Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 131 The Destruction of the Universe

Chapter 131 The Destruction of the Universe

Uchiha Yuji is very sincere, but the Hypageton larva is also very happy with it, and doesn't want to be separated at all.

Yuji Uchiha couldn't hold it back, so he made the Hypageton larvae and Otsutsugi merge into one.

The stars have already swallowed dozens of them, and Otsuki has also swallowed dozens. The three scouts sent to the ninja world, Otsuki Momoshi, Otsuki Kim, and Otsutsuki Pushi, have also played gg.

In the face of absolute power, in this universe, they couldn't even escape.

Just a face-to-face was controlled by the Hypageton larvae.

And all the dead Otsuki's answers were very unified within the scope of the universe he knew, and there were no suitable planets for life.

The Divine Tree has devoured the energy of the life planet and turned it into their power.

The long time has long given way to the destruction of most of the planets in this universe that can give birth to life, and Ninja World is probably the most slipping fish among them.

Looking at the beautiful sea of ​​stars, the galaxy composed of magnificent purple clouds presents the beauty of nature, and the uncanny sea of ​​stars is definitely a spectacle.

"But there is not even a living planet in such a beautiful place. Otsuki is really a sinful family."

Probably having stayed with the Clan of Light long enough in the previous life, Yuji Uchiha inevitably got used to the Clan of Light a little bit.

A person is not judged by his birth and identity and the power he uses, but by what he does.

This is the case with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

Their family was the first group of elders to join Konoha, the hokage and elders of Konoha, but what they did was undoubtedly evil.

The Kingdom of Light will not intervene in the laws of the local planet, but they will deal with the evil villains who destroy life planets and civilizations.

Even if it is separated by countless universes, once you let them know.

The sphere of influence spread by the Kingdom of Light must have your arrest warrant, and there will be no mention of anything to live on, and it directly indicates that you want to annihilate!

And even if it's a distant universe that they can't reach, once they know where the enemy is, they will gather everyone's strength and send it to help.

This is a policy issued by the Kingdom of Light that has passed through difficult times.

"Almost all life has died. If this is the case, then there is no need to search for the past one by one."

There is no clear instruction on how to act.

However, the mind has already been conveyed to the body of the Hypageton larvae.


The bright yellow organ shone with the most dazzling brilliance since its birth, and the flickering speed also reached the fastest.

A fireball of one trillion degrees was released instantly, hovering outside a galaxy in the distance.

The fireball had not yet approached the galaxy, but the high temperature enough to incinerate everything instantly reduced the galaxy to nothing, leaving not even a speck of fly ash.

The torrential heat quickly spread out from Hypageton's body, the space gradually collapsed and distorted, and the shattered space quickly turned into nothingness.

And the chain reaction caused by the trillion fireballs that fell in the distance was even more intense.

Except for the Hypageton larva not far away, both planets and galaxies have been completely burned up, leaving only the space that is completely twisted and melted.

If it hadn't been integrated with Hypageton, I'm afraid the current Uchiha Yuji would have died completely.

Not just one fireball, but countless one trillion fireballs swarming and galloping out.

The flames, which are much more dazzling and hot than the stars, turned the universe into crimson in an instant, and the universe, which was always filled with cold and darkness, completely changed under the brilliance.

The radiance illuminates the world, and the high temperature brought by the radiance dispels the severe cold.

The diffused light traveled through countless light-years, causing Otsutsuki in the depths of the universe to notice this direction.

The terrifying power released made the group of overlords of the universe tremble in shock.

That is a power beyond their comprehension.

Otsuki, who is powerful enough to destroy stars, is already considered a master among their clan, but what is the burning power of the universe that makes the area invisible to sight at this moment?
What happened to the terrifying energy that seemed to permeate the entire universe?
Why is there such a terrifying existence in this universe?

If all the members of their Otsutsuki clan are gathered, will they have the power to defeat it?
Everything is unknown, but the collapse of space is actually placed in front of their eyes.

The fireballs spreading in all directions have a gathering point.

Hypageton's understanding of space and the common sense of the world made this point a singularity that burst the bubble of the world.

And when the world bubble is destroyed, then this also means the destruction of this universe, and it is a destruction that is difficult to repair.

Of course, it may be possible to reshape for a certain O.

The convergence of the space is not clearly visible amidst the crimson and pure white, but the movement and progression of the planet can be distinguished with the naked eye.

The planet three hundred light-years away quickly approached the Hypageton larva, and turned into nothingness as soon as it reached the high-temperature area.

Not just planets, but also a group of Datongmu who want to escape but can't escape the pull of space.

Compared with the planets, their small figures are unrecognizable at all. The fate of Otsuki who has destroyed countless planets is the same as that of the planets, and they are equally disappeared in a trillion flames.

The universe is very vast, so vast that Otsuki and others don't even know the boundaries, but now, they see pictures that this universe hardly ever sees.

In the hole of the singularity, the countless kinds of bubbles with different colors are floating in the big universe.

They know their end, and all that awaits them is death.

It doesn't even need to reach the high temperature area, they may have been caught in the meat sandwich by the colliding planet halfway.

The planets are crowded like swarms of insects, constantly impacting the high-temperature area, and the scorching high temperature is gradually cooling down as time goes by, and as the first batch of planets cross the high-temperature line.

Hypagedun began to pick and choose and devour.

The death star was easily pulled out of the universe by it, and the stars and otsuki were easily swallowed by it.

In this universe where space is completely distorted, except for the God of Destruction, the Otsutsugi have almost no ability to resist this natural disaster.

No. Cosmic disaster?
Although the name is a little bit strange, but that's what it means.

The Hypageton larvae were constantly devouring, and the energy in the body became more and more abundant, and the height of only 500 meters was still growing slowly while being devoured.

Still getting stronger.

 Well, seeing the title of the book, you probably know that this is a multi-world type.

  After all, the world of Naruto is too small, not enough for God of Destruction to torment..
(End of this chapter)

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