Konosuba: Determined

Chapter : Read Before Hopping Into The Story

Hello guys, I just wanted to tell you a few things before you start reading this whole fic.

First, it's gonna be a complete self-insert, fully self-indulgent fic for me, and I genuinely do not care about any negative feelings you may hold towards it.

Second, I will most probably revamp the leveling system, because I feel like it should be much more complex. This includes stats, skills, how experience is gained, classes, and some other world-building crap I'll try to work on.

Third, I will try to get the character's personalities right. If I don't? Oh well, I'll learn.

This might be half-serious and half-comedic, but it isn't meant to be taken seriously. It'll be whatever comes out of my autistic mind, lol.

Last of all, I'll only write for this fic when I feel like it. It'll be slow paced as well.

With that said, enjoy the wild ride!

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