Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 167: Finally Together

However, Ryan decided that today was not the right day to conquer Valerie's heart. After having dinner with the group, Ryan took Valerie back to her house and immediately returned home.

When he arrived in front of his house's door, Ryan suddenly felt his body stiffen. His eyes widened and he couldn't move at all.

In an instant, he was drenched in cold sweats!

The mysterious power inside him that had been suppressed suddenly exploded without warning and it rebelled against his wish!

Its resistance suddenly emerged and Ryan was completely unprepared. In an instant, the pain dulled Ryan's nerves and overwhelmed him. He couldn't spread his inner strength.

His back was already wet with sweat as he was already out of breath. Ryan wanted to sit and meditate in order to channel his inner energy. However, a sudden sharp pain stabbed into his heart and knocked him down.

While enduring the pain, he clawed his own arms while gritting his teeth loudly. The pain inside his body felt like his internal organs were all twisted. It was as if they wanted to escape.

Ryan could barely breathe, he was sweating all over his body that it pooled around him. After three minutes of suffering, the pain then slowly disappeared.

Just like a crushing heart attack, the pain came and left him quickly. Ryan then lifted his head and tried to calm himself down.

If this sudden attack happened several times, Ryan wouldn't be able to live in peace.

Moreover, the pain grew abnormal everytime it struck him. This kind of internal attack was so sudden and it had no warning beforehand.

Frowning, Ryan took his cell phone and called the third grandfather.

"So it's you again. In trouble again, aren't you? What's wrong with you now?" The third grandfather said from across the phone. He sounded so irritated.

"Grandpa, are you busy?" Ryan made sure his grandfather wasn't busy.

"Gah, you think these drugs will take care of themselves? If you call to ask how am I right now, yes I am indeed very busy," the third grandfather was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait! Don't hang up, it's about my illness," Ryan immediately panicked. 

His grandfather frowned as he asked, "Didn't I prescribe you my medicinal soup?"

Ryan couldn't explain his situation well. This disease was really complex and mysterious, he himself didn't know why he got it in the first place.

"Okay then, hurry back over here and I'll give you a new medicine," after that, his grandfather immediately hung up on him.

Hearing his call cut off, Ryan just smiled bitterly. This third grandfather was indeed a tsundere! He acted all tough but actually a softie inside.

After thinking for a moment, Ryan then called Irina.

"Hello, dear? I need to go somewhere for a few days, so you may not hear from me during that time. But don't worry, I'll make up for everything when I come back and give you an unforgettable night!" 

After saying goodbye to Irina, Ryan immediately packed up his clothes and quickly got on a bus to Haifa city.


When Ryan arrived at Hurfeish Village, the landscape and the people had not changed at all.


Ryan saw the fourth grandfather bathed in the morning sun. He looked engrossed by closing his eyes while lying on his recliner. There was tea and snacks served beside him. That old man must be really spoiling him!

"Hohoho, I'd predicted from yesterday that you will return home today and it turns out that I was right!" The fourth grandfather's face looked proud.

Ryan muttered to himself, 'Didn't I call you and tell you I'll be home yesterday?'

"Ryan, come here."

At this time, the third grandfather came out of the house and waved his hand at Ryan. The fourth grandfather then also followed behind him.

"First of all, take a shower with warm water that has been mixed with this medicine,"

"I will change the water every hour, as many as five times."

Five times? That's going to be five hours!

Ryan was really surprised, he would do nothing but soak in five hours?

"Just obey my words. Do you want your illness to be cured or not?" The third grandfather's gaze was sharp. He then tweaked Ryan's ear and told him to lie down in the tub.

After getting into the tub, the old man poured several buckets of warm water filled with medicine.

In an instant, Ryan felt incredible comfort and pleasure. He let out a relieved sigh and enjoyed this moment with his eyes closed.

The tub was refilled with warm water every hour. The third grandfather also checked Ryan's acupoints.

After 5 hours, Ryan came out of the tub and the third grandfather immediately handed him a bowl of medicinal soup.

"Drink while warm."

Ryan immediately drank it, he didn't leave any single drop.

"Stay here for a week," the third grandfather said.

"That's too long!" Ryan replied.

Hearing his answer, the third grandpa got angry. "Blame yourself for being weak. Did you think making medicine was easy?"

Ryan instantly smiled and tried to change the conversation. "Where are the first grandfather and the second grandfather, by the way?"

"The first grandfather still locks himself up," he said. "The second is out,"

Ryan still didn't know why his first grandfather had locked himself up. Previously, the fourth grandfather said that the old man had been locking himself for seven years and six months! Ryan couldn't help but wonder what might the first grandfather do behind that door? Was it meditation?

Meanwhile, hearing that his second grandfather was away didn't surprise him at all. It was certain that his grandfather was still in Batavia.

For the next 7 days, Ryan underwent a series of procedures for his recovery with the third grandfather and bathed in the morning sun with the fourth grandfather. His life was really like a vacation.

During the whole week, Ryan kept taking a bath of medicinal water, and at the same time, hix third grandfather concocted new medicine for him.

Today was already the seventh day. Ryan stood with his grandfather while the old man was stirring a large pot on the stove in the kitchen.

The third grandfather looked busy, he kept adding ingredients to the pot. He was also in charge of regulating the temperature of the furnace.

"Quickly open the window on the right!"

He continued to give directions to Ryan while stirring the pot. Suddenly, a black smoke started to come out and the liquid in the pot turned red as soon as the window opened.

"Quickly close the window!"

Ryan closed it right then and there.

The third grandfather remained focused, and at this moment, the pot he stirred suddenly shook violently. It looked like it was ready to explode at any moment.

"Gramps, the pot won't explode, right?" Ryan asked while preparing to run away.

The third grandfather glared at Ryan. "Did you doubt my skill? haven't you seen me concocting medicine before?"

However, they were interrupted when the pot suddenly shook violently and emitted red smoke!

Ryan's heart was pounding as he was getting ready to escape from there. Had his grandfather forgotten? In the past, Ryan used to accompany his grandfather to clean up the remains of the exploding pot. If it exploded today, then this would be his 50th case!

However, a proud smile crossed his grandfather's face instead. "Done!"


Ryan was still holding his breath, he wouldn't want to be caught off guard. Meanwhile, his grandfather took a capsule and filled it with the potion he made.

Then he put it in a bottle and gave it to Ryan. "Here, take it."

Ryan opened the bottle his grandfather had given him and saw more than 20 red capsules in it. The medicinal smell was a little strange but somehow nice to inhale.

"What's this for, grandpa?" Ryan took one capsule and looked at it closely.

"It's a medicine to control the disease in your body, but it can be said that it's a supporting medicine," the third grandfather said.

"Supporting… what?" Ryan asked.

The third grandfather stroked his beard. "Honestly, your disease is very mysterious. So far, I've treated it with many natural extracts, but this time I used a different method. I used the Yin and Yang harmonization method to reduce the rate of your illness,"

"Harmonization of Yin and Yang?" The more he heard, the more confused Ryan became.

"You must take a capsule every 15 days. After drinking it, you can connect with women even more. This drug will withstand the fluctuation of your disease when you have sex!"

So the sudden attack had something to do with him having sex with a girl? Ryan was getting confused.

The third grandfather then added, "But this medicine has a side effect. After drinking it, your lust will increase and you will feel your whole body getting hot. You will not be able to control your lust,"

Ryan nodded and saw the medicine capsule then said with a serious face, "Grandpa, are you sure you're not making the wrong drugs? I mean… it sounded like these were for male vitality?"

"Bastard, is that how you thank me? You think I need something like that?" The third grandfather twisted Ryan's ear. He felt so angry from hearing Ryan's reply.

"It...it hurts! I'm just kidding! Your explanation sounded like you're giving me some sort of aphrodisiac," Ryan said with a smile. "So the sudden attack yesterday was related to a girl, huh?"

The third grandfather snorted coldly. "It's true that this drug is similar to aphrodisiac, but the effects are completely incomparable. It's just that… the medicine will also absorb the inner energy from a woman's body. I don't need to explain how you can get it, right? The more you hit her womb, the better,"

Ryan was surprised when he heard that, DId that mean the deeper he penetrated, the better it would be for him? His third grandpa was really the best!

But Ryan understood his grandfather's theory. Since he had sex with Irina, he was more easily aroused and his body quickly became hot even when they were still only foreplay.

"That's all from me. Go back to your house, and come back here later when your medicine runs out," the third grandfather said.


It was already night when he arrived in the Avalerion city. Ryan went straight to the house without stopping. When he arrived in the living room, he saw Irina sitting on the sofa.

Ryan couldn't stop laughing in his heart. He wanted to try and feel the side effects of his grandfather's medicine.

After drinking it, Ryan immediately crept onto the sofa. He tiptoed and closed Irina's eyes from behind.

"Guess who I am?" Ryan disguised his voice.

Irina smiled and put away Ryan's hand. "Who else if not you?"

Ryan was a little bit taken aback when he noticed the change in his wife's behavior. Irina removed his hand from her eyes, but it turned out that she placed it on her chest!

"My wife really understands me, your husband has missed you," Ryan smiled and began to squeeze Irina's chest.

WHAT!? Did she get bigger again?

This elasticity and the size was truly extraordinary, was his wife going through puberty again?

Ryan laughed wickedly inside his heart. However, Irina's face was red when she stood up and said, "Don't do anything weird just yet. Ivanka's coming home soon,"

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