Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha’s Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Hokage Assistant! The Truth About The Night Of The Uchiha Genocide 【Full Decision】

As soon as the news of the large amount of compensation from Cloud Shinobi spread, the villagers were all overjoyed.

Konoha streets and alleys are full of talk about Uchiha Yusuke.

“Have you heard?”

“Because of Master Yusuke’s insistence, Cloud Shinobi compensated Konoha with the unique secret skills of Raikage in the past.”

“As far as I know, Cloud Shinobi’s compensation goes beyond that.”

“In addition to the unique secret technique, this adult also has to go to Cloud Shinobi’s treasure, the amber bottle, which can seal the tailed beast.

“What is that?”

“I heard that Cloud Shinobi paid 1.5 billion in war reparations alone, and it’s all thanks to Master Yusuke!”

Residents of Konoha Village are full of praise for Uchiha Yusuke, full of praise.

Some even compared Uchiha Yusuke to Yuhi’s ‘Konoha’s White Fang’ Hatake Sakumo, and ‘Yellow Flash’ Namikaze Minato.

The reason why public opinion can ferment to such a degree is that apart from the butterfly effect of news spreading, there are also the credits of Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shijiu and others who secretly fueled the flames.

Now, Uchiha Yusuke, merit, fame, and strength are all three.

The only thing he lacks is to jump into the dragon’s gate and formally step into the ranks of Konoha’s rulers.

Although Uchiha Yusuke is ready for everything, but with the character of the high-level people in Konoha, I am afraid it will be difficult to send him to the sky.

Since others refused to give it, Uchiha Yusuke could only find a way to create it himself.

Fortunately, he now has the support of the Hyuga clan and Ino–Shika–Chō and others, and he is no longer as isolated as before.

The turmoil in favor of Uchiha Yusuke’s ascension intensified. In the past, Konoha’s senior management was always playing with the public opinion among the applause. This time they finally couldn’t handle it.

Hokage House.

Hokage office.

Under the call of Third Hokage, Konoha F4 gathered together again for a meeting.

Looking at the news report just received in his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face was a little ugly.

Uchiha Yusuke is now sought after everywhere, even his venerable Third Hokage is hard to come by.

For a high-ranking person, this is not a good omen.

How can you tolerate others on the side of the couch?

Uchiha Yusuke is in full swing, and everyone in Daye’s senior management has trouble sleeping and eating.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of smoke and said.

“What are your thoughts on Uchiha Yusuke?”

Mitokado Homura thought for a while and said seriously.

“Hiruzen, Uchiha Yusuke wolf ambition.”

“We have to guard against it!”

Utatane Koharu nodded in agreement.

“That’s right, this person is inciting public opinion to conspire against others.”

“I recommend Danzo’s strategy, strike first!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo without any trace, but Danzo poured cold water on his expressionless face.

“In the past, I really wanted to eliminate Uchiha forever.”1

“But now I have neither position nor military power.”

“Even if I want to, it’s already powerless!”

When Uchiha Yusuke made an attack last time, Third Hokage dismissed Danzo Hokage’s assistant and ordered the root to be dismissed.

Although the roots did not really disband on the spot, Danzo has always been brooding about this matter.

I, Danzo, have been the second emperor in Konoha for decades, and you just dismissed me as a commoner because you didn’t want to offend Uchiha Yusuke?

The baby is very angry now, the kind that is difficult to coax!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent.

Danzo is a little hopeless for a while, so let’s think of other ways!

Although Uchiha Yusuke made Konoha’s executives very afraid, Third Hokage hadn’t thought about breaking his face with Uchiha.

He only claims that Uchiha is Konoha’s companion, how can he risk his reputation to attack his allies?

Even if you really want to deal with Uchiha, you can only convict Uchiha first, and then let others wield the butcher knife.

In the original book, the Uchiha clan died in this way.

And in this matter, Third Hokage picked himself up and blamed Danzo.

The order from Danzo, bring the filial son Uchiha Itachi and the psychopath to kill the people, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, just let Uchiha Itachi be a double agent and the Akatsuki organization undercover

Third Hokage took a deep breath and said lightly.

“Uchiha Yusuke’s wings are already established, we should not act rashly.”

“Control the public opinion, and then act on the camera.”

The two consultants nodded, but Danzo snorted coldly.

“To this day, you are still so indecisive.”

“Hiruzen, you will regret it sooner or later!”

For Danzo’s ruthless words, the three of them have long been accustomed to it.

Konoha’s high-level executives were helpless against Uchiha Yusuke, so they could only choose to connive again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uchiha Yusuke created momentum for himself through the madness of public opinion.

The news that Third Hokage wanted to appoint Uchiha Yusuke as Hokage’s assistant spread like wildfire.

Some people even say that Third Hokage is ready to abdicate and let Uchiha become Fifth Hokage.

Konoha’s top management tried several times to control public opinion, but it didn’t have any substantial effect at all.

The mouth of Fangmin is better than Fangchuan.

Uchiha Yusuke has now become Konoha’s national idol, and it is basically impossible to completely block news about him.

“Have you heard? Yusuke-sama is going to be Hokage’s assistant!”

“Is this true? Master Third Hokage is really wise and wise. With the assistance of Master Yusuke, Sleepy Leaf will definitely prosper.

“That’s right, the Fifth Hokage is none other than Yusuke-sama!”

After two months of deliberation, Uchiha Fugaku finally asked Third Hokage to let Uchiha Yusuke serve as Hokage’s assistant at the Konoha high-level meeting.

At first, Danzo and the two consultants strongly objected on the grounds that Uchiha Yusuke was still young, and Third Hokage also advised everyone to reconsider.

Although Uchiha Yusuke didn’t say anything about it, Hyuga Hiashi and Nara Shijiu stood up and openly supported Uchiha Yusuke’s superior position.

Hyuga and Ino–Shika–Chō expressed their stance, and at the same time, Shujia, Yuru and other families also joined the team supporting Uchihayou.

In addition, there are also many people who support Uchiha Yusuke among civilian ninjas.

Uchiha Yusuke received everyone’s expectations, and the opposition of Konoha’s two advisers also became a little pale.

Danzo thought that he would return to his post one day, but he didn’t expect that Uchiha Yusuke directly gave him a trick to get rid of his salary.

In the game with Uchiha Yusuke, the Konoha executives lost again.

Although Third Hokage is very unwilling, but there is no way to fight against public opinion.

In desperation, Third Hokage could only pinch his nose and seal Uchiha Yusuke as a Hokage assistant.

so far.

Konoha originally belonged to Danzo’s power, but was directly transferred to Uchiha Yusuke.

As the assistant of Hokage, Uchiha Yusuke was not in a hurry to form his own team, but divided a team from the original Anbu into his team according to the meaning of Third Hokage.

Uchiha Yusuke doesn’t trust the subordinates that Third Hokage arranged for him at all.

No need to think about it, he knew that it must be full of hidden stakes of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Even, the root members of Danzo’s disbandment are likely to be among them.

On the surface, Third Hokage let Uchiha Yusuke be Hokage’s assistant, but in fact, he still restrained him everywhere in terms of power.

Uchiha Yusuke was not disappointed either, this situation was exactly as he expected.

No matter how dissatisfied Sarutobi Hiruzen was with him, he would not come here blatantly, and could only make some small moves through two old immortal consultants.

But for a guy like Danzo, it’s easy to use all means to go slanted!

Although Uchiha Yusuke became Hokage’s assistant, among the many confidential departments in Konoha, only the police department has real power in his hands.

Konoha Anbu directly belongs to Third Hokage, and the administrative department and medical department are in the hands of two consultants.

Although Danzo has been dismissed from his post, he still says what he says at the root.

The remaining intelligence department is intricate, in addition to Yamanaka Haiyi, the leader on the surface, there are also many Third Hokage and Danzo’s eyeliners.

Uchiha Yusuke really wants to show his fists immediately and build a brand-new organization that belongs directly to him.

However, Konoha’s top management headed by Third Hokage will definitely not make everything go his way.

If you want to create a new team, personnel, funds, and materials are all indispensable.

As long as Third Hokage and the two advisors try their best, Uchiha Yusuke will be unable to move an inch.

It is unwise to commit crimes against the wind.

Therefore, Uchiha Yusuke chose to avoid the edge temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

Now that he has become the assistant of Hokage, many things are not in a hurry.

Assistant Hokage has the right to intervene in all government affairs of Konoha, and he needs to slowly arrange and train some cronies to go to various departments of Konoha.

When it comes to available people, the first thing Uchiha Yusuke thinks of is the two childhood playmates, Daohuo and Tiehuo.

Under the instruction of Uchiha Yusuke, Inahiro and Tiehuo chose some reliable people and left the police department directly.

Assistant Hokage has a high level of authority, and Uchiha Yusuke directly assigned Inahiro and Tiehuo to the Logistics Department and the Intelligence Department respectively as team leaders.

Hyuga and Ino–Shika–Chō also took the opportunity to recommend some outstanding juniors in the family to him, and Uchiha Yusuke did not refuse to arrange for them.

These aliens may not be as loyal as Uchiha, but they will definitely be much better than those cronies of Konoha’s high-level minions.

As long as Uchiha Yusuke keeps making friends with the big families, those people will naturally be used by him.

Hokage needs a broad mass base, and a loner cannot become a leader.

Uchiha Yusuke’s power is growing, but Third Hokage can only turn a blind eye to it.

When Danzo was Hokage’s assistant, it was like the wind and the rain.

Now it’s Uchiha Yusuke’s turn, he can’t change the soup, can he?

If Sarutobi Hiruzen dares to do this, with Uchiha Yusuke’s temper, it will easily make him unable to step down.

Now that you have decided to back down, why bother to make others laugh at you?

It’s no big deal if the wind goes smoothly for a while, it’s still unknown whether I can be happy until the end!

Hatake Sakumo wore Hokage half sleeves back then, and his prestige even surpassed that of Uchiha Yusuke now.

But in the end, isn’t it the same as falling down on the road to become Hokage?

Although Uchiha Yusuke’s voice is very high at the moment, it is far from the time for him to step down as Third Hokage.

Taking a step back, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen really abdicates, wouldn’t the faction still have Jiraiya and Tsunade?

The fame of Konoha Sannin is not inferior to that of Uchiha Yusuke.

The position of Fifth Hokage has a high probability of missing the Uchiha family.

After Jiraiya and Tsunade, Hatake Kakashi of the Hokage faction and others should grow up.

As long as it works properly, the Sixth Generation and Seventh Generation items will still be produced in his Hokage faction 607.

Don’t even think about Nabekage Danzo and the evil Uchiha!

Thinking of his two apprentices, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt another headache.

At the beginning, I did act improperly.

Find a way to coax them back!

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen loved Orochimaru very much.

It’s a pity that Orochimaru has a tiger in his heart and got together with the hawkish Danzo.

Orochimaru whole point Forbidden Technique experiment or something, Sarutobi Hiruzen can actually tolerate it.

But he’s teaming up with Danzo, which hits his backside.

I want to rule Konoha with you, master and apprentice, but you want to empty me with Danzo?

That being the case, then I can only be the boss myself!

After Uchiha Yusuke became Hokage’s assistant, Danzo has remained unknown.

Danzo is so low-key, but Uchiha Yusuke is on guard.

Danzo has always been scheming and vicious!

The reason why he is so quiet is probably because there is some huge conspiracy brewing in the dark.

After careful investigation, Uchiha Yusuke soon found some clues.

From the police department to the residence, he was under the surveillance of others all the time.

The reason why he couldn’t easily discover the clues was because the methods used by the other party were very subtle.

According to Uchiha Yusuke’s speculation, it should come from the secret art of the Aburame family.

Using bugs as monitors is indeed difficult to detect.

Uchiha Yusuke followed the tricks, and soon found out who was behind the scenes.

The person who uses bugs to monitor himself is the elite Aburame Ryoma from the root of Danzo. It is said that his invasion ability is outstanding among the Anbu of all dynasties.

This person is Danzo’s right-hand man, and Danzo must have malicious intentions in sending such a person to monitor him!

Surveillance, footsteps, tailgating…

After figuring out the series of movements of the roots, Jinzhi Tijie suddenly had a glimmer of understanding in his heart.

Danzo probably wants to find a chance to get rid of himself?

The assassination attempt on the battlefield last time, Danzo still seems a little bit unwilling to give up!

Not only dare to think, but also put it into practice.

From this point of view, Danzo is indeed more courageous than Third Hokage.

It’s just that Danzo often talks about ‘ninjas need to sacrifice themselves’, but when it’s his turn, he can’t do it himself.

He is a typical example of being strict with others, but lenient with self-discipline.

Want to do great things but cherish your life, so that nothing will be achieved in the end!

Danzo seems to have some tricks to target Uchiha Yusuke this time, but in fact it is easy to be anticlimactic.

Cloud Shinobi’s Fourth Raikage Ai and Killer Bee couldn’t help themselves, and Uchiha Yusuke really didn’t pay attention to those crooked melons and split dates in the roots of Danzo. .

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