Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 196 The Sword Is Such an Inconvenient Thing

Chapter 196 The Sword Is Such an Inconvenient Thing
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The surrounding victory team members shook their heads frantically, indicating that they were not looking at him, but the corner of their eyes couldn't move away from Uchiha Yuji's body no matter what.

Those eyes are not much different from looking at a fairy.

Junjianhui was not like them, but faced Uchiha Yuji very seriously.

"Yuji, can you tell me why you have such power?"

As soon as Ju Jianhui finished speaking, he quickly explained, "Although you were introduced by the director, there is no need to worry that you will be disadvantageous to us, but can you satisfy my curiosity a little bit?"

"Of course, you don't have to answer if you think it's inappropriate."

"Human beings have infinite potential, and it is not very difficult to do this kind of thing."

Uchiha Yuji and Jujian Hui stared straight at each other, and said in a deep voice, "And Captain, can't you also use some supernatural power?"


"Stop joking." Ju Jianhui himself was convinced that he didn't have such power, "I'm just an ordinary person."

Dagu on the side looked at Jujianhui thoughtfully, he probably understood what Jujianhui's power was.

"And who in human beings has the power like you."

"Regarding this point, I can be sure that human beings do have the power to slay demons." A strange voice suddenly sounded, shocking everyone in the victory team.

The training for sound capture made them quickly focus on Yuji Uchiha.

I saw a pure white light flying out from behind Uchiha Yuji, gradually solidified in mid-air, and turned into the appearance of an old-age swordsman in a moment.

"Stereoscopic projection technology? Or is it really the soul?"

Horii quickly bypassed Uchiha Yuji, shortened the distance with Ida Iryu, and poked his chest with his fingers.

Whether it is a stereoscopic projection or a soul, it should be impossible to be touched by the body, but Horii felt that his fingers touched the essence.

His fingertips even poked a dent in Ida Jinglong's clothes.

"Entity?!" Horii backed away in fright.

Everyone in the winning team also opened their mouths wide open.

"Are people being so rude nowadays?" Ida Jinglong crossed his arms and moved his sword with his thumb, revealing a small half of the blade, "It's disrespectful to touch other people's body casually. "

In the ancient times of neon, warriors were regarded as a special class, the kind who could test their knives against passers-by.

Uchiha Yuu pressed the hilts of the two swords back to their original positions.

"Let me introduce you."

"Ida Jinglong, an ancient demon slayer, specializes in dealing with all kinds of monsters and ghosts. Su Nagui was cut up and sealed by him. The monsters he killed were included in the statistics, which can probably fill the entire Japan."

This kind of hardcore introduction immediately gave the Victory team a new understanding of Ida Jinglong.

"Since people in ancient times were able to slay demons, it makes no sense that people in modern times can't." Xincheng Dazhi made a speech.

"In ancient times, the Overlord was able to lift a tripod, why don't you try?" Uchiha Yuji asked back.

Naturally, Xincheng would not try this kind of thing that would die if he tried it foolishly, he sat back in his seat with a smirk.

After seeing that no one was bothering him anymore, Yuji Uchiha continued, "Human beings are an incredible group. With a huge basic population, it is not surprising that there are a few strong men and people with special functions."

"Of course Ida Jinglong belongs to the first tier of monsters."

"A monster that can slash monsters with a human body."

Ida Jinglong shook his head slightly, "No, I'm just a little proficient in swordsmanship, not a monster, but just a little bit of experience in fighting demons."

"As a brave man at the time, I just couldn't be defeated."

"As a hero, I can only fight alone and bring victory to people."

And those who were called monsters fell under his sword.

"So this time, are you going to teach us the ability to slay demons and demons?" Xincheng became clever again, "Is that the ability to chop down the Kirielod people with one knife?"

Ida Jinglong looked Xincheng up and down.

"The limbs are not working, the energy is lacking, and I am not proficient in any swordsmanship or physical skills. Are you planning to use flesh and blood to crusade against demons?"

Xincheng's fist hardened.

He had seen the scene of Ida Jinglong chopping up Kirielod, and he knew that he couldn't beat him, but he was not convinced.

Xincheng pulled out his gun abruptly, and slapped it on the table in the command room.

"What era is it now? Who still uses swords now? Everyone uses guns! Use guns!"

I don't know why Uchiha Yuji always finds this sentence so familiar, and even the sound effect of a certain martial artist's "what he said makes sense" appeared in his ears.

And vocabulary such as American Iai and so on.

He frantically shook his head to shake these chaotic memories out of his brain, and then focused his attention on the command room.

Ida Jinglong, a person from ancient times, got some teachings from Uchiha Yuji, and he also has a little understanding of modern times.

He lowered his body, and said in a deep voice, "Guns have great power."

"How can the sword be such an inconvenient thing, and how can swordsmanship be such an inconvenient skill."

Ida Jinglong stared at Xincheng with sharp eyes, and did not say what he wanted to say in words, but Xincheng already understood what he wanted to do.

Xincheng pointed to the gun, then pointed to Jinglong Ida.

Ida Jinglong nodded slightly.

This posture can be known without thinking. Ida Jinglong intends to perform a wave of bullet-splitting stunts for Xincheng.

At this time, Horii ran to Yerui's side, crackling at the computer.

"When fighting the Kirielods, the speed of the initial observation flight of the sword light has a terrifying speed of Mach ten, while the light bullets of the Hepa gun only fire at Mach eight."

"And the power only depends on the words that penetrate the power"

Horii raised his head, his voice trembling, "The power of that sword is even several times stronger than that of an underground piercing bullet."

Xincheng silently withdrew the Haipa gun slowly, and put the gun back into his trouser pocket calmly.

"If you're not teaching us to fight, then what do you want to do?"

"This guy doesn't have talent, but it doesn't mean everyone doesn't have talent."

"In this era, some people with special abilities have appeared. I hope you can bring him here."

For this matter, Ju Jianhui would naturally not refuse. If there is an extra human being who can deal with monsters, she will naturally be more happy.

She nodded quickly, "Can you tell me his name and location?"

"Its name is: Kirino Shepherd."

(End of this chapter)

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