Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 61 Proliferation!proliferation

Even if the Lizard King has tried his best to prevent the proliferation of the creep, a single individual is still a drop in the ocean against opponents who are not of the same magnitude.Panting heavily, the seed organs on his back had begun to wither violently, and the Lizard King knew that he had no strength to fight anymore.In its current state, it has fallen to the lowest point in its life, and it only needs a slight roll of these tentacles to kill the leader of this group.

The creeps continue to expand, and by devouring the growth of life in the creeps within the reach, the stratum in the central area at this moment has no other vegetation except for the most central ancient tree of life.

The soft and comfortable grass, the rough and messy shrubs, and the towering verdant trees have all been turned into wasteland.Those elves living comfortably here, the playful elves were brutally devoured and sucked, and all of them were transformed into this twisted and disgusting weird creep.

Just when a tentacle was about to pierce the skull, a soft whirlwind rushed to sway the movement track of the tentacles before that. Lizard King only felt his body lighten, and was quickly pulled into the air by the whirlwind.

Looking slightly towards the origin of the energy fluctuations, a cunning tengu with pale mane and fan-like leaves on its hands was nimbly squatting on a very thin branch. It was this deadly enemy who pulled the lizard king at a critical moment.

Seeing the Lizard King's dispirited and dispirited look, the cunning Tengu immediately let out a low and hoarse "giggle" laugh. Will this guy who always looks arrogant, lonely and cold have such a day?
Lizard King's complexion was sallow, but his complexion changed due to the excitement.The leaders of these two different ethnic groups are deadly enemies who cannot deal with each other.At this moment, surrounded by creeps, they finally had the time to fight side by side.

However, the cunning tengu seemed to be in good condition, and after calming down, the Lizard King still discovered its weak nature.The leaves of the cunning tengu's hands are faintly transparent, as if they have been pierced with several holes.Even the precious mane on the back, which was carefully maintained and cared for, was missing a section, as if it had been torn apart by something, hanging abruptly behind her.

In addition to these two elves, there are many elves remaining at the bottom of the central area and escaped to the canopy.Fortunately, the ancient tree of life has broad branches, enough to provide shelter for the densely packed survivors.

Looking towards the ground, except for the fibrous roots of the ancient tree of life, there is a layer of twisted and wriggling unknown creeps exuding strange and evil thoughts. Their colors are constantly changing and intertwining between black gray and dark green, desecrating the green of life into chaos and distortion.

All the elves were desperate, and they couldn't help calling out from the bottom of their hearts.

The roar of the Lizard King, the humming of the flying mantis, the long and loud roars of the Muke Eagle and the Pidgeon interweave a tragic song like the doomsday.

At the very top of the ancient tree of life, a divine being heard their call, and the ancient tree of life slowly bloomed a stream of clear emerald green, slowly exuding a warm current that made the elves extremely comfortable as if it was undergoing photosynthesis.

This special luster fell to the ground along the countless roots of the ancient tree of life, forming an invisible barrier that firmly blocked the tide-like pervasive creep.

At the core layer of the ancient tree that many elves can't reach, Celebi curled up in a small shrine, motionless like a sleeping child.In the green light that is so thick that it almost liquefies, its back wings can be vaguely seen beating slowly, which proves that this divine beast has awakened.

In fact, there was no need for so many elves to call out to the guardian spirit of the forest, and Celebi felt an unprecedented pure evil in the forest at the first moment.In its spiritual ocean, this evil intention is not the killing, berserk, and angry malice defined by human beings, but the extremely pure malice towards life.

It does not have a complete emotional intelligence, but a macroscopic collective composed of millions of subtle consciousnesses.Driven by instinct, it began to proliferate, divide, and devour valuable targets endlessly.As if biological weapons that were born only to exterminate corrupted life, this made Celebi frown and was extremely puzzled.

Celebi has the innate ability to travel through time and space. For them, traveling between different times in different worlds is as comfortable as eating and drinking.However, no matter how hard the young Celebi tried to search for memories, he had no memory of this monster.

"Labby~ This shouldn't be, is it the first time it has appeared?" Celebi's small wings fluttered more hurriedly, communicating with the ancient tree of life, and fighting against this kind of evil thoughts is also a great burden for the forest god.Although the creeps only appear in the central area of ​​the Emodai Forest, it is only a very small area for the entire forest.But surrounded by such evil thoughts, Celebi vigilantly found that his communication with the outside forest had been greatly weakened.

The central area at this moment is like an isolated island under siege, and can only rely on the power of the ancient tree of life to resist erosion.

Although it will not be a problem for a while, the clever Celebi also understands that the result of this tug-of-war will definitely not be beneficial to the elves.In any case, the power of the entire forest must be mobilized to fight against the weirdness.

After making up his mind, Celebi opened his closed eyes in an instant, and a beam of green light that was constantly changing and trembling went straight into the sky, circumvented the creep on the ground and split quickly, turning into pops of light that scattered towards the forest outside.

These points of light are the pure divine power of Celebi, with a hint of Celebi's breath.At the same time, an entangled spiritual force is also stored in it, as long as the light spot falls on the elf, it will naturally understand Celebi's order.

For a moment, the entire Modai no Mori lit up like a rain of green light.In the outer forest, Shinpei and his party who were on their way also discovered this strange natural phenomenon.

"Wait, everyone, what are these spots of light? Oh my god, they are everywhere, it's incredible!" Shinsuke shouted in shock, even his noisy Robobomb quieted down under the light rain, as if he was listening to some illusory voice.

At the same time, Nanako's Roselet, Shinsuke's Rokubomb, Speaker Rakuten, Okja's Electric Firefly, Tian Tianying, Shinpei's Haoli and Ghost Stone all heard the call from the depths of their hearts.

"Come on... the central area... the enemy... help..."

The intelligence quotients of various elves are different, and the specific information they understand is also different.But there is one thing in common, that is, the owner of the sound needs their help, and it is very urgent.

Especially for the grass-type Roselet, it knew who the source of the sound was almost as soon as it felt it.That was the voice of Celebi, the great satyr god and guardian of the forest.At this moment, Roseleduo eagerly greeted Nanako a few times, then ran straight towards the central area without looking back.

Nanako looked stunned, she didn't understand why her elf suddenly left her, and she also acted in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, let's follow up first. Something unexpected must happen in the forest. And it may have something to do with Celebi. This kind of large-scale spiritual transmission is probably only possible for Celebi with superpower attributes." Shinpei opened his mouth and analyzed, and several people nodded in agreement.

Indeed, at this moment, we can only go to find out.

The four of Shinpei quickly ran wildly in the forest. To everyone's surprise, from the moment the light spot landed, it seemed that all the elves had received the message, and no wild elves paid any attention to the humans who broke into the territory.

Many unbelievable and unreasonable things happened one after another.Alidos, who never leave their nests, used spider silk to move rapidly between the jungles in groups; groups of murk eagles, vultures, and even toucans with strong racial awareness came out of their nests and flew next to each other at rapid speed; rivals Heracross and Dajia worked together to push down all the weeds and bushes that blocked the road, so as not to hinder the way.

The four of them dodged the tide of elves in extreme embarrassment. Although they didn't intend to attack, even if it was just the aftermath of their journey, it was enough to make them suffer.

Following the forest expressway driven by Heracross and other large elves, the driving speed of the few people has obviously increased several levels.

"Look, the elves seem to have stopped in front of them. Could it be that something is blocking them?" Yuzi looked at the slow-moving elves and wondered.

"I think that may be the cause of this mutation." Nanako finally understood why her Rose Leeduo was so anxious, and several people also saw the twisted and wriggling creep, like a bottomless lake flooding the entire area.

"This is, it's unmistakable, it's the creep monsters in the Forest Mansion..." Shinpei was startled, these monsters had clearly been destroyed by King Juye, why is there still such a large area of ​​flooding here? "Be careful not to get close, something very bad will happen if you get sucked into them!"

Shinpei's reminder, coupled with the biting chill of this squirming creepy blanket, the four hurriedly took a few steps back, trying to stay away from it.

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