Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 196: Where Are You?

Ryan immediately thought of the two families in Batavia. But after the arrival of his second grandfather, it could be said that the problems with the family were over and they wouldn't bother Irina anymore. 

After thinking for so long, Ryan took a deep breath. His top priority was finding Irina first, and not silently pondering like this.

At this time, Ivanka went downstairs after changing clothes and saw her brother-in-law standing silently at the dining table. She couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong, bro?"

"Your sister disappeared."

Ivanka was shocked to hear that. "What do you mean!? My sister disappeared?"

At this time, Mrs. Susan was also worried. "Is she in trouble again?"

Ryan reluctantly nodded. "It seems so, now all we have to do is find her location,"

"This city is too big, it's impossible for us to find it overnight," Ivanka was already panicking.

"That's better than just keeping quiet," Ryan himself understood this situation. If there were no clues, looking for Irina would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Damn, who else could mess with him this time?!

"Don't worry boy, we'll find her," Mrs. Susan tried to cheer him up.

"Right, let's find Irina together," Ivanka quickly changed her clothes again.

Ryan was really anxious and dizzy. He had lost Irina once and did not want this to happen again. If necessary, he would destJean this city in order to find traces of his wife.

The three of them quickly got into the car and drove towards the city, but they didn't know where to go.

Ryan thought for a moment and said, "We better trace her returning route from work. Maybe we can find something,"

After he parked the car, the three of them began to walk along the road that Irina used to pass to come back to the house. If necessary, they would walk up to the company where Irina worked. During the trip, Ryan kept calling Irina's cell phone though it was not answered.

After almost 10 minutes, the three of them were approaching the Avalerion company but they still didn't find any traces. Mrs. Susan and Ivanka were already panicking wildly.

Ryan could feel his own heart clenching, but he couldn't give up. At this time, his call was suddenly picked up.

His heart shone again, he hoped that nothing bad happened to his wife. He quickly pressed his cellphone against his ear.

"Where are you?"

However, the voice of a man burping came from behind the phone. Ryan's heart darkened again.

"Hey, who is this?" The man's voice sounded halting and unclear.

"This is Ryan, who are you? Where's Irina!?" His voice got higher. "Why did you pick up this phone? Where's Irina?"

Ivanka and Mrs. Susan quickly stood in front of Ryan. But at this time, the phone was suddenly cut off.

Tut… tut… tut…

Ryan quickly felt disappointed when he heard the disconnected phone sound.

"Bro, don't worry. Let's try to go to her office first, maybe my sister is still there." Ivanka tried to lie to herself, she already looked worried from the look in her eyes.

At this time, a group of drunken people was walking towards them.

The pedestrians nearby quickly avoided them. They were afraid of what the drunken people would do.

"Hey, Jean— hicc… What were you doing just now? Hicc…" The drunken man couldn't stop hiccuping.

This group of drunken people kept walking past them, swaying right and left while hiccuping. "Nothing, hicc…"

They passed Ryan's group while continuing to joke. Ryan didn't care about them at all until someone finally told his drunk friend. 

"Hey.. I just.. picked up a cell phone on… the street and… sigh, someone called. The person sounded so angry so I hung up immediately,"

His friend laughed. "Bastard, can your eyes still see that tiny cell phone?"

Jean was offended and replied, "Do you think I'm weak like you? I found a phone in the street and took it so of course I can still use it. And you know what? That person's name was very funny, if I'm not mistaken, his name was… Ryan! Yeah, just like the ugly burnt mutant in that one superhero movie!"

With his super hearing, Ryan suddenly turned his head and chased the drunken crowd.

"Repeat your words," Ryan quickly examined Jean from top to bottom. The man was holding a cellphone with a pink case in his hand.

That phone sure was familiar, Ryan believed it belonged to Irina!

"Hey! What do you want, boy?" The drunken man chugged the beer in their hands again. He was about to break free from Ryan's grasp but it didn't work. At this time, his friends had come to surround him one by one.

"Hey, you want to die boy?"

Even though their sight was slightly blurred, they still managed to surround Ryan in their midst. When the passersby saw them, everyone immediately felt sorry for Ryan. Drunk people were completely unpredictable and they were easily angered.

Ryan really didn't care about the situation, he only cared about Irina's whereabouts. "I asked you once again, where did you find that cell phone?"

However, these drunkards laughed together.

"Hey kid, you thought we would say it just like that?"

"Slander without evidence is tantamount to crime. Go before… Hicc… We sue you!"

One of them finished his beer and put his empty bottle on the ground. In his eyes, Ryan seemed to be moving without stopping.

His friends also started having trouble standing up. From behind, someone suddenly swung his bottle at the back of Ryan's head.

"Die… you bastard!!!"

All the pedestrians had closed their eyes, thinking that the young man was finished. Maybe they should call an ambulance soon.

But what happened in front of them was completely beyond everyone's expectation. The bottle didn't hit Ryan's head. The man himself had disappeared like a smoke and was standing next to the person who attacked him. He then gripped his wrist tightly.

He lifted the drunkard's body to the air and slammed him hard on the ground.

This time, all of the drunken guy's friends got angry. They all started flinging their bottles toward him.

"Stupid brat!"

Before the drunkard could even touch him, Ryan used his elbow and landed a strike on his chest. The person staggered and in the end fell and hit his head violently. He lost his consciousness in an instant.

Another drunkard also jumped in and wasn't sober while hugging his bottle. Apparently, he tripped over his friend's bottle that had been placed on the ground earlier.

On the other hand, Ryan was like a wolf entering a chicken's coop. He quickly took control of the situation. Within 2 minutes, the only one that remained conscious was the drunkard who picked Irina's cell phone. He saw his friends were all knocked out and fainted.

The pedestrians nearby were lost for words. That young man was really powerful!

Ryan's face looked flat, his thoughts were still confused and he was still worried about Irina. If only this person would answer his question, all the people he beat would still be able to stand up.

Jean looked at Ryan with a frightened expression, he was so scared that he vomited his guts.

"What do you want!?" Jean was aware that his life was reaching its end. Without saying anything, Ryan lifted him and knocked him down. In an instant, Jean was moaning in pain.

"Where did you find that cell phone?" Ryan asked in a cold tone.

"I… I…" Jean couldn't stop his fear.

Ryan then raised his hand, "Still want me to beat you up?"

The pedestrians had already called an ambulance and explained the situation. When they saw Ryan torturing one of the remaining drunken men, they didn't dare stop him at all.

"Don't! Please forgive me!" Jean said.

"Where did you find it?" Ryan asked once again.

"In the alley over there," Jean said while pointing at the gate.

Ryan took Irina's cell phone from Jean and immediately walked into the alley.

Mrs. Susan and Ivanka quickly followed him, the three of them then immediately looked for clues when they reached the alley.

If Irina's cell was found there, it's most likely that the woman was going through this alley. There might be clues that could explain her whereabouts.

After half an hour passed, Ryan's face looked limp, he did not find anything at all.

While the three of them felt weak, suddenly they heard a laugh from behind them.

Ryan turned and saw a ginseng doll appearing from the ground.

So this thing has been hiding in the ground all this time?

Still surprised, Ryan suddenly saw the ginseng doll climb up his pants and sat on his shoulder.

At this time, Mrs. Susan and Ivanka saw the cute doll sitting casually on Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan looked at the ginseng doll that seemed to be trying to talk to him. Suddenly, a question crossed his mind. 

"Do you know where Irina is?" 

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