Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 375

Chapter 352 : Captain of the Imperial Forest Iron Gu

“I’m also a swordsman, but he doesn’t get my respect. I have licked my blood all my life, and I have never been defeated in a heads-up, otherwise I would not stand here!”

Bolong stared at the white beard and said disdainfully.

His remarks were both questioning White Beard, and at the same time questioning Zhuo Ge’s vision.

“Hey… if that’s the case, then there is only one battle!”

White Beard sighed, his momentum suddenly rose, holding a long hardwood cane in his hand, standing in front of Bolong.

Zhuo Ge and Varys smiled at each other, and slowly backed away, leaving room for the two to fight.

Polon chuckled and said, “Go away, old man, lest I cut your crutch in two and cut off your tongue full of lies!”

Baibeard didn’t fight for his tongue, shook his head and said, “It’s useless to say more, let’s fight.”

He understood that this battle was not only to prove himself, but also to defend Zhuo Ge’s face.

“A bit courageous, since you are going to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Bolong’s eyes condensed, and he drew out the long sword again.

The old man feinted with one end of the cane, then retracted, and the other end slammed out so fast that Bolong couldn’t believe it.

Bolong felt his mouth being pushed vigorously, and he staggered back several steps, his mouth was full of sweetness, and he realized that his mouth had been beaten by a cane.


Bolon pursed his mouth vigorously, spitting out blood and half of a broken tooth from his broken mouth.

“Damn old guy, I will make you pay!”

Bolong was irritated and slashed his sword in the face.

The old man backed away quickly, very swiftly.

His crutches were longer than Bolong’s swords, and this time the crutches hit Bolong’s ribs in an extremely tricky manner, causing him to stagger.

White Beard took advantage of the situation and launched a counterattack, stepping on the weird steps, moving left and right, holding a swing and slashing, then flashed for the second time, and then intercepted the third move of the downward swing.

They moved quickly, and it was obvious that Bolong had already used all his strength.

By now, he has realized that this old guy is really a master of swordsmanship, because the old man’s crutches can be used faster than him, and he is in a hurry to parry!

Seeing Bolong’s retreat under the old man’s attack, Zhuo Ge’s admiration grew stronger.

He could see that the old man didn’t want to kill him. It was obvious that the old man had already attacked the vital position of Bolong, but he did not choose to hit hard.

Recruiting land, only hearing a “bang” sound, some people thought that Astan’s crutches broke, and it turned out that Bolong’s long sword was knocked into the air.

Bolong resisted the pain in the tiger’s mouth, drove forward and hit the old man’s chest with a punch.

White Beard shook his fist contemptuously, and slammed Bolong’s knee with the other end of the cane.


Polon collapsed to the ground in pain, hugging his knees and wailing.

Suddenly, he saw the crutches rushing toward him, right between his brows, and Bolong was dizzy for a moment, trying to prop himself up with his elbows, but he found that he couldn’t do it.

White beard wins without arrogance, defeating Bolong is like a common occurrence.

He condescendingly said faintly: “You lost.”

Bolong lowered his head in pain and accepted this fact.

“Slap, slap, slap!”

Zhuo Ge clapped his hands for this wonderful victory.

Varys also clapped his hands to cater, but he didn’t follow Zhuo Ge, but made it from the bottom of his heart.

Zhuo Ge did not hesitate to praise: “Good, old and strong, worthy of being the former Captain of the Imperial Forest Iron Guard!”

“Yu, Captain Yulin Iron Guard, you are the fearless Barristan!”

After learning the real identity of the old man, Bolong was completely convinced and felt that he had not lost injustice.

Baibeard pulled Bolong up, and when he stood still, he bowed to Zhuo Ge with a look of shame: “Thank you for your praise, the old man is old after all.”

Zhuo Ge gave him a smile to alleviate the harm caused by the doubt.

“Tell me, Governor Illyrio sent you all the way from Pantos. You really came to serve me allegiance? I think you should go to Wind’s Breath Castle instead of appearing on Dragonstone Island, because no one knows. My whereabouts.”

Seeing Whitebeard hesitating, Illyrio’s best friend Valis said on his behalf: “My old friend wants a dragon, even a petrified dragon! As long as you give him the dragon, he is willing to form an alliance with you.”

“The eight-claw spider is telling the truth, Your Majesty.”

Astan said: “I was ordered to come to you. The original intention was to bring you back to Pantos and to conspire with Governor Illyrio. The Seven Kingdoms are in need of you. The usurper Robert is dead, and the country’s blood is flowing. Now Westeros has many kings, and all of them are unjust.”

Zhuo Ge secretly scolded Illyrio for being greedy, but his face remained calm.

“I have a three-headed dragon, but Illyrio must know that, thanks to the Queen of Ash, my children have all been petrified, and now my wife Daenerys is in charge of them, and they are taken to the ruins of Valyria to find the release. The law of this, presumably Varys, who is good at intelligence reconnaissance, has already told you, besides, I am not a just person!”

As he said, he changed his words and shouted domineeringly: “Don’t say I don’t have a dragon now, even if the dragon is still by my side, I can’t give him to the cheese merchant, because they are my children!”

Zhuo Ge stared at the old man and Varys coldly for a long time.

“A small governor Pantos also wanted to negotiate with me, and he sent an old guy as a gift of alliance, and he didn’t put me in the eyes of Zhuoge! Although everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows’Fearless “Balistan’s name.”

He took off the dawn he was carrying, and put the tip of the sword against the old man’s neck.

“Standing in front of me is Sir Barristan Selme, the captain of the Royal Forest Guard. You have betrayed my wife’s family and played for the usurper Robert Baratheon.”

“If you are just Illyrio’s lobbyist, you shouldn’t have come here! I want the whole truth, and swear by your honor as a knight, whether you are from the Iron Throne, or Governor Pantos, or its mine?”

“It’s yours. You are the husband of Princess Daenerys. I am naturally yours, if you are willing to accept it.”

Sir Barristan knelt on the ground again with tears in his eyes.

“Yes, I was forgiven by Robert, and I worked for him in the Imperial Forest Tiewei and the Imperial Council, working with the Kingslayers and other bad guys. They defiled my white robe. There is nothing to excuse me for. The evil boy on the throne does not deprive me of my position. Maybe I am still working for King’s Landing. I am ashamed of admitting this, but it is true. When he took off the cloak of the “white bull” tied to my shoulder, and on the same day When someone was sent to kill me, the barrier in my eyes seemed to suddenly open, and I realized that I had to find the real king and die for him!”

Zhuo Ge asked gloomily: “Then have you found it? Fearless Barristan?”

Baibeard cried out with excitement.

“I found it. My king is not only an unburnt, but also the father of the dragon, and his strength and military strength are stronger than all the lords I know, and he also has the light messenger, he is the prince in the prophecy! The most important thing is that I know what those people blinded by Lannister don’t know. I’m in Pantos and hear the praises of the civilian slaves. The singers can’t just sing for your justice!”

Zhuo Ge actually believed in this old man, because he knew the old man’s past.

But his attitude towards Illyrio and Daenerys caused a lumps in Drogo’s heart.

“Let me think about it, is it a mistake to make you the chief swordsman.”

Zhuo Ge was asking for trouble, because he didn’t want to let such a talent go, even though Selmi was very old.

Sir Barristan is the eldest son of Count Leonor Selmi of Harvest Hall. He was arranged by his father as an attendant of Sir Manford Sven when he was a child, allowing him to hone around other people and obtain his own honor.

When he was ten years old, Baalistan refused his father’s help, relying on the armor donated by others to become a mysterious knight, and participated in the tournament held in Black Harbor.

While others laughed at Barristan’s downfall, Prince Duncan felt sorry for him.

In the competition, no one challenged Prince Duncan, except for Barristan, so Prince Duncan bestowed him the title of “Fearless Barristan”.

Make him famous in the first battle.

When he was sixteen years old, he participated anonymously in the Winter Tournament held in King’s Landing and defeated the short Prince Duncan and the Royal Guard Captain Sir Duncan, and was named a knight by King Aegon V’s personal manual.

Finally, this knight match made his career a success.

At the same time, he also proved himself on the battlefield. In the Battle of the Nine Bronze Plate Kings, he rushed alone among the members of the Golden Group, and successfully killed the last black fire “violent” Maris one-on-one, and ended the black fire throne. The rebellion of the pretenders.

He also defeated the illegitimate son of “The Spear” Romeler and the illegitimate son of Bronze Gate City Storm, with extraordinary bravery.

When he was twenty-three years old, during the reign of King Jehris II, under the recommendation of the Captain of the Royal Forest Guard Jero Hytal, Balistan wore white armor and white robe and became the Royal Forest Guard. .

While joining Yulin Tiewei, he also gave up the family’s inheritance rights and a girl who was about to get engaged, and that girl eventually married his cousin.

Because the rules of the Yulin Iron Guard and the night watchman are almost the same, they don’t marry a wife or hold a land.

After that, he defeated all the challengers in the competition held in Silver Bridge City.

In the women’s spring city competition, won the victory of the team competition.

He rescued Mrs. Jane Sven and her nuns from the Royal Forest Brotherhood, defeated Simon Thyne and the Smiling Knight, and killed the former.

In the old town competition, defeat the mysterious black shield knight, pick up the opponent’s armour, and reveal that he is the illegitimate son of the highlands.

In the final round of the tournament held in Wind’s Breath, he defeated Regga Targaryen and became the unique champion.

Since then, he has cast the invincible name of that era!

In the land of peace, he has proven himself, so he decided to devote himself to the battlefield to obtain true honor.

During the Mug Valley Rebellion, Sir Barristan rescued King Iris II. With an arrow in his chest, he insisted on escorting the King back to safety and succeeded in avenging the dead Sir Galvin Gott.

On the way to rescue, he killed Sir Simon Holard.

After the rebellion ended, he begged Iris to forgive Dantos Hollard’s life, and was approved by Iris.

He, like other Yulin Tiewei brothers, personally experienced the martial arts competition in Harrenburg.

Ms. Yashara Dane fascinated him, even though he knew he couldn’t get anything from her.

If he wins the contest, he will crown her as the “Queen of Love and Beauty”, but is defeated by Rega Targaryen.

This was his first failure, but this failure was full of suspense. Some people suspected that he deliberately released the water just for the prestige of the immortal prince, or to stick to the oath of the Royal Lin Tiewei.

But the truth of the matter, only he knows.

Rega then put on the crown of “Queen of Love and Beauty” for Leona Stark, which also caused a series of events to occur, which eventually led to the Usurper War.

In the War of the Usurpers, Prime Minister Jon Clinton was defeated in the Tolling of the Bells.

Sir Barristan and Sir Jonoso Derry reconvened the remaining army of Clinton.

During the Battle of the Trident River, he suffered multiple arrow, spear and sword injuries.

Although he bravely fought for the Targaryen royal family, in the end he did not enemy the numerous rebels.

Later, Balistan was pardoned by King Robert Baratheon I, who cherished his talent, and became Robert’s captain of the Royal Forest Guard.

Selmi made moral reservations about serving the rebels, but still fulfilled his responsibilities faithfully.

Selmi announced after he was removed from the post of Royal Forest Guard, that if he saw Robert laughing when Tywin Lannister showed the body of Rega’s child, he would definitely not be loyal to Robert, and the world Nothing can stop him from killing Robert.

Selmi hates to see children die, which has been shown in the Mug Valley Rebellion. He saved the child of the Holard family, Dontos Hollard.

Barristan also disagrees with the choice of Kingslayer James Lannister, who, as the Royal Guard, killed King Iris II, whom he was supposed to protect.

After he heard how James killed Iris, he quoted Tyrion Lannister, saying that Sir James’ white robe should be replaced with black.

In Greyjoy’s rebellion, Selmy led the attack on Old Wake Island.

After Barristan was old, he was still a terrible warrior.

At the age of fifty-seven, Selmi still won the King’s Landing Tournament Championship and shot down the younger brother Sandor Krigan of Magic Mountain in a charge.

Barristan was the captain of Robert’s Royal Guard until Robert’s death.

In the tournament held by Ed Stark, the hand of the king, he was only defeated by James Lannister in the third charge, defeating ten men and a twenty-year-old young man in the first two games. people.

After Sir Schuff from Arling was killed by Sir Gregor Clegane, Selmy personally guarded the helpless poor child.

At the Imperial Conference, he witnessed Robert Baratheon sending a killer to kill Daenerys Targaryen who was pregnant.

He and Ed Stark are the only opponents.

During King Robert’s unfortunate pig-hunting trip, Balistan was also present. This incident also led to Robert’s death and then Joffrey Baratheon’s antenatal meeting was unprecedented in history. For old reasons, Barristan was relieved of the post of Captain of the Royal Forest Iron Guard.

The real reason is to make Joffrey’s dog, Sandor Clegane, put on a white robe, and to make James Lannister the new captain.

When the newly appointed king ordered him to be arrested for questioning, he killed the golden robe that came to fetch him.

Later, Selmi escaped from Junlin City.

This is the past of Barristan that Zogo knew. When he asked the old man about his deeds after he left King’s Landing, White Beard told Kao in a sad heart.

At that time, Barristan could have returned to the Harvest Hall, where his family would accept him without hesitation, but Selmi did not want Joffrey to anger them, so Selmi sold his armor and cloak and sold himself Dress up as ordinary people.

He let his beard grow up, and followed other civilian teams trying to stay away from the war.

He witnessed Duke Ed Stark being beheaded in the crowd.

After that, he quietly prayed for Ed Stark in St. Belle’s Cathedral, thanking the gods that he had been fired.

Recent events have forced Barristan to re-evaluate himself as Robert’s captain of the Royal Forest Guard for so many years. In addition to the Kingslayer, there are some bad guys he thinks.

In the end, he thought that he had done an extremely bad job for Robert and was a wrong choice. Therefore, he could not forgive himself.

He thought that Robert was a good knight, but a bad king, so Selmi felt that he should find the real king and swear allegiance to him.

This thought made Selmi finally sailed across the narrow sea to the free trade city-state Pantos and escaped from the sad place of Westeros.

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