Last Building on Earth

Chapter 12

Chapter 10:

“Such a serious wound was scarred in such a short period of time. If so, wouldn’t I not die?” The braided man was surprised and delighted.

Zhao Lei corrected: “It should be difficult to die, not impossible to die.”

“I don’t know your name yet.” Wang Xuan looked at the braided man.

“My name is Zhang Haofei, how about you?”

Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei also said their names.

“Then what do we do next? Stay in the car or get off?” Zhang Haofei asked.

Zhao Lei said: “The two cars are both broken, so staying in the car all the time is not a solution. If nothing else, just what to eat and drink is a big problem.”

Everyone was in a great panic all the time, and they couldn’t feel hunger and thirst for a while. When Zhao Lei mentioned eating and drinking, Wang Xuan suddenly felt dry and hungry.

Wang Xuan took out his phone and glanced at the time. In this dark underground parking lot, he could hardly feel the passage of time. In fact, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon, and they had been trapped in this underground parking lot for three hours.

Wang Xuan ate a tea egg in the morning, and now when he heard Zhao Lei talking about eating and drinking, he immediately felt unbearable hunger and drinking, and said with a wry smile: “You are right, I feel thirsty and hungry now, if I can’t find anything to eat , we simply can’t support it for long.”

Zhang Haofei said, “Don’t worry about drinking it for now. I remember that Mr. Jia had a box of mineral water in the back of his car.”

As he spoke, he lifted his body from the main driver, turned his head and pointed to the back, asking the three women sitting in the back to look.

“I found it, there is mineral water here.” Gu Manyao quickly found the box of mineral water that was placed in the back.

Zhang Qianwen stretched out and went back to get the mineral water. The two women took out bottles of mineral water and distributed them to everyone in the car.

Wang Xuan took a bottle of mineral water from Gu Manyao, and he had long been dry, so he unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it.

After drinking enough water, the hunger in his stomach decreased slightly, and he said, “It seems that we still need to find a way to find something to eat. There are so many cars parked here, I don’t believe that every car is empty. We should be able to find something to satisfy our hunger.”

Zhao Lei threw away the bottle of mineral water he drank, and said, “Judging from the current situation, there is only one dead end for us to continue to stay in this car. Over time, without food supplements, we will become more and more difficult. We are getting weaker and weaker, let alone hunting monsters, we will starve to death first, and we must find a way to find food when our physical strength is still sufficient.”

Just as he said this, Zhang Haofei had already opened the door of the cab and walked out first.

“It’s useless to discuss too much now. You might as well take some practical actions. Come down and find something to eat. There are so many cars here, you can always find something to eat.”

As he spoke, he walked over to the little yellow-haired corpse on the ground and picked up a baseball bat.

“This guy is bold…” Zhao Lei whispered softly.

After Zhang Haofei knew the special effect of the white scales, his courage suddenly became stronger. Since it is difficult to die, what is there to be afraid of?

Wang Xuandao: “Everyone, let’s go down. Zhao Lei is right. We have to continue to stay in this car and there is only one dead end. We must find a way to find food.”

As he spoke, he pushed open the side sliding door of the car and got out of the car. When he saw the corpse of the monster on the ground, he grabbed the steel pipe in the monster’s mouth with only the tail exposed, stepped on the corpse, and pulled it out with both hands.

Since this steel pipe can be inserted into the monster’s mouth to kill it, its tip should be sharpened. In Wang Xuan’s opinion, this sharpened steel pipe is more effective than a stick to deal with this scaly monster.

The steel pipe was inserted so deeply that it was not easy to pull it out. Wang Xuan grasped the end of the steel pipe with both hands. its pulled out.

Just as he was about to give up, he suddenly noticed some changes in his swollen and itchy right hand. Perhaps it was because of the excessive force. In this swollen and itchy right hand, he could feel the change of the white scale, as if it was slowing down in his flesh. Slowly squirming, faintly exuding a kind of heat.

When this kind of heat appeared, the steel pipe that was originally motionless suddenly moved, making a light “chi” sound, and the steel pipe carried a **** arrow, which he pulled out of the monster’s body.

Looking at the steel pipe that was pulled out, Wang Xuan held his right hand tightly, sensing the change of the white scales in his palm.

“It seems that these white scales can not only speed up the healing of injured wounds, but also enhance their strength. I don’t know if they have other effects.”

Wang Xuan was both surprised and delighted by this discovery. What surprised him was that the white scales were like a living creature, and the feeling of moving in the palm of his hand was horrifying. He was delighted that the special effect was far more powerful than he had imagined.

Zhang Haofei opened the trunk of the van, took down the remaining half of the box of mineral water, and then took out a one-meter-long steel bar, two steel rods, and a machete. .

Seeing Zhao Lei looking at him strangely, Zhang Haofei snorted and said, “It’s nothing strange, we’ve been fighting since childhood, it’s not unusual to have these things in the car, but basically we won’t do it now. , I took these just to scare people, what are they called, yes, you can’t fight without fighting, there’s no way, and now it’s strictly controlled, the cost of fighting is too high.”

“Let’s pick them all. If another monster appears, you shouldn’t have to deal with it with your bare hands.” Zhang Haofei took out all the weapons in the trunk and threw them on the ground.

Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao’s three daughters also got out of the car. He liked the machete, but when he took it in his hand, he found that it was light and light. The blade was too soft and had no lethal power.

Abandoning the machete, Zhao Lei put on a steel rod.

Gu Manyao took a steel bar with a sharpened head, Zhang Qianwen took a steel pipe, and although Wang Qin was weak, she also picked a steel rod over one meter long, but she used it as a crutch.

Seeing that several people were armed with weapons, Zhang Haofei carried a baseball bat and walked towards an off-road vehicle closest to them, saying, “Then let’s hurry up and find food?”

After speaking, he walked to the cab of the off-road vehicle, clenched the baseball bat in both hands, and smashed it towards the corner of the window glass.

Zhang Haofei was very fast. He seemed to smash people’s windows a lot before. He was very skilled. He quickly smashed the off-road vehicle’s window. He reached in, opened the cab door, and opened it from inside the trunk.

Wang Xuan carried the steel pipe to a car parked next to the off-road vehicle, followed Zhang Haofei’s example, and smashed it into the window glass.

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