Last Building on Earth

Chapter 143

Chapter 137: Underworld Womb

Yao Tiande was shocked when he heard it: “Book of the Giant God?” He had heard the legend about the Book of the Giant God, and he always thought it was illusory. Even if he knew that Wang Ziren came to find Wang Xuan and others, it was because Wang Xuan and the others got it. The Book of Giants, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

Originally, he thought the Book of Giants was a thick book, but unexpectedly it was a piece of thin gold paper the size of a palm. In Wang Xuan’s hand, if he hadn’t looked carefully, he would have hardly noticed it.

Thinking that Wang Xuan was holding the legendary Book of Giants, Yao Tiande’s heart could not help beating. Although he did not think that the legend was 100% true, there might be some exaggeration, but this Book of Giants It must be a treasure.

Wang Xuan ignored everyone’s eyes, and just silently overlapped the map that appeared in the Book of Giants with the rock in front of him.

He started to walk forward. In the three-dimensional map, he clearly saw the pattern of a pentagram, with a blurred figure in the center. The head, hands and feet corresponded to the five corners of the pentagram. The **** are located in the center of the circle, which looks a bit weird and has a sacred mystery.

As the portrait of the pentagram appeared, a faint consciousness immediately appeared in his mind, which appeared in the book of giant gods, entered his mind, and was perceived by him.

“Watered with blood, the womb of the underworld will open, opening the way to the gate of immortality.”

Sensing this information and comparing the map with the rocks in front of him, Wang Xuan determined the five corners of the pentagram. These five corners are also the parts of the head, hands and feet of the fuzzy human-shaped pattern in the center.

Wang Xuan cut off his right hand, found the positions of the five corners on the rock, and dripped blood.

The others were watching silently. Although they didn’t know what he was doing, they probably guessed that it had something to do with the Book of Giants he was holding, and understood that he should have discovered something.

The blood splashed on the rock, but at first there was no response. As more and more blood was spilled, it gradually turned into a pool of blood. At the center of the pool of blood, the rock sank faintly, forming a shallow pool of blood. Pothole, all the blood was sucked into the pothole.

Seeing the reaction, Wang Xuan knew that he had guessed correctly, and then found the second point on the rock that was printed on the pattern on the map, and drenched the blood again.

Soon the five points of the pentagram were all drenched in blood by him, forming five small potholes, but other than that, there was no other reaction.

Wrinkling his brows slightly, Wang Xuan thought of something, walked towards the center, found the center of the pentagram, which is the genital part of the fuzzy human shape in the pattern, and drenched the blood.

This time, with the blood dripping down, the blood spilled on the rock, and it reacted violently. The blood was like a living creature. It was divided into five lines and extended along the center of the circle. Wherever it went, the rock ground seemed to be surrounded by Lighted up, a clear pentagram pattern formed by blood emerged.

This scene was quite astonishing. Everyone stepped back, but saw the giant rock shaking slightly, and the blood pentagram floating on the surface suddenly sank. The giant rock was divided into several pieces, followed by the inside. There was a creaking sound, and the center of the pentagram collapsed.

Wang Xuan looked at the scene in front of him with excitement and excitement on his face.

This Book of Giants is really true, and he really opened the entrance to the palace deep underground.

When the shaking of the rock disappeared and the blood pentagram disappeared, Wang Xuan began to walk towards the center.

The others reacted and followed, unable to hide the surprised look on their faces.

Among them, Zhao Lei was the most shocked.

“Is the record in the Book of Giants true? What’s going on here?” He also began to become suspicious.

Yao Tiande’s heart was beating wildly, he never thought that following Wang Xuan, there would still be such an opportunity, but he didn’t know what he would see next.

Wang Xuan put away the gold paper in his hand and looked at the passage where the rock sank. There are steps going down in this passage. The steps are like a spiral staircase that keeps going down. Looking down from above, you can’t see it at all. How deep is the bottom.

Fortunately, I have the Book of Giants in my hand. I can use the map to compare the revolving steps. I know that there is a huge space under the steps. According to the passage displayed on the map, I can go straight to the gate of immortality.

Wang Xuan looked at the people around him and said, “I’m going to go down and have a look, how about you?”

Zhao Lei smiled and said, “Is there any need to say that? Of course we will follow you when you go down.”

Zhang Haofei nodded and said, “Yes, let’s go down and have a look.”

Gu Manyao didn’t speak, but the look in Wang Xuan’s eyes obviously meant that I would go wherever you go.

Seeing that everyone was going to be together, Wang Xuan nodded and said, “I don’t know what’s going on below, and whether there will be danger. In short, everyone must be careful when they go down, and follow my instructions.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t mess around.”

Wang Xuan snorted, waved his right hand, and said, “Little girl, go down and have a look.”

He let go of the little girl and headed down the stairs first.

He and Xiaojiao are in the same mind, and if there is danger below, he can immediately sense it through Xiaojiao.

As Xiaojiao went down, he was sure that there was no danger in going down the steps by more than ten meters. No matter how far he went, it would exceed the sensing distance between him and Xiaojiao. He no longer hesitated, and began to descend down the steps.

The metal tentacles extended out, protecting the top and surrounding areas, just in case.

Followed by Gu Manyao, she followed closely with her mechanical fox, followed by Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun, Bai Yan, Li Haotian and others.

Everyone went down one after another, and finally all went down the steps.

It looks very dark here. Fortunately, everyone’s eyesight is far beyond ordinary people, and they can barely see things. The little girl in the front waved the flame claws from time to time, and the flames rose, like two torches illuminating the front.

The steps spiraled downward, and after about 100 meters deep into the ground, they appeared in a huge and dark cave.

When Duan Chen was the last to jump off the steps, ten people and three mechanical beasts were all in this giant karst cave. The karst cave was dark and deep, surrounded by piles of strange rocks. Where is the way out, everyone stopped here, not knowing where to go next.

Wang Xuan took out the palm-sized golden paper again, and carefully looked at the map on the back of the golden paper, looking for the way to the gate of immortality.

In his careful adjustment, the map on the back of the gold paper was presented three-dimensionally again. The map at this moment changed again, and it had formed the appearance of the giant karst cave in front of him.

According to the map, the cave was shaped like a teapot, with a small entrance at the top and a huge bottom at the bottom. The steps they descended were right in the center of the cave.

Comparing the cave space in front of him according to the map, Wang Xuan quickly saw that a road was displayed on the map. Going forward along his left, when he reached the end, he could find the passage leading to the gate of immortality.

“Let’s go.” Wang Xuan held the golden paper in his left hand and drank it lightly in his mouth. The little girl jumped out first and rushed towards the darkness on the left.

Wang Xuan followed closely behind.

Others followed suit.

Going forward along the darkness, there are strange rocks of different sizes underfoot, which is very difficult. Fortunately, everyone is agile and keeps flying on these rocks. After walking about two or three hundred meters, everyone finally saw it. A dark cave appeared in the darkness ahead.

The cave was about three meters wide and five meters high, and it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen.

Seeing the darkness inside, Wang Xuan frowned slightly. Yao Tiande in the crowd took out a spar and rubbed it carefully on the surface. The spar began to glow like a light bulb, illuminating a radius of several meters.

Zhang Haofei glanced at Yao Tiande and said, “What is this?”

Yao Tiande explained: “This is a lighting crystal, not a valuable thing.”

Wang Xuan beckoned to Yao Tiande and asked him to come to the front of the team.

Yao Tiande rushed forward, came to him, and used the lighting crystal in his hand to look into the dark cave facing him. Wang Xuan observed carefully and could only see that there were rock walls on both sides of the cave, and the surface was covered with a lot of cracks. As dense as a spider web.

Wang Xuan still released Xiaojiao to enter first, and then he slowly entered. The metal tentacles were guarded in front of him and above his head, and his face was full of vigilance.

This cave is dark and dark, and no one knows if it is dangerous. Wang Xuan does not dare to be careless. The closer he gets to the gate of immortality, the more cautious he is.

The others were divided into two rows, one after the other, all showing their hatching beasts, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The crowd went deep all the way, and Wang Xuan, with the help of the lighting crystal in Yao Tiande’s hand, noticed that a large number of murals began to appear on the rock walls of the caves on both sides.

These murals were painted very simply, and they looked like graffiti made by the ancients. Wang Xuan asked Yao Tiande to stop, took the lighting crystal from his hand, and carefully observed these murals. The most common symbol is the pentagram.

Shaking his head secretly, he handed over the lighting crystal in his hand to Yao Tiande, signaling everyone to move on.

The cave seemed very quiet except for the breathing and footsteps of everyone. Suddenly, Zhang Haofei reached out and touched his face, feeling like some rain was dripping on his face.

“Is there any water here?” Zhang Haofei said while reaching out to touch his face. When he looked at his hands again, he found that there was something white on his hands, and there was a faint stench.

“What the **** is this?” He couldn’t help but raised his head and shouted, and then two more drops fell on his face, and he was busy reaching out and wiping it, his face was covered with this white paste substance.

Yao Tiande also felt it, and was busy raising the lighting crystal to take a picture, only to find that the top of the cave above was densely covered with huge bats.

At a glance, I don’t know how many there are.

Zhang Haofei saw it too, thinking that the white paste-like thing on his hands and face had a stench, he suddenly understood that it was bat feces.

“Fuck you! You damned bats, **** everywhere, I’m going to **** you, do you have any sense of public morality!” Zhang Haofei suddenly felt extremely disgusted, and hurriedly dodged to the side, took out the towel from the storage belt and slapped his face wipe on.

Everyone was drenched in a lot of bat dung, and they moved away from each other. Yu Shanshan even raised her hands up and opened a semi-circular mask to protect everyone in it and block the bat dung that fell from time to time. .

Perhaps it was because the voices of the crowd alerted the resting bats. There was a sudden snort from above, and a large cloud of darkness appeared. Yao Tiande held up the lighting crystal and said in surprise, “These bats are going to attack us!”

With the help of the light released by the lighting crystal, he saw a black mass of bats appearing above. These bats spread their wings and were one or two meters long. He had never seen such a huge bat before. In his exclamation, these bats began to grow. Groups rushed towards the bottom.

Zhang Haofei heard the crunching sound of bones all over his body, and the skeleton shot, looking at a huge bat that jumped down, suddenly activated the whirlwind bone claws, and grabbed it.

The bat was caught by his bone claws, and immediately its bones and flesh rotted, and it exploded.

Wang Xuan opened the eyes of the illustrated book and unexpectedly found that he could not capture the bat information.

Apparently, the information on these bats is not stored in the database of the Eye of the Pokédex.

The two metal tentacles stretched upwards like two giant pythons, bowing left and right, killing two bats instantly. Wang Xuan said solemnly, “Everyone, run forward quickly.”

There are too many bats above. It seems that there are hundreds or thousands of them. If you stay here and slowly kill these bats, you will be exhausted.

As Wang Xuan spoke, he increased his speed and began to run forward. When a bat jumped down, he immediately controlled the metal tentacles to kill it.

The others followed closely, and Yu Shanshan kept propping up the mask, but she couldn’t block all of them when a swarm of bats rushed down, and the mask was broken by bats from time to time.

Fortunately, although the number of these bats is large, their strength is not too strong.

The crowd did not love to fight, they followed Wang Xuan closely, rushing towards the depths of the cave while defending against the bats that fell down in groups.

The bats above the cave were completely disturbed. More and more bats appeared. The darkness covered almost the entire cave. Stronger than Wang Xuan was blocked, and a group of bats appeared in the cave in front of him. They all rushed towards him frantically, and even he couldn’t resist the two metal tentacles he controlled.

Wang Xuan had to launch a ‘spiral strangulation”.

The two metal tentacles stretched to the limit of six meters, rotating with each other, generating a terrifying spiral tearing force, swinging into the swarm of bats, and immediately one of the bats were twisted in, and they were instantly torn into pieces.

Wang Xuan speeded up, and with ‘spiral strangulation”, he just cut a **** path in this cave and rushed out.

After rushing out of the cave, Wang Xuan was taken aback and his body fell sharply. The end of this dark and dark cave turned out to be a cliff.

“Be careful, this is a cliff!”

Wang Xuan shouted to remind everyone behind him that he swung the metal tentacles out, like two javelins, slammed into the side of the rock wall, but the little girl who was following him couldn’t hold back and rushed out a few meters in the air. , falling straight down.

“Damn it!” Wang Xuan saw it in his eyes and used one metal tentacle to plunge into the rock wall to control his body, and the other metal tentacle swung out in the air, entangling the falling boy and barely grabbing it.

“It’s dangerous!” Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the huge space at the end of the cave, and it was pitch black below.

A large number of bats frantically besieged the people still in the cave. After hearing Wang Xuan’s reminder, everyone did not rush out rashly.

“Wang Xuan!” Gu Manyao stood by the entrance of the cave, looked down, and found that Wang Xuan was hanging on the rock wall below with his metal tentacles.

“Wait a minute, I’ll take a look at the map.” Wang Xuan didn’t know what to do next. He was busy taking out the gold paper and looking at the map carefully.

Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others were all blocked at the entrance of the cave, gathered together, and desperately fought back against the endless bats that rushed over.

Yu Shanshan, Tie Jun, and Duan Chen used their masks and shields to block them from time to time. Bai Yan launched a “Wizard’s Blood Jet”, which weakened the strength of these bats to the level equivalent to a sub-body. A single swing will kill a bat.

Among them, Li Haotian was the one who killed the most bats.

To deal with such relatively weak bats, Li Haotian’s “Arrow Rain” brought out the benefits of a wide-area attack. Every time the “Arrow Rain” was launched, the sky was bursting with arrows, and pieces of bats fell down.

The crowd blocked the attack of the bats at the entrance of the cave. Wang Xuan rolled Xiaojiao and moved it to the edge of the rock wall. Xiaojiao stretched out his flame claws, grabbed into the rock wall, and stabilized his body. At the same time, he checked the map against the golden paper. , the above three-dimensional map changed again, constantly changing, and finally formed a three-dimensional model of a huge abyss.

Wang Xuan understood that the three-dimensional model of the abyss corresponds to the huge dark space in front of him. According to the three-dimensional model of the abyss, the “gate of immortality” he was looking for was at the bottom of the abyss.

“So that’s the case.” Wang Xuan lifted his spirits, put the gold paper into Xumi’s belt, and said loudly: “Everyone climbed down the rock wall, there is a road below.”

After he finished speaking, he let Xiaojiao go down the rock wall, while he relied on two metal tentacles, inserted into the rock wall alternately up and down, and fell down.

Hearing Wang Xuan’s voice, Gu Manyao put away the mechanical fox, turned down again, and fell down the rock wall. He immediately caught up with Wang Xuan, who had descended several feet below. Enter the rock wall, stabilize your body, stretch out your left hand, climb on a protruding rock, and then pull out the Yaochi knife.

Zhang Haofei is even He has a pair of skeleton claws, these claws are extremely sharp, grabbing into the rock wall is like digging into the soil, easily relying on this pair of skeleton claws to grasp the rock wall down.

After that, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande and others went down one after another.

Li Haotian shot the last rain of arrows at the bats that had been saved, and watched a large number of bats fall down before turning over.

Although the cave was full of bats, after everyone rushed out of the cave and down to the rock wall, they stopped chasing and retreated back into the cave. Obviously, as long as outsiders did not invade their lair, they would not attack humans at will.

Although this rock wall is steep, with everyone’s current skills, each of them is more flexible than apes, and it is not difficult to climb down. Among them, Wang Xuan, who is the fastest, uses the length of the metal tentacles to calculate the distance. Looking at the distance of the rock wall, he calculated in his heart that he had descended more than 300 meters, and finally he saw the bottomless black water below the abyss rock wall. On the black water, there were some dilapidated stone pillars.

These stone pillars vary in height and thickness, the thin ones are no more than one foot in diameter, the thick ones are five or six meters, the short ones just surfaced, and the tall ones that stand more than ten meters high.

It is densely packed, and at first glance, there are at least hundreds of stone pillars standing in this black water.

Wang Xuan slowly approached a stone pillar below, and noticed the statues protruding from the surface of these stone pillars, with many horns and beast-faced fangs, which seemed to be statues of some ancient monsters or ancient evil gods.

Looking at these statues, Wang Xuan felt a chill down his spine and an inexplicable unease in his heart for some reason.

These stone statues seem to be embedded in these stone pillars, sealed by the stone pillars, and they may break open the stone pillars at any time and be resurrected again.

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