful eyes, but when the lad saw this, he could only offer her a consolation smile.

"Sorry, Girl, new playmates are gonna have to wait for a little while…"

"oooo…" releasing a sad Oo sound, Glacia's head drooped slightly and in a manner that nearly made Aoni toss his idea aside so that he could make her happy.

However, he knew she didn't fully understand the gravity of the decision he was making, and as such, even if he knew it would cheer her up, the lad put his foot down and went against what his beloved ball of fluff wanted.

'Here goes nothing; I only hope it doesn't drain too many Points…Increase the Grade of My Flume.' Uttering the mental command, Aoni noticed the standard pop-up windows appear detailing what was happening, along with a distinct feeling of something draining from his body and flowing through his hand into the Flume.

'there it is again…is that the transfer of Progress points? Or something more?'

| Increasing the Grade of Territory Linked Flume |

| Second Star manifesting |

| Manifestation complete |

| Territory Linked Flume has been increased to ★☆ |

| Progress Points have been Deducted |

| 15 pp Earned |

Although aware of the flooding notifications popping up one after another in the corner of his Vision, Aoni didn't have the mental capacity to read them; instead, he, along with Glacia, was completely enthralled by the changes occurring with the mysterious artifact.

Before the upgrade, while his Flume was sparkly and shiny due to having filled out its single Star, it still had the same color as any other rock you'd find on the side of the road: a shade of light grey.

However, as the strange feeling of loss flowed out of Aoni's hand and into the Flume, a ripple effect washed through the artifact, similar to a stone being dropped into a lake, only in this instance, the point of contact between Aoni's hand and the Flume, was where the ripple began.

The visible color change wasn't sudden; no, instead, it was similar to how you'd expect water to react when putting in food dye, as a faint hue rippled out from the point of impact, spreading inch by inch in a pinkish shimmer.

With each second that passed, this pink began to deepen as it made its way through the entirety of the Flume, eventually settling on a soft yet bright ruby shade.

"Gao…" Looking up at Aoni as he withdrew his hand from the Flume, Glacia scooted up and sniffed the artifact once, twice, three times before nodding her head and looking up at her Lord with eyes that said, "Yep, it's different now." then stepped back to be in line with the Lad.

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