Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 206: Damn You!

"Honey, I need to go away for a while. It's not long, maybe half a month," Ryan said.

Irina was silent for a moment but then replied in a soft tone, "Fine, be careful. Don't forget to bring me a souvenir!"

Ryan was a little moved, Irina did not ask anything about his reason for leaving. As for the souvenirs, it seemed that his wife wanted him to come home safely but was too shy to say it directly.

"Okay," Before hanging up the phone, Ryan added, "I'll miss you so much.... I love you,"

In her room, Irina couldn't stop smiling when she heard Ryan's sweet words. Her heart couldn't be any warmer than this.

Not long after, Ryan arrived at the airport and finally boarded his plane.

The plane finally took off right after. Ryan sat down in his seat while looking out the window. He watched the white clouds hovering, but his mind was still focused on the problem with Golge. 

His former spy was now cooperating with the Eclipse and it was very difficult to deal with both of them, not to mention that they also had cloning technology.

When he was still in the underworld, Ryan's power could be classified as the strongest in the world. In fact, he earned the nickname of the God of War. However, after a life of peace and dealing with small flies during this time, Ryan was wary to deal with people from the God list or the 12 Aesirs.

He was aided by that blonde hair once and fought side by side most of the time. But now that everything changed, he must focus on himself.

In the midst of his daydreaming, his flight was already flying high. After flying for an hour, the plane was already far above the ground. At this time, several people  suddenly stood up and walked towards the VIP section.

Ryan was in economy class so he didn't care about them at all.

The flight attendant thought they wanted to go to the toilet and didn't stop them.

However, the two of them immediately broke away and guarded the entrance to the VIP section. Then they shouted at all the passengers, "We have hijacked this plane, all of you will be our hostages. Don't move and don't try to act like a hero,"

After hearing the threat, several passengers stared at them. They ignored their words and went back to listening to music.

They felt the two of them were drunk.

The flight attendant frowned and said, "Sir, if you keep joking like that, I will report this incident as an act of terrorism,"

The two men snorted coldly and one of them pulled a gun from under their pants and fired at the empty seat.


Hearing the gunshot, all the passengers panicked. Their plane was really hijacked!

"Nobody moves! Sit still and listen to our orders!" The hijacker said in a cold tone. At the same time, his friends took out their weapons that were hidden in the trunk and took aim at the passengers.

Everyone panicked, some screamed hysterically, some prayed for their safety, while some others tried to escape to other cabins. But it was useless, the hijackers had already surrounded every cabin's door so there was no way out.

"Everyone shut up!" Shouted one of them. "Otherwise we will start shooting at you one by one and shut you all forever!"

At the same time, some of the hijackers came to the first class cabin. Without saying anything, they pulled out their guns and aimed at the passengers.

"Don't move! We have hijacked this plane!" He shouted.

All the passengers in this first class were shocked. One of these terrorists saw someone running to the pilot's cockpit to tell him the situation and he managed to shoot him before it happened.

Some of the passengers there were trying to act like heroes. At this time, several terrorists who were already disguised in the midst of the first class passengers stood up and beat those who rose against them.

They had been preparing this hijacking plan for months so their execution was absolutely perfect.

It didn't take long for these terrorists to control the situation except for the pilot cockpit.

One of the bearded men took the flight attendants hostage, aiming at them, then asked the crew to sit at the very back of the plane.

After securing them, the man brought one of the most senior to follow him. They were headed for the pilot cockpit.

In the cockpit, the pilot was assisted by a co-pilot. As usual, the door would be closed once the plane took off and opened after it landed at the destined airport. The pilot and co-pilot would follow the flight paths that had been registered and programmed through the help of aircraft navigation. They were also required to follow the information given by the control tower in charge of flight traffics in the airport and service officers along the way.

The flight attendant stopped at the cockpit door and pressed the door saying, "Do you want a drink?"

On an airplane, only the pilot and his deputy might occupy the cockpit. This sacred place was the center of aircraft control. If the captain did not open the door from the inside, then the flight attendants or other people couldn't enter. Therefore, these terrorists needed the help of this flight attendant to make the pilot open their door.

As per their plan, the pilots suspected nothing and opened their door from the inside. As soon as the door opened, three terrorists immediately burst in and pointed their rifles.

"Don't move!" They took aim at the captain and his deputy.

The man with the beard came in and said to the two pilots, "Bring this plane to this place."

At the same time, the man took out a map and pointed to an island.

Of course, the two pilots rejected it. However, the bearded man said in a cold tone, "If you refuse, we will kill your passengers,"

One of the terrorists pushed the flight attendant into the cockpit and pointed his gun at their head.

The captain felt helpless.

The entire hijacking process was fast, it only took 15 minutes for these terrorists to control the entire plane.

In the economy cabin where Ryan was, the terrorists were watching the whole situation with watchful eyes. By this time, they already knew that their members had managed to take control of the cockpit and felt they'd succeeded.

The passengers there were worried and felt helpless. They kept praying for their safe return. A mother was seen hugging her child tightly while a businessman beside her sweating cold all over his body.

By this time, Ryan had stopped daydreaming and had regained consciousness. He had just realized that the plane had been hijacked!

While frowning, Ryan sighed. He didn't want to deal with these terrorists but if his plane was hijacked, that would mean their destination would change and he simply couldn't waste his time.

"How troublesome..." Ryan stood up, and in an instant, a terrorist took aim at him.

"Who told you to stand up?" The terrorist has a cold face. "Sit back down or I'll shoot you!"

"Wait a minute," Ryan raised both hands and said casually, "Can I take my medicine in my bag?"

"I don't care about your illness, sit down or I'll shoot!" The terrorist lost his temper, the passengers also glared at Ryan as they were scared for their life.

Ryan just smiled. "Then ..."

After smiling, his figure disappeared as if swallowed by smoke. The terrorist guarding this economy class was immediately shocked and confused. In the midst of their panic, they took aim at the passengers and threatened to kill them if Ryan didn't show himself.

But by this time, Ryan was already standing in front of the 2 terrorists and giving them a heavy punch right in the face. The blows were extremely fast, the two of them couldn't evade it and were knocked off unconscious on the floor.

Meanwhile, another terrorist was already aiming at Ryan and shooting at him. However, his target was one step faster than him. Ryan had bent the barrel and the bullet could only shoot upwards.


At the same time, the other terrorists realized that their friends had fallen unconscious and immediately aimed their guns at Ryan!

But at this time, Ryan was using the terrorist body in front of him as a shield and all the bullets that were shot at him lodged on it.

At the same time, Ryan took the rifle from the terrorist's hand. Seeing that the two terrorists who shot him ran out of bullets, Ryan jumped up and fired two bullets. It went straight to their foreheads and killed them.

In just an instant, Ryan managed to take down 5 terrorists manning the economy class.

The passengers watched Ryan's action with clenched hearts and wide eyes. Even the one who sat beside him could not cover his gaping mouth.

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