Krypton’s Heir: The Unseen Magic (HP Crossover)

Chapter 29: Chapter 22: Conquering Paradise Part Five

Aresia's eyes flickered open and shut as she was trying to reconcile what happened with Donna. She took a few quick strides, looking frantically over her shoulder ever so often to ensure she wasn't being followed. Her body had a cascading of sensations running through it that she never thought that she'd have before. The blonde Amazon took a few steps across the ground and racked over everything in her mind.

Donna was taken against her will and subverted to the will of that man. Aresia could not help but think that some kind of spell had been put on her fellow Amazon. And some of the spell had hit her as well, for she felt a heavy amount of arousal and it caused her to imagine herself in Donna's place. The blonde picked up a quicker pace as she made her way around the corner and skidded to a stop.

She was outside the library and she sped up to the point where the young woman nearly tripped over her feet. Her expressive blue eyes twisted from one direction to the other, as her hands were placed on her hips. She threw her head back and with a deep sigh hastened her movements. The blonde was losing herself to the visuals that ran through her head over, and over of Harry taking Donna but imaging herself in Donna's place.

Aresia had found herself combing through many of the books of the library more times than she could count. There were interesting spells and she had mastered many of them. She made her way towards a portion of the library that Hippolyta stated that she should never dabble in. She knew why but drastic times called for drastic measures.

On the bottom shelf, covered in dust, was a thick black book.

"Be warned," the book hissed but Aresia shook her head. These were desperate times and those desperate times could be coupled with desperate actions.

The book was enveloped into her arms and she struggled to get it up onto the table. There was a few seconds that passed before she deposited the book down onto the table. Panting heavily, Aresia focused her attention on the book as she started flipping through it to get to the page that she wanted.

'Come on, come on,' Aresia remarked as her eyes flickered with panic.

Panic went through her body, ever since this man was brought to their island, things had changed. The queen had lost leave of her senses and now Aresia needed the help of someone who would take drastic action to purge the island of negative influences.

"Bring forth the one with the power, who could alleviate the crisis of this darkest hour," Aresia chanted as she ran her hand over the book.

Once again, she was not thinking straight and the book began to glow before her.

Purple smoke appeared around the library at her feet and Aresia watched the figure rise from the smoke. A tall woman appeared within the mist. Purple hair wrapped around her beautiful face but that beauty was offset by a sinister expression flickering through her eyes. Her body with all its womanly curves was wrapped into a tight set of robes. Aresia stepped forward and smiled towards her.

"You have summoned me child," the witch known as Circe stated. It was a rare boon that she was brought to the island, thanks to some past problems with the Amazons, she had been banished from it.

"Yes, I have, I'm in need of your help," Aresia commented to her as her heart thumped within her chest. "There is a man who has come to this island."

"A man?" Circe asked, her interest piqued although she tried not to show it all that much. She placed a hand on her face and eyed Aresia. "Are you certain of this?"

Aresia smiled towards her.

"I ask of your assistance to remove his polluting influence from the island but please do not hurt any of my Sisters," Aresia commented, almost pleading with this woman. A part of her mind wondered if she made a deal with the devil by summoning her to get rid of this Har-Zod who had corrupted her sisters. "They have been led astray by lies."

Aresia could not see it for Circe's face was submerged in the shadows but a calculating smile appeared over the magic user's face.

"Do not despair my child, I shall not allow any harm to come to your Amazon sisters, you can take my word for it," Circe remarked as a soft smile appeared on her face, which Aresia believed was genuine and not calculating or conniving. "As long as they are able to draw breathe, I shall not harm them."

Circe's smile became even wider, this naive child proved to be a fool to summon her. Did she not realize the Pandora's box she had broken open? The terms of the agreement laid down some time ago was that Circe could not return to the island unless summoned, well now she was summoned and the Amazons would reap everything that she had to offer, for better or for worse.

"You best leave, it would be a shame to be around if your sisters mistook your noble intentions for something else," Circe commented to Aresia and she scrambled off in agreement. The enchanter smiled. "Such a sweet child but so hopelessly naive."

Circe's smile turned into a smirk as the woman heard the sounds of combat. The clanging of shields against swords echoed for miles around. The woman placed her hands on her face and looked out towards the sun which was being blocked by storm clouds. A smile crossed her face as she realized how appropriate that was that a storm would brew over the island before she would mark the Amazons for her own.


Harry stood outside alongside Faora, with Kara, Karen, Diana, and Donna following them from behind.

"So, how was it?" Kara asked Donna and the Amazon Princess turned towards her with a wide mouthed grin. Kara had gotten some of her husband as well whilst Donna and Diana were sleeping off everything and Harry had fucked her silly.

"It's like a dream," Donna admitted, she could hardly believe that she acted the way she did.

"Although if you act like that ever again, the punishment will be far worse," Diana remarked to her younger sister in a stern tone who stood up straighter and gulped. She understood not to trifle with her sister when things like this were said. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Donna agreed as she nodded her head.

Faora stood rigid, there were times like this where she had a sixth sense that something was going to happen around her. The dark haired Kryptonian scanned the horizon with a smile crossing her face before she heard a rumbling in the background.

"What is it?" Harry asked her before Faora stood on her tip toes.

"There's a storm coming," Faora remarked but Kara looked at her sister wife with an exasperated expression.

"So, we're invulnerable, we shouldn't be afraid of a little water," Kara commented to herself but there was a sense of something else brewing in the air.

"No, there's….there's something else happening," Faora informed Kara as her eyes screwed shut as she tried to take it all in. "I can feel it."

Harry agreed, now that she mentioned it, he could feel it as well. It put him on the edge of his mind and he shifted forward, placing a hand on the side of his face.

A purple wave of magical energy shot out and Harry grew rigid as he attempted to focus on it.

'What's that?' Karen thought through the bond link.

'I don't know but….it's not going to end well,' Kara thought and Harry was thinking as he tried to figure out what was coming at them.

'It's an advanced petrification spell,' Harry remarked towards the two blondes and Faora.

A normal petrification spell gave the illusion that someone was turned to stone, as in that they did not move. It was similar to what the Basilisk was capable of in the Chamber of Secrets. It was reversible if done by a wizard, not so easily reversible if done by the Basilisk, without the aid of Mandrakes.

This advanced Petrification spell, there was no illusion about it, rather they were being turned to stone.

'Harry!' Hippolyta thought frantically through the bond link. 'My entire royal guard, they've been turned into stone.'

'They have?' Harry asked, putting two and two together and knowing that this was not going to be fun to deal with. Frustration swam in the eyes of the wizard as he tried to figure out what could be causing this.

'Lyla and Artemis are the only two that have not been turned,' Hippolyta confirmed to them through the link.

Harry was beginning to put two and two together, he placed his hand on his chin as he thought over the problem over from every single angle. The emerald eyed wizard was beginning to piece together many things and was this close to reaching a solution.

'Who would do something like this?' Kara asked, but it appeared that spell, whatever it was, turned everyone but a select few into stone.

Sure enough, with their enhanced vision, Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora saw the Amazons that were nearby enjoying their day turned to solid stone.

'Circe,' Hippolyta thought to herself after it clicked in her mind. Given the past the two women had, she'd recognize her handiwork anywhere.

'I thought she couldn't come to the island, she'd been banished,' Diana questioned.

Hippolyta managed to clarify that statement as her nerves were rather fried. 'She was banished but now she's returned and she's back, more dangerous than ever before. Because someone summoned her and invited her to this island willingly.'

This caused Diana's eyes to widen as the possibilities of why Circe was here danced in her mind. She wondered who would have summoned such a horrific force to the island, especially given that what she had done the last time she was here. Those memories resounded throughout her mind.

"Okay, I'm going to ask what might be a stupid question," Kara commented and Harry turned his eyes towards her, inviting her to continue.

"Ask away," Harry told her.

"Why weren't we affected by the stone zappy thing?" Kara asked Harry.

Harry offered one statement that made sense to him.

"Stone Zappy thing? know what never mind...I…think the bond protected us," Harry informed her.

Diana's eyes widened as she turned towards Harry with inquiring eyes. "You think or you know?"

There was not much more that can be said other than this as there was a rumbling coming. It was obvious now that Circe had more than a few tricks up her devious sleeve and Harry was about ready to bear witness to a few of them. The green eyed wizard hovered a few inches off of the ground.

"We can worry about theories later," Faora informed them as she clutched her hands together and her eyes darted wildly around. "There's something coming."

Kara saw the black shapes as well and Karen inclined her head up to scope them out.

"She's a summoner, of course," Karen breathed as she was about ready to slap the palm of her hand on her face and she continued to scan for trouble.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw the creatures that Circe had summoned forth. There was only one breathless statement that popped out of his mouth.

"No kidding," Harry informed them.

They were approaching the group, dangerous and deadly and they were intent to take out anything that stood in their way. Flaming skeletons rushed down towards them, marching towards them with dancing, devious fury.

The palace was opened and Hippolyta walked out, along with Lyla and Artemis. Lyla had about four or five different tomes in her arms as she tried to go through them in an attempt to figure out a counterattack.

"I don't know who did this but….I'll find out," Hippolyta stated as she was dressed in battle armor, with a shield and a sword. She was ready to fight. Determination and fire flowed through her eyes as the Queen of the Amazons stepped forward, one step at a time until she faced her adversaries.

There was a moment where she reared her head back and heard the humming off to the side. The battle tested female warrior saw the skeletons that made their way towards her daughters, their husband, and three more of her wives.

Hippolyta did not take too kindly to people threatening those that were under her protection. One of the skeletons tossed a flaming bone at her but she dodged it and slammed her sword into it. The demonic creation blew into smithereens as she took it out.

Kara and Harry sized up their enemies; they needed to figure out how many that they had to work with at once. The emerald eyed sorcerer grabbed Kara and gave her the necessary boost to send her up into the air.

The blonde parted her lips and used her super breath to put out the fire. Harry jabbed his wrist and a current of water flowed towards the skeletons.

Or it would have, had the charms on them not caused any water to evaporate. Harry's expression flickered to one of annoyance, as Faora ducked and rolled as she used an immobilizing spell to bring some of them down.

"Right idea, but you shouldn't beat yourself up if these things didn't work out well," Faora remarked to him and Karen joined Kara in double teaming the skeletons, using their ice breath to stall the creatures in their path.

Harry was beginning to calculate a method to take down these enemies, and he closed his eyes to calculate every angle of attack.

"Kara to the left, Karen to the right, Faora take the center, and I'll take them out from behind," Harry informed them.

The Kryptonians all nodded as Harry directed them into battle.

"Diana, stick with me, if you can," Harry informed her and the dark haired Amazon Princess nodded, as she picked up a spear. "I'm going to try something, hold it out."

Diana did as she was told and the spear began to glow blue.

"Stab," Harry said to Diana and Diana rushed forward. With a swift motion, she impaled the skeleton in the rib cage with her spear.

It froze solid and then exploded into several little chunks as it shattered on the ground. Harry waved his hand and spears appeared in the hands of Kara, Faora, and Karen. The Kryptonian females charged forward.

Kara stabbed one of the skeletons hard in the ribs before it was encased in ice and exploded once more. She dodged the flaming axe that one of the skeletons now had. Pursing her lips, Kara blew outwards and ice breath took out the axe.

Faora super sped in from behind the skeleton and drove the spear in the back, causing it to freeze and explode into huge chunks, dropping to the ground.

'Keep going, keep this up,' Harry thought as he conjured two pairs of brass knuckles and then proceeded to give them the same ice effect.

Direct magic had no effect on the creatures, but weapons enchanted indirectly by magic did. It was a fundamental flaw within the charm work but one that Harry happily exploited.

"We're going to keep this up and we're going to win," Harry told them, as he rallied the charge towards the guardians.

Somehow, he figured that this situation was going to end up getting more intense before it got better. These guardians, they were only part of a really dangerous attack and the worst was yet to come.

"See what you can do about the spell before it becomes permanent!" Hippolyta yelled to Lyla within the chaos as the woman flipped nervously through the book.

Lyla nodded, biting down on her lip fretfully as she tried to work her way through undoing the spell the best that she could. This was one of those times where the pressure was on and the young Amazon was not dealing with it as well as she could. Nerves racked her body and she tried to keep her mind on what she had to do.

Kara heard the loud rumbling and they were about to deal with something else that was quite frankly problematic. The young Kryptonian hovered above the ground as her X-Ray vision spotted something.

Karen, Faora, and Harry noticed her urgency through the bond link. Harry was the next one to pick up on it, placing his hand on his hip as he focused his X-Ray vision.

There was a loud crack as four stone statues rose from the ground.

Things just got much worse than they were but Harry was not about to panic, that was not part of what he did, not by a long shot.


Circe smiled, she enjoyed a good fight to ramp up the satisfaction of her inevitable victory and she watched her first line of creations get mowed down, but they were merely a diversion. She was racking her brain furiously to figure out why some of the Amazons were not caught in her spell. The woman's teeth gritted as she searched her brain for the solution.

She was just getting warmed up and soon the spell would be permanent, to put the Amazons completely underneath her thumb. The purple haired woman's grin got even wider; sadism flickered through her eyes as she tapped her fingers on the edge of the pedestal that she sat on.

"Yes, forward, my children," Circe told them as more flaming skeletons stampeded over, ready for the second wave of attacks.

She was only getting warmed up.


Faora dodged the attempt of one of the stone elementals to smash her. She tried to break it into pieces with a well-placed magical assault but most frustratingly, it regenerated itself. The dark haired Kryptonian bit down on her lip as she wondered what she needed to do to accomplish her goals. Her eyes glowed with malice as she pulled her fist back.

"Kara now!"

Kara dove up into the sky and one of the stone statues looked up towards her. It was built for strength and brutality and intelligence was not part of it's creation. The young blonde Kryptonian shot into the air like a firework before she came down hard with sonic fury.

A sonic smash knocked the statue right on the top of its head. Kara cracked it underneath her knuckles, as Harry swooped in at super speed before the statue could restructure itself.

He began to circle around it at super speed, causing a cyclone that scattered the pieces in every single direction. Kara and Karen waited as the stones got scattered before they squinted their eyes and fired. The heat vision lit up the chunks of stone and caused them to super heat. This super heated attack caused them to melt into liquefied form.

Harry evaporated the liquid, being right in position immediately.

They all could not catch their breaths as that was only one of the stone warriors, there were still three more that were left to cause them more than enough grief. The group gritted their teeth as they tried to push themselves to their limits and beyond.

Meanwhile Diana, Artemis, Hippolyta, and Donna were doing battle with the second wave of flaming skeletons.

"There seem like there's a million of these things," Donna stated, as she tried to push them back with her attacks. She kept hammering them with an attack but they fought back harder, sending her crashing down to the ground.

Artemis moved in with swift motions and tricked two of the skeletons into taking each other out. Arming a bow, Artemis pulled back on it and fired the arrows.

It would not do much damage, but it would set up the skeletons for a series of follow up attacks, as Diana smashed her way through them. Her spear resting over her shoulder, she took them out. They proved to be dangerous adversaries.

"Some of them send fire, and others send ice now," Hippolyta told them roughly as she saw her spear freeze.

"Then we're going to have to turn up the heat on our own," Diana stated as she stepped forward, as she fought through the attacks.

Harry smiled from afar, Diana was doing fairly well all things considered, although it might be prudent to get her some magical training that was a bit more formal. The emerald eyed wizard did not have much time to figure out a counter attack as he charged forward and knocked one of the stone warriors back.

The stone warrior skidded back, as Kara, Karen, and Faora shot up from the sky and landed onto their enemy. There was a huge explosion as all three Kryptonian females smashed their fists into the construct causing a thunderous explosion.

Another one was done but their work was just beginning, it was always just beginning.

'The good news is that I can reverse the spell,' Lyla thought through the bond link to them all, feeling relieved after intense searching.

Harry gave Faora the necessary boost to allow her to accelerate even beyond what she was capable of and she smashed into an enemy, causing it to break into thousands of little pieces. Kara and Karen did the cyclone effect.

Diana pushed herself further and further into the attack, nailing the flaming skeletons and dodging the ice blasts from the ones that threw ice. She set them up from an attack from her mother who fired through them with only a fury that the Queen of the Amazons could manage.

'I'm sensing bad news,' Kara managed as she used her ice breath to immobilize the fourth and final ice statue.

Harry propelled himself into it and dropkicked it, causing it to shatter into millions of little pieces.

'Well yes,' Lyla admitted through the link as she placed a hand on her chin. 'It's hard to reverse a spell when someone is actively blocking you from trying to reverse it.'

Harry's eyes turned around as he searched the island. He was looking for an area around the island where concentrations of magical energy was different than anywhere else on the island. It was much like Hogwarts where there was a reserve of magical energy that was swarming in the air but there were certain tell-tale signs of it.

Therefore he needed to find the pinprick.

"Can you cover me while I look for this?" Harry asked them.

Faora nodded before she smashed through one of the stone figures that had returned. It was the second wave of this type of construct, so these were far tougher than the previous models that they had to deal with. The dark haired Kryptonian screwed her eyes shut and pushed herself to the brink as she smashed through her enemy with an overwhelming amount of force.

"Yes…but do….pick it up," Faora commented.

Harry was inclined to make haste but he had to figure out what he was going up against.

'Normal….normal….most certainly not normal,' Harry thought as his eyes traveled over the island as he saw a fuzzy patch of purple that was shining like a beacon amongst the inviting blue of the island.

Harry inclined his head and Diana got the message. This was going to be a one in a million shot to get this woman's attention.


Diana's kick caught Circe off guard and brought her back down to the ground as it sent her hurtling off the pedestal she was resting upon.

"And we've got Circe," Diana commented as she turned her head around but Circe tried to blast Diana.

Diana avoided the attacks as she scrambled around them. She was not going to avoid it forever. As it turned out, the attacks that blasted her, turned several objects into solid stone. The dark haired princess understood what she needed to do know and it was not get hit by any means whatsoever.

'Come on, right, left, and go,' Diana thought as she tucked her knees and propelled herself up.

Hippolyta rushed around the other side and swung a spear towards the head of Circe. Circe once again avoided the attack before she conjured a sword.

"You're outmatched, woman," Circe commented with a brisk tone before she swung her sword towards her nemesis.

"We'll see, witch," Hippolyta commented as she pushed herself into the battle. "Your spells are weakening…."

Hippolyta dodged an attempt to be turned into stone but she only was able to dodge it partially for her right arm twisted into stone. The dark haired Amazon was fairly paralyzed and she could not swing the arm that she had well. Her arm turned around, twisted off to the side.

Diana took up the battle but a Hippolyta with one arm was still rather formidable. They took some swipes, making sure Circe had to keep things on the defensive, so she did not turn around to drill them with some good offense.

The sorceress screwed her eyes shut; this was not going as she planned, not at all. Her heart beat against her chest and she was losing, kind of badly and that meant she was going to have to shift things to a different level.

That different level was splitting herself into two parts.

"Now, you're in for it," Circe commented, as two voices echoed as one.

One of them took the partially immobilized Hippolyta, as the other one took Diana. Now that the battle lines were more even, it was hard for them to throw her attacks off balance. Circe's eyes glowed with malice as she kept up the attacks.

Diana crouched down to duck an attack that hit a tree and turned it into stone. The stone shattered from the impact, so she knew by now not to be around as that spell got hit.

"You can't keep dancing forever, Princess," Circe taunted her but Diana's head turned to peek over her shoulder.

Diana tried to keep up the defense.

Most of the second round of stone creatures had been smashed to pieces and Kara turned her to focus to one of the few remaining. The blonde pursed her lips and blew.

Ice surrounded around the stone creature and stopped it. The ice wrapped around the body and for a brief happy instant, it seemed to work.

That was until the elemental heated up and smashed the ice, before he rushed forward and the ground beneath them turned to stone which caused Harry, Karen, Kara, and Faora to shoot up into the air, with Harry grabbing Donna and Karen grabbing Artemis. Their abilities of flight were blocked because of a spell.

"And now we can't touch the ground," Artemis offered but Harry smiled.

Lyla was picked up by Kara who leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"How is that spell coming along?"

"Wish I could speed it up a little bit more," Lyla stated as frustration rang through her voice but Harry gave her a reassuring look.

Lyla knew that Harry was giving her the opening to pull out an amazing counter, she could not let him down.

"Let's see if I can reverse this curse," Lyla commented as she saw the glowing of the stone around her.

She knew that time was running out for the Amazons but when an Amazon was put in the pressure cooker that was when they thrived better than anyone else. The blonde bit down on her lip and she twisted her attentions forward as there were a few seconds where she breathed in and breathed out.

"The countercurse, this should do it," Lyla remarked as she closed her eyes.

Hippolyta found herself trapped by one of the Circe duplicates. The eyes of the sorceress flashed dangerously as she held a dagger that she was about to turn Hippolyta into stone with.

"I'm sure you're used to being double teamed, princess, so we'd like to oblige you," Circe stated, as two more duplicates of herself surrounded Diana and prepared to close in for the kill.

Harry, Kara, and Karen nodded as Lyla shot off the counter curse. Sure enough, the stone creatures returned to the pile of rocks that they had been born from.

The Amazons were back.

Circe was incensed and she was about to stab Hippolyta, but Harry, still holding Donna in midair, shot off a duplicate of his own, which took out the version of Circe that was going after one of his wives.

Hoping that this would work for duplicates other than himself, Harry grabbed Circe by the wrist and forced a burst of magic into her. The pain was so intense that Circe had to retreat back to her native form.

The normal form of Circe felt the pain.

"And then there was one," Faora commented as she charged Circe and grabbed her around the waist, before sending her flying halfway across the island.

Circe was sent head over heels, landing in a puddle of mud that was off to the side. She rolled over, dripping from head to toe with mud.

"Fitting for a dirty slut like you," Faora commented as she charged in but Circe teleported out of the way.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Circe stated and Faora rushed her again.

Once again Circe teleported out of the way and on top of a pile of rocks. Faora closed her eyes and flew towards her, going as fast as her body could push itself.

And once more, Circe popped out of the way, creating purple smoke that wrapped around her. The enchanter was enjoying giving Faora the runaround.

Until an energy field surrounded her and Circe could not teleport any longer. She closed her eyes and howled, incensed that she had been blocked from that particular mode of escape.

"You overplayed your hand," Faora informed her as she flew forward and drilled Circe with a huge rocket buster of a punch to the stomach that caused her knees to buckle.

Circe sent a series of hexes and curses at Faora, some of them quite deadly but she blocked them with some of her own. The two women circled each other, ducking and dodging the multicolored lights.

The Amazons were returned to normal and quite transfixed by the light show that was going on around them. None of them wanted to get involved, at least right yet. Even Hippolyta stood, numb.

"Give it up, you can't…."

Faora slammed into Circe and drilled her to the ground. She tried to summon more of her stone creatures but the dark haired Kryptonian hoisted Circe off the ground and put her over into the shoulders with a fireman's carry, before slamming her down onto the ground from that position.

Circe rolled over, humiliated and humbled, as Faora cracked her knuckles. The enchanter struggled her way to her feet as Faora pulled her fist back.

"Now it's time for the end."

'Freeze and grab her,' a familiar voice echoed through Harry's head.

Harry was going to question the voice for a brief second but instead he rushed forward before Faora could put her hand straight through Circe's ribcage and out the other side. He used his ice breath to immobilize Circe.

Faora was taken off guard by this action from her brother and Harry grabbed Circe, before a swirling mist appeared around both of them and they disappeared from the island without a trace.


Harry had Circe in his grasp now; the woman was frozen from head to toe, unable to break out of situation that she found herself in. The emerald eyed wizard smiled widely as he realized where he was.

He was in the same temple that he had been brought to during the incident with the meteor rock. Although this time, the circumstances were such that he lacked the searing agony and having to nearly die to get here although the moment he froze her, he did wonder why he was shuttled off to this location of all places.

He spun his head around and saw Athena standing in the background, a smile crossing her face as she considered Harry.

"Athena," Harry commented with a smile towards the goddess who responded in kind. "What do I owe the pleasure of?"

"Well pleasure and you seem to go hand and hand, Harry Potter," Athena remarked as she watched Harry's various exploits with the women on the island quite discreetly and had been turned on by what she viewed. "We do have a problem that we have to deal with."

Athena tapped the frozen form of Circe who was immobile.

"Circe is a danger to the Amazons, she was cast off the island for trying to kill Hippolyta in the past," Athena remarked to Harry and she saw the anger that flowed through Harry's eyes. "Do not despair, there was no lasting damage done to the Amazons on the island. Your collaborative efforts managed to alleviate the problem before it could become permanent but we do have another situation that has arisen."

"A problem, you say?" Harry asked her and Athena smiled, a saddened expression crossing her face before she decided to elaborate even more.

"I've told you that Circe is a threat with what she has done in the past and she will continue to do such things in the future," Athena informed him. "She has committed more than a few atrocities throughout her days.

Harry knew that the goddess of wisdom would have a solution.

"You could let her free but she would continue to cause problems," Athena remarked to Harry. "She might claim that she's learned her lesson but ever since Circe has been around, she's played the good girl card before she turned around and stabbed the same people in the back that have given her a second chance. And now that her pride has been wounded, she will not stop until she's gained revenge."

Harry's face crossed into a smile as he saw the woman trapped inside the ice. She was for all intents and purposes blocked off to the outside world and the wizard could do what he wanted to her at any time, any place.

"I know what I must do," Harry commented before he turned to Athena.

Athena knew that it was not a thought that anyone relished, as did Harry, but it had to be done for Circe was too dangerous to be allowed to run untamed. Now that her cage had been rattled by Aresia, there was no telling what she could cause.

Harry smiled, as he prepared to lock onto Circe.

"This will be much easier since she owes you a life debt,' Athena offered him in what she thought was a consoling tone of voice.

"Very true, because my sister was going to kill her, no question about it," Harry remarked before he stepped back and performed the binding ritual on Circe, binding the sorceress to him.

The binding ritual left Circe's personality mostly intact although she would be loyal to Harry's Collective.

It was a draining ritual in some respects but Harry was not about to let her get away. Plus she was a potential asset that he could use in the future, so there was that. Not to mention that despite her poisonous personality, she was fairly attractive and was surely worth having around.

Harry melted her from the ice. A curtain of purple hair was revealed first, along with a glowing pair of vibrant violet eyes. A pair of luscious round breasts was next on the visual buffet that was Circe's body and Harry continued to eye her from top to bottom, locking onto even more of her shapely body. The wizard was quite pleased with what she had to offer, her flat stomach, toned legs, along with a shapely ass. She had the perfect hour glass figure and was extremely beautiful.

"My lord," Circe stated as her eyes glowed.

"You're mine now," Harry told her as he cupped her chin.

"Yes, yes, yes," Circe breathed as she dropped down to her knees. She was not wasting any time, she was going take full advantage of all of the perks of this arrangement. "Let's start….down here."

Circe started to unbutton Harry's pants before she began to fish out his manhood as Athena watched the events unfolding around her with a wide grin passing over her face.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Circe grabbed Harry's cock in her slender hand and began to stroke it up and down until it reached full mast. She kept her eyes locked onto the male organ, drool appearing from her mouth and she could not wait to have this in her mouth. For now, she settled with using her tongue to work him over.

Harry watched her lick his tongue but he grabbed her head and lined his cock up with it. Circe got the hint straight away and speared herself down onto his member.

The wizard closed his eyes as pleasure washed over him as his member worked down her throat. The emerald eyed wizard could hardly believe that such an undercurrent of pleasure was working over him. Her mouth sucked his cock and her hand snaked around, working over his balls which throbbed with the motions that she worked it over. The purple haired woman kept up the pace, using her nose to rub down onto his pelvic bone.

"Oh, that's….that's amazing," Harry told her as he grabbed the back of her head and coaxed her mouth onto him. "That's it, suck me off, show me what a slut you are."

Circe's mouth bobbed up and down onto his throbbing cock as Harry pushed himself back against the wall and felt her talented mouth work him over. The sorceress was amazing at what she did; she slurped and bobbed up and down on him. The wizard pushed into her mouth as she continued the magnificent blowjob.

Harry decided that after a few minutes of deep cock sucking, it was time for him to sample the treats that rested between her thighs. The wizard grabbed his hand and ran his fingers down between her nubile thighs. The woman closed her eyes and felt him work down her lips, trying to collect her dripping juices.

She sucked him even harder as Harry played with her pussy.

The sounds of her mouth slurping his cock was amazing and Harry ran his hands all over her body, feeling every single part of it, using his hands to stimulate her arousal. He was really going to take all that she had to offer and then some.

After a while, she slid up and Harry moved her over to a bed at super speed.

Circe turned over and got on her hands and knees before she wiggled her ass enticingly at him. "Come and get it master."

The wizard was not about to turn down an invitation that was so inviting. He grabbed her hips around with his hands and squeezed her supple ass before he lined up with her. His cock was aimed towards her center and the wizard plunged into her.

Circe felt the amazing sensations of his cock plunging into her center and she grabbed onto the bed, pushing herself back as he rode into her. The Sorceress was feeling up to the challenge as he continued to keep going into her.

The strokes were slow and tender, making her body tingle with the pleasures of what it was like for a man to make love to a woman. His hands roamed over her body.

"Oh you're….you're the real thing, oh keep it up, you're so great," Circe moaned as she clenched around him tightly as his prick took a steady motion into her center. The woman tightened around him with her walls as Harry pushed back and kept spearing into her center.

Harry felt amazing as her tight walls hugged around his probing prick as he pushed in and out of her. The wizard continued to use his manly tool to work a steady path around her. Circe hugged him.

"Oh so wet, this is a divine pussy," Harry told her as he cupped her breasts and continued to saw into her from behind.

"Yes, I know, yours, it's your divine pussy," Circe panted as she clutched onto the bed sheets and bit down onto her lip as Harry sawed into her tight center.

He drove her to another orgasm and Circe, as much as she enjoyed the casual, love making, she wanted even more. Her pussy burned as she thought about the promise of having even more and she clenched around Harry's rod as he continued to hammer into her from behind.

"Oh Harry, give me more, that's it, fuck me harder!" Circe breathed as she wrapped around her. "Make me yours, Har-Zod!"

Harry grabbed her around the waist and used his cock to slam deeper and deeper into her womanly depths. He was going to bring her to the brink of her passions and he sped up the thrusts into her.

Circe was screaming out loud as her tight center was being drilled by the stampeding cock that worked into her tight center. The wizard continued to plunge into her sopping wet center and he reached over, to capture one of her tits in his hand as he squeezed it. The purple haired woman screamed out loud as his thick tool continued to violate her in the best way possible.

"More, more, more, please, more!" Circe shrieked as she worked around him. Her tight box tightened even more around him. The wizard was being milked by her thrusts and Harry kept up the heat as he continued to work into her.

Circe was biting down on the sheets as Harry worked into her from behind, taking a few moments to really take her to town. The wizard was going to make her his in every way.

"Another bitch, another ass to claim," Harry growled as he bit down on her ear which caused her even more pleasure.

"Yes, take my ass, take it, take it with your big cock!" Circe yelled.

"Oh I'm going to take your ass alright, it's mine," Harry commented as he grabbed Circe around the tight ass.

He speared his throbbing meat into her ass and she closed her eyes before she screamed with even more passion. Harry took Circe's ass with a series of rapid fire thrusts as he continued to pummel into her.

Circe tried to play with herself but she could not for her hands were now bound to the bed. She did not know how Harry did it in the midst of having sex; all that she knew was that he did it and now that she was at his mercy, it was all that she could do to keep from screaming to the high heavens. She bit down on her lip before her screams continued to escalate. There was a slight screaming sound.


Harry smiled as he did just that, he took her ass, he pounded it for everything that it was worth. He was going to take down.

"You're my little anal slut, aren't you?" Harry growled in her ear.

Circe nodded furiously as she bit down on her lip to muffle the pleasure before she decided to screw any pretext of it. She was going to let it all hang out because it felt so good. Twelve inches of prime male meat jammed in her anally.

Harry rubbed his thumb against her smooth mound, sending jolts of magical and sexually energy into her molten core which caused her to lose sense of herself. Circe bit down on her mouth and screamed to the highest heavens. There were more screams that rattled through her as the wizard kept up the pace slamming into her ass harder and harder.

The wizard was having the time of his life with his prick rammed up into her tight rectum but he wanted to pick things up and he wanted to finish inside her.

Circe was flipped over onto the bed, her arms and legs tied, spread eagled in the bed. The sorceress's eyes widened as she started to chew on her lip.

"I wonder if I should finish in you," Harry remarked to Circe as he cupped her molten hot center, which was gushing with the juices of her arousal. "You've been a really bad girl, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have, I'm your bad girl, Har-Zod," Circe told him with lust burning from her eyes and dripping from her tone. "Take me in any way you want, or every way. I want you."

"I'd like you nice, wet, and hot," Harry informed her as he ran his hand down her smooth sex.


Circe screamed as his tool plunged into her box and she arched her hips as much as the restrains allowed her. His mouth worked to lavish her breasts, switching to the right breast, and then to the left breast.

The maelstrom of sensations was nearly too much for Circe to deal with, she was becoming undone with his huge cock working into her. His hands roaming his body sent the electrical jolts of pleasure as well.

His large manhood thrust deep into her tight lips and Harry cupped her breast rather tightly as well as he continued to saw a steady path into her pussy. The tightness enveloped him as he picked up the pace. He thought that he could cum at any second if he allowed himself to be lost underneath her spell.

Harry corrected himself, he was not under Circe's spell, she was under his, and he refused to back down as several more plunges of his cock assaulted her folds.

Circe panted, biting on her lip to the point where it would be leaving a mark, not too much like the "Z" that was currently branded on the side of the woman's neck. He worked his cock into her center, pushing up and down into her. The wizard kept sawing into her as he worked into the homestretch.

Harry was about to take everything that he could manage out of her pussy, as it wrapped around his probing length. She summoned all of the strength of her divine dripping core to work him out but Harry was amazingly keeping up the pace. The wizard refused to be backed down by any means whatsoever. He kept fighting, kept pumping away at her dripping core.

"Please, Harry, I need your seed," Circe cooed as she hit another peak as she thought of Harry injecting several lines of his burning seed deep inside her.

The wizard grabbed her thighs and kept slamming into her center, working out her raw center until he passed through her once again.

The dance continued to heighten with passion as Harry smashed his lips onto hers roughly. She returned the kiss with equal vigor as he slammed into her tight center, utterly wrecking her, making her feel more pleasure that she could ever realize.

It was not too long before her tight walls clenched around Harry and he kept pumping deeper into her, before he injected his seed into her. His burning hot seed shot into her walls, injecting deep into her.

Circe collapsed, feeling the release of sexual fulfillment.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Harry slid back as he saw Circe on the bed, still bound to him and given her freshly fucked form a going over.

"Amazing as always," Athena told Harry as she placed her hands on her hips and kept her eyes locked onto Harry's, a smile crossing her face as she kept staring Harry down. Her eyes locked onto that of the wizard's. "We have chosen well."

Harry smiled in spite himself as the goddess of wisdom stepped forward. The brown material wrapped around her body but slowly she was easing it off. He saw her ample figure underneath her robes and a pair of hands touched her hips.

"Once again, you've delivered a great boon to the Amazons," Athena commented with a smile.

"I'm glad you approve once again," Harry remarked with a smile as he placed his hands on her waist. She did not bother to correct that motion rather she eyed him with an appraising look.

"Yes, and it is time that you've earned a certain favor," Athena commented as her eyes glared intensely towards Harry. "As you know, I'm untainted but it was only until the moment where I would be able to give myself to the right person."

Harry liked where this was going, as she slowly slipped the brown material that she was wearing off, to reveal even more skin.

"I've observed what you've done with several females, the heights of passion that you've brought them to," Athena commented, as Circe laid in chains on the bed to the side of them. She was forgotten, at least for the moment. "I've observed these actions and have come to one conclusion, that there is nothing that I'd like better than to have a piece of you."

Athena smirked before she slid the material completely off her body and let it pool to the ground at her feet. She wore nothing but shoes as she presented herself to the young god in mortal form before her.

"If I have to give myself to someone, I might as well start at the top," Athena informed him before she closed the gap that was in between them.

Harry smiled as he placed his arms around her and pulled her in tightly. "There are sometimes where I've felt like I've known you to the entire life."

"Maybe you have," Athena commented in a cryptic tone that was always done with the goddesses before she leaned forward and met Harry's lips into tentative kiss.

Harry pulled her into him and deepened the kiss, as his muscular body pressed against the naked form of the goddess of wisdom as he tilted her back a slight bit, placing his hands on her lower back and then he slid it down to cup her backside.

'Oh yes, time for your reward,' Athena breathed as Harry griped her.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry grabbed Athena around the waist and kissed her madly, before pushing his hands down and roaming every single nook and cranny of her body. The dark haired woman closed her eyes as Harry continued to work her over, with several gentle caresses as he caused sexual fire to course through her body.

Athena kissed into his mouth and traced his chest and abs, before grinding down against him. This was mostly uncharted territory for her and the dark haired woman felt the enjoyment as his hands were all over ever part of her body. Her waist, her hips, her ass, her legs, her breasts, her pussy, they were roaming all over her body. The dark haired wizard used his finger and stimulated her belly button as well, adding to the pleasure.

She locked her legs around him and Harry marched her over to the bed where Circe was still mostly out of it from the good hard fucking Harry gave her. The emerald eyed sorcerer placed Athena down on the bed and the wise goddess parted her legs, in anticipation for the next play.

This next play was his fingers inserting into her pussy and he pumped into her, pushing deep inside her. His fingers manipulated her sopping wet center as Harry pushed himself into her, working her over. The goddess pushed herself up.

Athena grabbed his cock and stroked it, feeling the firm hardness in her hand, not to mention the length. She closed her eyes as Harry continued to stroke between her legs and cupped her center. Their minds were slowly becoming one as they were going to experience the combined pleasure of both of their bodies.

The duel sensations that the two of them felt were something that was intense and Athena's eyes fluttered over. She felt a stiffening of her nipples which Harry noticed.

"Primed and ready to suck," Harry stated as he grabbed one of her nipples before he captured the hard stiff button in his mouth.

Athena felt the sensations swell through her body and his tongue passed through her. His hands roamed her body as she tilted back onto the bed. Her eyes shut as she sank in the pleasure and felt the energy that manifested around them.

His mouth moved up and down her body, kissing her and kept caressing her, his hand roamed over her body. The dark haired woman breathed as Harry continued to stroke her flesh.

"I'm ready for you," Athena stated as he worked her core.

"Soon enough, my goddess," Harry stated as he licked her center and switched his mouth open, before he started to suck on her clit.

"YES!" Athena breathed heavily as his hand manipulated her and she felt pleasure that never thought she'd feel flow through her body.

Harry smiled as he kept spearing into her; he was priming her, getting her ready for him. Her walls clenched rather tightly around his finger, in fact he manipulated the virgin tightness, having what he offered her down to a science. The wizard's grin crossed across his face as he prepared to work into her.

Athena's pussy dripped with anticipation as she summoned the full force of her energies, she was going to make the bonding be even more amazing. The wizard hovered around her dripping pussy, and pushed down into her, with the full force that he could manage.


Athena felt herself give way, having this powerful tool enter her for the very first time and her eyes widened as she arched her hips up. The dark haired god arched her hips up and met his throbbing cock as it entered her. Each and every individual thrust was sending her to even more amazing arenas of pleasure.

Harry closed his eyes and felt her tightness wrap around him like a glove as he plunged into her. The emerald eyed wizard was really pushing himself to new depths, her depths, as the two of them linked together in the area of the mind, body, and soul. Their mind's melded together completely along with their bodies.

This pushed their love making to new depths, as Harry brought her to a powerful orgasm. This caused an amazing feeling to rock through his body as well as he kept pushing himself into her, working his throbbing phallus deep into her center.

Athena breathed heavily as Harry plunged himself deep into her center as he continued to work into her. The brunette goddess felt the rush cross her as he continued to piston his throbbing cock into her. The woman was breathing heavily as he grabbed her and groped her tit as he worked himself into her.

"Oh, this feels so good," Harry grunted as he kept pumping into her. He felt like they were combining as one.

He was in tune with her body and he was in tune with hers. The two kept their pace up, working into each other. Their organs clashed together as the intense actions continued to pick up. Athena pushed her hips up and met with him.

"More, I need more of you, I need all of you," Athena breathed as her eyes closed.

The pleasure flooded through every inch of her body, every fiber of her being and she felt the pleasure coursing between her thighs. The woman felt his throbbing prick pass through her and she felt herself light up with so much amazing sensations. His thrusts buried into her, every inch passing through her.

Harry thought that as much as he hit her pleasure spots, she was drawing into the pleasure that he wanted as well. She clenched around his throbbing rod as her legs tightened around his waist and she continued by sinking her nails into his back, pushing herself against him. The brunette panted heavily as she tightened around him. His thrusts buried into her even deeper.

"Give it to me, oh I'm reaching my edge," Athena told him as she bit down on the side of her mouth and felt even more pleasure rush through her legs, his thrusting continued to penetrate her and pushed himself deeper into her.

"You're reaching the edge, well I'm going to push you over it."

Harry pushed into her for a brief moment before Athena motioned for him to stop.

"Make love to me from behind while I teach this one a lesson," Athena breathed as she inclined her head to Circe.

Circe was unable to move from her position on the bed, only half aware of the pleasures that she was not currently receiving from her master.

Harry flipped Athena over and she was on her hands and knees. He aimed himself towards her still moist center and plunged deep inside her. This caused her to tighten around him as he pushed in and out of her, her walls offering the necessary resistance to give his cock a good hearty squeeze.

"Give it to me, more, give it to me, more," Athena breathed as she bit down on her lip hard.

She was feeling the amazing pleasure that coursed through her, the erotic tidings. She threw her head back with a moan as Harry rode into her from behind, she was plunged into the throes of passion. The emerald eyed wizard pushed into her and kept speeding up the attacks, his throbbing cock kept hammering a steady path into her tightening cunt. The woman moaned into him.

Harry cupped her breasts as she tightened around her and sped up into the home stretch. He was really hammering her cunt for everything that she worth and the fusing of their organs caused the pleasure to get more.

"The two of us, we combine as well, to give the most….ah….pleasure….experience," Athena panted as the divine inner walls pushed against Harry's invading prick and he slammed into her a few more times, speeding up the actions deep inside her.

"Yes, keep, yes, keep," Harry panted as he bit down on his lips.

She was driven to several more orgasms and her juices were the absolute best. The goddess's pussy was amazing as it tightened around him and the emerald eyed wizard continued to saw into her as he was driven to the home stretch.

A few more thrusts finished him off as he felt his orgasm approach and he sent his reward into the waiting womb of the no longer virgin goddess.

Athena bit down on her lip as there were a few more deep thrusts into her, before Harry pulled out.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Athena collapsed in the afterglow as she turned towards Harry, a smile crossing her face.

"And how was that?" Harry asked her as he ran his fingers through his goddess's hair, as a smile crossed her face.

Athena did not have the words to describe it at first. She heard Circe trying to get a release but she did not seem inclined to help the slut out, she was too busy savoring in the afterglow of her lover's attentions towards her.

She did have one final statement that she had to give him.

"It was divine."

Harry smiled, coming from a goddess; this was the highest of praise. Bringing these powerful women to their knees and making them squeal beneath him was the most amazing thing.

He could not wait to do it again and again. It was just something that he felt that he had to do.

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