Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 182 This is Our Journey

Chapter 182 This is Our Journey

The task of the Great Holy Grail has been completed.

When Fujimaru Tachika made a wish, people from the future to the present also returned to their own time, and the surviving King Arthur was forcibly returned to her Gensokyo.

The power was transmitted from Yuji Uchiha to Tateka Fujimaru, even if it was just a transmission of power.

However, the destruction carried by the Hypageton larva itself, which was beyond the understanding of the Great Holy Grail, still completely shattered the Great Holy Grail.

The earth is crumbling, and the sky is shattering like a mirror.

The world is broken like glass, and the colorful brilliance shines with unique beauty.

After a while, the Great Holy Grail was completely dimmed from the inside to the outside, and the spherical Great Holy Grail gradually fell off the ground like a weathered rock, and this caused a chain reaction.

The Great Holy Grail is located in the underground cavity of Liudong Temple. When the Great Holy Grail began to collapse, the shock was transmitted to the rock wall, causing the cave to also begin to collapse.

The artificially shaped solid rock walls fell from the ceiling like tofu blocks falling into the water, and the solid ground shattered like an earthquake.

And none of this was seen by Fujimaru Tachika.

Powerful power poured into Fujimaru Tatsuka's body, and a large amount of knowledge immediately made her roll her eyes, making her body suddenly as soft as noodles, and the weakness of her limbs made her lean forward.

"Senior!" Matthew quickly supported Fujimaru Tachika.

Her beautiful eyes widened, like a pink lioness guarding a lion king, she asked loudly, "Senior's senior! What's going on here?"

Although the tone was very offensive, Uchiha Yuji naturally didn't care about Shibuya. Keke, Mash's roar.

Matthew's roar is called a roar, and it seems to be more accurate to express her state with a coquettish hum. This is not only not deterrent, but very cute.

"My strength is too strong, she just doesn't get used to it."

Uchiha Yuji did not doubt that Fujimaru Tachika, who originally represented a "miracle", would not be able to adapt to his power.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine."

"We can talk about this later. Now, we have to get out of here quickly!" Romani said in panic, "The cave is already collapsing!"

Immediately, the voices of the rest of the personnel in the control room rang out one after another.

"Get out of here, Mash!"

"Hurry up!"

Before Mash started to act, he found that the scene in front of him was no longer in the hollow underground.

This fast action speed made the people in Chaldea breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that they let go of that breath just now, and the reminder on the screen made their hearts rise again in an instant.

"The singularity is being repaired?!"

"The speed of repair is very fast, hurry up and prepare for the transfer of spirit particles!" Romani's roar overwhelmed everyone's voices.

And the "da da" sound of his typing on the electronic keyboard was louder than his growling sound.

"Spirit transfer anchor point has been determined!"

"The spiritual transformation is ready to activate 0% 50% 100%, how did it go so smoothly this time!"

"Spirit transfer started!"

"Huh?" Mash let out a surprised voice, and her body turned into spirit particles and dissipated.

The panic-stricken group of people acted in a hurry, but Uchiha Yuji couldn't help but laugh because of his hurried actions.

"Guys of Chaldea, can you still hear me?"

Uchiha Yuji's words didn't stop.

"Tell Fujimaru Tachika."

"Call my name loudly when you are in danger."

"One person's journey is in the past tense, now... is our journey."

"Use my power, stay with me, and keep walking."

"Her road ahead must be unstoppable, absolutely invincible!"

What about Getia?What about the Lost Belt?What about Arjuna, who is one with all gods?What about Chaos, whose tiny power is enough to destroy the earth?

Oh, with the power of Fujimaru Tachika, I can't deal with Chaos and the like.

It doesn't matter!

His relationship with her is over.

When Tatsuka Fujimaru was with him, when she was an enemy she couldn't defeat, Yuji Uchiha would show up and teach those guys how to humble themselves on the ground!
"I understand."

Even in this shattered world, Romani's voice is clear.

"One last thing."

"Your last treasure is not allowed to activate, understand?"

Romani was startled, and was about to answer, but found that the connection with this singularity had been completely severed.

For followers who can predict the future or see through the past, Romani's original identity has never been a mystery.

And his last treasure should be known only to him.

In other words, in the original future, he also made an ending that he had already prepared for in his heart.

"Ah, ah, it seems that the farewell must be kept in my heart forever." With a chuckle on his mouth, Romani said the words that others were confused about.

The singularity disappeared, and Yuji Uchiha, who was pulled by Gaia, was thrown out of this time node and appeared in the vast universe.

The perception is very vague, but the bond between him and Fujimaru Tachika allows him to instantly transfer to her side by virtue of the power of Hypageton.

The isolation between universes, the vast distances of countless spaces and time points, none of these can stop Hypageton.

As for why not stay with Fujimaru Tachika all the time?
Everyone has their own journey.

That is her own story.

He would not be the Iron Resolver's nanny, such a journey would only be a spread of his own path.

As for Fujimaru Tachika, she will create her own legend and write her own epic.

After a long sigh, Uchiha Yuji looked at the vast and endless universe in the distance.

"A little irritated."

"Choose a few unlucky ones at random, let's vent a little bit."

And the evil god who invaded the Xingyue world instantly became Uchiha Yuji's first choice.

A mark has already been added to the evil god, but this evil god seems to be completely unaware that he has such a thing.

Until now, Yuji Uchiha can even clearly feel the position of the mark.

And at this moment, a ray of light galloped from the direction of the mark.

The World Bubble didn't stop the flying of Otto's signature, allowing it to slowly unfold in front of Yuji Uchiha.

It was an Otto signature from Seven.

An Ultra signature of many Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light.

There are not too many tedious words in the signature.

Only one sentence.

"It's great that you're safe."

Uchiha Yuuji curled up a gentle smile.

"Celebrate my joy, let's use the destruction of those evil gods to make this joy even more joyful."

(End of this chapter)

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