Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 05: Cultivation

Sabrina was practically skipping down to the laundry room, waving frantically to beckon Jade along. At last, they’d gotten to the washing machine. Sabrina fumbled with the tape, and then pulled, holding out an arm in a gesture that said ‘ta-ta.’

Jade’s face fell flat. “What the fuck, Bean? Seriously?”

Sabrina looked and was deflated all at once upon seeing only a regular washing machine. “What? How? It… it was there!”

Jade studied Sabrina’s flustered face.

“You swear?”

“I swear!”

“Swear on our friendship? If you’re lying, you’re dead to me forever and we will never speak again,” Jade warned firmly.

“I swear,” Sabrina said seriously.

“Okay. I believe you. The razor and the butt are a little too weird to fake. Plus, vanishing when you try to show someone is pretty on brand for a magic tunnel. We’ll try it after sundown, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll try to get it at the same time you went in next Tuesday.”

Sabrina was taller than Jade, but at the moment she still felt like she was looking up at her, adoration shining through puppy eyes. “Thank you so much. I…” Sabrina had to stop herself from finishing with ‘love you.’ “I won’t let you down. This is real.”

The pair of them made it back into their apartment, dispirited, and plopped down onto the couch. Sabrina felt so let down by the world. Then, an idea hit her, putting just a bit of the wind back in her sails.

“Hey,” Sabrina started. “We may not be able to go into the dungeon, but I know another way to get the Lust jellies. If anything, it’ll prove that this is all real.”

Jade thought briefly, then clarified, “jacking off?”

“Yeah. I can go over to my room, complete a challenge, and then give you the jelly so you level up.”

Jade pursed her lips out, indicating that she was thinking it over. “Yeah, why not? You said it gives you silver bars, too, yeah?”

“Yeah, a bunch of it! And I got the challenge thing after my first level, so maybe you’ll be able to do rake in silver, too.”

“Hah! Fuck yeah, we can quit our jobs and mine for silver all day,” Jade joked.

“Sounds like a plan. Let me just see what the challenge is, so I know how long I’ll be…” Sabrina was taken aback by what it said.

>Challenge: masturbate while sitting next to a consenting participant for a minimum of two orgasms.

“Oh. I can’t do that. Um… sorry,” Sabrina said shyly.

“What is it?” Jade prodded.

“It’s embarrassing,” Sabrina answered.

“Come on, I think we’re well past embarrassment, Bean. Tell me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. It wants me to cum twice while sitting next to a consenting person,” Sabrina admitted.

“Oh,” Jade said, studying Sabrina for signs of a lie. “Go for it, then. What else are friends for?”

“Huh? Are you serious? That’s so weird, though,” Sabrina protested.

“Eh. We’re friends. I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. Hell, you flashed me like five minutes ago. Plus, it sounds like you need to do it. So, it’s not you being a perv or anything. We’re not hooking up, it’s just something you need to do for wealth and magic. Share some of it, and I’m game.”

“Okay, then,” Sabrina said awkwardly. “Guess we’ve got a deal. Should I… just start?”

“Let’s sit on the couch and watch some tv so we’ve got something else to pay attention to. Unless you can’t? Do you need me to put, like, porn on or something?”

“Nah, I can get there with the tv on just fine. Especially now that I’m magically horny,” Sabrina explained.

“Bet,” Jade said, getting on the couch and grabbing the remote. “Buffy?”

“Pfft, shit,” Sabrina chuckled. “Better than porn. This’ll be quick.” Sabrina sat down and put her hand in her pants, visibly struggling to find a good angle.

“Lose em,” Jade instructed. “Nothing I haven’t seen.”

There was a tangible exhilaration in what Sabrina was doing. She was sitting right next to Jade watching Buffy, naked from the waist down, one knee in the air and gently stroking her clit. It was terrifying, but also the hottest thing Sabrina could imagine at the moment. She wasn’t just horny. Moreso, her heart was fluttering. She really hoped Jade didn’t notice her eyes flicking over to her periodically.

Except, Jade was doing the same. Jade was bi, but heavily favored women. Sabrina, likewise, used to think of herself as bi but recently she was pretty sure she was just gay. So, naturally, Jade saw the appeal in her roommate.

Sabrina was hot, no matter how much she denied it. She had soft hourglass curves that contrasted the sharp features of her face. Jade always thought Sabrina’s Roman nose, prominent cheekbones, and catlike almond eyes of golden hazel made her look like Cleopatra. Sabrina insisted that she was just Persian, and nothing special.

On some level, Jade knew she appreciation for Sabrina’s appearance went beyond friendly jealousy. Now, after seeing her supernaturally large and beautiful ass, and having front row seats to her hairless pussy, a thirst was churning up inside of Jade. These feelings would certainly complicate her life, but it was looking like complication was raining down on her regardless.

She wondered if she should push another threshold. She could, for instance, join Sabrina in masturbating. She could chock it up to solidarity, or even Willow and Xander getting her going. Maybe.

Sabrina was creeping towards her first climax. Her juices coated her clit, and it was melting for her touch. Her eyes darted back towards Jade, and she caught Jade looking back at her. She looked away, afraid she’d been caught, and looked back. Jade’s eyes were still on hers, and now they were holding contact.

To Sabrina’s shock, Jade casually asked, “anything I can do to help?”

Sabrina’s brain went into a full factory reset. “Huh… wha? I… I mean… like what?”

Jade shrugged, intoning a grunt that rhymed with ‘I don’t know’, followed by, “Whatever normally gets you there. Sucking your tiddie, chocking, whatever.”

Sabrina was frozen. She could not, for the life of her, remember how to talk. Was Jade serious?

Jade seemed to take Sabrina’s silence as a refusal. “No biggie. Thought I’d offer. Ya know, for the sake of efficiency.”

The real answer was far too uncomfortable for Sabrina to say or even consciously acknowledge. Fortunately, it was assistance that Jade was already giving. Just holding this eye contact with Sabrina was making her pleasure spike. Sabrina felt like such a pervert, masturbating while looking her friend in the eyes.  

That didn’t stop her though. If anything, being ashamed of herself only made it hotter. She went right over the edge and soared beyond it, writhing and whimpering as she refused to break her gaze. It was an unbelievable rush, as she rode her orgasm to new heights just from eye contact. As she eased back down to reality, though, her shame stopped being kinky, and went back to just being shame.

Sabrina’s skin went hot, and she looked away, unsure if she’d ever be able to look at Jade ever again. Jade, though, just gave a giggle. It was technically at Sabrina’s expense, but not in a bad way. Instead of saying ‘you’re so embarrassing,’ it said, ‘you’re so cute.’

“One down,” Jade said in congratulations. “This is easy money. I wonder if everyone gets masturbation challenges. It’d be the best job I’ve ever had.” Sabrina didn’t respond, sheepishly sliding her finger between her labia and staring intently at the tv. Jade pressed further. “Ya know? Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. We can be professional gooners”

Sabrina didn’t know if Jade was teasing or reassuring her. She certainly couldn’t let herself believe that her roommate was serious. Making this a regular thing couldn’t be a real offer.

“Maybe I should masturbate too,” Jade pondered aloud. “You know, just to get in the habit of it. Although… nah. I’ll save my energy for the challenges. I’m gonna be rich.”

Sabrina’s mind was flooded with that thought. Images were conjured of Jade masturbating right alongside her, and her future days filled with them being filthy slaves to their urges all over the apartment. In no time, the dam broke a second time, and she squirmed in her seat, flicking her finger rapidly from side to side.

“Oh, that looked like a good one. Good for you, girly. Now’s the part where we prove that you were lying about the magic just to flick your bean on the couch. Oh! Bean! Hah!”

Sabrina looked up to the message in the air. “Do you see that? The hologram?”

“Huh? Nah, there’s nothing.”

Before reading any descriptions, Sabrina’s eye darted to the Lust jelly. “Hold out your hand,” Sabrina instructed.

Then Jade saw Sabrina pluck a squishy pink heart out of thin air and drop it into Jade’s hand. Jade narrowed her eyes, and said, “you know… you could have used… you left hand.” With just a small shift of pressure, though, the heart popped into pink slime, that quickly seeped into her skin. “Oh what the…”

>[Lust] has reached lvl 1!

>No class. (1/6) Aspects unlocked. Unlock (6/6) to gain a class.

>In the absence of a class, your points have been allocated automatically.

>New perk: Gusher! Natural lubricant significantly increased. Sexual fluids magically enhanced. Vaginal hygiene magically maintained. Significant resistance to sexual infections gained. Orgasms now have a high chance to induce squirting. Products of your squirting are an enhanced sexual fluid, and do not contain urine.

>New affinity: exhibitionism.

>New cultivation path: exhibitionism. Complete challenges to gain rewards.

“Whoa,” Jade said softly, her pupils now dilated.

“Believe me now?”

“Um… yeah. Wow.”

“What does it say?”

“Huh,” Jade started. “Well, that’s the thing. I think whatever is giving us this magic either has a sense of humor or is shipping us.” Jade went on to relay the information that was given to her.

Sabrina’s heart was racing by the end of the explanation. Every part of it titillated her. “You don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable with it.”

“That’s the thing,” Jade said. “It gave me a kink for my cultivation path. The idea of completing the challenges seems so hot now.”

“It seems invasive,” Sabrina began, “but I kind of have a theory. That it only awakens kinks, instead of forming new ones. Two isn’t exactly a pattern, but I wasn’t too opposed to lingerie or eating ass beforehand, and now the affinities just feel right. Although maybe it’s a side effect of my Amorous perk. It said it increased my resonance with affinities.”

“Hmm… I could see it. I guess I could see how showing off could be hot,” Jade admitted.

“Try exploring your mind for what’s changed,” Sabrina suggested. “I still have more rewards to look through.”

There were two silver bars, a twelve pack of the pussy candies, and a bottle of hot sauce with low-tier magical saturation. She took pleasure in plucking each item out of thin air. She was excited to tell Jade about the candies. “I forgot to tell you about these! I got one last night and it was awesome! It’s these candies that you put up inside you, and your pussy literally takes it! Plus it feels sour, but like, in a good way. It’s hard to explain. It’s almost like sticking a battery into your…” Sabrina looked up, and saw Jade completely naked. Her eyes were glued to her roommate's petite body. Most of all, between her spread legs, where a short string of juices clung from her perfect vulva. “…pussy.”

Jade grinned, then stared blankly into the air. Sabrina watched as she grabbed a silver bar from nowhere. “Oh,” Sabrina said, flustered. “A challenge. Coulda warned me.”

“I could’ve, but that I wouldn’t get to see that look on your face. Plus, you’re bottomless,” Jade teased.

Without thinking about it, Sabrina took the opportunity for a joke. “I’m not bottomless. I’ve got you, don’t I?” As soon as the words left her mouth, Sabrina regretted them.

Jade, though, relieved the embarrassment. She cracked a smile, and simply said, “cute.” Jade then took a stick of lip gloss from the air. “This makes your lips as sensitive as a clit for two hours. Imagine making out with it. I’ll share it if you share those candies.”


Finally, Jade grabbed her last reward: a Lust jelly. She popped it and leveled up again.

>Lust has reached lvl 2!

>In the absence of a class, your points have been allocated automatically.

>New perk: Busty! Significant increased to breast size. You are immune to the drawbacks of large breasts. Your breasts will not experience back pain or breast discomfort. You will not experience a loss in nerve density in your breasts. Bonus added to persuasion when using breasts as a visual aid.

>New affinity: nipple play.

Jade couldn’t help herself. Tears of joy immediately began welling up. Sabrina was staring in awe, captivated by the sight of Jade’s boobs multiplying in size in one swift lurch forward. Her boobs were still as perky as ever, their nice shape simply expanded proportionally. Tilting her head back to keep her tears from falling, Jade whimpered, “thank you so much. Oh my god. This has been my greatest wish my whole life.”

This wasn’t new information to Sabrina. Jade complained about her smaller breasts on a daily basis. Now, they were even bigger than Sabrina’s blessed assets. This was accentuated by her smaller frame, making them look truly remarkable. People she knew would clearly suspect she’d gotten implants, but the perfectly natural shape would temper their judgement.

Sabrina joked, “you’ll never have to pay for a drink ever again.”

Jade laughed, more a release of tension in her emotional state than anything else. “You can say that again! Jesus. They’re incredible.”

 Seeing Sabrina staring so openly was triggering Jade’s exhibition kink. The whole situation just felt irresistibly sexy. She brought her hands up to her new tits to feel them and fell into moans of satisfaction when her breasts felt hands against them. They were so sensitive. Holding them was practically as good as sex on its own.

Her hands drifted to her nipples and a shock of pleasure shot through her. They were easily as sensitive as her clit, and she felt sure that she could have a new kind of orgasm just from having them touched. “You’ve gotta feel this,” Jade invited, without thought or filter.

“I… are you sure?” Sabrina asked.

“Bean… you’re the reason I have them. You can touch them all you want,” Jade gushed, eyes closed as she savored the feeling.

“Um… okay. They are pretty awesome,” Sabrina said, taking the excuse. She approached, and gently groped. As soon as Jade felt Sabrina’s hands, she removed her own, letting Sabrina take over. They were so big that Sabrina’s hands barely covered anything. They were soft, and weighty, yet always fell back into shape like a jello mold. They were easily the nicest boobs Sabrina had ever touched. “They’ve gotta be at least like, H cups.”

“At least. I’ll never know, though. I’ll die before putting them in a bra. I could never do that to my babies. They’re too precious,” Jade practically purred, eyes still closed.

“Your babies? It might be hard to breast feed them,” Sabrina pointed out.

“Breast feeding… oh my god. I can’t wait to get my nipples sucked!”

It took all of Sabrina’s willpower to refrain from offering to suck them. Rather, she offered advice. “They’re big enough that you can suck them. My nipples can reach my mouth, at least. I bet yours can, too.”

Jade’s eyes opened wide, looking at Sabrina in shock. “Holy shit!” She grabbed her right breast, and directed her nipple upward as she craned her neck and latched on. Her eyes closed again as her knees went wobbly. Muttering with her mouthful, she said, “it’s like being able to eat my own pussy! I didn’t know nipples could be this sensitive.”

“Seriously? That sounds nice. I got a similar thing for my butt, it feels really good when it’s touched,” Sabrina commented.

Without missing a beat, Jade’s hand swung down and gave Sabrina’s ass a smack that sent chills up her spine. “It feels like I could cum from this,” Jade said, muffled by her tit. Then She took it out, and decisively declared. “You know what? Fuck it. I watched you cum twice, it’s not weird if I test out cumming from my boobs.

Jade stepped forward and fell backwards into the couch. She asked, “can I try one of those candies?” Then, she unscrewed the magic lip gloss and put some on. As Sabrina handed over a candy, Jade traded the lip gloss. She smacked her lips loudly, and said, “try some of this, too. It’ll make the next part more fun.”

“Next part?” Sabrina asked, putting on the lip gloss.

Jade held her breath and slipped the candy inside soaked pussy. “Holy fuck. That’s trippy. Wow! Feels fucking great, though. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Beany-Babyyy,” she began pleading. “I need a favor. If it’s not too weird, could you please suck my other tiddie? I know it sounds weird, but… I mean look at us. We’re in a weird magical situation. At this point, fuck it, right? What’s a little nipple sucking between friends?”

Sabrina swallowed nervously. Was this really happening? Was everything since last night a weird wet dream? Whatever. She just had to go with it and not worry about how bizarre her life was getting. “I guess. I fingered myself in front of you and you were chill about it. Seems fair.”

Sabrina sat next to Jade on the couch, leaning backwards into her so Jade’s tit was over her face. Jade crossed her legs to make an elevated pillow out of the thigh, which Sabrina appreciated. Sabrina began kissing, licking, and sucking upon Jade’s nipple. Jade, meanwhile, sucked the other.

Sabrina had both expertise and magical enhancements in oral sex. Given how sensitive Jade’s nipple was, Jade treated it like a big clit, and her skill took effect. Every touch against Sabrina’s lips felt incredible. Judging by the sounds Jade made, the feeling was more than mutual. What they experienced was distinctly sex, just without any genitals involved.

After a few minutes of this, Jade was rocking back and forth, toes curling, and limbs straightening out. All at once the immense tension broke and a torrent of unique pleasure coursed through Jade. Her hips bucked, and a geyser of glittery clear fluid shot out of her urethra. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK!”

Sabrina released her hold of Jade’s nipple, letting her friend fall limply in her afterglow. “Glad your perk specified that it isn’t piss.”

Jade took a good while to recover enough to regain her use of speech. “Fuck,” she finally said. “Your mouth is fucking unreal. Holy shit! I don’t understand how five thousand hours of anything could make you able to do that.”

“Oh,” Sabrina said. “Yeah, I forgot. The skill also made my mouth magical in some vague way.”

“Hah… good for me, I guess. That was literally insane. I thought I was gonna die! I didn’t even care, either. Would have been so worth it.”

Sabrina chuckled, feeling awkward about getting such high praise. “Good to know. I can become a very specific kind of assassin.”

Jade remained panting there, only enough energy to smile at the joke. After a while, Jade said, “sun’s setting soon. We should start getting ready.

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