Le Ziren's happy life in Marvel

Chapter 57 The Magic of Asgard

Chapter 57 The Magic of Asgard

Compared with Sherlock, who is embarrassed and quickly buckles the entire Asgard with his feet on the ground, Sol's face can be said to be as thick as a city wall, and he deeply implements that as long as I am not embarrassed, it is the characteristics of others. Just standing there with a blank face.

No matter how Sherlock winked at Sol, Sol always looked like I didn't see it, and I couldn't understand it.

Sherlock scolded Sol more than a hundred times anxiously in his heart, and his mind was full of how to relieve the current embarrassment.

Just when Sherlock felt that he was about to die, Frigga, Saul's mother, sighed helplessly and stood up, and came to Sherlock's side to rescue Sherlock.

"It can be seen, little guy, you have a very good relationship with my stupid son. He caused you trouble when he was in the atrium."

God Queen Frigg's words were like a spring breeze, blowing into the heart of Sherlock, who was about to die of embarrassment. Looking at the gentle God Queen Frigg with eyes full of gratitude, Sherlock bowed slightly and answered.

"You are polite, my lord, Sol is my good friend, and it is right to take care of him."

Facing Sherlock's politeness, God Empress Frigga smiled softly before continuing.

"Just call me Frigga. I know my son. This stupid boy must have caused countless troubles. Let's not talk about him. Come with me. God King Odin has already met your teacher Gu." The discussion is over."

After finishing speaking, God Empress Frigga turned around and wanted to take Sherlock away. Sherlock hurriedly looked at Gu Yi who was standing beside her. Gu Yi didn't care about Sherlock's distraction just now, and nodded with Sherlock with a smile. nod.

After seeing Gu nodded, Sherlock boldly followed God Queen Frigg and left the hall.

Along the way, Frigga led Sherlock to continuously introduce the layout of the entire palace to Sherlock. The purpose of each room is like the mother of a classmate when she is a guest at a classmate's house.

It wasn't until Frigga led Sherlock to a golden double-door door that Frigga stopped her introduction and slowly opened the door.

Behind the gate is a huge library. Although it is not as huge as Sherlock's private library, it is also as large as the library in Hogwarts.

After leading Sherlock in, Frigga said to Sherlock who was looking left and right curiously.

"This is the library of Asgard. The entire magic of Asgard is in this library. You can find the list of magic books you need from the mirror named Braki in the middle. "

Frigga said while pointing to the huge mirror-like object in the center of the library.

"God King Odin and Mage Ancient One have already discussed, you have a full fifteen days to learn any magic in the library, I can make the decision to start counting from tomorrow, and today's time is considered as a gift for you.

It is used to thank you for taking care of Sol, who lost his divine power and willfulness when you were in the atrium. Please don’t refuse. I know this time is very short, but this is the greatest convenience I can give you within my authority. After all, you do not belong to Asgard. Germany. "

Hearing Frigg's words, Sherlock quickly bowed to express his thanks.

"There, dear Madame Frigg, thank you for your generosity."

Seeing Sherlock's look of anticipation but trying to restrain himself, Frigga just smiled, then waved to Sherlock and said.

"Okay little guy, I won't bother you anymore, just work hard and study hard."

After finishing speaking, Frigga walked outside and closed the door of the library.

The moment the door closed, Sherlock cheered and ran eagerly to the big mirror named Braki and began to look up the magic books he needed.

During the entire sixteen days, Sherlock almost never left the library except for necessary physical problems. Even when sleeping and eating, Sherlock tried his best to use the nutrients and refreshing potions in the potion instead. .

Sherlock first spent five days getting a general understanding of the basics of Asgard's magic, and then with the help of Braki, he began to find his favorite magic.

When learning about the basic magic of Asgard, Sherlock quickly discovered something strange. According to the basic magic knowledge in the library, the entire Asgard is built on a magical technological civilization products above.

It stands to reason that people in Asgard should have been able to use this magic technology to create many things like magic cannons, magic star destroyers, and things like magic pistols should appear in the end.

But what is amazing is that although the warriors in Asgard have the assistance of magic technology and can forge powerful artifacts, their main fighting methods are still biased towards cold weapons.

This made Sherlock puzzled, and in the end, it can only be blamed on the Asgardians who belong to your immortal species. Asgardian scientists like Newton, Einstein, and Faraday have great influence on the entire Asgardians. The influence of these earth scientists is much greater than the influence of these earth scientists on earth civilization.

After learning the basic knowledge, Sherlock naturally came into contact with Loki's illusion magic. Of course, in addition to throwing illusion magic, Sherlock also discovered a magic system in Asgard called Magical magic of sequence magic.

The name alone may not be familiar to everyone, but anyone who has watched Tanya's War will be familiar with this sequence of magic, which is the magic cast by the group of magicians flying in the sky with rifles.

On Asgard's side, these sequence magics belong to the unique magic of archers, and they are not as varied as those in Tanya's record, only a few basic components.

There are only three types: penetrating, explosive and defensive.

Archers can increase the range, power and defense by continuously optimizing the magic sequence.

Sherlock was really envious, and finally included this so-called sequence magic in his learning goals. In the end, he could only save six days for illusion magic and five days for this sequence magic.

Because time was too tight, Sherlock didn't have time to experiment with the magic he had just learned, so he could only try to record all the magic in his mind, and then experimented slowly later.

In this way, on the 16th day of No., the door of the library slowly opened, and Sherlock, with two giant panda eyes, appeared at the door like a homeless man from nowhere. In the eyes of Sol who greeted him warmly.

"Fuck, what are you doing in the library? I'm not as miserable as you are wandering around the earth!"

Seeing Sherlock's appearance, Thor couldn't help but exclaimed.

Regarding Thor's question, Sherlock rolled his eyes angrily, and answered weakly.

"Don't talk to him, Saul, help me to wash up and get something to eat. I think I can eat a whole cow now! I'm going to have a good sleep after eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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