Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 55 The first show of Gyarados

Commanding Ghost Stone is a completely different experience from commanding Gyarados. Ghost-type elves need to display their interference and strong attack surface, while monsters like Gyarados are much simpler, and they can be directly enhanced by Dragon Dance!

Pseudo-dragon elves like Gyarados, although they don't have dragon attributes, still have the blood of dragons flowing.

However, thanks to the short time it took to learn the dragon dance, it was not able to use it skillfully in battle when Shinpei captured the Gyarados, otherwise it would be useless for Ghost Stone to work hard.

The strengthened Gyarados has the ability to continuously push the team!
The Gyarados, who gradually recognized the true level, twisted their bodies obediently in the heavy rain, and the mysterious dance was performed by the Gyarados.This is the Dragon Dance, the unique skill of the Dragon Clan, an advanced strengthening skill that can simultaneously strengthen attack and speed.

Nanako, who wanted to teach Shinpei a lesson in order to avenge Lotte Kappa's disastrous defeat, became very nervous. She naturally knew how destructive the Gyarados completed by Dragon Dance would be.

The Dance of the Dragons must be prevented from completing, or the stalemate will become unbalanced.

In desperation, she shouted loudly at the Turtle Turtle: "Use the rock blade and charge!"

Gyarados has excellent resistance. In fact, it is not afraid of any other attribute attacks except the deadly electric type.Feeling the strength of its body in the rain, its huge eyes glanced at the clumsy platform turtle with disdain, and with a slight slip, it avoided the rocky blade with a worrying rate of fire.

Nanako regretted the decision to let Letian and Tong Qiyu just now. This was completely a wedding dress for the opponent, and she fell into an embarrassing situation instead.The heavy weight of the platform turtle became a burden in rainy days, and it was difficult to walk on the four-legged battlefield on the muddy ground, which also accelerated the loss of physical strength.

Although the tyrannosaurus is not brisk, the large amount of rain keeps the body moist and at the same time makes the ground smoother. With its smooth dragon scales, it can even swim briefly on the ground, which is far beyond the ability of the four-legged earth turtle to run in muddy water.

The Gyarados, who had been suppressed for a long time, did not intend to deal with the opponent immediately, but instead swam around the bulky Turtle teasingly.The initiative on the scene was firmly held by the Gyarados, and Nanako once again fell to the point of passive defense.

Nanako bit her lip with an ugly expression, frantically thinking about ways to get the Turtle out of the disadvantaged situation.

In fact, the best way is to use sunny days to get rid of this annoying rainy day, but Nanako, who specializes in aquatic plant tactics, does not have an elf who can use sunny days to cover the weather, so she naturally falls into a disadvantage when encountering such an opponent who borrows the weather.

The rock blade that can cause double restraint can't touch the shadow of the Gyarados, and other skills have little effect on the Gyarados of the water flying combination.

"Curse! The Turtle's defensive posture!"

Curse is a very strange skill. For ghost elves, it will greatly injure their own physical strength, so as to achieve the purpose of cursing the opponent. But for elves without ghost attributes like Tutai Turtle, curse is a very cost-effective strengthening move.

The earth turtle raised its head and let out a roar, and a black mysterious aura emerged from its body. Some kind of strange power was turned into runes and imprinted on its shell, constantly strengthening its body to make it more powerful!

The earth turtle itself is extremely slow, and it doesn't matter how slow it is. Under the curse, the physical attack and physical defense become more extreme, and the enhanced results of the Gyarados Dragon Dance slowly disappear under its pursuit.

Nanako is also worthy of being a woman who can serve as the deputy head of the museum, so it is indeed the best solution to such a predicament through strengthening and confronting strengthening.Is it just that Zhenping will make her so happy?
A certain person always had a faint and calm smile on his face, as if he had everything under control. In Nanako's eyes, he was even more pretentious, but he was so angry that he couldn't stop him from pretending to be pretentious!
Really angry!
Gyarados has a fatal weakness, and the earth turtle also has a fatal weakness.The cold attack has a devastating effect on this elf.

Shinpei's voice was like a sharp knife piercing the luck that Nanako was secretly hoping for, and he said slowly word by word:

"Ice Fang, end it!"

How could the Gyarados, which can even comprehend the Dragon Dance, not know the Ice Fang?

With an order, the threatening cold climbed up the terrifying sharp teeth of the Gyarados, especially the four long and narrow teeth. The skin inside the mouth was sealed with a fine layer of frost, and the even more astonishing extremely low temperature gushed out. The earth turtle showed a fearful look, and its huge body couldn't help but tremble.

A thin layer of frost formed on the ground covered with muddy water under the surge of cold air, slowly changing the surrounding environment again.

The lower half of the tyrannosaurus lay prone in the frozen muddy water, and the upper half of the tyrannosaurus bit the trembling earth turtle upright with a strong impact.The huge man with a terrifying momentum actually closed his eyes, waiting blankly for the arrival of the finishing blow.

Shinpei knew very well that this was not a cowardly battle of the earthen turtle, but the product of the double combination of the additional effect of the Ice Fang to make the opponent fearful and the intimidating field of the Gyarados.Not only can it weaken the opponent's physical attack ability, but it can also weaken the opponent's fighting will and limit its ability to play.

The Ice Fang completely hit the target, and the Gyarados's huge mouth cleverly caught the weaker rear and lower part of the Terra Turtle. The stubby little tail couldn't push away the Gyarados's strange power at all, so it could only slap it weakly a few times to show resistance.

A burst of frost quickly condensed from the back to the front, and the Turtle trembled extremely violently. It seemed to be shivering rapidly as if it had caught a cold, and even the bushes on its back drooped as if they were wilting.

"Hold on, hold on, Tutai Turtle! You can do it!"

Nanako still didn't give up, she pumped hard on the Turtle behind her back to encourage its fighting spirit!

As if hearing the expectation in the words, a fluorescent green barrier covered the Turtle's whole body, and Ice Fang was forced to slip out of its body under its resistance. No matter how hard the Gyarados tried, it couldn't break this defensive stunt with rules.

"After the battle, I want all my elves to learn how to defend! This skill is really a panacea. It can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment. It is really necessary for home travel, murder and arson."

Shinpei murmured that none of the elves on hand could learn to hold this life-saving skill through upgrading, and the price of this skill in the elf store was as high as 30 alliance coins.
However, the use time of the guard is also greatly limited. The defensive cover will be shattered after three seconds of existence, and the shattered glass layer will generally disperse.

Nanako's forehead was covered with sweat, she shouted again:

"Use again to defend! Continue to defend!"

Every time you use hold, the probability of success for the next time will drop sharply, and even she herself has no idea whether she can successfully use hold again.

But obviously Nanako's luck was good, the Turtle Tortoise once again resorted to defending, and the emerald green defending layer once again made the Gyarados' Ice Fang come to nothing.

All of a sudden, a certain elf with an extremely bad temper was furious, and its ferocious eyes stared directly at the earth turtle through the protective cover.As long as the defense fails at the next moment, an angry fang of ice will completely end the earth turtle.

Perhaps Zhenping's luck was really used up, the dark clouds that covered the sky with a strong non-chieftain atmosphere had dissipated, and the rain clouds caused by the Lotte Kappa praying for rain finally dissipated.The bright sunshine splashed on a messy battlefield, and the terrified earth turtle straightened up as if it had been drugged, and the branches on its back gave off a grass-green light.

It uses photosynthesis itself, a grass magic skill that can restore most of its physical strength under light conditions!

The whole body of the earth turtle is bathed in the warm sunshine, and it starts to grow wildly like grass sprouts after the cold winter, awakening its vigorous vitality again.The frost on his body faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the weak limbs trapped in the mire regained strength. This big guy once again fiercely hostile to the Gyarados who gave it painful memories.

"Parasitic seeds, fix the Gyarados!"

Nanako didn't expect Tianshi to cooperate so well, and immediately ordered the Tutai turtle to launch a counterattack.

A dozen or so fist-sized plant seeds popped out from the turtle's back, and the tyrannosaurus had no time to dodge, and was pierced by these tiny seeds to its torso covered with dragon scales.

Immediately afterwards, the thick vines grew rapidly as if beaten with gold, and tied the Gyarados tightly in just a few breaths.

It's no wonder that the Gyarados couldn't dodge in time. As soon as the rainy day ended, its speed began to drop sharply. The water on the surface evaporated rapidly, and even its scales began to dry out.The Gyarados fighting on the ground is extremely restricted, and its movements are as clumsy as the earth turtle in the puddle just now.

Looking at the tyrannosaurus Nanako who seemed to have lost the ability to resist, she clapped her hands proudly and laughed, and glanced at someone with Shinpei's eyes that were sure of winning just now.

"Now feel the endless vitality of the grass-type elves, as long as you have a breath, then don't even think about winning from me!"

Nanako also waved her hand contagiously, making a triumphant gesture.

Shinpei stroked his forehead helplessly, it seems that he needs to work harder.

"It's really troublesome. Gyarados unleashes wildness, Nilin!"

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