Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 174 Drown in Uchiha's Illusion!

Chapter 174 Drown in Uchiha's Illusion!

The blocked bullet was clearly seen in the sniper scope, and Emiya Kiritsugu quickly put away his sniper rifle without hesitation.

The strongest has dealt with the enemies that destroy civilization, and his master does not have too strong protection power, this is his best chance.

It is also the only opportunity that can be seized.

Human power is very weak in front of followers.

Even if there is a distance of several hundred meters, for the followers, such a small distance can be reached with a little burst of magic power.

Emiya Kiritsugu ran away without stopping.

He even briefly activated the inherent time control to speed up his escape.

Inherent Time Control is a tiny Inherent Barrier.

Time magic that can only act on itself, but cannot affect the outside world.

But its effect is very powerful, it can speed up the flow of blood several times, and for a magician, blood is magic power, which is power.

Moreover, accelerating the flow of blood also enhanced Emiya Kiritsugu's physical strength and speed.

The specific function and performance in some aspects, it will probably be like the punch book drawn by the carbon cleanser.

If the arrogant monarch can agree to his request for an alliance, victory this time is assured.

Although he was on the run, Emiya Kiritsugu still lighted a cigarette for himself calmly, Saber and him missed at the same time, making his face even more vicissitudes.

Because of the transformation of time and space, it is not Irisviel who is serving as the Little Holy Grail this time, but his daughter—Illya.

After the spirit foundation was absorbed by the Lesser Holy Grail, Illya lost her consciousness, and now she fell into a deep sleep, and the powerful helper, Berserker, clung to Illya's side like a brown bear protecting her cub.

He killed his father with his own hands, and killed his adoptive mother with an RPG, but as a human being, Emiya Kiritsugu's heart is not as firm as his appearance.

He made a sad wish to sacrifice his wife to achieve [Peace].

But he never had the mentality to let his daughter continue this tragedy.


The sadness in his eyes didn't dissipate, but the sorrow on Emiya Kiritsugu's face turned into an indifferent calm again.

His dark eyes, like dry wells, carried a dead calm.

After eradicating Uchiha Yuji's master, even if Uchiha Yuji has been weakened a lot, he should still be able to eradicate Saseiin Kiara.

Even though he resented himself, he had already left.

If there is a choice between the continuation of human civilization and revenge, those servants who are hailed as heroes will naturally make the [correct] choice.

【They will try their best to destroy the enemy of civilization Kiara, Sesseiin. 】

"You think so, Emiya Kiritsugu."

The voice suddenly sounded.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was still moving forward, turned around abruptly, and detected Uchiha Yuji wearing the scarlet armor in his pitch-black eyes.

The cloak was hunting, and the Calico M950A submachine gun spewed out sparks when the thick cloak blocked the line of sight.

The assault pistol rushed towards the thought of emptying the magazine, and within two breaths, dozens of bullets rushed to the position where the sound came from.

"Useless struggle."

Uchiha Yuji raised his index finger, and his arm suddenly disappeared from his shoulder. This is a visual error caused by the extreme speed.

Little sparks fell in front of him, and the gorgeous fireworks dissipated quietly, leaving only the sharp collision sound of bullets falling on the steel plate.

That voice kept echoing in Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

The blood flow in the body increased again, from twice to three times, and he jumped off the roof of the building completely disregarding his own safety.

The wind was blowing at his leaky cloak, slowing down his speed, but the cold wind did not dispel the chill in his heart.

In front of his line of sight, on the flat street, Uchiha Yuji folded his arms around his chest, his blood-colored Gouyu eyes calmly watched his fall.

The way he looked at him was not at all like looking at some kind of creature.

Instead, he stared at the corpse.

Even though he was in a desperate situation, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes did not change at all, they were still as firm as before.

"Da da da da da!"

The submachine gun in one hand emptied all the remaining bullets, and with the other hand he took out his single-shot self-made long-barreled pistol known as the "Magician Killer".

The gun contained bullets made from his ribs.

"Cutting" and "combining", this is the origin of Emiya Kiritsugu, as long as the bullet is driven into the body, "cutting" will cut off the magic circuit, and "combining" will unnecessarily combine the magic circuit, Suture the flesh and blood disorderly.

The original magic circuit of Chenghua Avenue will instantly become a mountain road with more than [-] bends, and it may be a return journey.

There is nothing wrong with the bend in the mountain road, but can the circuit of flesh and blood and magic be twisted and connect the ass to the head?
And the special origin allows Emiya Kiritsugu's [Origin Bullet] to directly penetrate various magic methods, and has an attribute similar to breaking magic.

All in all, even if the enemy is Yuji Uchiha, he believes that as long as he is careless and lets the origin bullet enter the flesh and blood, he can still win.

The bullet that was entrusted with a heavy responsibility was pushed away by a more ferocious air wave halfway through the speed, and the pure white shock wave instantly collided with Emiya Kiritsugu.

The extremely fast repulsive force was like a high-speed dump truck, knocking Emiya Kiritsugu into the air with just one blow.

The sturdy body returned to the previous roof like a rag, the wooden roof couldn't support Emiya Kiritsugu's heavy weight at all, and the solid wooden boards were broken and torn immediately.

The dull impact of flesh and blood caused Emiya Kiritsugu to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The body hangs from the roof like noodles.

In order to make the Origin Bullet, Emiya Kiritsugu's ribs were already a few fewer than ordinary people, and under such an impact, all his ribs were broken.

The bullets that flew back also penetrated his body, and his spine was also twisted by the impact just now.

The injury is not too serious, it is just a fatal injury.

If you continue to use the inherent time control, it is nothing more than experiencing the pleasure of the human fountain.

"I don't have any affection for you, Emiya Kiritsugu."

Emiya Kiritsugu only felt another sharp pain in his chest, the pain made his sweat fall like rain, and the paralyzing pain made it difficult for him to even speak.

Command spells are hard to use!
"The ideal of peace is beautiful, but in this world, there is no real peace."

"Even if I don't like you, I am kind."

"Realists who consider themselves idealistic, take your wish and drown in the illusion of ideals."

Gouyu slowly began to turn.

The illusion of Kaleidoscope Sharingan has been activated!

(End of this chapter)

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