Legend of Legends

Chapter 588 - Elise's Masterpiece 1

Chapter 588: Elise’s Masterpiece 1

Elise called for him, so Junhyuk went to see her. He had to give her another core. Junhyuk didn’t ask her what she needed it for, and Elise simply told him to expect her great things and left.

Junhyuk went to his training facility. There, he practiced his sword swing while thing about his duels with Artlan. Junhyuk acknowledged Artlan’s talent. With his sixth sense and his natural talent, getting an attack on Artlan wasn’t an easy thing. Artlan could dodge his Dimensional Slash, a skill that equaled perfect defense powers.

Junhyuk had to be able to hit Artlan when Artlan wasn’t using his sixth sense, or he had to attack so fast that Artlan wouldn’t be able to dodge it. To do that, he needed to find a way to stop time. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible.

He spent his time thinking about how to overcome Artlan’s sixth sense. Hard work wouldn’t overcome that amount of natural talent.

He spent a long time thinking before Elise contacted him and said, “The dimensional tears will trigger in an hour.”

Junhyuk had lost track of time, but expecting that, Elise decided to warn him.

He teleported back to her lab and saw Elise and Gongon standing there. He smiled at Gongon and asked, “You haven’t gone back?”

“You have to take me back. I can’t do it alone.”

Junhyuk patted Gongon’s head and said, “Right. If you are bored, you should help us.”

“I’ll just watch?”

“Just watch?”

“I can’t close the tears anyway.”

Junhyuk chuckled and stretched, saying, “I’ll run around and stop them.”

“I heard you closed all the tears last time.”

“That’s right.”

“This time, things will be different.”

Junhyuk became curious about Gongon’s remark, and the dragon turned to Elise, who said, “The battleship is finished. It’s called Elise.”

“Can I see it?”

“That’s why I called you.”

She smiled at him and showed him her tablet screen.

With a loud noise, the whole lab started shaking. Junhyuk went outside and saw the grounds outside the lab open and something rise from the opening.

It was huge. It was three hundred meters in length and it was covered in weapons.

“How many people can get on it?”

“Not many. It has its own AI, so there’s no need for manpower.”

The ship was floating in midair, astonishing Junhyuk.

“I’ll help with the monsters.”

“I didn’t use the decomposition compound, but the lasers use core energy to fire.”

“Good thinking.”

“It has one more secret weapon.”

“A secret weapon?”

“It can teleport.”

Junhyuk’s eyes widened, and Gongon smirked.

“You can input coordinates. The teleportations require a huge amount of energy, which was why we needed the core.”

“Does that mean it can shift through dimensions?”

“Not that,” Gongon said. “But don’t worry too much. You can carry it over through your Dimensional Shift.”

“I can take it with me?”

“Would that be too difficult?”

“It’s three hundred meters long!”

Gongon shrugged and said, “Then, you’ll need to buy a large Spatial Bag.”

“How large?”

“One with a radius of at least fifty meters.”

“The cost of that would be astronomical!”

“Yeah? I can build you a private lair if you do.”

Junhyuk was enticed by the prospect. With a new Spatial bag, he would be able to take his private lair to other dimensions.

He nodded and said, “I’ll think about it. After we fight the legend’s team, I won’t need the gold, so I’ll get the Spatial Bag then.”

“You do that.” Gongon smiled and said, “Look at this battleship’s main cannon.”

Junhyuk looked at it. There was a hole at the front of the battleship. It was a massive hole, and he thought it was part of the ship.

“That’s a cannon?!”

“That’s right. That’s why I built the battleship,” Elise said.

“It can be used for taking down large monsters.”

A beam from that cannon would deal tremendous damage. Most large monsters would be killed instantly.

Gogon smirked and gave Elise a little kick, saying, “You tell him.”

“Can I?” Elise coughed and explained, “The main cannon’s name is Spatial Collapse Cannon.”

“Spatial Collapse Cannon?!”

Elise nodded and said, “The core energy can create a dimensional tear. I had to get Vera’s help. She’s the one who knows the most about dimensional magic. We created the Spatial Collapse Cannon so that it can close dimensional tears.”

“Is that possible?!”

“The cannon takes two cores to operate.”

With two cores, it could certainly close dimensional tears.

“You built it?”

Elise smirked at him and said, “After the first Spatial Collapse shot, there’ll be a five-minute recharge time. It’ll be slower than you in closing tears.”

“That’s fine. It cuts my work down by 20 percent.”

Elise nodded and said, “I wanted to help.” She hugged Gongon and added, “Without Gongon and Vera, this ship wouldn’t have been possible.”

“Why am I just Gongon?”

“Should I call you Mr. Gongon?”

“No. That makes me sound old.”

Sarang contacted him then, so Junhyuk went to see her. She grabbed her rifle and teleported back with him. When Gongon saw the rifle, his eyes widened, and he asked, “What did you make?”

“It’s a magical artifact. You only have to pull the trigger, so it’s most definitely not for public use.”

“Are you going to use it?”

“No.” Sarang smiled and added, “I’ll give it to Eunseo. I can cast spells of my own.”

“That’s good thinking.”

Junhyuk and Sarang went to see Eunseo, who was getting ready for the monster waves. There were a lot of monitors with different feeds surrounding her.

She looked at him and Sarang when they appeared, and Sarang handed her the rifle.

“Big sister, this is for you.”

Eunseo took the rifle, and Sarang pulled out an orb and chanted a spell. A blue light tied Eunseo to the rifle, and a chain bounded them with runic language. Then, the blue light disappeared.

Eunseo found some strange engravings on her hand and looked at the rifle. The engravings were the same as those on the rifle.

Sarang handed Eunseo a book and said, “This is the manual for how to use it.”

It was a thin booklet. Leafing through it, Eunseo asked, “I can use magic?”

“Yes. You won’t be able to use the rifle in the Dimensional Battlefield, but you should get it engraved there.”

“I can really take this?”

“Of course!”

“Thank you.”

The rifle did not need mana, and it would shoot off magic. It would come in handy when killing monsters. Eunseo wouldn’t be in danger anymore.

“You should have made a pistol. That would’ve been easier to carry.”

“With the rifle, the magic will be stronger.”

Junhyuk nodded with understanding.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Sarang smiled and said, “I used the entire core, and I can’t make more without more cores.”

It was a superior weapon, but mass production wasn’t possible. It was definitely a nice artifact.

Junhyuk caressed her head, and Sarang gave him a tight hug. Eunseo’s eyes turned cold, and Junhyuk pushed Sarang away, saying, “We’ll head out to deal with the monster waves.”


Junhyuk and Sarang teleported back to Elise’s lab, and Sarang pouted, asking, “Did you have to push me away?”

Junhyuk patted her head and said, “Have you seen Elise’s ship?”

“Elise’s ship?”

Sarang hadn’t seen it yet, so Juhyuk teleported with her again. The three-hundred-meter battleship was floating above the ground.

When she saw it, Sarang gasped.

“Elise, you built this?”

Elise had built an entire battleship while Sarang had built a rifle, but Elise shook her head and said, “Gongon and Vera helped me.”

“But you built it.”

Sarang was stunned, and Junhyuk smiled and said, “You’ll see it in action soon.”

Elise turned to Sarang and asked, “Can you cast teleportation spells?”

“I can with coordinates.”

Elise handed Sarang a pair of goggles and said, “Wear these, and you’ll get your coordinates.”

“Yeah? I can’t close tears though.”

“But you’ll save novices and experts from dying.”

Sarang nodded and put the goggles on.

At that moment, Elise said, “It’s time. The dimensional tears are starting to appear.”

“How many?”

“Twelve hundred of them.”

“We’ll move faster this time. Where is the largest one?”

“Sydney, Australia.”

“I’ll go.”

“Seoul has the second biggest tear, so Battleship Elise will stay here.”


“Sarang, Eunseo and I can close it.”

Junhyuk smiled and said, “Then, I’m off.”

He teleported to the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The tear would appear soon, so he summoned his swords and looked up at the sky.

As soon as the tear appeared, Junhyuk used his Dimensional Slash against it. Instead of growing further, it closed.

“That’s one.”

He teleported again.

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Chapter 589: Elise’s Masterpiece 2

A tear appeared above Seoul, but Battleship Elise was hovering nearby. Inside the cockpit of the ship, Eunseo had joined Elise, Sarang and Gongon.

Elise asked Sarang, “You want to try yours first?”

“Of course!”

Sarang turned to Eunseo and asked, “Do you want to go out with me?”

Eunseo nodded, so the two went out on the deck.

“Have you tried it?”

“I’ve read the instructions, but actual combat is making me nervous.”

Eunseo pulled out the rifle and aimed it at the Dimensional Tear.

“Have you selected the spell?”

Eunseo nodded and gathered her breath. The chimeras were starting to come out of the tear, and this time, they were three-headed wyverns.

“Make sure that the explosion takes place within the tear.”

Eunseo pulled the trigger, and a tiny fire orb was shot at the tear. The fire orb struck a wyvern.


There was a massive explosion, but it was contained within the tear. Otherwise, Seoul would’ve been destroyed. The explosion was that big.

Eunseo was stunned, but Sarang smirked and said, “You’ve just made hellfire.”

“That’s hellfire?!”

“Hellfire can destroy castles with single explosion. You could’ve destroyed all of downtown.” Eunseo stared at her, and Sarang explained more calmly, “While you are using the rifle, a magic circle will protect you. It works for both defense and offense.”

“Can I really take this from you?”

“You deserve it.”

It was a present for Eunseo, who had been hard at work at Guardians since its inception. Eunseo was just as important as Elise for Earth.

While Eunseo was smiling, they heard Elise’s voice.

“Everyone, come inside. I’m about to use the Spatial Collapse Cannon.”

Both of them went inside, and Elise smiled at them and said, “I’m finally using the Spatial Collapse Cannon. The long wait is over. Countdown. Five, four, three, two, one.” Elise looked at a monitor and announced, “Zero!”

When she announced that, the cannon fired. The mouth of the cannon was at the front of the ship, and a gigantic beam exited from it.

The surrounding air got sucked in by the beam as it flew toward the tear. After impact, the tear collapsed within itself and disappeared.

Sarang said, “No human can survive that.”

“You can say the same about that hellfire.”

Sarang smiled and asked, “Where to next?”


Elise selected the coordinates, and Battleship teleported to the skies above Tokyo. There were already a number of chimeras out of the tear, but Elise readied another cannon shot and said, “Sarang, I’ll take care of things here. Head somewhere else.”


While Sarang was selecting a new set of coordinates, Eunseo ask, “Should I stay here?”

Elise looked at her and said, “Right now, this is the second safest place on Earth. The other is next to Junhyuk.”

Eunseo adjusted her glasses and said, “Then, I should help.”

She pulled out her rifle, but Elise smiled at her and said, “I’ll deal with it this time. Watch.”

Battleship Elise had other weapons too, and the chimeras were unable to survive the other attacks from it. Eunseo did not have to interfere.

With the help of Battleship Elise, Junhyuk was able to close the tears much faster than before. It still took a while though.

When he watched the video of Battleship Elise and Eunseo at work, he was astonished.

“I don’t have to worry anymore.”

It seemed like he wouldn’t have to interfere anymore. If he hadn’t participated, it would’ve taken five times as long, but Earth would’ve still been safe.

Looking at Eunseo, he asked, “How many dead and wounded?”

“The number of casualties is much lower than last time. We also got another twenty experts and two champions.”

“More champions. That’s really good.”

With more champions, there was a greater chance of more heroes. Junhyuk stretched and said, “We should give them new equipment.”

Elise nodded and said, “I need to research the chimera, so I’ll be busy.”

“But you’ve completed Battleship Elise.”

She nodded and said, “Our next battle will be against legends, so I’ll need to upgrade Moon Core and spar.”

Junhyuk nodded in agreement. His sparring sessions with Artlan had increased his skills. The legends were really strong, so it was a good idea to upgrade Moon Core.

“Are you going to your lab?”

Elise nodded and replied, “I need to put the ship back.”

Once Battleship Elise was back in Guardians’ basement, Junhyuk took the group and teleported. They were all back at Elise’s lab. There, Junhyuk turned to Gongon and asked, “Are you going back?”


He grabbed Gongon’s hand, turned to the others and said, “I’ll be back.”

“Sure. I’ll get ready,” Elise answered.

Junhyuk used his Dimensional Shift with Gongon, and they reappeared at Gongon’s lair.

Gongon laughed and said, “I heard you went to Artlan’s dimension.”

“I drank a lot, and we sparred.”

“Did you win?”

“Not yet.”

Without an answer for the sixth sense, he couldn’t defeat Artlan, but Gongon smirked and said, “The day will come when I can defeat Nudra.”

“You want to defeat Nudra?”


Junhyuk laughed hard and said, “Do you really need to? You are from different species.”

A dragon and a human. The two were different species, and it was funny for him to imagine Gongon transformed trying to defeat Nudra. Junhyuk shook his head, but Gongon laughed and said, “Dragons strive to perfection.”

Junhyuk laughed even harder, saying, “It won’t be easy.”

Nudra was really strong, and Junhyuk knew that.

Gongon replied with a smirke, “I’ll still try.”

Junhyuk patted Gongon’s shoulder. Gongon would probably defeat Nudra someday.

“I’ll head back.”


Junhyuk said goodbye and used his Dimensional Shift. Once he was back with Elise, he asked, “Are you ready?”

“I am.”

He didn’t hold back against Elise and her Moon Core. When his blade pointed at her neck, Elise’s eyes widened as she stared at him.

“What happened?”

“I sparred with Artlan. I think Moon Core’s response time is slow.”

Elise smiled and say, “That’s nuts. Wait a sec.”

She pulled up her tablet and pounded on her keyboard. She was fixing the problems. Elise could make him swing even more times, but things were still easier for Junhyuk this time around.

Elise told him that should would make some more upgrades, so Junhyuk nodded and went back to his training facility.

He summoned his swords and went over his sparring sessions with Artlan, thinking about how to overcome the sixth sense.

Suddenly, he felt something and turned to look. A tear appeared, and Agenchra walked through it.

Agenchra took his fedora off and bowed to him, asking, “How have you been?”

“What do you think?”

Agenchra shook his head, and Junhyuk laughed.

“You must’ve been busy.”

“Yes, I have been really busy.”

“New heroes?”

“Earth has more champions, and I needed to have them all sign contracts.”

“I thought you were a team leader.”

“I need to lead by example.”

Junhyuk laughed and stared at Agenchra, asking, “What brings you here?”

Agenchra smiled back and said, “You’ll fight the legend’s team.”

“That’s right.”

Agenchra opened his notebook and said, “The legends’ tournament just ended.”

“Yeah? Who won?”

“The last team to become legends.”


“They had better items than the older teams.”

“They are really strong.”

Items were a secondary consideration. Their powers were amazing to begin with.

“Your team has won your tournament, so now, you’ll fight those legends.”

Junhyuk scratched his chin. His team was strong, but the legends had enormous set effect boosts. He frowned and said, “Look, we might lose.”

“From what perspective?”

“The wish granted was the second objective to becoming legends, but we don’t have our own sets.”

Agenchra smiled and said, “That’s why I’m here. When you defeat the legends, I’ll grant your wish, but as far as the other benefit…”


“I’ll make your items a set of your own.”

“That’s for everyone on my team?”


Junhyuk smiled and asked, “Did you come to me first?”

Agenchra nodded and replied, “When I make your set, you’ll lose the original set bonuses you’ve been using.”

Of course, that was the case, and Junhyuk knew that. He scratched his chin and said, “OK. Give me the effect options.”

Agenchra laughed at him and replied, “You won’t be able to choose them. The set will adjust to your battle style.”

“That’s good.”

Agenchra raised his notebook, tore a page from it and threw it in the air. All of Junhyuk’s items appeared in the air as holograms.

Each item was summoned to fill the holograms—Junhyuk hadn’t summoned them—and they all shone brightly.

A bright light covered his entire body, and the items were grouped into one set, changing shape to fit more appropriately. The items stats didn’t change, but their shape and the set effects did.

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