Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 248: A Gift For His Beloved Wife

The kidnapper in black landed violently under the gaze of the passers-by then dashed away from them.

What is going on?

Did that person just jump off the building?

The pedestrians were speechless, but a second later someone fell back from above.


The ground immediately felt shaking, then that person's figure quickly caught up with the person in black before.

They all wonder in their hearts, is itseason now Parkour?

A grandmother took off her glasses and rubbed them hard, unable to believe what she saw. A young man also shook his head, it seemed like he didn't get enough sleep last night to have hallucinations like this in broad daylight. 

Dream, yes this must all be a dream.

On the other hand, Randika pursues the kidnapper tightly. However, this area is a shopping area so there are many buildings and the atmosphere is very busy. After 7 turns, Randika lost track.

Standing in the middle of the street, Randika watched everyone passing by, frowning. He knew that he had lost track of the kidnapper.

The kidnapper had planned everything well, it seemed like he had planned his escape route a long time ago. She takes advantage of this crowd and blends in well. Randika did not feel any profound inner energy, it was impossible for him to find it.

There is no more way, Randika can only give up this time. However, there is one way that is worth trying.

Randika took the cellphone and called Safira.

Before long, Sapphira's soft voice could be heard.

"Brother Randika!"

Safira's voice sounded happy but contained a hint of anger, she had never been contacted by Randika all this time.

"Saf, are you busy? If not, please help me find someone. "

It's rare to hear her step sister ask for help, Safira immediately agreed. "All right sis, please tell me the problem."

Randika then told everything that had happened. After understanding the problem, Safira immediately said. "All right sis, I will ask Arwah Garuda to investigate it. After getting the results, I'll let you know. "

In his heart, Randika feels relieved, Safira is really reliable.

The two of them chatted for a while then ended their call. Safira left her current job and contacted Elva.

Randika wanted to check on Indra's condition. The effects of the anesthetic should have disappeared by this time. When he opened the door to his room, he found Indra sitting with a sad expression. Randika consoled her and promised to bring back the ginseng doll in a few days.

After entertaining Indra for a while, Randika then went home and headed for his house.

At home, Randika sat on the sofa alone and tried to understand this incident. When he returned from Japan, someone suddenly attacked and kidnapped a ginseng doll. It was certain that this incident was planned in advance, but the problem is who did it?

Randika's forehead frowned even more, she didn't even think who did it. If the opponent was some kind of mafia or ordinary thug, then that ginseng doll could not possibly be caught. The problem was that his opponent this time knew a secret way to catch the ginseng doll that even his grandfather didn't know.

After thinking hard for a while, Randika shook her head. It's a waste of energy thinking out loud like this. He could only hope for Arwah Garuda, which is a secret organization belonging to Indonesia whose intelligence capabilities are equivalent to hers. There should be no problem but what matters most is when the information comes.

At this time, suddenly the door to his house opened. Randika turned and saw that Inggrid had come home.

Throwing his tedious thoughts away, he stood up and greeted his wife with a smile. "Finally you came home dear."

Inggrid came with lots of shopping bags, when she saw Randika, she smiled back. "I brought a lot of ingredients today, I'll cook for you later."

"Wow, I've never been cooked by my beloved wife so far." Randika smiles and hugs him from behind. "Honey, today Hannah slept in her dorm."

After hearing this, Inggrid's face turned red. His memory of this unique gift from Randika comes back to haunt him, what an embarrassing gift.

"Are you impatient?" Randika laughed as he played his hand on Inggrid's chest.

"You just can't wait!" Inggrid gently came out of Randika's embrace and stuck her tongue while walking to the kitchen.

Randika, smiling, followed Inggrid into the kitchen.

"Do not close! I don't want our dinner to be ruined. " Inggrid is swinging her spatula while scowling her face.

Randika smiled when he saw his wife's funny behavior, why does his wife look cute when pretending to be angry like this?

"I don't mind if I don't eat." Randika blinked her eyes. "Aren't you my main dish?"

Randika smiled while Inggrid's face was red. Why is her husband always flirty?

Inggrid decided to indulge in Randika and started preparing her food ingredients.

"Where's Mother Ipah?" Randika asks. "Is he away?"

"Ibu Ipah is not allowed to enter today." Inggrid said as she cut the garlic.

"That means today we are just the two of us?" Hearing this, Randika quickly approached Inggrid.

However, before Randika can hug him, Inggrid has turned and gave him a basket of vegetables.

"Please wash it."

Since he could not feel his wife's chest, he should warm up by feeling the vegetables.

Randika is in a good mood. When he was with Inggrid, he felt the burdens of his life lifted and he really enjoyed being alone with them.

After chopping the vegetables that Randika washed, Inggrid started cooking. However, Inggrid turned around and said in a slightly elevated tone. "Can you come out for a moment and wait on the sofa?"

Randika looks confused, can't he see his wife cooking?

"Get out there first." Inggrid started to play physically, she pushed Randika out of the kitchen.

Okay, I'll be waiting outside!

Randika sat and watched TV while watching Inggrid cooking. Finally after 1 full hour, Inggrid came out carrying her food out.

"Please bring me the plate and the glass, OK?" Inggrid said to Randika as she brought her food to the dining table.

"Try it." Inggrid looked at Randika with a smile. Randika looked at the food in front of him, he really felt dizzy. What's that black thing? Weren't the vegetables he washed earlier a bright color?

And the ribs, why do they look like charcoal?

Randika started to hesitate to take her food, she suddenly cursed Ibu Ipah in her heart.

However, seeing Inggrid's sparkling gaze, Randika took the plate, took it and ate it.

In an instant, an overwhelming sweetness immediately attacked from within his mouth. This made Randika bite her inner lip.

Very sweet!

This sweetness almost made him vomit. When Randika wanted to throw away the food she had chewed, Inggrid suddenly said with a nervous tone. "How? Is it good?"


Randika pinched her thighs hard and tried to smile even though her lips were bleeding. "Delicious, very good! Indeed, the wife's cooking is really special. "

Hearing this compliment, Inggrid's heart became happy.

"Thank goodness, I thought you didn't like my cooking. Even though it's my first time cooking, it seems like I do have a talent for cooking. " Inggrid said, blushing.


Cooking for the first time?


Randika was completely speechless. He was shocked when he heard that it was Inggrid's first time cooking. She seemed to be using Mother Ipah's absence to cook for her.

Finally, the mystery of why she should not be in the kitchen has been solved, as if Inggrid is afraid of being criticized.

After Randika cooked and swallowed the super sweet stir fry, she felt her mouth was numb so she wanted to drink a glass of water. Seeing that the soup in front of him was quite clear, he took a sip.

After drinking a sip, Randika almost vomited on the spot. Why does this soup still taste raw meat? Did Inggrid not bring this soup to a boil?

"Why? Not good?" Inggrid is really nervous, however, she wants her cooking to be complimented by the people she loves.

"Good, delicious, just a little hot." Randika quickly showed a smile. Seeing Inggrid's smiling face, Randika's heart really clenched. This torture was heavier than the torture of his troops in Japan.

After putting down his soup bowl, Randika looked at the other foods on the dining table. His heart was shaking nonstop. Burnt cooking like this was like poison ready to kill him.

However, this is the cooking of his wife that he made with all his heart, how could he waste it?

Randika's heart was really uncertain and she was on the verge of wanting to cry. Seeing Randika who was silent, he took the charcoal ribs and put them on Randika's plate. "Let's eat before it gets cold."

Randika saw the chunks of charcoal on the plate. When she looked at the smiling Inggrid, Randika could only swallow her saliva. Then he bravely picked up the meat and took a bite.

With her eyes closed, Randika chewed the tough meat as hard as she could. After a few seconds, he swallowed the meat.

"Wow, it's delicious." Randika said with a bitter smile. "But I can't bear to let those of you who are tired of work cook for me. Next time I'll just cook for you. "

Randika's entire body was already breaking out in cold sweat, every chew felt like a death god's slash. Results like this are certainly not surprising, because Inggrid comes from a rich family so in her life she has never cooked. When he moved to the city of Cendrawasih, he focused more on his company and after all, there was Ibu Ipah who took care of him.

Even though Randika can't cook, at least the taste of her dishes is still between bland or salty. Meanwhile Ingrid's cooking is completely random and terrible.

Seeing Randika eating her food, Inggrid's heart is really happy. Her dream of cooking for her husband has finally come true.

Finally, all the food was finished, Randika finally could breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily he had his inner strength, otherwise he would have been vomiting on the dining table for a long time. Fortunately, Inggrid didn't join the meal so Randika could keep her smile on until the last second.

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