Konoha: Inheriting The Legacy Of Saitama, I'm Floating


"10% Saitama template? Isn't that 90% plus the previous one, and there is a gift package? The system continues to open." Hazuki said in surprise.

After working so hard for so long, isn't it just for this moment?

As long as he can reach the 100% Saitama template, he can improve his strength unlimitedly, and become stronger every day like Saitama.

This way of promotion is the goal that Hazuki has been pursuing, and it is also his favorite way of promotion.

Of course, there are other reasons to be so desperate to achieve 100% Saitama templates.

In the world of One Punch Man, it's not too long since Saitama has been training for three years, and maybe one day this guy will appear.

In addition, Hazuki swept all the cities unscrupulously, and scoured almost all the weirdos he could see, resulting in a pitiful few weirdos now.

Even if the major cities add up, there is not one weird person incident a day,

With his terrifying strength, he abruptly swept the weirdo into a rare species.

Such a result is terrifying, and it also leads to a change in the world and a change in the attitude of the commoners towards heroes.

Now the daily patrols and guardianships of the heroes have become meaningless behaviors.

Many people began to reject heroes. "May 73" believed that heroes were wasting their time, that their strength was too rubbish, and that heroes could not stabilize society, so they were unwilling to pay any more money to the Hero Association.

And the only person recognized by the civilians is Hazuki, because he suppressed all the cities with his terrifying power, and even scared people to dare not show up.

And he has also become a mysterious hero sung by the commoners. It can be said that Hazuki is regarded as an idol by countless people and is the pursuit of countless cute girls and royal sisters.

The A-pole hero Sweetheart Mask has long lost his chance to be an idol, and his fan base has almost turned into Hazuki's fans.

Under such a chain reaction, the heroes have nothing to do, and some have even resigned and changed careers.

In the last gorilla incident, the girl in a miniskirt wearing a dog-head mask had already changed her career and opened a store to sell soy milk.

In this regard, Hazuki also has plans to stop, and is ready to harvest another wave after the weird people come out.

In addition, he doesn't want the plot to disappear completely, after all, participating in the plot has rich rewards.

The fruit on the world tree, as long as it is supplied with energy, can bear various mysterious fruits. Hazuki is very much looking forward to it.

So he took a deep breath and waited for the collection spree to open.

[Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting 5% resurrection protection. 】

【Ding! With this blessing, you have 5 chances to revive, and when it reaches 100%, you can revive infinitely. 】

[Hint: This protection is applicable to most worlds]


Hyuga Hazuki: The Ōtsutsuki Clan

Blessing: 10% Resurrection Blessing

Templates: Tornado Template 100%, 90% Saitama Template

Blood Followers: Nine Tomoe Rinnegan [left], Rinne-Sharingan [right eye]

"Resurrection protection? Infinite resurrection?" Hazuki was startled, and his expression turned serious.

Originally, he thought that the second collection package was a Saitama template, but he did not expect it to be a resurrection blessing, a heaven-defying ability that can be resurrected.

Hazuki admits that the Saitama template is invincible and can deal with any enemy with one punch, and has never encountered an opponent so far.

But after being able to travel through the world, Hazuki's horizons have broadened a lot, and he has also thought about the possibility of encountering some unreasonable existences in the future.

This is also one of the reasons why he is eager to upgrade the Saitama template to full value.

But now that he has resurrection protection, he has 5 lives, which is a full five layers of protection.

If the resurrection protection is increased to 100%, the terrifying effect of infinite resurrection will definitely become his important trump card.

Such a reward really surprised him.

"If I can reach the level of infinite resurrection, I can freely explore any world, collect all races in the target world without any scruples, and get more gift packs at that time.

Hazuki said in surprise, looking forward to quickly improving the resurrection blessing, but this matter can't be rushed, and you need to get the big gift bag slowly.

"Let's feel how to use the resurrection protection first and see how it works."

Hazuki took a deep breath, closed his eyes to feel the protective effect, and soon opened them.

"It's great to be able to set the resurrection point in advance.

Hazuki said with joy, preparing to set up a safe resurrection point in the small world, the Hokage world, and the One Punch Man world, respectively, as an important backhand and hole card.

The remaining two resurrection points, Hazuki is going to set up after he finds New World. Anyway, he can be resurrected, and he is not in a hurry to upgrade the Saitama template, so he can wave without any scruples.

"After being busy for two months, it's time to take a break, and set the resurrection point by the way.

Hazuki disappeared in circles of water ripples as he spoke, and when he reappeared, he arrived at the small villa where Mikoto was.

This villa was specially built for her by Hazuki. Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsunade all have one. They are all built in the safest area and the area with the best environment.

I don't know why, Hazuki thought of a safe resurrection place, and immediately thought of Mikoto and this virtuous wife, so he came without hesitation.

Chop chop chop.

The sound of cutting vegetables came from the kitchen, and the moment he came, the sound of cutting vegetables disappeared immediately, followed by a beautiful woman wearing a small cartoon apron came out.

She still has long black and smooth hair, fair skin, and a soft figure. She is not absolutely beautiful in terms of appearance, but her smile attracts Hazuki's attention.

"It's back." Mikoto said with a warm smile.

She didn't say much, just one sentence came back, but it contained countless concerns.


Hazuki opened his hands and smiled at Mikoto.

Mikoto didn't speak, but naturally came to his arms, holding him gently and motionless.

"Can you stay two more days this time?"

Mikoto pressed his small face to Hazuki's heart, listening to his heartbeat.

"Okay, stay longer this time and accompany you well."

Hazuki lowered his head, made a small face gently, and turned around several times while holding her gently.

"You, you, you are such a big person, and you still look like a child."

Mikoto reluctantly came out of Hazuki's arms, and his little white hands arranged the wrinkled clothes for him. At the same time, he did not forget to talk about the trivial things at home, as well as the scene of asking Hazuki in Otherworld.

Worried that Hazuki is not used to living outside, worried that he can't take care of himself well, worried that he is not used to the food outside and so on.

She has a relatively quiet personality and speaks softly, but the deep concern in her words cannot be concealed.

Hazuki listened quietly, watching her slender fingers smoothing his clothes, the corners of his lips couldn't help but twitch into a smile.

In his previous life, he often pondered a question, that is: what is happiness?

Now Hazuki has the answer, because at this moment he is very happy, very happy, with such a good wife, it is difficult for Hazuki to be unhappy.

Hazuki felt very happy when he hugged his beautiful wife again and felt her soft body.

Especially when looking at the kitchen, Hazuki felt even more warm.

Because no matter whether he comes back or not, Mikoto will cook his meal and always wait for his return, in order to let him eat his favorite food as soon as possible.

This kind of care, this kind of concern, this kind of life once again made Hazuki fall into the land of gentleness.


"What's wrong husband."

"How about I stay with me for the next three months?" Hazuki smiled.


When Mikoto heard this, her big eyes immediately brightened with joy, but she still said after thinking about it.

"Husband, if you have something to do, don't delay, Mikoto doesn't want to delay her husband's business.

"Don't worry, I know it." Hazuki said to himself.

Now he is not in a hurry to get the Saitama template, he just needs to wait for the monster to recover, and wait for Saitama to appear and participate in the plot.

When the two lines develop, his strength will continue to surge again, so he embraces Mikoto, chooses to stay by her side, and enjoys the happy gentle township.

World of One Punch Man, Hero Association headquarters.

Sweetheart Mask and a staff member were sitting in the office, carefully talking about the deeds of Jemet's dignitaries, and soon after, Sweetheart Mask's face became strange.

"This dignitary of Jemet is really stupid enough to want to win Hazuki to be his younger brother. I'm really laughing to death." Sweetheart said with a smile.

"Yeah, he also threatened Hazuki with a B-level hero certificate, saying that if Hazuki didn't become his younger brother, he wouldn't give him a hero certificate. The result is 3.7.

"The mighty Hazuki, kicked the important Jemit away with one kick, and then..."

"Then what?" Sweetheart Mask asked curiously.

"And then I don't know if Hazuki did it on purpose, or if it was unlucky enough for Jemet's dignitaries, he was kicked directly to the pig farm and fell into the pig pen for a long time and couldn't get up.

The staff said, the eccentric expression on his face heavier.

"It really deserves it, hahaha." Sweetheart Mask laughed.

"It's not over yet. The owner of the pig farm thought he was stealing the pigs, and beat up the important Jemett directly, knocking out two of his teeth." The staff continued.

"So that's the case. I'm still wondering why Jemet's dignitaries talked and ran away. It turned out that they were beaten." Sweetheart Mask looked strange.

However, the Association of Heroes wanted to issue Hazuki a certificate for the third place in the S-Class Hero, and he would issue it, so he was somewhat worried.

Thinking of her own appearance and strength, Sweetheart Mask regained her confidence.

"Although my strength is not as good as his, I still have no problem protecting myself." Sweetheart Mask is full of confidence.

"Oh, really?"


The door of the office suddenly opened, and a figure floating in the air slowly appeared.

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