Le Ziren's happy life in Marvel

Chapter 119 The secret agent situation is over, right? 1

Chapter 119 The secret agent situation is over, right? 1


The two of them immediately called out the name of the person who came, um, the vague call at the back belonged to Hanhan Sol.

Sherlock looked at the heroic Anna, and immediately began to recall in his mind, from the first time with Anna, to the inexplicable kidnapping now, Sherlock felt that his CPU was about to burn.

On the other side, Saul looks like a pig's brain is overloaded, giving people an itchy head, as if he is about to grow a brain.

Anna directly ignored the shocked two people, pulled out the dagger on her thigh, and broke the rope tied to Sherlock without saying a word, then turned around and walked around Saul, and began to observe the bondage. Saul's chair.

Soon Anna noticed the difference, and pressed it lightly, and the iron plates that bound Sol were opened in an instant.

The two quickly tidied themselves up, but they didn't know how to face the heroic Anna in front of them.

Anna didn't say much, and casually threw the pistol at her waist to Sherlock.

"Can you use a gun? Be careful. We need to get out of here before the alarm goes off."

After finishing speaking, regardless of how Sherlock and Thor reacted, they walked straight to the iron gate that was blasted open.

It wasn't until this time that Sherlock and Sol came to their senses and put away their guns in a hurry. Sherlock felt that he had a stomach full of words to hold back in his heart, and quickly followed Anna with his gun up and asked.

"What's the situation? Anna, who are you?"

Looking at Sherlock who was full of thirst for knowledge, Anna sighed helplessly after thinking for a while.

"Cai, get ready, we have to leave immediately."

Anna answered Sherlock's question succinctly, and was about to leave without giving Sherlock a chance to answer.

But the moment Anna was about to move forward, Saul who was standing behind Anna was the first to react and yelled.

"Wait a minute! We're going to fight right now! Leave it to me, I'm Thor!"

After all, Saul raised his arm in a carefree manner.

At the same time, Asgard, a craftsman in charge of weapon maintenance, carefully finished the last maintenance of the Meow Meow Hammer, looked at the Meow Meow Hammer on the shelf, and wiped the sweat on his head with satisfaction .

As soon as he wanted to record the maintenance routine of the Meow Meow Hammer in his work log, the Meow Meow Hammer on the shelf began to vibrate violently. The next second, the Meow Meow Hammer flew towards the craftsman.

Impartially, he came into close contact with the craftsman's face, directly bumped the craftsman into a big ass, and flew towards the wall behind him.

If there is no accident, the Meow Hammer may pass through the walls of the Asgard Palace, across the vast universe, and come to Earth to find Thor, because the Meow Hammer summoned by Thor.

But it is a pity that just when the Meow Meow Hammer was about to touch the wall, an old big hand held the handle of the Meow Meow Hammer, watching the Meow Meow Hammer struggling in his hand, as a Odin, the king of gods, let out a difficult sigh.

"Mjolnir, sometimes your master needs to go through some things alone, so this time, leave it to him."

After Odin’s words fell, Meow Meow Hammer gradually stopped struggling. He looked at the unyielding face of the craftsman printed on the Meow Meow Hammer that had just been maintained, and then looked at the craftsman who fell unconscious on the ground. Odin He sighed helplessly and began to greet people to deal with the aftermath.

On the other side of the earth, Sherlock and Anna looked at the poss for a full 30 seconds and nothing happened. Sol was speechless, and even Sol himself felt a little embarrassed.

After a while, Sherlock remembered something, and looked at Sol and asked tentatively.

"Sol, I remember that you don't seem to have a meow hammer?"

After hearing Sherlock's words, an embarrassing expression flashed across Sol's face, and Thor's aura disappeared without a trace in an instant. Sherlock said.

"His name is Mjolnir, not some meow hammer!"

Seeing Sol's behavior as if it was a joke, Anna rolled her eyes helplessly, and then she was ready to move forward again with the gun. At this moment, the harsh siren sounded through the entire cave in an instant.

Listening to the harsh siren, Anna rolled her eyes helplessly again, and said to the two people standing on the other side of the door.

"Follow me!"

After that, he raised his gun and rushed out.

Compared with the cave where they stayed just now, the passage after walking out of the gate is undoubtedly much darker. Of course, the dark cave that extends in all directions is also good for them, at least it can hide their figures to the maximum extent. .

Anna's marksmanship is good, and Victor in her hand charges continuously to shoot, and every time she shoots, the enemy falls down.

Sherlock and Saul followed behind Anna. From time to time, Sherlock used a pistol to support Anna who was walking in the front. At the same time, he did not forget to pay attention to the passage behind in the next episode to guard against possible enemies at any time. .

Even Sol picked up a submachine gun from the enemy. Sol, who had never used a gun before, was very novel about this thing, and took part in the battle just like Sherlock.

It’s just the accuracy. It can only be said that he knows everything. The master of human body strokes is not in vain, but if Fansol has a little talent for shooting, his weapon probably won’t be a meow hammer for melee combat.

Not only that, Sol, who has never been trained, would point his gun at Sherlock standing in front of him from time to time, and Sherlock was terrified when he saw it several times.

If Sol accidentally went off by accident, then his chrysanthemum would definitely be lost!

Just when Sherlock wanted to find a reason to unload the gun in Sol's hand, Sol seemed to remember something and grabbed Sherlock.

"Wait a minute! Where are Sherlock, Anna, and Jane? We must find Jane!"

Listening to Sol's words, both Sherlock and Anna froze for a moment. Just as Sherlock was about to say something, Anna directly interrupted what Sherlock was about to say.

"Jane is not here! To be precise, Jane is missing! Only the two of you were caught here."

Anna didn't turn her head back when she was talking, and kept shooting. Sherlock was not idle either. While shooting the enemy twice with a pistol, he kept approaching Anna.

Sherlock finally got his chance while Anna was changing magazines.

"Jane is missing? What do you mean? What's going on!"

(End of this chapter)

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