Le Ziren's happy life in Marvel

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Sherlock held up the letter in his hand like a parent who forgot to pick up his child from school, and rushed out frantically with the letter in his hand.

Skye, who watched it, could be said to be stunned, but in the end he could only shrug his shoulders, ready to tell the group behind that Sherlock had disappeared again.

As for what the letter that Sherlock saw was actually very simple, it was just an invitation letter plus two documents with legal effect. villa.

What really broke Sherlock's defenses were those two documents, one was notarization of Tony's inheritance, and the other was an accident insurance, the beneficiaries were Pepper and Sherlock, and the policyholder was Tony.

After seeing these two documents, Sherlock realized that he forgot to leave a note for his dearest uncle because of the sudden incident, coupled with the first extraterrestrial travel and the temptation of the golden Asgard. Adequate antidote.

Sherlock jumped into the Shelby Raptor parked at the door like a bull frightened by the wind. Although it had been parked for more than a month, Sherlock's car didn't lose the chain for Sherlock. .

The moment Sherlock was in the car, he gave full play to the full horsepower of this big pickup with a high-power V8, and it was a direct U-turn with burnt tires on the spot. The big pickup with a width of two meters and a length of nearly 6 meters is like a sports car Quickly rushed out.

Skye, who just came out from the back, felt bad when she saw Sherlock started with a burnt tire, but before she rushed out, Sherlock's tail flick directly interrupted Skye's footsteps.

Looking bitterly at the window that had been baptized by mud, Skye had already scolded Sherlock in his heart. Sure enough, there is no good boss in the world!

Sherlock didn't know about Skye's complaints. At this time, Sherlock had almost stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Tony's seaside villa frantically.

Some people will definitely say why not use magic like portals or portkey apparition, it must be faster than driving!

Come on, now Tony has a senior agent Black Widow sent by the black corned egg by Tony's side!Besides, although Sherlock himself is full of guilt, Tony is not dying in the ICU, and Sherlock is actually not that anxious.

Being able to hold a banquet is enough to show that there is nothing serious about Tony now, and it can even be said that the toxins in his body are still a short distance away from the safety line.

After a period of crazy racing, Sherlock finally came to Tony's villa. The good news is that the name of the banquet was Tony's birthday party, which was not the same as when Sherlock came for the first time.

The bad news is that after Sherlock came, Tony had already drunk a bit too much. At this time, he was standing on the stage wearing a steel armor and performing how to pee inside the armor.

When Sherlock saw this scene, it could be said that there was a black line on his forehead, and a dead memory suddenly attacked him!
Angrily, he took out a bottle of antidote and mixed it with Muggle hangover medicine. Sherlock rushed onto the stage with a dark face, and stuffed the bottle into Tony's mouth casually.

Tony didn't see clearly who was rushing up to the stage, and he didn't even see clearly what the liquid that was put into his mouth was. Anyway, he drank tons and tons of it.

Seeing that Tony seemed to have drunk the potion, Sherlock helped Tony off the stage with a dark face. With the blessing of alcohol and a little song, the crowd at the party soon forgot the protagonist of the party. Started to party.

And after Sherlock helped Tony to a corner, it may be the effect of the antidote, or it may be the effect of the antidote, Tony actually sobered up.

Looking at Sherlock who was supporting him, Tony had a lot of questions to ask, but in the end all of them turned into a few questions.

"Stinky boy, where have you been for more than a month?"

Although Tony was very curious about Sherlock's whereabouts, Sherlock obviously didn't want to talk to Tony, because now Sherlock is wholeheartedly studying the entry after Tony was fed the potion.

'Entry: drug resistance (locked)
Entry effect: Because of long-term use of a potion, the body develops drug resistance, and the potion is 73% ineffective. If you want to restore the full effect of the potion, you need to stop using it for three months.

(Because the entry is locked, there is no time limit for this medicine entry, and the potion recovery effect time will start counting after 24 hours)'

Seeing the entry on the top of Tony's head, Sherlock was dumbfounded. It's not a joke. This is the first time Sherlock has seen such a locked entry.

"Did you drink the antidote I gave you as water or something? I've been away for a month, how much antidote have you drunk?"

Sherlock didn't answer Tony's question about his whereabouts this month, but instead asked Tony with a shocked face.

Hearing Sherlock's question, it may be because the antidote treats alcohol as a toxin. Although 73% of the effect has been lost, Tony's head is still very clear.

Hearing Sherlock's question, Tony curled his lips, and answered after thinking about it.

"About one bottle every two days, you know, you left me ten bottles of antidote, and I later bought five more bottles from the S.H.I.E.L.D. group."

When Tony said this, Sherlock's eyes almost widened.

"What? One bottle every two days? And bought five bottles from S.H.I.E.L.D.? Didn't you sell it to them? You bought it back?"

Facing Sherlock's questioning, Tony rolled his eyes and retorted angrily.

"What can I do, you kid is missing, and I need to use the steel battle suit again. The usage of one bottle in two days is the minimum to ensure that I don't feel uncomfortable!"

Listening to Tony's dissatisfied complaints, Sherlock patted his forehead helplessly, and then tentatively asked a question, that is, how much did it cost Tony to buy 5 bottles of the antidote from Black Braised Eggs? .

After Tony broke out a price, Sherlock's eyes were fucking round when he heard it. Meow, this black marinated egg must have been blackened from the outside to the inside. This price is fucking higher than what Tony sold them Sometimes there are profiteers!
What is this?Haoqiang's money will be returned in full, and Tony's money will be divided?In the end, after working for a long time, SHIELD was equivalent to buying ten bottles of white moss potion, five bottles of antidote, and two bottles of compound decoction at Sherlock?
The more Sherlock thought about it, the angrier he became. Seeing S.H.I.E.L.D. earning money was more uncomfortable than Sherlock losing money, especially when it was Tony's money. Even the way Sherlock looked at Tony with him turned into a kind of Seeing the prodigal son's eyes that hate iron and steel, why can't you hold on?
Just when Sherlock wanted to give Tony a good education, a man walked through the frantically twisting crowd and came to the two of them, looked at Sherlock and said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your uncle and nephew's conversation, that, Sherlock, can you lend me your uncle Tony, I need to talk to your uncle about something."

The person who came was Tony's only good friend, and he was Rhodes who complained in the Avengers.

This is not the first time Sherlock has seen this interesting black uncle. After thinking about the plot of Iron Man 2, Sherlock glared angrily at Tony who was still spread out on the sofa, and then stood up to say goodbye. Looking at Rhodes with a smile, he turned and left without the slightest hesitation.

As for what the two were talking about, Sherlock didn't care at all to be honest. At that time, it would be better to ask Jarvis to turn off the music, clear the scene to leave enough room for the two to fight, and ask Jarvis to make a copy by the way. Injection of lithium dioxide.

If Sherlock remembers correctly, it should be this. Since the magic is not working for the time being, then use a scientific method to suppress the toxins in Tony's body.

(End of this chapter)

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