Le Ziren's happy life in Marvel

Chapter 61 The Life of the Salted Fish Wizard in Asgard (4)

Chapter 61 The Life of the Salted Fish Wizard in Asgard (4)

Everyone had a heated discussion about how to send Sol in their hands to the infirmary. In the end, a wine Mengzi who liked to drink beer as water during training stood up.

After pouring down two barrels of beer, Sol, who was knocked unconscious by his own hammer, finally woke up. After all, if Sol didn’t wake up again, someone would go to Odin. Er and Odin can hold it up.

Seeing that Sol woke up, everyone began to help Sol "pull out" the hammer on his face. The guy raised his wrist, raised his arm, and helped Sol hold the hammer tightly.

In short, under the efforts of everyone, Meow Hammer finally left his master's face, and everyone saw Sol's horrible face under Meow Hammer.

Throw the Meow Meow Hammer casually in the training ground, no one can take it away anyway, and everyone is not worried about losing it.

They found two spears and armor to make a simple stretcher, and threw Thor, who was already miserable, on the stretcher, and then everyone ran frantically towards the infirmary.

It took less than half an hour for the entire training ground to go from the initial buzz of voices to the present emptiness. In the empty training ground, only Meow Meow Hammer was thrown here alone.

It can be said that it is a miserable hammer.

Sol was sent to the hospital in an emergency, and Sherlock on the other side was not feeling very well. He forced his body back to his room, and the moment the door of the guest room was closed.

The smug smile on Sherlock's original face disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if he had changed his face, it became pale and pale in an instant, even his forehead was covered with sweat, and his whole body was pale. It's like noodles.

For a moment, Sherlock felt his knees go limp, and he knelt down with a plop, and then he felt his whole body's strength seemed to be taken away by someone, and his upper body fell on him as if he had no bones. on the ground.

The end result was that Sherlock was lying on the ground in his own room with his butt pouted in an extremely weird position.

To be honest, if Sherlock's face was not pale and pale, and even the clothes on his back were wet with sweat, others might really think that Sherlock had some unknown hobbies.

As for why Sherlock is like this, the reason is also very simple, the pretense is too much, the blue bar has bottomed out, isn't it purely funny that a fun person insists on imitating Long Aotian.

Sherlock knew one thing when he came to Asgard and saw Thor. This guy would definitely not be able to help practicing with himself after knowing his identity as a mage.

Therefore, when Sherlock saw the sequence magic in the library, besides treating Odin as an existence full of evil in his heart, it was more of a joy.

When seeing this magic, Sherlock formed a whole set of tactics relying on his own firearms in his head. After all, strictly speaking, he is not a Kama Taj person.

After deciding to give the group of Asgardians headed by Thor a little "shock from Muggles on Earth", Sherlock began to squeeze his rest time by relying on potions day and night. The magic is all memorized.

But during those three days of experimentation, Sherlock understood what it means to be full of ideals, but very skinny in reality.

The mana consumption of this sequence magic is actually directly proportional to the power, not only that, this thing is actually proportional to the quality of the fired thing.

In other words, in the case of a single shot, the greater the power, the more magic power is consumed; the more the number of shots, the more magic power is consumed;

As long as the magic power is sufficient, there is no problem in turning the 47mm warhead fired by the ak7.62 into an armor-piercing or high-explosive bomb fired by a tank.

Even as long as the magic sequence is optimized, it is not impossible to turn the bullet into a nuclear bomb.

After discovering this feature, Sherlock began to arrange tactics against Thor in his mind, and Sherlock also gave it a nice name, saturated firepower tactics.

And during the three days of training during the day, I hid in the guest room at night and began to transform the Gatling I chose. After all, Gatling's original caliber Sherlock really couldn't last long, and Sherlock didn't want to let it go. Thor was really crippled by his own merciful Gatling.

That's how the 22-caliber bird-shooting Gatling appeared.

During the battle, the reason why Sherlock transformed into so many "shadow clones" was not only to confuse Sol and make him unable to find his own body, but also not to enhance the visual effect, so that the other group of fighters Don't come looking for trouble after this battle.

Everything developed according to Sherlock's plan, the only thing Sherlock didn't expect was the place where Thor's Meow Hammer was finally accelerated.

There, Sherlock uses the penetrating technique. An immature example of this thing is to turn a 47mm bullet of an AK7.62 into the power of a 12.7mm caliber of an anti-material sniper rifle under the blessing of magic. Sherlock is currently at the limit of what he can do.

But obviously, Sherlock overlooked one thing, that is the characteristics of the Meow Hammer. You must know that the thing is theoretically the core of a planet, and its weight can be seen as normal.

Therefore, due to the coverage of Gatling's firepower, Sherlock's blue bar has already dropped by more than half. When accelerating the Meow Hammer, Sherlock directly performed a wave of what is called the blue bar disappearing technique.

Sherlock couldn't even do the maintenance spell, and the magic knight on the Meow Hammer was only half completed.

Fortunately, even this small half of the magic was enough for Thor to miscalculate the fall point of the Meow Hammer. As a result, he dropped the Meow Hammer and hit his face to end the battle.

Seeing Sol fell down, Sherlock almost managed to complete his final act of pretending, acting like a normal person all the way, until he returned to the house and then fell to the ground.

Sherlock, who had been lying on the ground for a while, felt that he slowly regained some strength, and began to wriggle slowly on the ground like a boneless maggot.

It was with great difficulty that he corrected that extremely shameful posture into a posture of lying flat on the ground. Fortunately, the floor of the guest room was covered with soft carpets, so Sherlock wouldn't feel cold or anything.

"Next time, I won't pretend anymore."

After Sherlock simply sighed, he fell into a deep sleep in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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